

mall from time to time fit, and be removed from place to place; and alfo that the faid Aflembly thall be dissolved in fuch manner, as by both houfes of Parliament shall be directed: and the faid persons or fo many of them as shall be so affembled, or fit, shall have power and autliority, and are hereby likewise enjoined from time to time, • during this present Parliament, or until further order be taken by both the faid houses, to confer and treat among themselves, of fuch matters and things, touching and concerning the liturgy, difcipline, and government of the Church of England, for the vindicating and clearing of the doctrine of the same from all false afperfions and inisconstructions, as shall be proposed unto them by both or either of the faid houses of Parliament, and no other; and deliver their opinion, advices of, or touching the matters aforesaid, as shall be most agreeable to the word of God, to both or either of the houses, from time to time, in fuch manner and fort as by both or either of the faid houses of Parliament shall be required; and the faime not to divulge, by printing, writing, or otherwise, without the consent of both or either house of Parliament. And be it further ordained, by the authority aforesaid, That William Twisse doctor in divinity fhall fit in the chair, as prolocutor of the faid Assembly; and if he happen to die, or be letted by fickness, or other necessary impediment, then such other person to be appointed in his place as shall be agreed by the faid houses of Parliament: And in case any difference in opinion shall liappen amongit the faid perfons so affembled, touching any the matters that shall be proposed to them as foresaid, that then they shall reprefent the fame, together with the reasons thereof, to both or either the faid houses respectively, to the end fuch further direction may be given therein as shall be requifite to that behalf. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That for the charges and expences of the faid divines, and every one of them, in attending the faid service, there shall be allowed every one of them that shall so attend, during the time of their faid attendance, and før ten days before, and ten days after, the fum of four shillings for every day, at the charges of the Commonwealth, at fuch time, and in fuch manner, as by both houses of Parliament shall be appointed. And be it further ordained. That all and every the faid divines, fo, as aforesaid, required and enjoined to meet and affemble, shall, be freed and acquitted of, and from every offence, forfeiture, penalty, loss, or damage, which shall or may ensue or grow, by reason of any non-refidence, or absence of them, or any of them, from his, or their, or any of their church churches or cures, for or in refpect of their faid attendance upon the faid fervice; any law or statute of non-refidence, or other law or statute enjoining their attendance upon their refpective ministries or charges, to the contrary thereof, notwithstanding. And if any of the perfons above named shall happen to die before the faid Affembly shall be diffolved by order of both houses of Parliament, then fuch other perfon or persons, shall be nominated and placed in the room and stead of fuch perfon or per


foris so dying, as by both the faid houses shall be thought fit, and agreed upon; and every fuch perfon or perfons, fo to be named, shall have the like power and authority, freedom and acquittal, to all intents and purposes, and also all fuch wages and allowances for the faid fervice, during the time of his or their attendance, as to any other of the faid persons in this ordinance, is by this ordinance limited and appointed. Provided always, that this ordinance, or any thing therein contained, shall not give unto the perfons aforefaid, or any of them, nor shall they in this Affembly affume to exercise any jurifdiction, power, or authority ecclefiaftical whatsoever, or any other power than is herein particularly expressed.

Affembly, at EDINBURGH, August 19th, 1643. Seff. 14. Commiffion of the General Affembly to fome Ministers and Ruling

Elders, for repairing to the Kingdom of England.

HE General Aflembly of the Church of Scotland finding it ne


to the

kingdom of England, to the effect underwritten; therefore gives full power and commiffion to Mr Alexander Henderson, Mr Robert Douglas, Mr Samuel Rutherford, Mr Robert Baillie, and Mr George Gillespie, Minifters, John Earl of Caffilis, John Lord Maitland, and Sir Archibald Johnstoun of Waristoun, Elders, or any three of them, whereof two shall be Ministers, to repair to the kingdom of England, and there to deliver the declaration fent unto the Parliament of England, and the letter fent unto the Assembly of divines now fitting in that kingdom; and to propone, confult, treat, and conclude with that Affembly, or any commissioners deputed by them, or any committees or commiffioners deputed by the houses of Parliament, in all matters which may further the union of this ifland in one form of kirkgovernment, one confeffion of faith, one catechism, one directory for the worship of God, according to the instructions which they have received from the Assembly, or shall receive from time to time hereafter, from the commiffioners of the Affembly, deputed for that effect: With power also to them to convey to his Majesty the humble anfwer fent from this Assembly to his Majesty's letter, by fuch occafion as they shall think convenient; and fuch like, to deliver the Afsembly's answer to the letter fent from some well-affected brethren of the Miniftry there; and generally authorizes them to do all things which may further the so much defired union, and nearest conjunetion of the two churches of Scotland and England, conform to their inftructions aforefaid.

Many of the perfons who were called by the forefaid ordinance of the Lords and Commons (in that broken state of the church,) to attend the Aflembly, appeared not; whereupon the whole work lay on the hands of the perfons hereafter mentioned.


The Promife and Vow taken by every Member admitted

to fit in the Affembly.

JA. B. do ferioufly promife and vow, in the prefence of Almighty GOD, That in this Assembly, whereof I am a member, I will maintain nothing in point of doctrine, but what I believe to be most agreeable to the word of GOD; nor in point of difcipline, but what may make most for GOD's glory, and the peace and good of this Church.

A LIST of the DIVINES who met in the Afsfembly at Westminster.


R William Twisse of Newbury, Prolocutor,

Dr Cornelius Burges of Waterford,

John White of Dorchester, Affeffors,

Dr William Gouge of Blackfriers,

Robert Harris of Hanwell, B. D.
Thomas Gattaker of Rotherhithe,
Oliver Bowles of Sutten, B. D.
Edward Reynolds of Bramston,
Jeremiah Whitaker of Streton.
Dr Anthony Tuckney of Boston,
John Arrowfmith of Lynne,
Simeon Ashe of St. Brides,
Philip Nye of Kimbolton,
Jeremiah Burroughs of Stepney,
John Lightfoot of. Afhley,
Stanley Gower of Brampton Bryan,
Richard Heyrick of Manchester,
Thomas Cafe of London,
Dr Thomas Temple of Battery,
George Gipps of Ayleston,
Thomas Carter,

Dr Humphrey Chambers of Claverstoun,

Thomas Micklethwait of Cherryburton,

John Guibon of Waltham, Christopher Tesdale of Uphuf


Henry Philps,
George Walker, B. D.
Edmund Calamy, B. D. of Alder-

Dr Lazarus Seaman of London,

[blocks in formation]

Francis Taylor of Yalding,
Thomas Young of Stownmarket,
Thomas Valentine, B. D. of Chal-
font St. Giles,
William Greenhill of Stepney,
Edward Pele of Compton,
John Green of Pencomb,
Andrew Pern of Wilby,
Samuel de la Place,
John de la March,
John Dury,
Philip Deline,

Sidrach Simpson of London,
John Langly of Westuderly,
Richard Clayton of Showers,
Arthur Sallaway of Seavernestock,
John Ley of Budworth,
Charles Herle of Winwick, Pro-
locutor after Dr Twisse,
Herbert Palmer, B. D. of Ashwel,
Aflessor after Mr White,
Daniel Cawdrey of Great Billing,
Henry Painter, B. D. of Exeter,
Henry Scudder of Colingborn,
Thomas Hill, B. D. of Tichmarsh,


William Reynor, B. D. of Egham, Dr Thomas Goodwin of London, Dr William Spuritow of Hampden,

Matthew Newcomb of Dedham, Dr Edmond Staunton of Kingston, John Conant of Lymmington, B.


Anthony Burges of Sutton Coldfield,

William Rathband,
Dr Francis Cheynel of Oxon,
Dr Henry Wilkinson younger of

Obadiah Sedgwick, B. D. of Cog fhal,

Edward Corbist of Marton College, Oxford,

Samuel Gibson of Burley,

Thomas Coleman of Bliton,

Theodore Backhurst,

William Carter of London,

Peter Smith,

John Maynard of Mayfield,

[blocks in formation]

William Price of Paul's church in John Jackson of Marfke.

Covent Garden,

[blocks in formation]

Affembly at EDINBURGH, August 27. 1647. Seff. 23.

Act approving the Confeffion of Faith.

A Confeffion of Faith for the kirks of God, in the three kingdoms,

being the chiefest part of that uniformity in religion, which, by the folemn League and Covenant, we are bound to endeavour; and there being accordingly a Confeffion of Faith agreed upon by the Afsembly of Divines fitting at Westminster, with the affiftance of commiffioners from the kirk of Scotland; which Confeffion was fent from our commiffioners at London, to the commissioners of the kirk met at Edinburgh in January last, and hath been in this Aflembly twice pub-licly read over, examined, and confidered; copies thereof being alfo printed, that it might be particularly perused by all the members of this Affembly, unto whom frequent intimation was publicly made, to put in their doubts and objections, if they had any: And the faid Confeffion being, upon due examination thereof, found by the Afsembly to be most agreeable to the word of God, and in nothing con trary to the received doctrine, worship, difcipline and government of this kirk. And lastly, It being so necessary, and fo much longed for, that the faid Confeffion be, with all poffible diligence and expedition, ap proved and established in both kingdoms, as a principal part of the intended uniformity in religion, and as a special means for the more effectual fuppreffing of the many dangerous errors and herefies of these times. The General Aflembly doth therefore, after mature deliberation, agree unto, and approve the faid Confeffion, as to the truth of the matter; (judging it to be most orthodox, and grounded upon the word of God;) and also, as to the point of uniformity, agreeing for our part, that it be a common Confeffion of Faith for the three kingdoms. The Affembly doth also bless the Lord, and thankfully acknowledge his great mercy, in that so excellent a Confeffion of Faith is prepared, and thus far agreed upon in both kingdoms; which we look upon as a great strengthening of the true reformed religion, against the common enemies thereof. But, left our intention and meaning be in some particulars misunderstood, it is hereby expressly declared and provided, That the not mentioning in this Confeffion the feveral forts of ecclefiaftical officers and Affemblies, shall be no prejudice to the truth of Chrift, in these particulars, to be expreffed fully in the directory of government. It is further declared, that the Aflembly understandeth fome parts of the second article of the thirty-one chapter, only of kinks not settled, or conftituted in point of government: And that although, in fuch kirks, a fynod of Ministers, and other fit perfons, may be called by the Magiftrate's authority and nomination, without any other call, to confult and advise with, about matters of religion; and although likewise the Minifters of Chrift, without delegation from their churches, may of themselves, and by virtue of their office, meet together fynodically in fuch kirks, not yet constituted; yet neither of these ought to be done

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