

Messrs. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, -H. C. Bunner, Eugene Field, Sidney Lanier, Robert L. Stevenson; Messrs. STONE & KIMBALL,-Bliss Carman, Richard Hovey, George Santayana; Messrs. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, Elaine and Dora Goodale; Mr. DAVID MACKAY,- Walt Whitman, Charles H. Lüders; THE BOWEN-MERRILL COMPANY, James Whitcomb Riley; THE FREDERICK A. STOKES COMPANY,- Dr. Samuel Minturn Peck and Clinton Scollard; Messrs. HARPER & BROTHERS, -Dr. John Allan Wyeth; Messrs. MACMILLAN & Co., -William Watson; THE W. B. CONKEY COMPANY,- Ella Wheeler Wilcox; while some of the selections representing the Dominion of Canada have been drawn from Mr. George B. Roberts's Canadian Appendix to "Younger American Poets," edited by Mr. Douglas Sladen, and published by the CASSELL PUBLISHING COMPANY, New York.

Messrs. D. APPLETON & Co. and the author have granted permission to insert "The Coast wise Lights of England," by Rudyard Kipling, from his book of poems, "The Seven Seas."

The DOUBLEDAY & MCCLURE Co. and the author allow the insertion of "The Man with the Hoe," by Edwin Markham.

In addition to the above acknowledgments, readers will see in the "Index of Authors" references enabling them to find the publishers of the works of American writers to whom their attention has been called by any fragment or poem. This "Library" contains specimens of many styles, and it is believed that, so far from preventing the purchase of special authors, it serves to draw attention to their merits; and the courtesy of their publishers, in granting the use of some of their poems here, will find a practical recognition.

With these explanations and acknowledgments, BRYANT'S FAMILY LIBRARY OF POETRY AND SONG is placed anew before the public. In this revised and enlarged form, it represents above seven hundred authors by their best productions.

NEW YORK, 1900.

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