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without the observation of his domestics, some he sold his works at unremunerative prices, singularity in his dress perchance would betoken his abstraction. Once when he dined with Robsahm's father, he appeared with one shoe buckle of plain silver, and the other set with precious stones; greatly to the amusement of the young ladies of the party. But a man of eighty and upwards, a seer and an old bachelor besides, might be pardoned for some inat


Habits and Manners.

451. "His manners were those of a nobleman and gentleman of the last century. He was somewhat reserved, but complaisant; accessible to all, and had something very loving and taking in his demeanor. Personally he left good impressions behind him wherever he appeared.

and indeed gave a great portion of them away. When Dr. Hartley offered to lend him money, he returned for answer that as to this world's wealth he had what was sufficient, and more he neither sought nor wished for.' Count Höpken says that he lived frugally without sordidness, and that his travels cost him no more than when he remained at home.' He was not remarkably in the habit of almsgiving, 449. "In person, says Shearsmith, he was for he used to say that 'most of those who about five feet nine inches high, rather thin, solicit alms are either lazy or vicious, and if and of a brown complexion. His eyes were of from compassion you give them money without a brownish gray, nearly hazel, and rather small. examination, it is rather an injury than a benHe had always a cheerful smile upon his coun-efit.' He did not lend money, for that, he tenance. Mr. Servanté remembered him as said, is the way to lose it; and besides, he an old gentleman of a dignified and venerable added, 'I want my money to pay the expenses appearance, whose thoughtful yet mildly ex- of travelling and printing.' When Shearpressive countenance, added to something very smith, his landlord, presented his bills, Sweunusual in his air, attracted his attention forci- denborg used to send him to his drawer to bly. When Collin visited him he was thin pay himself; a careless-looking mode, but and pale, but still retained traces of beauty, clairvoyant people know of course with whom and had something very pleasing in his physi- they have to deal. ognomy, and a dignity in his erect stature. Ab Indagine relates that his eyes were always smiling; and Robsahm, that his countenance was always illuminated by the light of his uncommon genius. When he lodged with Bergstrom he usually walked out after breakfast, dressed neatly in velvet, and made a good appearance. His suit, according to Shearsmith, was made after an old fashion, and he wore a full-bottomed wig, a pair of long ruffles, and a curious hilted sword, and carried a gold-headed cane. In Sweden his dress was simple, but neat and convenient: during the winter he was clad in a garment of reindeer skins, and in summer, in a study gown, 'both well worn,' so Robsahm says, as became a philosopher.' He would not tolerate linen sheets on his bed, but lay between woollen blankets. Wherever he lived, his habits were plain to the last degree; in Stockholm he required no services of his old gardener's wife, but to make his bed, and bring a large pitcher of water daily to his study: for the rest, he waited upon himself. His journeys were made with no parade, and few of the conveniences of travelling. He took no servant with him, and rode in an open wagon from Stockholm to 453. "He made use of no amanuensis for Gottenburg, where he embarked for England his books, but was self-helping as well as selfor Holland, to have his manuscripts printed. contained throughout. From the beginning 450. "In money matters Swedenborg was of his theological mission, he framed indexes at once saving and liberal. Those with whom or rather digests of what he wrote, whereby he had affairs, spoke always of his generosity. he was enabled to refer from part to part of Provided with sufficient means, he adminis- his extensive manuscripts. These indexes tered them strictly for public services. What- are models of compression and arrangement, ever his motives might be, it is certain that he and are themselves large and readable volwould receive back no proceeds from the sale umes. They show at a glance what a crowd of certain of his works, but dedicated the of capital aphorisms' there is in his works, whole to religious subscriptions. Possibly he and how impossible it is to give an exhaustive deemed that as he was but an amanuensis of statement of them in a short compass. In his spiritual powers, he had no right to keep a latter years, the Bible in various languages, commercial account of the results. Moreover, was his whole library.

452. "His labors during the sixty-three years of his authorship, were of a surprising magnitude: we may estimate that his volumes would make about sixty octavos of five hundred pages each in English. About forty of these are already translated, and many of them have gone through numerous editions in England and America. When it is remembered that his works consist almost entirely of the deepest analysis, or treat upon the highest subjects, the quantity which issued from his pen becomes still more astonishing. There is indeed a vast amount of repetition in his books, for as beseemed a teacher, he professed repetition, and was careless of artistic effect. But with all deductions, his quantity does not greatly exceed his quality.

Editions of the Bible made Use of by Swe


454. "We have seen above, that after Swedenborg's spiritual illumination had commenced he applied himself exclusively to the study of the Word, both as to its letter, in the Hebrew text, and as to its spirit and its life,' or as to that spiritual sense

455. It ought to be remarked, however, that most of his spiritual writings abound with errors of the press, which evil arose, as Swedenborg assures his friend Robsahm, from the circumstance that the printer also undertook the office of corrector. This will explain which he demonstrates as existing in every part of some things which have appeared to many as the Holy Scriptures. It may be interesting to the discrepancies or obscurities in his writings. present as well as to the future generations, to The errors of translators will account for know the different editions of the Bible which he many more. made use of. This information is contained in the New Jerusalem Magazine for 1790, p. 87, where we read as follows:

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“III. Reineccii Bibl. Hebr. Lipsia, 1739, 4to. This I have happily found; it is filled with remarks, and with the Latin translation of several Hebrew words, as also some observations on the internal sense. The book is much used. I shall add it to the collection of manuscripts.


456. It is well remarked by Wilkinson, in summing up the character of Swedenborg, that "the upper parts of it rose from the groundwork of excellent citizenship and social qualities. Naturally inoffensive and conservative, he was at one with the general polity, and never dreamed of innovations that should interfere with the moral basis of the state. Even his theology was referable, in his view, to an existing authority in the Bible, and in harmony with the earliest creeds of the church, so far as they went. He lent himself freely to his family ties, but never allowed them to interrupt his justice. As a friend he was stanch and ruled him without appeal in his public as in equally independent. The sentiment of duty his private affairs: he had no acquaintances

IV. Bibl. Hebr. secundem Edit. Belgii Edvardi Vander Hooght, cum versione Latina Sebastiani Schmidii; Lipsia, 1740, 4to. This book was given to the Rev. Mr. Ferelius of Schöfde, for interring but society and his country when their interhim at London, where he then was minister to the ests were involved. In disseminating his reSwedish chapel. There is no remark in the margin, ligious ideas, he was open and above board: but a great number of lines and asterisks, at the most placed his books within the reach of the Chrisremarkable places of the Latin version, the origi- tian world, and there left them, to Providence nal text not being in any manner touched; be- and the readers. By no trick did he ever cause, according to the expression of Swedenborg, "The Word is perfect, such as we have it." Of seek to force attention, and intrigue had no the New Testament in Greek, he had none besides part in his character. Notwithstanding his that mentioned, No. II., and which is a fresh edition attachment to his first admirers, he kept his of that by Elzevir in 1624, made by Janson, and own space around him, and was not impeded the edition of Leusden, Amsterdam, 1741, with by any followers. Tender and amicable in the Latin version. It is probable he has followed his nature, he was always distant enough to this edition in translating the Apocalypse.

"Of the Latin translations of the Bible, he have that large arm's length that so peculiar chiefly made use of that by Schmidius, Lipsiæ, a workman required. Ambition he must 1740, after the time that he began the Arcana Ca- have had in some sense, but so transpierced lestia, because he found this to be more literal and and smitten with zeal for his fellows, that we exact than all the others. Nevertheless, in all his can only call it, public love. The power of quotations, and above all in the Arcana Cœlestia, order and combination, is a main feature in he has more exactly expressed the sense accord- his capacious intellect; those who open him ing to the original language. He has never followed the version of Arius Montanus, either of the as a visionary, are struck with the masculine Old or New Testament, as I have carefully examconnection which he every where displays. ined and found to be the case. But he had four His sensual nature was evidently an obedient copies of the Latin translation of Castillis, apparent- though a powerful vehicle to his mind. He ly for the purity of the language, which he was very was perfectly courageous in that kind that his studiously applying himself to, before he learned mission needed; firm, but unobtrusive, in all Hebrew in 1745. In his quotations of the New courts and companies, and ever bending whithTestament, he only made use of the translation of Schmidius, first edition, which he sometimes has er his conscience prescribed. Religion was eft, the better to express the sense of the Greek. the mild element that governed the rest, conFrom this it appears, that he always had the origi- verting them past their own natures by its nals at hand. But with respect to the author's trans-lively flames, and he walked with the constant lations of Genesis, Exodus, and the Apocalypse, sentiment of God between him and his fellows, they are directly translated from the originals."" giving and receiving dignity among God's

We wish to observe that Swedenborg required the abso-his very numerous quotations from the Word, especially in the lute literal sense of Scripture as the basis of his spiritual inter- Apocalypse Explained, seldom departs from the version of pretation, and as the Latin version of Schmidius was in this re- Schinidius, unless to render the Hebrew text still more faithfully spect the most complete of any in existence, being an improve-ard literally."

ment on the literal version of Montanus, he preferred it, and in

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children. His life indeed is not heroic in the Christendom, as the doctrine of justification by old fashion, but take his own account of it, Faith alone is extirpated Who then shall and he has travelled far and perilled much say that this Divine Church is limited to those he has seen and been what would bleach the who assemble in their places of worship, and lips of heroes. Whether you receive his ac- who do so because they understand each othcount or not, you must own that his structure er and have sympathies in common? Such was heroic, for how otherwise could he have Ecclesiæ avowedly constitute but one phasis outlived those tremendous fancies' of heaven of the Church; their providential use is to and hell. But let that pass, and we still claim diffuse its truths, and eventually, perhaps, to him as a hero in the new campaign of peace. inaugurate its order as an institution; the The first Epic of the Study is the song that while its universal body is growing in all lands, will celebrate him. There are many simple and its members marching from every point of problems, but how few dare face them: it is the compass under a variety of banners. 'Lift more difficult to be courageous there than be- up thine eyes round about, and see,' exclaims fore batteries of cannon: it is more impossible the Prophet, all they gather themselves toto the most to lead the forlorn hopes of thought, gether, they come to thee. Thus discouraged since history began, to victory, saith Adonai Jehovih, Behold, I will lift up than to mount the scaling ladder in the immi- my hand to the Gentiles, and set up my stannent deadly breach. To do the one requires dard to the people: and they shall bring thy only command of body; to perform the other sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be needs courage over the brain itself; fighting carried on their shoulders. against organism and stupidity older and more fore thy gates shall be open continually; they terrifying than armies. Select your problem, shall not be shut day nor night; that men and ask the world round who will besiege it may bring into thee the forces of the Gentiles, until it cedes the truth, and you soon find that and that their kings may be brought.' Isaiah of all the soldiers there is none who does not xlix, lx. The receivers of Swedenborg's straightway show fatigue and sob impossible, writings are well aware that it would be foolish which are cowardice under its literary name. to apply such prophecies to a mere organizaIn these ages there has been no man who tion of religious societies, and their assemblies stood up so manfully to his problems as Swe-in meeting houses; but they know, at the same denborg, who wielded his own brains so like a time, that they apply in all fulness both of the spirit, or knew so experimentally that labor letter and the spirit, to the NEW CHURCH. rises over death. Therefore we name him 459. "The New Church, therefore, accordLeader of the world's free thought and free press; the Captain of the heroes of the writing desk. Wilkinson's Biography, pp. 245-247.


Concluding Reflections.


ing to Swedenborg, is a new dispensation of all that is good and true, and cannot be pronounced, any more than it can be made, sectarian, without a violation of its attributes. As an Institution it doubtless claims to be eminently spiritual in its operation, but as an intellectual and moral force it connects religion with every human interest. While, therefore, 457. IN drawing this Memoir to a close, its particular object is to change the whole we are led to observe that the world is at this man by regeneration, and make him the child instant reaping a manifold harvest from the of God, its general object is to evangelize the works of Swedenborg, without knowing, per- world and bring it into correspondence with haps, into whose labor it has entered. The the order of heaven. Swedenborg has nowalls of a new school are also rising up among where prescribed any organization of the the ruins of ages, and many are helping to Church.". Rich's Sketch, pp. 189-192. make them high and strong who have never comprehended either the plan or the foundation; each working at his own chosen task, and overruled by a mysterious intelligence which elaborates the unity of the whole in silence and darkness."

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Qualifications for his sacred Office. 460. Swedenborg's qualifications, both moral and intellectual, for such an office as it is claimed he has been elected to, it is well remarked, "were such as all must allow to be appropri458. There are some, however, who will be ate in the highest degree. In him were united disposed to exclaim, in reference to the pro- the utmost integrity, piety, and innocence of fessions made by Swedenborg and his friends, manners, with the most comprehensive under"Is your Swedenborgian Church a new sect standing and most extensive attainments in in the Protestant community, set up as the knowledge. The former excellences, it will fulfilment of prophecy"! On this point there generally be admitted, were necessary to preis much misapprehension abroad. "The New pare him for his office at all; and without the Jerusalem, Swedenborg says, is formed of those latter, it will easily be seen, he could not have who worship the Lord and do the work of repentance by shunning evils as sins, and consequently it is formed gradually, throughout all

discharged it with effect. He stands not in the character of a new prophet, in the sense usually applied to that term, and as he has sometimes

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been denominated in derision; nor in that of a | and not only by domestic study and by correwriter of additions to the Word of God, as he spondence with foreign literati, but by repeathas also been maliciously represented. The ed travels in all the scientifically enlightened Lord engages, at his second coming, to appear parts of Europe, - in Germany, Italy, France, in the clouds of heaven,' or in the outward Holland, and England, he made himself covering of his Word, which is its literal sense, thoroughly acquainted with all the knowledge -with power and great glory,' with the of his time, and was admitted, by general confull evidence and clear brilliancy of the genu- sent, to a station among the first philosophers ine truth of his Word, to which the letter is of the age. As, in the midst of the distincthe covering. This could not have been ac- tions with which he was honored by his comcomplished by sending a prophet, again to peers in learning and by sovereign princes, he speak in the enigmatical, and never, without never forgot for a moment his original piety special illumination, clearly understood lan- and modesty, his scientific writings conguage of prophecy; but only by raising up a stantly breathing the humble and devotional teacher, who, under the influence of divine spirit of a true Christian philosopher, — the guidance and illumination, should be able to acquisitions he made in natural science must see in the Scriptures, and to comprehend in be acknowledged to have formed an admirable his own mind, the sublime 'truths he was to preparation, and a most suitable basis, for the teach, and to communicate them in a manner apprehension and explication of the spiritual suited to their depth and importance. Hence truths which he was to be the Instrument for the necessity that the Human Instrument unfolding. Between the book of nature, read made choice of on this occasion should be a man by the eye of humble intelligence, and the of learning. Something similar occurred at Word of God, every one intuitively perceives the first promulgation of Christianity for the there must be an exact agreement; and spirapostles were not all ignorant men. To dif- itual views can never be so little likely to parfuse the knowledge of the gospel among the take of delusion, as when they take for their Jews, persons possessing nothing beyond com- foundation a copious store of sound natural mon Jewish attainments, but guided by the science. An extensive acquaintance with the Spirit of God, were competent: but when a knowledge of God in his works, must be the chosen vessel' was required to bear the best preparation for a superior perception of Lord's name before the Gentiles, and kings, the knowledge of God in his Word: and by and to the children of Israel' scattered among the former was Swedenborg eminently disthe Gentiles, to carry the gospel to the learned and polished nations of those times, 462. But it is, after all, in the interior evia man was miraculously called to the work, dence of his writings, that the great question who, having been born and long resident at must finally be settled. "I am indeed satisTarsus, a polite Grecian city, was as much fied," says Mr. Noble, " that a most convincing skilled in the learning of the Greeks, as, by work might be written on the Internal Evihaving been brought up at the feet of Gama- dence which the writings of Swedenborg bear liel, he was versed in the doctrines of the Jews. to their own truth; and this not only in the Much more was it necessary that, in this age great and leading doctrines which they deliver, of the general diffusion of natural knowl- and which they so scripturally and rationally edge, the Human Instrument for first commu- establish, but in innumerable more minute nicating the truths to be made known at the points, in which they speak to the heart, and Lord's second coming, should stand upon a experience, and best intelligence, of· man. par with the first of his contemporaries in sci-There is no subject of which they treat that entific attainment; especially as, while all the they do not lay open in a deeper ground than general doctrines he was to unfold were to be is done by any other author: in particular, far more clear, and more easily intelligible, they discover so profoundly and distinctly the than those commonly received at present as inward operations, the interior workings, of the doctrines of Christianity, some of the the human heart and mind, and unveil man so truths to be discovered were to be of the most fully to himself, that no person of reflection can profound kind, requiring for their full devel- attentively peruse them, without feeling a moniopment the highest talent for abstruse investi- tor in his own breast continually responding to gation, and for their perfect comprehension their truth.” the most exalted powers of the best cultivated mind..

461. "In Swedenborg, every requisite gift was centred. Well imbued, first under the tuition of his learned father, and then at the University of Upsal, with all the usual elements of a learned education, he for a time cultivated classical literature with diligence and success. He then applied himself to the most solid and certain of the natural sciences,


Noble's Appeal, pp. 198–201 Testimony of Oberlin.

463. While upon this subject of interior evidence, we cannot refrain from a most interesting testimony to the importance and value of Swedenborg's writings, which is to be found in the experience and practice of the celebrated Oberlin. Distinguished as he is for his labors of love and heavenly philanthropy, we can but regard it as a rich and lasting testimony to

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the truths of the New Church, to have so full | little or no desirable effect. Cases became an account from such a man. This testimony more numerous, and the circumstances so is recorded in the "Intellectual Repository' striking as even to stagger the scepticism of for April, 1840, in a visit which the Rev. J. Oberlin himself. About this time, being on a H. Smithson paid to the worthy philanthro- visit at Strasburg, he met with the work On pist and Christian, two years prior to his death. Heaven and Hell, which a friend recommended After some previous conversation, Mr. S. pro- him to peruse. This work, as he informed ine, ceeds as follows: gave him a full and satisfactory explanation of 464. "I now prepared myself to converse the extraordinary cases occurring in his valley, with him on things of a more exalted character and which he himself was, at length, from evi- on his manner of perceiving the truths of dences which could not be doubted, constrained the Word, as well as his conceptions respecting to admit. The satisfactory solution of these the realities of heaven, and the spiritual state extraordinary cases afforded great pleasure to of man in general. I at once asked him his mind, and he read the treasure,' as he whether he had read any of the works of Swe- called it, very attentively, and with increasing denborg? Without replying, he immediately delight. He no longer doubted in the nearreached a book, and clapping his hand upon ness of the spiritual world; yea, he believed it, expressive of great satisfaction, told me, that man, by virtue of his better part- his that he had had this treasure many years in immortal mind is already an inhabitant of his library, and that he knew from his own the spiritual world, in which, after the death experience that every thing related in it was of the material body, he is to continue his extrue. This treasure was Swedenborg's work istence forever. He plainly saw from the On Heaven and Hell. As I had lately become correspondent relation existing between the acquainted with the theological writings of the two worlds, that when it pleased the Lord, enlightened Swedenborg, and as Oberlin was man might easily be placed, by opening his almost the only person I had met with who spiritual senses, in open communication with had any knowledge of those writings, I was, the world of spirits. This, he observed, was of course, highly delighted to meet with a frequently the case with the seers mentioned in man, whose name was universally honored, the Old Testament; and why might it not be and whose life and character were considered so now, if the divine Providence saw fit, in as a bright example of every Christian virtue. order to instruct mankind more fully in reThe great weight which accompanied the spect to their relation to a spiritual state of name of this good man, and the approving existence, and to replenish their minds with declaration he had already made respecting more accurate and copious views respecting one of the most important works of Sweden-heaven, the final home of the good, and hell, borg, materially strengthened my convictions the final abode of the wicked. of the truth of his claims to universal atten- 465. "This conversation of Oberlin's seemed tion. I accordingly felt the deepest interest highly reasonable and delightful; and I inin conversing with Oberlin on the subject of quired further, by what means he had arrived Swedenborg's theology, and the amazing spir- at convictions so solid respecting the truth of itual intelligence displayed in his writings, Swedenborg's statements and descriptions conand inquired how it had happened, that he had cerning the world of spirits, and heaven and arrived at convictions so solid respecting the hell. He replied, that he himself had had facts and truths contained in the work On ocular and demonstrative experience respectHeaven and Hell. He replied, that when he ing these important subjects, and that, strange first came to reside as a pastor among the in- to say, he had come into that state of open habitants of Steinthal, they had many super-communion with the world of spirits, which he stitious notions respecting the proximity of the had formerly considered as a rank species of spiritual world, and of the appearance of vari- superstition, and which he had endeavored to ous objects and phenomena in that world extirpate from the valley. He observed, that which, from time to time, were seen by some the inhabitants of that mountainous district had of the people belonging to his flock. For in- always been notorious for this peculiar kind stance, it was not unusual for a person who of spiritual experience, and in this respect had died to appear to some individual in the much resembled the highlanders of Scotland, valley. This gift of second sight, or the open- of whom he had heard and read similar acing of the spiritual sight, to see objects in a counts. He, therefore, could readily underspiritual state of existence, was, however, con- stand Swedenborg's case, who, for most useful fined to a few persons, and continued but a short period, and at different intervals, of time. The report of every new occurrence of this kind was brought to Oberlin, who at length became so much annoyed, that he was resolved to put down this species of superstition, as he called it, from the pulpit, and exerted himself for a considerable time to this end, but with

and salutary purposes, was mercifully permitted to enjoy an open intercourse with the world of spirits, during so many years of his life, in order to instruct mankind in respect to subjects of the greatest moment to wisdom and happiness, and of which they are so deplorably ignorant: with regard to himself, however, he had only had glimpses, as it were,

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