
fully noted in the table of contents, that the reader may have the means of referring the pleasure, derived from such pieces as are not thus distinguished, to the poetical taste and moral feeling of the original compiler. It is hoped that the lovers of sacred poetry-poetry that has caught its spirit from

"the book of grace

And book of nature"

may find in this little manual much to "make the Sabbath a delight," and to kindle and keep burning within them the love of God, and a desire of a better knowledge of his works, as well as of those words which, at sundry times and in divers manners, he spake unto the fathers of Israel by his prophets, and of those which, in later times, he hath spoken unto us by his Son.

J. P.


THE pieces marked with an asterisk* in the table of contents have
never before been published in England.

The pieces marked thus fare from American authors.
The pieces marked thus are added by the American Editor.

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Lines on the Death of T. Spencer,

Imperishable Wealth,

Sonnet on Sunday Morning,

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
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