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Na somer seson whan soft was the sonne,
I shope me in shroudes as I a shepe were,
habite as an heremite • vnholy of workes,
Tent wyde in þis world wondres to here.

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c on a May mornynge on Maluerne hülles, le byfel a ferly of fairy, me thouzte;

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was wery forwandred and went me to reste Inder a brode banke · bi a bornes side,

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And as I lay and lened and loked in þe wateres,

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slombred in a slepyng it sweyued so merye. Thanne gan I to meten a merueilouse sweuene, hat I was in a wildernesse⚫ wist I neuer where; As I bihelde in-to þe est an hiegh to be sonne, seigh a toure on a toft • trielich ymaked; A depe dale binethe⚫ a dongeon þere-Inne, With depe dyches & derke and dredful of sight. A faire felde ful of folke fonde I there bytwene, Of alle maner of men ⚫ þe mene and þe riche, Worchyng and wandryng as þe worlde asketh.





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Some putten hem to be plow pleyed ful selde,

In settyng and in sowyng⚫ swonken ful harde,

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And wonnen that wastours with glotonye destruyeth. And some putten hem to pruyde · apparailed hem p after,

In contenaunce of clothyng comen disgised.

In prayers and in penance

putten hem manye,

Al for loue of owre lorde lyueden ful streyte,

In hope forto haue · heueneriche blisse ;

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As ancres and heremites that holden hem in here selles, And coueiten nought in contre to kairen aboute,

For no likerous liflode⚫ her lykam to plese.

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And somme chosen chaffare they cheuen the bettere, As it semeth to owre syzt that suche men thryueth; And somme murthes to make · as mynstralles conneth, And geten gold with here glee · giltles, I leue. Ac iapers & iangelers · Iudas chylderen,

Feynen hem fantasies and foles hem maketh,

And han here witte at wille to worche, 3if þei sholde; That Poule precheth of hem I nel nought preue it here; Qui turpiloquium loquitur is luciferes hyne.

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Bidders and beggeres fast aboute zede,

With her belies and her bagges of bred ful ycrammed; Fayteden for here fode · fouzten atte ale;

In glotonye, god it wote gon hij to bedde,

And risen with ribaudye · tho roberdes knaues; aber
Slepe and sori sleuthe⚫ seweth hem eure.

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Thei went forth in here wey with many wise tales,

And hadden leue to lye • al here lyf after.

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I seigh somme that seiden · þei had ysouzt seyntes :

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To eche a tale þat þei tolde here tonge was tempred to ly

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pre pan to sey soth it semed bi here speche. Heremites on an heep · With hoked staues,

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enten to Walsyngham • and here wenches after ;
ete lobyes and longe · that loth were to swynke,
otheden hem in copis to ben knowen fram othere;
ad shopen hem heremites here ese to haue.
I fonde pere Freris · alle þe foure ordres,
eched pe peple · for profit of hem-seluen,
osed pe gospel · as hem good lyked,

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or coueitise of copis · construed it as þei wolde.

any of þis maistres Freris mowe clothen hem at lykyng, or here money and marchandise · marchen togideres.

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or sith charite hap be chapman and chief to shryue lordes,

any ferlis han fallen · in a fewe zeris.

ut holychirche and hij holde better togideres,

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he most myschief on molde · is mountyng wel faste.


Pere preched a Pardonere as he a prest were,

rouzte forth a bulle⚫ with bishopes seles,

and seide pat hym-self my3te assoilen hem alle

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》f falshed of fastyng of vowes ybroken.

Lewed men leued hym wel · and lyked his wordes, omen vp knelyng to kissen his bulles;

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He bonched hem with his breuet · & blered here eyes, and rauzte with his ragman · rynges and broches ; Thus þey geuen here golde glotones to kepe.

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Vere pe bischop yblissed and worth bothe his eres,
His seel shulde nouzt be sent to deceyue pe peple.
Ac it is nauzt by þe bischop · þat þe boy precheth,
For the parisch prest and þe pardonere · parten þe siluer,
That pe poraille of pe parisch sholde haue, zif þei nere.
Persones and parisch prestes⚫ pleyned hem to pe bischop,
Pat here parisshes were pore⚫ sith pe pestilence tyme,

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To haue a lycence and a leue at London to dwelle,
And syngen þere for symonye for siluer is swete.

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Somme seruen þe kyng · and his siluer tellen,
In cheker and in chancerye. chalengen his dettes
Of wardes and wardmotes weyues and streyues. w

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And some seruen as seruantz · lordes and ladyes, And in stede of stuwardes sytten and demen.

Here messe and here matynes · and many of here oures Arn don vndeuoutlych; drede is at þe laste

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I parceyued of pe power

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pat Peter had to kepe, To bynde and to vnbynde as pe boke telleth, How he it left wip loue as owre lorde hight, Amonges foure vertues⚫ þe best of all vertues, Pat cardinales ben called & closyng zatis,

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pere crist is in kyngdome to close and to shutte,
And to opne it to hem and heuene blisse shewe.
Ac of pe cardinales atte Courte · þat cauzt of þat name,
And power presumed in hem a Pope to make,

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To han pat power þat peter hadde inpugnen I nelle;
For in loue and letterure pe eleccioun bilongeth,

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For-pi I can and can nauzte of courte speke more.
Panne come pere a kyng knyzthod hym ladde,
Mizt of pe comunes made hym to regne,

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And þanne cam kynde wytte and clerkes he made,
For to conseille pe kyng and þe comune saue.

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The kyng and knyzthode and clergye bothe Casten þat þe comune · shulde hem-self fynde.


De comune contreued · of kynde witte craftes,

d for profit of alle pe poeple plowmen ordeygned, tilie and trauaile as trewe lyf askep.

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= kynge and pe comune and kynde witte þe thridde

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ope lawe & lewte eche man to knowe his owne. c.
Panne loked vp a lunatik · a lene þing with-alle,
d knelyng to be kyng clergealy he seyde;
rist kepe pe, sire kyng · and þi kyngriche,

d leue pe lede þi londe · so leute pe louye,

id for þi riztful rewlyng · be rewarded in heuene!'

And sithen in þe eyre an hiegh· An angel of heuene wed to speke in latyn― · for lewed men ne coude ngle ne iugge þat iustifie hem shulde,

at suffren & seruen- · for-thi seyde pe angel,

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Sum Rex, sum Princeps neutrum fortasse deinceps ;— qui iura regis Christi specialia regis,

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oc quod agas melius iustus es, esto pius!
Judum ius a te · vestiri vult pietate;
ualia vis metere· talia grana sere.
ius nudatur nudo de iure metatur;
iseritur pietas de pietate metas !'





Thanne greued hym a Goliardeys • a glotoun of wordes, nd to pe angel an heiz answered after,

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Dum rex a regere · dicatur nomen habere,

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And þanne gan alle þe comune crye in vers of latin, To be kynges conseille construe ho-so wolde

Precepta Regis sunt nobis vincula legis.

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Wip pat ran þere a route of ratones at ones,

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And smale mys myd hem mo pen a pousande,

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And comen to a conseille for here comune profit;

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And ouerlepe hem lyztlich · and lauzte hem at his wille, 150

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