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Substitute for House Files No.'s 69 and 155: A bill for an act regulating and defining the notice to be given in all cases of judicial sales of property.

The same having passed the Senate without amendment.

I am also directed to inform the House that the Senate has amended House File No. 121: Joint Resolution asking of Congress an appropriation of money for a double track railroad around the lower rapids of the Mississippi River on the Iowa or West side thereof.

I am also directed to inform the House that the Senate has passed substitute for House File No. 218: A bill for an act to determine the weight per bushel of certain seeds named therein. And the concurrence of the House is asked to the amendment and substitute.

The Senate has passed Senate File No. 190: Joint Resolution allowing the transfer of books from among those in the Library of the State to the Library of the State University,

In which the concurrence of the House is asked.



Secretary Senate.

I am directed to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate has passed Senate File No. 177: A bill for an act creating eleven Judicial Districts, and defining their boundaries,

In which the concurrence of the House is asked.

I am also directed to inform the House that the Senate has amended House File No. 244: A bill for an act providing for Argument Terms of the Supreme Court of the State of Iowa, increasing the contingent fund thereof, allowing mileage to the Judges and additional pay to the Clerk,

And the Senate asks the agreement of the House to its amend



Secretary Senate.

Mr. Cooley

Submitted the following report:

The committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred substitute for House File No. 176: An act to establish the Court of Quarter Sessions and define its jurisdiction, and also to provide for the election of a Judge and Clerk of said Court, and the manner

of selecting jurors to serve therein, and also to abolish the County Court and the office of County Judge, have had the same under consideration and a majority of said committee have directed me to report the accompanying substitute for the same, and recommend its passage.

The substitute was adopted.

Mr. Edwards

Moved the substitute be laid upon the table and ordered printed for the use of the General Assembly

The motion was not agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Bradley

The House then adjourned.


House met pursuant to adjournment.

Mr. Trumbull introduced

House File No. 323: A bill for an act to provide for the election of an additional Justice of the Peace in Butler township, Butler county,

Which was read a first and second time, and

Ordered to be engrossed and read a third time to-morrow.

Mr. Trumbull also introduced

House File No. 324: A bill for an act to provide for the incorporation of Rail Road Companies, and prescribing the privileges, duties and liabilities thereof,

Which was read a first and second time, and

Referred to the committee on Railroads.

Message from the Senate, by their Secretary:


I am directed to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate refuses to concur in the amendments made by the House to Senate File No. 75: A bill for an act to incorporate the State Bank of Iowa, and that the Senate has appointed Senators Patterson, Coolbaugh and Kirkwood a committee of conference on the part of the Senate to act with a similar committee on the part of the House to conter in relation to matters in disagreement between the two Houses.

GEORGE. E. SPENCER, Secretary Senate.

Substitute for House File No. 176: An act to establish the Court of Quarter Sessions and define its jurisdiction, and also to provide for the election of a Judge and Clerk of said Court, and the man ner of selecting jurors to serve therein, and also to abolish the County Court and the office of County Judge,

Was taken up.

On motion of Mr. Cooley

The 42d Rule was suspended and the bill read a third time, and upon the question,

Shall the same now pass?

The yeas and nays were ordered and were as follows:

Yeas 35,
Nays 22.

Messrs. Ayers, Bates, Bradley, Clark of Dubuque, Cooley, Collins, Crawford, Dana, Dews, Foster, Gray, Grimes, Gue, Guiberson, Harmon, Johnson, Mahony, McCrary, McGrew, Milliser, Mitchell, Millsap, Morgan, Pierson, Rankin, Reitzel, Richardson, Scott, Seevers, Sprague, Stearns, Streeter, Trumbull, Woodward, Mr. Speaker-35.

The nays were,

Messrs. Anthony, Bauder, Belknap, Bennett, Campbell, Carpenter, Casey, Casady of Woodbury, Clark of Des Moines, Clune, Curtis, Davis, Dewey, Edwards, Lambert, Laney, Moorman, Randolph, Waln, Watts, Wilson, Wright—22.

The bill not receiving a constitutional majority it was lost.
Mr. Wright

Submitted the following report:

The committee on Enrolled Bills report that they have examined the following bills and find them correctly enrolled:

House File No. 114: An act allowing bounty upon the scalps of certain animals.

House File No. 73: An act to amend the law in relation to divorce and alimony.

House File No. 262: An act to repeal sections 1410 and 1411 of the Code, prescribing the descent of property.

House File No. 211: An act to confirm the rights and liabilities of the county of Webster since its division.

House File No. 10: An act respecting aliens.

Mr. Clark, of Dubuque,

From the committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred

Senate File No. 152: An act requiring two, at least, of the Trustees of the Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company to reside in the State of Iowa, and to regulate the issue and disposition of the construction bonds of said Company,

Reported the same back to the House withont amendment, and recommended its passage.

On motion of Mr. Clark, of Dubuque,

The 42d Rule was suspended and the bill read a third time, and upon the question,

Shall the same now pass?

The yeas and nays were ordered and were as follows:
Yeas 60-Nays none.

The yeas were,

Messrs. Anthony, Ayers, Bates, Bauder, Belknap, Bennett, Bradley, Campbell, Carpenter, Casey, Casady of Woodbury, Clark of Des Moines, Clark of Dubuque, Clark of Johnson, Clune, Cooley, Collins, Crawford, Curtis, Dana, Davis, Dewey, Dews, Edwards, Foster, Gray, Grimes, Gue, Guiberson, Harmon, Johnson, Lambert, Laney, Lundy, Mahony, McCrary, McGrew, Milliser, Mitchell, Millsap, Moorman, Morgan, Pierson, Prentiss, Randolph, Rankin, Reitzel, Richardson, Scott, Seevers, Sharp, Sprague, Stearns, Streeter, Trumbull, Waln, Wilson, Woodward, Wright and Mr. Speaker-60.

The nays were none.

The bill passed and the title was agreed to.

Mr. Wilson

Submitted the following report:

The committee of conference appointed by this House to confer with a similar committee on the part of the Senate respecting the disagreement between the two Houses concerning the amendment of this House to Senate File No. 12: A bill for an act in relation to county records, report

That the two committees, upon conferring together, have agreed on the following amendment in lieu of the amendment of the House: Strike out of the third secttion the words, "shall not exceed two dollars per day of eight hours actual and faithful labor," and insert "not exceeding six cents for each one hundred words of the records proper, and twelve and one half cents for each one hundred words of indexing."

Your committee therefore recommend that the House recede from

its original amendment, and adopt the foregoing amendment in lieu thereof.

J. F. WILSON, Chairman House Com. of Conference.

The report of the committee was concurred in.

Mr. Clark, of Des Moines, introduced

House File No. 325: An act to establish the office of County Assessor, and provide for Township Assessors,

Which was read a first and second time, and Referred to the committee on Ways and Means. Mr. Bennett introduced

House File No 326: A bill for an act providing for an additional Justice of the Peace in Lilerty township, Marion county, Iowa, Which was read a first and second time, and

Ordered to be engrossed and read a third time or Monday.
Mr. Milliser introduced

House File No. 327: A bill for an act defining the mode of laying out and establishing State Roads,

Which was read a first and second time, and

Referred to the committee on Roads and Highways.

Mr. Harmon introduced

House File No. 328: A bill for an act to change the name of Forest City,

Was read a first and second time.

Mr. Harmon

Moved that the bill be engrossed and read a third time on Monday.

Mr. Woodward

Moved that the bill be laid upon the table,

Which motion was lost.

The question recurring upon ordering the bill to be engrossed and read a third time,

The same was agreed to.

Mr. Harmon introduced

House File No. 329: A bill for an act to prevent the making and circulating of bills, notes and certificates in the similitude of bank notes contrary to law.

Mr. Bradley

Moved that the bill be rejected, upon which question

The yeas and nays were demanded by Mr. Bradley, and were as follows:

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