A Small Drop of Ink: A Collection of Inspirational and Moving Quotations of the Ages

iUniverse, 2003年6月1日 - 182 頁
Within "A Small Drop of Ink" you will discover inspiring words of men and women from ancient time to the present, along with vignettes from the author. This collection of quotations from the wisdom of the ages will lift the spirit. Every quotation, however brief, offers invaluable insight and is thought-provoking.

Longfellow, Emerson, Carver, Stanton, Lincoln, Wordsworth, Plato, Thoreau, Alcott, Byron, Seneca, Tennyson, Sophocles, Beecher, Epictetus, Shakespeare, Twain, Vandyke, St. Augustine, Cicero, Grimke, Antoninus, Whitman, Goethe, Aristotle, Blake, Bacon, Beethoven, Dickinson, and many others share their inspirational, moving and powerful words about life and death, love, success, life lessons, freedom, equality, the beauty of nature, and creativity.

"Words are things; and a small drop of ink,

Falling like dew upon a thought, produces

That which makes thousands, perhaps millions think."--Lord Byron

This rich and inspirational collection of famous words is one that should be inevery home library. The sentiments expressed within "A Small Drop of Ink" are inspirational, uplifting, and often powerful enough to make thousands think and change their perception of life and the world.
