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tion, and in the course of a day's cannonading proved that the town must be given up. The rebels hastily retreated during the night, leaving behind a large quantity of stores, artillery, etc. On the same day, March 13th, that New Madrid was captured, Commodore Foote left Cairo with a fleet, including seven iron-clads and ten mortar boats, and having been joined at Columbus by Col. Buford with his regiment and

vicinity. To accomplish his object, Pope needed only the means of crossing the river, and bringing his forces face to face with the enemy from below. At first, a road was thought of through the swamps to a point on the Missouri shore opposite Island No. 10. This being impracticable, a canal was projected, by which steam transports could be brought from above across the Missouri peninsula to New Madrid below.

The canal was a serious piece of workand occupied a much longer time than was expected; but Colonel Bissel and his regiment of engineers overcame all difficulties, and finally succeeded. It was twelve miles long, six of which were through very heavy timber, requir ing great exposure and privation in cutting the way through. It was com pleted April 4th, and was highly prais ed as a monument of enterprise and skill.

other troops, some 1,500 in all, 1862. he moved down the river, and took possession of Hickman, on the Kentucky shore. The next day, the expedition approached Island No. 10; reconnaissances were made along the shores; the mortar vessels were placed in position; and everything was prepared for the attack. A bombardment was begun, on Sunday the 16th; but with no particular result, except trying the range of the guns on both sides. The next day, another vigorous attempt Foote, meanwhile, was not idle or in was made by the gun boats and mortar efficient. The firing was regularly kept vessels, which kept up a continuous up, and on the night of April 1st, in fire all the afternoon upon the island the midst of a furious storm, battery and water batteries of the rebels. The No. 1 of the enemy, which had been day's work, however, was not encourag-particularly annoying to our boats, was ing, and it became quite evident that taken by assault. The rebels, however, Island No. 10, and its bulwarks, could not easily be taken by assault from the gun boats; other help was needed from another quarter before the place could be captured.

retreated without contesting the possession of the fort. On consideration, Foote determined to allow one of the gun boats to run the batteries. On the night of the 3d of April, in a furious Pope's operations were expected to storm of lightning and thunder, the render this aid. His object was to cut gun boat Carondelet, Captain Walke, off the escape of the rebels by the only passed the entire series of rebel batway left to them, viz., across the Ten- teries, without returning a shot, and renessee peninsula, a few miles to Tipton-ceiving their concentrated fire. Strange ville, below New Madrid, whence they to tell, the Carondelet passed in safety, might readily reach Memphis or its and was received with much enthusiasm

Cп. XII.]



by our troops at New Madrid. Three his supplies and material of war; and days afterwards, another gun boat ac- have again recrossed and occupied the complished the same feat in safety. On camp at New Madrid, without losing a the morning of the 4th of April, the man or meeting with an accident." heavy floating battery of the rebels at Island No. 10, having been fired upon for more than an hour by three of our boats, cut loose from its mooring, and drifted two or three miles down the river.

On the 7th of April, Paine's division, in the steam transports, preceded by the gun boats, crossed the Mis


sissipi. The rebels, finding the case hopeless, attempted to retreat during the afternoon and night; but early on the 8th, ascertaining that they were completely cut off, they laid down their arms, and surrendered at discretion. Colonel Elliott proceeded at once to take possession of the works on the Tennessee shore, opposite Island No. 10, and to save, if possible, several steamers belonging to the rebels. This he accomplished, and brought in besides some 200 prisoners.

Pope, in his report, dilates upon the greatness of his success. "Three gene rals, 273 field and company officers, 6,700 prisoners, 123 pieces of heavy artillery, all of the very best character and latest patterns, 7,000 stand of small arms, an immense quantity of ammunition of all kinds, etc., are among the spoils. The conduct of the troops was splendid throughout, as the results of this operation and its whole progress very clearly exhibit. We have crossed the great river, the banks of which were lined with batteries and defended by 7,000 men; we have pursued and captured the whole force of the enemy, and all

Foote, on his part, was, on the 7th of April, visited by some rebel officers, who surrendered Island No. 10 to the commander of the fleet. Immediate possession was taken of the island Communication was then had with Pope, and a safe opportunity was afforded for investigating the extent of the military preparations of the enemy, the forts and batteries, which it had required twenty-three days of persistent ef forts, on land and water, effectually to overcome.*

In pushing forward operations in the South-west, it was of prime importance to effect a junction of the forces under

Gens. Grant and Buell, on 1862. the

upper waters of the Tennessee River, so as to cut off the rebel communications with the South and East. Nashville had been occupied as we have seen, (p. 116), Columbus had been evacuated, and Island No. 10 was certain to be captured in a short time; hence, by advancing our forces to Corinth, in Mississippi, where was

* Pollard states that Beauregard was charged with preparing the defences for Island No. 10, and the Mis sissippi River generally. He, and the South everywhere, daily bulletins respecting the progress of affairs a

were sure that the position was impregnable, and the

the island confirmed that notion. When the news of

its fall did come, it came upon the southern people

from northern sources, and the mortification, astonish

ment and keen appreciation of their loss are forcibly depicted by Pollard. "There could be no excuse for the

wretched management and infamous scenes that attend.

ed the evacuation. . . . No single battle field had yet afforded to the North such visible fruit of victory

as had been gathered at Island No. 10." Pollard states

that the total number of prisoners taken was not more than 2,000.-" First Year of the War," pp. 291-294.

the junction of the Memphis and next day, proceeded some forty miles Charleston, and the Mobile and Ohio up the river to recon oitre, going as far Railroads, the conquest of Memphis as Eastport, and finding the rebels enwould be greatly facilitated, and gaged in erecting fortifications wherever another valuable point on the Mis- they could.

sissippi River secured. A bold step it The enemy's line of defence had for was, indeed, from Bowling Green, in its base the Memphis and Charleston Kentucky, to the northern boundaries Railroad, the preservation of which of Mississippi and Alabama. Yet it was absolutely necessary to enable the was accomplished, and in the course of rebels to hold Northern Mississippi, a month, Tennessee being firmly held by Alabama, and Georgia. East of Corinth the Union army, our energetic com- were several important points on this manders in the West were advancing road, as Chattanooga, Huntsville, Tusagainst the new lines of the enemy's de- cumbia, Florence, etc.; westwardly, the fence in the states bordering on the road runs in a direct line to Memphis, Gulf. ninety-three miles distant. The Union Beauregard, aware of the momentous line was the Tennessee River, extending Issue at stake, concentrated all his from Paducah in Kentucky, to Eastport available forces at and around Corinth, in Mississippi. The gun boats were with Gens. A. S. Johnston, Polk, Bragg kept moving up and down the river to and Hardee to aid and support his prevent the erection of batteries by the plans, and with an army more than rebels, and were of special service to 40,000 in number, in the highest state Grant's plans. of efficiency, to resist the progress of By the middle of March, all of the our advancing host. It was not un- troops under Grant had arrived at natural that he should expect to be able Savannah, when an advance was made to rout the Union army at Pittsburg seven miles to Pittsburg Landing. Landing before it could be reinforced Wallace's division landed on the left by Buell. Grant, who had in charge bank of the river, marched to Purdy, the important movement now on foot, about fifteen miles to the west, and had also a number of distinguished of-destroyed the railroad bridge and part ficers in his command, as W. T. Sher- of the railroad from Humboldt to Corman, McClernand, C. F. Smith, Wal- inth, cutting off a train laden with lace, etc.; his army, too, numbering rebel troops. On the night of the 16th, about 30,000, was as brave a body of an expedition started for the purpose troops as could be desired, when work of intercepting communication on the was to be done which required steadiness, Memphis and Charleston Railroad. and the higher soldierly qualities. On They met the enemy's cavalry in the the 11th of March, the transport steam- woods, and a sharp skirmish ensued; ers began to arrive at Savannah on the after which our men returned to PittsTennessee River, with the advance divi- burg Landing. sion of the army. The gun boats, the

Buell, not being able to advance into


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