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O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto ; Praise, laud, and bless His name always, For it is seemly so to do.


For why? the Lord our God is good,
His mercy is for ever sure;

His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age


PSALM CII.-Ver. 1, 2, 9, 10.


HEAR Thou my prayer, O Lord, and let
My cry come unto Thee:
In time of trouble do not hide

Thy face away from me.


Incline Thine ear to me, make haste

To hear me when I call;

For as the smoke doth fade, so do
My days consume and fall.


The days wherein I pass my life,
Are like the fleeting shade;
And I am wither'd like the grass,
That soon away doth fade.

But thou, O Lord, for ever dost
Remain in steady place,

And Thy remembrance ever doth
Abide from race to race.

PSALM CIV.-Ver. 1, 2, 3, 1.


My soul, praise the Lord, speak good of His name ; O Lord our great God, how dost Thou appear! So passing in glory, that great is Thy fame, Honour and majesty in Thee shine most clear.


With light, as a robe, Thou hast Thyself clad, Whereby all the earth Thy greatness may see; The heavens in such sort Thou also hast spread, That they to a curtain compared may be.


His chamber-beams lie in the clouds full sure,

Which as His chariots are made Him to bear; And there with much swiftness His course doth endure,

Upon the wings riding of winds in the air.


He maketh His spirits as heralds to go,
And lightnings to serve we see also prest ;
His will to accomplish they run to and fro,
To save or consume things as seemeth Him best.

PSALM CV.-Ver. 2, 3, 4, 5.


SING joyfully unto the Lord,

Yea, sing unto Him praise;

And talk of all His wondrous works,
That He hath wrought always.


In honour of His holy name,
Rejoice with one accord;

And let the heart always be glad
Of them that seek the Lord.


Seek ye the Lord, and seek the strength
Of His eternal might;
Yea, seek His face incessantly,

And presence of His sight.


The wondrous works which He hath done,
Keep ever in your heart;
Let not the judgments of His mouth
Out of your mind depart.

PSALM CXVIII.-Ver. 19, 20, 21, 22.


I WILL give thanks to Thee, O Lord,
And ever will praise Thee,

Who hast me heard, and art become
A Saviour unto me.


The stone which formerly among
The builders was refus'd,

Is now become the corner-stone,
And chiefly to be us'd.


This was the mighty work of God,
It was the Lord's own fact;
And it is wondrous to behold
That great and noble act.


This is the joyful day indeed,
Which God Himself hath wrought;
Let us be glad, and joy therein

In heart, and mind, and thought.

PSALM CXIX. PART I.—Ver. 27, 35, 36, 37.


MAKE me, O Lord, to understand

Thy precepts evermore;

Then on Thy works I'll meditate,
And lay them up in store.

In the right paths of Thy commands
Thy guidance I require ;
No other pleasure do I wish,
No greater thing desire.


Incline my heart Thy laws to keep
And statutes to embrace;

And from all sin and wickedness,
Lord, shield me with Thy grace.


From vain desires and worldly lusts,
Turn back mine eyes and sight;
And with Thy spirit strengthen me,
To walk Thy ways aright.

PSALM CXIX. PART II.-Ver. 38, 41, 49, 50.


CONFIRM Thy gracious promise, Lord,

Which Thou hast made to me,
Who am Thy servant, and do love
And fear no thing but Thee.

Thy mercies great and manifold,
Let me obtain, O Lord;
Thy saving health let me enjoy,
According to Thy word.


Thy promise which Thou mad'st to me
Remember, Lord, I pray ;
For therein have I put my trust
And confidence alway.


It is my comfort and my joy,

When troubles me assail;

For were my life not by Thy word,
It suddenly would fail.

PSALM CXIX. PART III.-Ver. 66, 67, 68, 71.


TEACH me to judge always aright,

And give me knowledge sure;

For steadfastly do I believe

Thy precepts are most pure.

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