PSALM LXVIII.—Ver. 4, 18, 20, 4 repeated. 4. SING praise, sing praise unto the Lord, And Him still magnify. 18. Thou didst, O Lord, ascend on high, 20. For ever praised be the Lord, He pours on us such grace; Sing praise, sing praise unto the Lord, And Him still magnify. PSALM LXXXIV.-Ver. 1, 2, 5, 6. 1. How pleasant is Thy dwelling place, The tabernacles of Thy grace 2. My soul doth long full sore to go 5. Oh! they be blessed that may dwell For they all times Thy deeds do tell, Yes, happy sure likewise are they, Whose stay and strength Thou art, Who to Thy house do mind the way, And seek it in their heart. PSALM LXXXIX. Ver. 1, 5, 14, with Gloria Patri. 1. To sing the mercies of the Lord, 5. The heav'nly host with joy set forth, 14. In righteousness and equity Thou hast Thy seat and place; To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost As was, and is, and shall be still PSALM XCII.-Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1. It is a thing both good and meet And to Thy name, O Thou Most High, 2. To shew the kindness of the Lord, And to declare His truth abroad, 3. On a ten-stringed instrument, 4. For Thou hast made us to rejoice PSALM XCVI.-Ver. 1, 2, 7, 8. 1. SING ye with praise unto the Lord 2. Yea, sing unto the Lord alway, 7. Ascribe unto the Lord therefore, 8. Ascribe unto the Lord also PSALM XCVII. Ver. 1, 2, 6, with Gloria Patri. 1. THE Lord doth reign, for which the earth The isles also, with hallowed mirth, 2. Though clouds and awful darkness swell, 6. The heav'ns on high declare and shew That all the world may see and know To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, As was, and is, and shall be still PSALM C.-Ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1. ALL people that on earth do dwell, 2. The Lord, ye know, is God indeed, Without our aid He did us make: We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. C |