THE LIFE AND TIMES OF C. G. MEMMINGER. BY HENRY D. CAPERS, A. M., AUTHOR OF "BELLEVUE," "HISTORICAL SKETCHES IN NORTH CAROLINA," ETC. One man among a thousand have I found.” Eccles. vii., 28. RICHMOND, VA.: EVERETT WADDEY CO., PUBLISHERS. 1893. 415.9 14 са 18930 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1893, by In the office of Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Electrotyped, printed and bound by Q 2-215-110 GASHG 981116 To Mr. Charles C. Pinckney, Junior : Through whose encouragement and generous support I have been enabled to compile this record of a long and useful life; who, as a strong link in the chain that binds the present to the past, preserves many graces of character which descend to posterity as a priceless legacy; and through him, to the youth and the manhood of my country, do I respectfully dedicate this work, an Offering at the Shrine of Patriotism. HENRY D. CAPERS. |