Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States, was read by Gen. Daniel Elliott Huger. This was received with strong and repeated emotions-particularly those parts of the Address which are admonitory as to the causes that may threaten disunion and the attempts that would be made to effect it. SECOND ORIGINAL ODE. Composed at the request of the Committee of Arrangements for the occasion. Sung by two voices, accompanied as before. (Air-"Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled.") I. Hail, our country's natal morn, II. Who would sever Freedom's shrine? Dear is all the rest. Dear to me the South's fair land, III. By our altars, pure and free, By our common parent tongue, By our hopes, bright, buoyant, young, We will still be ONE. IV. Fathers! have ye bled in vain? No! receive our solemn vow, "UNION-LIBERTY!" In the choruses of both odes, the audience joined with a good deal of enthusiasm; but at the repetition of the four last lines of the last verse of the second, they simultaneously arose, and thus manifested the deep and swelling emotions with which their bosoms had been inspired. This being ended, the orator of the day advanced to the rostrum, which had been occupied by his predecessor, and delivered an able, patriotic, and exceedingly beautiful oration. At the close of these ceremonies the party adjourned. PROCESSION TO AND DESCRIPTION OF THE BOWER. The hour of dining having arrived, the party again assembled in augmented numbers at the market, and at the hour of 4 o'clock moved off, in an order the reverse of that which had been adopted in the morning, to the Union Bower at the corner of Meeting and George streets, where dinner was in waiting to receive them. The very extensive building, erected by the party for this especial purpose, covering a space of forty-five feet in width by one hundred and fifty feet in length, was found inadequate to accommodate all who had assembled, and from two hundred to three hundred persons were obliged, notwithstanding the erection of an additional table the whole length of the building on the outside, to stand up and exchange places, alternately, with those who were seated. The entertainment was abundant, and for so numerous a company served up in superior style. The wines were excellent, and the whole company enjoyed "the feast of reason and the flow of soul." About 10 o'clock the party retired, highly pleased at the manner in which they had passed the day. The lot and building. in which the party dined were decorated with a taste at once showy and becoming. Festoons of evergreens encircled the pillars, which, though we cannot exactly consider or designate them as "Corinthian columns," were, nevertheless, very neat and substantial. The hickory, entwined with the palmetto and the pine, were conspicuous as appropriate emblems in illustrating the pride and strength of our country; and from the archways, one of which being appropriated to each individual, were suspended shields bearing the names of Moultrie, Warren, Lafayette, Manning, Sumter, Hampton, Lincoln, Motte, Pulaski, C. C. Pinckney, Thomas Pinckney, De Kalb, Pickens, Putnam, Marion, Rutledge, Lee, Laurens, Steuben, Wayne, William Washington, Starke, Morgan, Knox, B. Huger, Shepherd, Isaac Hayne, Montgomery, Jasper, Kosciusko, Wilkins, Gist, Peter Horry, Gadsden, R. Lowndes, and many others who had distinguished themselves in the cause of liberty in the fields and on the shores of Carolina. Transparencies of Washington, Hancock, Franklin and others, encircled with boughs and luxuriant foliage, hung at the upper end of the vast hall. In front of the building the eye was attracted to the novel appearance in our streets of a palmetto and hickory tree, transplanted in full bloom from the soil in which they originally grew, and waving in that of their adoption as freshly as they ever did before. The front of the building was decorated with two full-rigged frigates, manned and armed, mounting each fiftytwo guns, and one rakish-looking and elegant tender-all perfect models of naval architecture. These were each surmounted by a broad transparent archway, over the centre of which appeared illuminated the words, "Don't give up the ship!" Three other transparencies, allegorical and emblematic, directly beneath the archway completed the decorations in front. CEREMONIES AT THE DINNER.. The viands and other eatables being removed, the president of the day called the assembly to order, when the following toasts were drank, accompanied by the reading of letters, and the delivery of suitable speeches. REGULAR TOASTS. 1. The Day-Consecrated to American Liberty by American Patriots: May this return of it revive American feelings in every American bosom. [Air-Hail Columbia.] 2. The Memory of Washington: May his farewell advice be engraved on our hearts, and his whole life illustrated in our conduct. [Solemn Dirge.] 3. The Patriots of the Revolution: United they stood-divided we fall. [Ye sons of Columbia who bravely have fought.] 4. The President of the United States: He will fill the measure of his glory, by preserving the Union, without impairing the rights of the States. [The President's March.] 5. The Vice-President of the United States: His political intimates have declared their sentiments of Nullification-will he shrink from an open exposition of his own? [Let every Pagan muse be gone.] 6. The Congress of the United States: Wisdom to their councils, harmony to their measures, and the happiness of the people for their only object. (The breeze was hush'd, a star was prone.] 7. The Governor of South Carolina: "The union of this confederation is the key-stone of the whole fabric of our political and national greatness, our civil and social prosperity. Let this sentiment enter with religious solemnity into all our public relations with our country, and form a theme of domestic instruction at our altars and fire-sides." - Oration Fourth July, 1821, by James Hamilton, Jr. [Governor's March.] 8. The People of South Carolina: They will preserve the Unionpeaceably, if they can. (Home, sweet home.] 9. The Union: The foundation on which rests American LibertyDestroy the one, and the other must fall. [Yankee Doodle.] 10. The People of the United States: Let them never forget that an injury to one State, is an injury to all; and that the power which shall crush one, may destroy all. [Meeting of the waters.] 11. The American System: The offspring of a wily ambition which would corrupt the people at their own expense. ['Tis all but a dream.] 12. The Government of a Majority-States and People: If this will not do, what will? [Garry Owen.] 13. The Senate of the United States-The Palladium of State Rights: They have a veto on the proceedings of the representatives of the people. [As a beam o'er the face of the waters.] 14. The House of Representatives of the United States-The Palladium of Democracy: They have a veto on the proceedings of the Senate. [See from ocean rising.] 15. The Judiciary of the United States: Nominated by the President, the agent of the people and States; and confirmed by the Senate, the agents of the States, to settle all differences under the law and the Constitution. [The Light-House.] 16. The Law of Nations-The Guide of Sovereign Powers: Better administered by a court arranged by the parties than by conflicting armies or artful diplomatists. [The Legacy.] 17. The Declaration of Independence: "If governments do not answer the ends for which they were intended, they ought to be changed, but not for light and transient causes." [Jefferson's March.] 18. State Sovereignty: If one State has the right to change the government, the others have a right to prevent it. [Ye mortals whom fancy and troubles perplex.] 19. "State Rights and Free Trade": Preserve the Union and both are safe. [America, Commerce and Freedom.] 20. The Tariff: A tax upon all-a benefit to but few; it must soon be smothered in its own accumulations. [The day is departed.] 21. The Memory of William Lowndes: A patriot pure- for power he never sought; from duty he never shrunk. [A Solemn Dirge.] 22. "Nullification," "Secession," and "Putting the State upon its Sovereignty": Revolution in disguise. [Black Joe.] 23. The Honorable William Smith-Proscribed in 1830 by the Proselytes he made in 1825: May the day not be at hand when he may say in the language of Milton "I did but prompt the age to quit their clogs- When straight a barbarous noise environs me; • [Keen blows the blast.] 24. Charles Carroll of Carrollton-The last Surviving Apostle of Independence: In the morning of life, he beheld his country ushered into existence; God forbid that the evening of his days should be clouded by her destruction. (The last Rose of Summer.] The Honorable William Drayton: Who with more than Roman virtue, sacrificed the dearest ties of personal and family friendship for the good of his country. LETTERS AND SPEECHES. As soon as the applause with which the fourth toast was drank had subsided, Col. G. W. Cross, a member of the committee of arrangements, rose and begged leave to read for the gratification of the people the following correspondence with the President of the United States, inviting him to participate in the celebrations of the day, which was received with loud and reiterated cheers: CHARLESTON, S. C., June 5. His Excellency Andrew Jackson, President of the United States: SIR,-The undersigned, on behalf of their fellow-citizens of "The Union and State Rights Party," have the honor to invite you to a dinner given on the approaching Fourth of July, in celebration of the anniversary of American Independence. Had we regarded this return of the birthday of our nation as an era of merely ordinary import, we should not perhaps have taken the liberty to present ourselves to you. But the case is far otherwise. As a native of the State of South Carolina, and one whom she has always delighted to honor, we do not doubt, sir, that you have felt such interest in the expressions of sentiment and opinion, which have been elicited during the progress of affairs among us, as to be fully aware of the great lines of distinction drawn between the several parties in the State, as well as of the portentous omens which threaten us with civil convulsion. It is well known to you and to the world, that the late political discussions and events have tended to loosen those bonds of fraternal affection which once united the remotest parts of our great empire. Geographical limits are familiarly referred to as connected with separate and disjoined interests, and too many of our youth are growing up, as we fear, and deeply lament, in the dangerous belief that these interests are incompatible and conflicting. We conceive it, sir, to be a matter of infinite importance to our country, that these fatal errors should be promptly corrected, and the feelings which they engender thoroughly eradicated, that the ancient ties of friendship may once more knit closely together the several members of our happy confederacy. It is our special aim to revive in its full force, the benign spirit of Union-to renew the mutual confidence in each other's good will and patriotism, without which the laws and |