Thus fong could prevail O'er death, and o'er hell, A conqueft how hard and how glorious? With Styx nine times round her, Yet mufic and love were victorious. VI. But foon, too foon the lover turns his eyes 90 95 No crime was thine, if 'tis no crime to love. Befide the falls of fountains, Rolling in Mæanders, All alone, Unheard, unknown, Amidst Rhodope's fnows: 1:00 105 See, wild as the winds, o'er the desert he flies; 110 Hark! Hæmus refounds with the Bacchanals cries Ah fee, he dies! Yet ev'n in death. Eurydice he fung, Eurydice ftill trembled on his tongue, Eurydice the woods, Eurydice the floods, Eurydice the rocks, and hollow mountains rung. VII. Mufic the fierceft grief can charm, And fate's feverest rage difarm: 115 Mufic can soften pain to ease, And make despair and madness please: 120 And antedate the bliss above. This the divine Cecilia found, And to her Maker's praise confin'd the found. And angels lean from heav'n to hear. 125 130 TWO CHORUSES TO THE Tragedy of BRUTUS. YE CHORUS of ATHENIANS. STROPHE I, E fhades, where facred truth is fought; In vain your guiltlefs laurels ftood War, horrid war, your thoughtless walks invades, ANTISTROPHE I. Oh heav'n-born fifters! fource of art! Who charm the fenfe or mend the heart; To what new clime, what distant sky, a Altered from Shakespear by the Duke of Buckingham, at whofe defire these two Chorufes were compofed to fupply as many, wanting in his play. They were fet many years afterwards by the famous Bononcini, and performed at Buckingham-house. STROPHE II. When Athens finks by fates unjust, When wild Barbarians fpurn her duft; Shall cease to bluth with stranger's gore; And Athens rifing near the pole ! 'Till fome new Tyrant lifts his purple hand, Ye Gods! what juftice rules the ball? 20 25 Oh curs'd effects of civil hate, In ev'ry age, in ev'ry state! 730 Still, when the luft of tyrant pow'r fucceeds, CHORUS OF YOUTHS and VIRGINS. SEMICHORUS. H Tyrant Love! haft thou poffeft Wisdom and wit in vain reclaim, breaft And Arts but foften us to feel thy flame., But entring learns to be fincere. Why, Virtue, doft thou blame defire, Which Nature has impreft? The mild and gen'rous breast? CHORUS. Love's purer flames the Gods approve; And fterner Caffius melts at Junia's eyes. Chafte as cold Cynthia's virgin light, SEMICHORUS. Oh fource of ev'ry focial tye, United with, and mutual joy! What various joys on one attend, As fon, as father, brother, husband, friend? While thousand grateful thoughts arife; 'Or views his fmiling progeny; What tender paflions take their turns, 15 20 30 His heart now melts, now leaps, now burns, 35 CHORUS. Hence guilty joys, diftaftes, furmizes, Hence falfe tears, deceits, difguifes, Dangers, doubts, delays, furprizes ; Fires that fcorch, yet dare not fhine: Pureft love's unwafting treasure, 40 |