CONTENTS OF VOLUME I 1 Recent Advances in Psycho-Analysis. By ERNEST Jones. Brain. By R. Mourgue Disorders of Symbolic Thinking due to Local Lesions of the La Tension Psychologique, ses Degrés, ses Oscillations. By On the Biological Basis of Sexual Repression and its Sociological Significance. By J. C. FLÜGEL . Some Properties of Complex Indicators. By W. WHATELY SMITH LIST OF AUTHORS PAGE Abstract. 88, 181, 195 BROWN, WILLIAM. The revival of emotional memories and its therapeutic value. (I), (IV) Critical Abstract Critical Notice. Instinct and the unconscious (W. H. R. Rivers) JANET, PIERRE. La tension psychologique, ses degrés, ses oscil- JONES, ERNEST. Recent advances in psycho-analysis . . 16, 30 341 165 316 225 1, 144, 209 49 34 LONG, CONSTANCE. Psychological adaptation MITCHELL, T. W. Psychology and the unconscious MYERS, CHARLES S. The revival of emotional memories and its NICOLL, MAURICE. An outline of the idea of rebirth in dreams. Proceedings of the Medical Section of the British Psychological Society READ, C. STANFORD. The pathogenesis of epilepsy Reviews . 23 327 97 20 125 94, 203, 362 96 72 84, 174, 349 281 297 135 SMITH, W. WHATELY. Some properties of complex indicators and the form of the association YOUNG, JAMES. Study of a severe case of obsessional neurosis. |