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were sold to a merchant of Siout. Another continued its course northward, and was seen beyond the cataract at Assouan, at Derau, one day's march north of that place.

The remainder of our quotations here with which Mr. Burckhardt concludes are from the general remarks on Nubia,

his first narrative.

of seeing the king of Mahass, a mean look-
ing black, attended by half a dozen naked
slaves, armed with shields and lances. From
hence, along the Nile to Sennaar, about thir-
ty-five days journies, there are upwards of
twenty kings and kingdoms, every independ-
ent chief being styled Melek. The power
of each of these petty sovereigns is very ar-
bitrary, as far as relates to exactions upon
the property of his own subjects, but he Nubia is divided into two parts, called
dares not put any of them to death, without Wady Kenous, and Wady el Nouba (often
entailing upon his own family the retaliation named exclusively Sayd); the former ex-
of blood by that of the deceased. All the tending from Assouan to Wady Seboua, and
respectable inhabitants of Mahass are mer- the latter comprising the country between
chants; they buy slaves in Dongola, Berber, Seboua. and the northern frontier of Dón-
and in the country of the Sheygya, and dis-gola. The inhabitants of these two divisions
patch a caravan to Cairo twice a year; are divided by their language, but in man-
Mahass is the nearest place in the Black ners they appear to be the same.
country, from whence slave traders ar-
rive at Cairo; the distance is about a thou-
sand miles. A male slave in Mahass is
worth from twenty-five to thirty Spanish
dollars, a female from thirty to forty. At
Cairo they sell at a profit of one hundred
and fifty per cent.; and the merchandize
taken in return produces from two to three
hundred per cent., or even more under the
present circumstances, as the Mamelouks
are eager purchasers.

the topic of conversation. The Kashef, al-
most in a state of insensibility, had not yet
asked me who I was, or what I came for,
In the course of half an hour, the whole
camp was drunk musquets were then
brought in, and a feu-de-joie fired with ball,
in the hut where we were sitting. I must
confess, that at this moment I repented of
having come to the camp, as a gun might
have been easily levelled at me, or a random
ball have fallen to my lot. I endeavoured
several times to rise, but was always pre-
vented by the Kashef, who insisted upon
my getting drunk with him; but as I never
stood more in nced of my senses, I drank
very sparingly. Towards noon, the whole
camp was in a profound sleep; and in a few
hours after, the Kashef was sufficiently sober
to be able to talk rationally to me. I told
him that I had come into Nubia to visit the
ancient castles of Ibrim and Say, as being
the remains of the empire of Sultan Selym;
that I had had recommendations from Esne
to himself and his two brothers, and that I
had come to Mahass merely to salute him and
his brother, conceiving that I should be guilty
of a breach in good manners, if I quitted
Say without paying my respects to them.
Unfortunately, iny letters from Esne, ad-
dressed to the three brothers, were in the Bornou is said to be 25 or 30 days
hands of Hassan Kashef, who would not re-distant from Mahass, with but little
turn them to me when I quitted Derr, saying water on the road-
that I should not want them, as he had not
given me permission to go beyond Sukkot.
My story was, in consequence, not believed:
"You are an agent of Mohammed," said the
Kashef's Arabic secretary; " but, at Mahass
we spit at Mohammed Aly's beard, and eut
off the heads of those who are enemies to the
Mamelouks." I assured him that I was not
an enemy of the Mamelouks, and that I had
waited upon the two Begs at Derr, who had
received me very civilly." The evening
passed in sharp enquiries on one side, and
evasive answers on the other; and the Kashef
sat up late with his confidents, to deliberate
what was to be done with me, while I took
post with my camels, under cover, behind
his hut. No one had the slightest idea that
I was an European, nor did I, of course,
boast of my origin, which I was resolved to
disclose only under the apprehension of im-
ninent danger.

According to their own traditions, the present Nubians derive their origin from the Arabian Bedouins, who invaded the country after the promulgation of the Mohammedan creed, the greater part of the Christian inhabitants, whose churches I traced as far as Sukkot, having either fled before then or been killed; a few, as already mentioned, embraced the religion of the invaders, and their descendants may yet be distinguished at Tafa, and at Serra, north of Wady Halfa,

At present, the political state of the country may be said to be, nominally at least, the same as when Hossan Coosy (a leader of some Dongola is noted for its breed of horses, Bosnians, sent by the Grand Signior to Nubia, great numbers of which are imported by the and, in short, what the Normans were to Engpeople of Mahass; they are chiefly stallions, land) took possession of it. The present gothe natives seldom riding mares. The breed is originally from Arabia, and is one of the are his descendants; their father was named vernors, Hosseyn, Hassan, and Mohammed, finest I have seen, possessing all the supe-Soleyman, and had acquired some reputation rior beauty of the horses of that country, from his vigorous system of government. with greater size and more bone. All those The title of Kashef, assumed by the three which I have seen had the four legs white, brothers, is given in Egypt to governors of there are very few of them without this dis-bute of about 1201. into the treasury of the as high as the knee, and I was told that districts. The brothers pay an annual tritinctive mark. Prime stallions bear a high Pasha of Egypt, in lieu of the Miry of Nuprice, from five to ten slaves being paid for bia, for which the Pasha is accountable to one. These horses do not thrive in northern the Porte. In the time of the Mamelouks, climates, not even at Cairo, though Moham- this tribute was seldom paid, but Moham med Aly has lately sent one as a present to the ined Aly has received it regularly for the last dollars. The greater part of them are fed for one hundred and twenty horsemen in their Grand Signior, for which he gave 750 Spanish three years. The three Kashefs have about ten months in the year merely on straw, and service, consisting chiefly of their own relain the spring, upon the green crops of bar- tious, or of slaves; these troops receive no ley. The Mamelouks, since their irruption regular pay; presents are made to them ocIle is compelled by these rude go-into Dongola, are all mounted upon these casionally, and they are considered to be vernors of Nubia to change his route. horses. The inhabitants of Mahass pretend to be There are no elephants in Dongola; but upon duty only when their masters are upon descendants of the Arabs Koreysh, the tribe the hippopotamus is very common in the a journey. Derr is the chief residence of the to which the prophet Mohammed belonged, river. Its Arabic name is Barnik, or Farass-governors; but they are almost continually and who, as is well known, were partly Be-el-Bahr; the Nubians call it Ird. It is a douins, and partly husbandmen. It is the tradition of Mahass, that a large party of Koreysh took possession of the Wady at the same period when numerous Bedouins from the east invaded Egypt and Nubia. The chief, or king of Mahass, is of the family of Djama. He collects the revenue of his kingdom, and pays tribute to the governors of Nubia, who receive, annually, from each of the six principal places in his dominions, five or six camels, as many cows, two slaves, and about forty sheep, besides making extraordinary requisitions. I had the honour

dreadful, plague on account of its voracity,
and the want of means in the inhabitants to
destroy it. It often descends the Nile as far as
Sukkot: the peasants, as I passed, told me
that there were three of them in the river
between Mahass and Sukkot. Last year
several of them passed the Batn el Hadjar,
and made their appearance at Wady Halfa
and Derr, an occurrence, unknown to the
oldest inhabitant. Que was killed by an
Arab, by a shot over its right eye; the pea-
sants ate the flesh, and the skin and teeth

The whips known in the East under the

hippopotamus, and form an article of commerce name of Korbadj, are made of the skin of the with the Sennaar and Darfour caravans.

* The greater part of the Egyptian peasant north of Benisouef have the same origin: the are the descendants either of Moggrebyn o Arabian tribes. In Egypt I have even met with the descendants of Syrian Bedouins.

+ When the Turkish troops, under Ibrahin Beg, after driving the Mamelouks into th Wady Halfa, the three princes retired with thei eastern mountains, occupied Nubia as far a followers into Dongola, and remained there ti the Turks withdrew towards Assouan, whe they returned to Derr.


Crocodiles seem hardly less dreaded in some parts than the Hippopotamus in others.

moving about, for the purpose of exacting | ried to females in almost every considerable mountains; and their Senna is of the best the taxes from their subjects, who pay them village; Hosseyn Kashef has above forty kind. In exchange for these commodities only on the approach of superior force. sons, of whom twenty are married in the same they take linen shirts and Dhourra, the During these excursions, the Kashefs comgrains of which they swallow raw, as a rit acts of great injustice, wherever they dainty, and never make it into bread. find that there is none to resist them, which is frequently the case. The amount of the revenue is shared equally amongst the three brothers; but they are all very avaricious, extremely jealous of each other, and each robs clandestinely as much as he can. I estimate their annual income at about 3,9007. each, or from 8 to 10,000/. in the whole. None of them apends more than 3001. a year. Their principal wealth consists in dollars and slaves. In their manters they affect the haughty mien and deportment of Turkish grandees; but their dress, which is worse than what a Turkish soldier would like to wear, ill accords with this assumed

ár of dignity.

The Nubians purchase their wives from the parents: the price usually paid by the Kenous is twelve Mahboubs, or thirty-six piastres. They frequently intermarry with the Arabs Ababde, some of whom cultivate Crocodiles are very numerous about Shenthe soil like themselves; an Ababde girl is dy. I have generally remarked that these worth six camels; these are paid to her fa- animals inhabit particular parts of the Nile, ther, who gives back three to his daughter, from whence they seldom appear to move; to be the common property of her and her thus, in Lower Egypt, they have entirely husband; if a divorce takes place, half the disappeared, although no reasonable cause value of the three camels goes to the latter. can be assigned for their not descending the In Upper Egypt, when a wife insists upon river. In Upper Egypt, the neighbourhood being divorced, her husband has the right to of Akhmim, Dendera, Orment, and Edfou, take all her wearing apparel from her, and are at present the favourite haunts of the to shave her head: nobody will then marry Crocodile, while few are ever seen in the inher till her hair be grown again. The Nu-termediate parts of the river. The same is bian is extremely jealous of his wife's ho- the case in different parts of Nubia towards The following is a curious method which nonr: and on the slightest suspicion of in- Dongola. At Berber nobody is afraid of the governors of Nubia have devised, of ex-fidelity towards him, would carry her in the encountering crocodiles in the river, and we night to the side of the river, lay open her bathed there very often, swimming out into breast by a cut with his knife, and throw the midst of the stream At henly, on the her into the water, "to be food for the cro-contrary, they are greatly dreaded; the Arabs codiles," as they term it. A case of this and the slaves and females, who repair to the kind lately happened at Assouan. shore of the river near the town every morning and evening, to wash their linen, and fill I found the Nubians, generally, to be of a their water-skins for the supply of the town, kind disposition, and without that propen-are obliged to be continually on the alert, and such as bathe take care not to proceed to any great distance into the river. I was several times present when a crocodile made its appearance, and witnessed the terror it inspired; the crowd all quickly retiring up the beach. During my stay at Shendy, a man who had been advised to bathe in the

In November 1813, Mohammed Kashef arrived at Esne, in his way to Siout, for the purpose of visiting Ibrahim Pasha, the governor of Upper Egypt, who, it is well known, enter tained hostile designs against Nubia. Being anxious to conciliate the Pasha, he had brought with him presents of slaves, dromedaries, and Dongola horses; but the chief object of the Kashef's journey was to complain against, Hosseyn, his eldest brother, who had lately invested his two eldest sons, Daoud and Khalil, with a


torting money from their subjects. When any wealthy individual has a daughter of a suitable age, they demand her in marriage; the father seldom dares to refuse, and sometimes feels flattered by the honour; but he is soon ruined by his powerful son-in-law, who extorts from him every article of his property under the name of presents to his own daughter. All the governors are thus mar-sity to theft, so characteristic of the Egyptians, at least of those to the north of Siout. Pilfering indeed is almost unknown amongst them, and any person convicted of such a crime would be expelled from his village by the unanimous voice of its inhabitants; did not lose the most trifling article during my journey through the country, although river, after having escaped the small-pox, I always slept in the open air in front of the house where I took up my quarters for the At Sennaar crocodiles are often brought to was seized and killed by one of these animals. night. They are in general hospitable to-market, and their flesh is publicly sold there. wards strangers, but the Kenous and the I once tasted some of the meat at Esne, in people of Sukkot are less so than the other Upper Egypt; it is of a dirty white colour, inhabitants. Curiosity seems to be the most not unlike young real, with a slight fishy prominent feature in their character, and smell; the animal had been caught by seme they generally ask their guest a thousand fishermen in a strong net, and was above questions about the place he comes from, twelve feet in length. The Governor of and the business which brings him into Nu- Esne ordered it to be brought into his courtbia. yard, where more than an hundred balls were despotic, the Nubians might become dange-thrown upon its back, and the contents of If the government were not so extremely fired against it without any effect, till it was rous neighbours to Egypt; for they are of a a small swivel discharged at its belly, the skin much bolder and more independent spirit of which is much softer than that of the than the Egyptians, and ardently attached to back. their native soil.

share of the government of Nubia, and had obliged his two brothers to divide the revenue equally, with their nephews, thus creating five governors of the country. At Esne, Mohammed met a troop of about one hundred soldiers, who had been dispatched by Ibrahim Pasha against Nubia; deeming it useless therefore to proceed farther, he returned towards his home with the Turks, at whose approach his two brothers fled

to the island of Okme, beyond the second cataract at Wady Halfa, notwithstanding every proaise of safety. The Turks pursued their march as far as Wady Halfa, collecting from every Sakie in the name of Ibrahim Pasha, the landtax, of which they allowed Mohammed Kashef about one-twelfth of the whole amount, for his own subsistence. It was evidently the object of this exhibition to seize the persons of all the governors; but in this it failed. After staying nearly a year in the country, in the course of which they collected the land-tax from the summer seed also, the Turks returned to Upper Egypt. In 1815, the Turks again visited Nubia, and compelled the peasants to furnish the amount of the imposts in camels, instead of grain; as soon as they withdrew, the Kashefs

returned to Derr, and, in their turn also exarted the land-tax from their subjects, who are

Low exposed both to the rapacity of the Turks ad to their own governors, all equally merci, owing to the uncertain duration of their Aspective powers.

Next to Sennaar. and Cobbé (in Darfoury The Arabs on the mountains between Shendy is the largest town in eastern Soudan, Nubia and the Red Sea, are an extra-and larger, according to the report of the ordinary race.

merenants, than the capitals of Dóngola and The Bisharye, who rarely descend from Koreofan. It consists of several quarters, their mountains, are a very savage people, divided from each other by public places, or and their character is worse even than that markets, and it contains altogether from of the Ababde. Their only cattle are camels eight hundred to a thousand houses. It is and sheep, and they live entirely upon flesh built upon the sandy plain, at about half an and milk, eating much of the former raw; hour's walk from the river; its houses are according to the relation of several Nubians, similar to those of Berber; but it contains they are very fond of the hot blood of a greater number of large buildings, and fewslaughtered sheep; but their greatest luxury er ruins. The houses seldom form any reis said to be the raw marrow of camels. Ágular street, but are spread over the plain in few of these Arabs occasionally visit Derr or great disorder. I nowhere saw any walks of Assonan, with Senna, sheep and ostrich fea-burnt bricks. The houses of the chief, and thers, the ostrich being common in their those of his relatives, contain court-yards

circumstance by which they particularly dis- | the designs and the fine execution of the
tinguish themselves from the true Negroe, engravings: the letter-press descrip-
whose hands, when touched, feel like wood.
tions, however, appear to us to be more
sentimental and less amusing.
not easy for a person who feels the-


Persons from the Hedjaz and from Egypt sometimes pass by Shendy on their way to Sennaar, in search of young monkeys, which they teach to perform the tricks so amusing to the populace in the towns of Arabia, Syria, and Egypt. I was repeatedly asked whether I had not come in search of monkeys, for that my equipments appeared too shabby for those of a merchant. These monkey-hunters are held in great contempt, because, as the Negroes say, they pass their whole lives in making others laugh at them.


It is

boundless store
Of charms which nature to her votary yields,

The warbling woodlands, the resounding shore,
All that the genial ray of morning gilds,
The pomp of groves, the garniture of fields;

twenty feet square, inclosed by high walls, and this is the general description of the ha bitations of Shendy. The government is in the hands of the Mek; the name of the present chief is Nimr, i. e. Tiger. The reigning family is of the same tribe as that which now occupies the throne of Sennaar, namely the Wold Adjid, which, as far as I could understand, is a branch of the Funnye. The father of Nimr was an Arab of the tribe of Djaalein, but his mother was of the royal And all that echoes to the song of even; blood of Wold Ajib; and thus it appears that All that the mountain's sheltering bosom shields, women have a right to the succession. This And all the dread magnificence of heavenagrees with the narrative of Bruce, who to continue writing on the picturesque, found at Shendy a woman upon the throne, without becoming more and more inwhom he calls Sittina (an Arabic word meanspired with the subject; and, probably, ing our Lady). The Mek of Shendy, like there is no species of authorship in the Mek of Berber, is subject to Sennaar; The people of Shendy know little of mubut, excepting the purchase money paid for sical instruments, however fond they may be which it is so difficult to communicate his Government, on his accession, and oc- of songs. The lyre (Tamboura) and a kind emotions, as that wherein an active recasional presents to the king and vizier* of of fife with a dismal sound, made of the hol- veller in the profusion of nature endea Sennaar, he is entirely independent, and go-low Dhourra stalk, are the only instruments vours to transfuse his refined sensations verns his district, which extends about two I saw, except the kettle-drum. This appears into the mind of a mere passive reader. days journeys farther to the south, quite at to be all over Soudan an appendage of roy-That which causes him to exclaim with his own pleasure. alty; and when the natives wish to designate rapture, "Lo! what a goodly fabric is here;' that which throws him into ecstasics; that on which he dwells with ineffable delight;-the cloud capt mountain, living stream, and fairy dell, come all upon our numbed sense, with a force not much greater than a dream, or twicetold tale vexing the dull ear of a sleepy


Gold is the second article in the Sennaar man of power, they often say the Nogára trade. It is purchased by the merchants of beats before his house. At Shendy the Sennaar from the Abyssinian traders; but I Mek's kettle-drums were beaten regularly have not been able exactly to ascertain in every afternoon before his house. A favouwhat province of western Abyssinia it is rite pastime of the Negroe Arabs, and which found. The principal market for gold ap- is also known among the Arabs of Upper pears to be Ras el Fil, a station in the cara-Egypt, is the Syredje, a kind of draughts; it van route from Sennaar to Gondar, four das' journeys from the former. This route is at present much frequented by Sennaar trelers, as well as by that class of Abyssiman merchants called Djebert, who appear to be the chief slave and gold traders of that country.


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is played upon sandy ground, on which they trage with the finger chequers of forty-nine squares; the picces, on one side, are round We are, therefore, willing to balls of camel's dung, picked up in the divide the slight censure we have passed street, and on the other those of goats. It is on this volume, and to ascribe part of an intricate game, and requires great atten- our languor to our own state of inaptition; the object is to take all the antagonist's tude, and only the remainder to that The name of Nouba is given to all the pieces, but the rules are very different from sort of exaggerated sensibility in Mr. blacks coming from the slave countries to those of Polish draughts. The people are Rhodes, which, it appears to us, is rathe south of Sennaar. The territory of Sen- uncommonly fond of the game, two persons now extends, as far as I could learn from seldom sitting down together without im-ther of a Gallic than a British character ; merchants of the country, ten days jour-mediately beginning to draw squares in the and sometimes excites a smile instead ney beyond the city, in a south and south-sand. The Mek himself will play with the of sympathy. But we ought to add to cast direction, and is inhabited exclusively lowest slave, if the latter is reputed a good this, that all the remarks contained in by tree Arab tribes, who make incursions player. If a bye-stander assists one of the the work, are simple, judicious, and to the more southern mountains, and carry parties with his advice, it gives no offence to impartial; and that, generally, we are of the children of the idolaters. These the other; sometimes they play for a gourd carried along with the author in his Norba slaves (among whom must also be of Bouza, but not usually. Chess is not quite reckoned those who are born in the neigh- unknown here, but I never met with any one glowing pictures of sweet and romantic bourhood of Sennaar, of male Negroes and who played it. temple Abyssinians; and who are afterwards 201 by the masters of the parents) form a middle class between the true Blacks and

Abyssinians; their colour is less dark than that of the Negroe, and has a copper tire but it is darker than that of the free Arabs of Sennaar and Shendy. Their features, though they retain evident signs of Negroe origin, have still something of what is called regular; their noses, though smaller than those of the Europeans, are less flat than those of the Negroes; their lips are es thick, and the cheek-bones not so proHent The hair of some is woolly: but acong the greater part it is similar to the hair of Europeans, but stronger, and always The palm of their hands is soft, a


*The vizier of Sennaar, of the Adelan family,

is sad to be the real master there, while the king has a mere shadow of authority.

(To be continued.)



This Excursion begins at Tidswell, and embraces Buxton with its baths; the Valley of the Wye; Haddon, the ancient baronial Or Excursions in Derbyshire: made chief-seat of the Rutland family, and the still more ly for the purpose of Picturesque Obser- ancient Vernons and Peverils; Chatsworth, vation. Illustrated with Engravings the princely abode of the Duke of Devonby G. Cooke, &c. from Drawings made shire; and most of the remarkable villages, by F. L. Chantrey, Esq. Sculptor, R. A. views, &c. in this interesting part of DerbyBy E. Rhodes. Part II. Large 4to. pp. 126.

The first part of this pleasing work was published about a year and a half ago, and reviewed in the Literary Gazette of May 9th, 1818. We there did justice to its beauty as a specimen of the fine arts, and to its agreeable qualities as a literary composition. The present continuation is in the same style of excellence, in so far as regards the taste of


The Plates are seven in number, viz.Shirbrook Dell; the Wye from Priestcliff Monsul Dale; Rustic Bridge, ibid. Cross in Bakewell Church-yard: Haddon Hall, and Chatsworth House. Of these, Shirbrook Dell is singularly beautiful, and extraordinary for its natural features, which resemble view of the Wye is also a remarkable landa mighty portal into an Arcadia beyond: the scape, and, with all the improvement of modern engraving, curiously reminds us of the Art in its rudest infancy; but our fa

sinking into disuse and decay. This may be regretted, as the numerous shells and the riety of vegetable and animal remains, that great variety of figures which they contain, when cut transversely, exhibit an infinite va

are not less curious than beautiful. The

vourite little piece is the Rustic Bridge, the | pressed; and by reversing the picture, a
spirit, and grace, and fidelity of which, con- very different order might be indulged.
lications, where the aid of the arts is required. mountain down upon the grandest pro-
stitute a model for the ornamenting of pub- We have looked from the height of a
Every one knows the trouble and difficulty
of procuring works from engravers, the cession of pomp and royalty; and it is
most eminent of whom are eminently tardy not in language to denote how mean black marble here procured is not surpassed,
and tiresome in completing the subjects com- and trifling the little puppet-shew look-perhaps not equalled, in any part of the
mitted to their charge; insomnuch, that a ed when thus connected with the stu- world; its deep, unvaried colour, and the
finished quarto seems often to be a more ea- pendous glories of the surrounding sce- compactness of its texture, fit it to receive
sily attainable matter than a finished frontis-
nery. The figures in Chinoise-om- the highest polish; a mirror can hardly pre-
bres afforded the only parallel.-If the sent a clearer or a more beautiful surface:
wilds of Derbyshire possess the sublime cult to work, it is too expensive for common
hence is is highly esteemed, but being difti-
in landscape, rather than the splendour occasions.-In Chatsworth House there are
of mortal equipments, they seem also some columns of this marble, which are used
rich in another point, which has, heaven as pedestals for busts, and some ornamented
knows how often untruly, been consi- vases of exquisite beauty. Mr. White Wat-
son, in his Delineation of the Strata of Der-

piece to adorn it. Plates like this last, how
ever, which do not need so much labour,
are, in our opinion, admirably calculated to
illustrate almost every species of writing;
and, except in rare instances, we earnestly
advise the adoption of a manner at once so
full of effect, and so perfectly adequate to
convey the impression of any object what-dered a blessing in life.


The plate of Chatsworth is also very finely



As we entered Taddington (says Mr. R.) byshire, mentions this material under the dewhich is one of the meanest villages in Der- nomination of "Bituminous Fetid Limebyshire, we visited the church-yard, or rather stone," and he intimates "that its colour is With regard to the literary portion the open grass field in which the church owing to Petroleum, with which it abounds." He farther observes, "this limestone is subof this production, a few extracts will stands, where we observed an old stone cross, ject to decompose, in which operation the best display it; and we select them with the shaft of which is ornamented with va only a view to the variety of their topics.in execution to those at Eyam and Bakewell, escape, and their interstices are occupied by rious devices on every side, but all inferior calcareous particles are disengaged and The following is a fir example of the and altogether different in form, manner, and water, the same still occupying the same author's descriptive powers. character. If long life may be regarded as a space, bulk for bulk, as before; but on being blessing, the inhabitants of Taddington ap- squeezed, the water comes out as from a pear to have been peculiarly blessed: the sponge. On being exposed to the air, by grave stones in the church-yard are not nulaying it in the grass (which it destroys, and merous, yet we observed more than an usual sweeter herbage springs up in its place) tilf proportion that were inscribed to the meperfectly dry, the water evaporating leaves a mory of those who had died at a good old very light impalpable substance, called Rotten age. From eighty to one hundred years &c." To those who are acquainted with the Stone, much esteemed for polishing metals, seems here the common term of existence. The parish clerk shewed us the new register, peculiar use of this substance, I need offer which commences with the year 1813. In no apology for this short extract from Mr. the first page only, in the short space of six Watson's account of its formation. months, are recorded the deaths of four in-subject is treated more largely in pages 45 dividuals, whose united ages amounted to and 46 of his work; and I gladly refer to his three hundred and seventy-nine years; the interesting detail of that curious operation of oldest of these venerable personages attained nature by which Rotten Stone is produced, the age of one hundred and seven, and one and I do this more freely as I understand the of the four has a sister now living in Tadding-correctness of his theory has been disputed. ton who is ninety-eight years old. These in- Dirtlow Moor, near Bakewell, where the stances of longevity are extraordinary in surface is very wet, has the reputation of so small a village, and they shew that the furnishing the best specimens of this very reputation Taddlington has obtained for the useful article. healthfulness of its situation and the salubrity of its air, rests on a good foundation. Well might the old woman at Ashford, who, when she had weathered seventy-eight years of existence, and found the infirmities of old On a black marble tablet, which is insert age approaching, express an anxiety to re-ed on a grave-stone near the east end of the move her residence and live at Taddington, church, there is the following inscription to observing, at the saine time, that" folk did the memory of a child aged two years and no die there so young as she was." eight months. As a specimen of country church-yard poetry it has a claim to more

At Blackwell-Mill, where the river is spread out into considerable breadth, the dale expands and assumes a different character. Here the stupendous rocky scenery of the Wye subsides, and a series of deep dales succeeds, which are formed by high sloping hills, that are thinly covered with verdure, und in some places crested with craggy knolls and broken rocks. Within the hollow of those mighty hills which here prescribe the course of the river, lies Blackwell-Mill. Topley Pike, broad at its base, and lifting high its pointed summit o'er all surrounding objects, is here a giant feature in the landscape. Along the side of this magnificent hill the new road from Bakewell to Buxton has been carried: one would almost wonder at so bold an attempt, but what cannot the talent and perseverance of man achieve? While I was in the dale below, contemplating the steep acclivity of Topley Pike, I was startled from my reverie by the sound of a coachman's horn, which came gently upon the ear, when I was least prepared to expect such a greeting. Shortly a stage-coach appeared, which seemed actually to issue from the clouds, and I observed it pass rapidly along the side of the hill, where the eye could scarcely discern the trace of a road, and where to all appearance a human foot could with difficulty find a resting-place. Had I supposed this vehicle to have contained in it beings like myself, I might have shuddered with apprehension, but the coach, from its great height above me, looked so like a child's toy, and the sound of the horn was so soft and unobtrusive-so unlike the loud blast of a stage-coachman's bugle-and altogether the place was so unfitted for the intrusion of such an object, that it appeared more like a fairy scene, or a picture of imagation, than any thing real and substantial. The feelings here are naturally ex

the marbles at an adjoining village:
We copy another notice respecting

Ashford has been long celebrated for its
marbles, which are obtained from the hills
that afford it shelter, and are cut into form
and polished at the mills originally erected
by the late Mr. Henry Watson, of Bakewell,
the advantages of his mechanical skill and
who obtained a patent to secure to himself
ingenuity. The grey marbles dug from the
esteemed than formerly, and the works where
quarries in the vicinity of Ashford are less
they are sawn into slabs and polished, are

At Bakewell there is an ancient ruin in the Church-yard; but its modern tombs afford us more curious matter.

than common consideration.

"Reader! beneath this marble lies
The sacred dust of Innocence;
Two years he blest his parents' eyes,
The third an angel took him hence;
The sparkling eyes, the lisping tongue,
Complaisance sweet and manners mild,
And all that pleases in the young,
Were all united in this child.
Wouldst thou his happier state explore?
To thee the bliss is freely given;
Go, gentle reader! sin no more,
And thou shalt see this flower in heaven.”

Near the same place, on the contrary side on festive occasions was appropriated to for the opposition Journds, as our disgraced of the pathway, there is an epitaph of a dif- mirth and minstrelsy, occupies two sides of European statesmen do, he bade adien to ferent character, in which the writer has en- this apartment. On the wainscot, near the the banks of the Ganges, and embarked on logised the very extraordinary vocal powers principal entrance, we observed an iron fast-board of a European vessel, without caring of the parish-clerk. Some of the rhymes ening of a peculiar structure, which was whither he went; and, as he himself says are managed with a Hudibrastic felicity, and large enough to admit the wrist of a man's in the hope that some accident might put on reading the inscription I was induced to hand, and which we were informed bad been a period to his life and his sorrows.' give it a place in my note-book. This per-placed there for the purpose of punishing Prince Mirza arrived in England. There son's name was Roc; his father filled the si-trivial offences. It had likewise another use, he was enchanted by a thousand new objects. tuation of parish clerk before him, and if his and served to enforce the laws and regula-He forgot his political disasters, and observed grave-stone flatters not, with equal ability, tions adopted among the servants of this esit tells us in humble prose, that "the natu-tablishment. The man who refused duly to ral powers of his voice in clearness, strength, take his horn of ale, or neglected to perform and sweetness, were altogether unequalled:" the duties of his office, had his hand locked a commendation which is reiterated in verse to the wainscot somewhat higher than his on the neighbouring tomb-stone. head, by this iron fastening, when cold water was poured down the sleeve of his doublet as a punishment for his offence. One of the old servants of the family, who attended upon strangers when I first visited Haddon, when pointing out the uses to which this curious relique of former times was ap plied, facetiously remarked, "that it grew rusty for want of use."

"The vocal powers here let us mark,
Of Philip, our late parish-clerk,
In church none never heard a layman
With a clearer voice say "AMEN!"
Who now with hallelujahs sound,
Like him can make the roofs rebound?
The choir lament his choral tones,
The town so soon here lic his bones "

At the west end of the church, on a table
monument, another inscription occurs still
more amusing, if I may be permitted to use
a phrase so little in harmony with those feel-
ings which generally accompany a contem-
plation of the last resting-place of those who
have gone before us to that bourne from
whence no traveller returns." An old man
and his two wires occupy this tomb, where
undisturbed by the jealous cares of life, they
sleep together lovingly, so says the legend
which nearly covers one side of the tomb--
"Know, posterity, that on the 8th of April, in
the year of Grace 1757, the rambling remains
of the abovesaid John Dale were in the 26th
year of his pilgrimage laid upon his two wives.
"This thing in life might cause some jealousy,
Here all three sleep together lovingly,
Here Sarah's chiding John no longer hears,
And old John's rambling Sarah no more fears;
A period's come to all their toilsome lives,
The goodman's quiet---still are both his wires.”

We shall now conclude with a brief allusion to Haddon Hall, which it seems might have served for the study of Cedric's residence in Ivanhoe.

The gallery, which occupies nearly the whole of the south part of Haddon, is a noble apartment: its style of architecture fixes the date of its erection in the time of Elizabeth, in whose reign this venerable structure passed from the Vernons into the possession of Sir John Manners, who was the second son of the first Earl of Rutland. In the windows of the gallery are, the arms of both families in stained glass, and the boar's head and the peacock, their respective crests, liberally ornament this part of the house. This room is one hundred and ten feet long and seventeen wide, and the whole of the floor is said to have been cut out of one oak tree, which grew in the park. In the dining hall there is an clevated platform, a general construction in ancient halls, which is still retained in many colleges, wherein the high stable is placed, at which the lord of the mansion presided at the head of his household and his guests. A gallery, which

Mrs. Anne Radcliffe, who was a native of
Derbyshire, often visited Haddon Hall, for
the purpose of storing her imagination with
those romantic ideas, and impressing upon
it those sublime and awful pictures which
she so much delighted to pourtray: some of
the most gloomy scenery of her "Mysteries
of Udolpho" was studied within the walls of
this ancient structure.

These passages furnish grounds for a
competent judgment upon the Second
the excellence of the plates, w
Part of Peak Scenery; and, united with
no doubt, will cause the two remaining
parts to be looked for with avidity.


Travels of the Persian Prince, Mirza
Aboul - Taleb - Klan, through Asia,
Africa, and Europe; written by himself,
translated into French by M. Charles

(Reviewed from a French Journal.)

and described every thing from Windsor Castle to the humblest cottage, from the English kitchen to the institution of the jury. England became his favourite country. However, the Oriental observer is far froin approving all the customs of the three Kingdoms. The English, he says, have twelve vices or defects:-They are haughty, volup tuous, duil, indolent, choleric, and vain; they are atheists, gourmands, spendthrifts, egotists, and libertines; and they affect a sovereign contempt for the customs of ether nations. But this condemnation is succeeded by an enumeration of the good qualitics of the English; which are, hospitality, delicacy, philanthropy, respect for their su periors, and above all, their profound res peet for fashion.

This arbitrary law

obliges the rich to change every year, not only the form of their dress, but also their household furniture. A lady of taste would consider herself disgraced, if her drawing room retained the same furniture for two years in succession. However, this extra

agance encourages industry; and the lowe classes of the people may procure at a very cheap rate, those articles of which the ric are thus obliged to rid themselves.'

"But our traveller enters upon observa tions of a more important nature. In hi quality of ex-aumildar, he examines th penditure, an estimates the ways and means state of the English finances, calculates theex like a man of business; and, all things con sidered, he declares that England must, precautions be not adopted, sink under th weight of her national debt. Prince Mir observes, that only one mode of liquidatiq can save England. This expedient, it is tru This Persian Prince, whose portrait still has something oriental about it, which mig decorates the print-shops of the Boulevards, naturally startle our European State-Ann excited extraordinary interest during his late tants. He proposes bankruptcy. The wo visit to Paris. Our ladies were all anxious is harsh, but the effect of the measure wou to gain introductions to him, and they would be admirable. One party would pay less have thought him the most charming Am-taxes, the other would have less reven bassador in the world, could he have been every one would be satisfied, and would be prevailed on to bring his Fair Circassian to the hour when the grand aumildar of Etay the Opera. It appears, however, that he set foot in England. visited Europe on a former occasion. About The English ladies particularly exe twenty years ago, having unexpectedly for the admiration of the Persian Prince. feited the favour of the Persian Court, he was enchanted with the beauty of set out on his travels, as it were, by way of features, the elegance of their forms, revenge. Prince Mirza had been betrothed their graceful deportment: he styles th to the niece of a Nabab; he had been ap-angels, celestial houris, tulips, and Damas pointed to the oflice of aumildar, which sig- roses. He wrote Persian odes to the nifies superintendant of direct and indirect lish fashionables, in which he compa taxes; finally, he had been created a general, them to the toba and the sudrah, for in Asia, the art of levying taxes is very offence to the Sheik of Mecca,) and much like the art of war; and in a great length the poor Ambassador, the ci-de victory he had had the honor to kill a Rajah. amildar, the ex-minister, and dishan In spite of all these titles to public esteem, general so far lost his senses, so far for he was hurled from his exalted rank; but, this misfortunes and Mahommiet, that he instead of retiring to the country, or writing claims in one of his odes: Fill my

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