The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Arranged in Their Chronological OrderW.B. Conkey Company, 1894 - 1227 頁 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 92 筆
第 13 頁
... hath done this deed ? Marc . O , thus I found her , straying in the park , Seeking to hide herself , as doth the deer That hath received some unrecuring wound.90 Tit . It was my deer ; and he that wounded her to death . A stone is ...
... hath done this deed ? Marc . O , thus I found her , straying in the park , Seeking to hide herself , as doth the deer That hath received some unrecuring wound.90 Tit . It was my deer ; and he that wounded her to death . A stone is ...
第 18 頁
... hath more scars of sorrow in his heart Than foemen's marks upon his batter'd shield ; But yet so just that he will not revenge . Revenge , ye heavens , for old Andronicus ! [ Exit . SCENE II . The same . A room in the palace . Enter ...
... hath more scars of sorrow in his heart Than foemen's marks upon his batter'd shield ; But yet so just that he will not revenge . Revenge , ye heavens , for old Andronicus ! [ Exit . SCENE II . The same . A room in the palace . Enter ...
第 27 頁
... hath fed , Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred . ' Tis true , ' tis true ; witness my knife's sharp point . [ Kills Tamora . Sat. Die , frantic wretch , for this accursed deed ! Kills Titus . Luc . Can the son's eye behold his ...
... hath fed , Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred . ' Tis true , ' tis true ; witness my knife's sharp point . [ Kills Tamora . Sat. Die , frantic wretch , for this accursed deed ! Kills Titus . Luc . Can the son's eye behold his ...
第 32 頁
... hath he to make war . Char . Sound , sound alarum ! we will rush on them . Now for the honor of the forlorn French ! Him I forgive my death that killeth me When he sees me go back one foot or fly . 20 [ Exeunt . Here alarum ; they are ...
... hath he to make war . Char . Sound , sound alarum ! we will rush on them . Now for the honor of the forlorn French ! Him I forgive my death that killeth me When he sees me go back one foot or fly . 20 [ Exeunt . Here alarum ; they are ...
第 38 頁
... hath beheld the man Whose glory fills the world with loud report . Bur . Is it even so ? Nay , then , I see our wars Will turn unto a peaceful comic sport , When ladies crave to be encounter'd with . You may not , my lord , despise her ...
... hath beheld the man Whose glory fills the world with loud report . Bur . Is it even so ? Nay , then , I see our wars Will turn unto a peaceful comic sport , When ladies crave to be encounter'd with . You may not , my lord , despise her ...
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Alarum arms art thou Bardolph bear Biron blood Boyet brother cousin crown daughter dead death dost thou doth ducats Duke Duke of York Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair faith Falstaff farewell father fear fool Ford France friends gentle gentleman give Glou Gloucester grace hand hath hear heart heaven Henry Hermia hither honor Kath king lady Leonato live look lord Lord Hastings madam majesty marry master master doctor mistress ne'er never night noble Northumberland peace Pedro Pist pray Prince Proteus queen Re-enter Reignier Rich Richard Romeo SCENE Shal shame Signior Sir John Somerset soul speak stand stay Suffolk swear sweet sword tears tell thee there's thine thou art thou hast thou shalt Thurio tongue true Tybalt unto villain Warwick wife wilt word York