The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Arranged in Their Chronological OrderW.B. Conkey Company, 1894 - 1227 頁 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 92 筆
第 12 頁
... Cousin , a word ; where is your husband ? If I do dream , would all my wealth would wake me ! If I do wake , some planet strike me down , That I may slumber in eternal sleep ! Speak , gentle niece , what stern ungentle hands Have lopp'd ...
... Cousin , a word ; where is your husband ? If I do dream , would all my wealth would wake me ! If I do wake , some planet strike me down , That I may slumber in eternal sleep ! Speak , gentle niece , what stern ungentle hands Have lopp'd ...
第 48 頁
... cousins both , of York and Somerset , Quiet yourselves , I pray , and be at peace . York . Let this dissension ... Cousin of York , we institute your grace To be our regent in these parts of France : And , good my Lord of Somerset ...
... cousins both , of York and Somerset , Quiet yourselves , I pray , and be at peace . York . Let this dissension ... Cousin of York , we institute your grace To be our regent in these parts of France : And , good my Lord of Somerset ...
第 157 頁
... Cousin of Somerset , join you with me , And all together , with the Duke of Suffolk , We'll quickly hoise Duke Humphrey from his seat . Car . This weighty business will not brook delay : 170 Anjou and Maine ! myself did win them both ...
... Cousin of Somerset , join you with me , And all together , with the Duke of Suffolk , We'll quickly hoise Duke Humphrey from his seat . Car . This weighty business will not brook delay : 170 Anjou and Maine ! myself did win them both ...
第 190 頁
... cousin : be it so . K. Hen . Ah , know you not the city favors them , And they have troops of soldiers at their beck ? Ere . But when the duke is slain , they'll quickly fly . K. Hen . Far be the thought of this from Henry's heart , 70 ...
... cousin : be it so . K. Hen . Ah , know you not the city favors them , And they have troops of soldiers at their beck ? Ere . But when the duke is slain , they'll quickly fly . K. Hen . Far be the thought of this from Henry's heart , 70 ...
第 192 頁
... cousin , you shall be the messenger . Exe . And I , I hope , shall reconcile them all [ Exeun SCENE II . Sandal Castle . Enter RICHARD , EDWARD , and MONTAGU Rich . Brother , though I be younge 4 , ch me leave . Edo . No , I can better ...
... cousin , you shall be the messenger . Exe . And I , I hope , shall reconcile them all [ Exeun SCENE II . Sandal Castle . Enter RICHARD , EDWARD , and MONTAGU Rich . Brother , though I be younge 4 , ch me leave . Edo . No , I can better ...
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Alarum arms art thou Bardolph bear Biron blood Boyet brother cousin crown daughter dead death dost thou doth ducats Duke Duke of York Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair faith Falstaff farewell father fear fool Ford France friends gentle gentleman give Glou Gloucester grace hand hath hear heart heaven Henry Hermia hither honor Kath king lady Leonato live look lord Lord Hastings madam majesty marry master master doctor mistress ne'er never night noble Northumberland peace Pedro Pist pray Prince Proteus queen Re-enter Reignier Rich Richard Romeo SCENE Shal shame Signior Sir John Somerset soul speak stand stay Suffolk swear sweet sword tears tell thee there's thine thou art thou hast thou shalt Thurio tongue true Tybalt unto villain Warwick wife wilt word York