Counterpoint, sb. a counterpane. Tam. of S. II. L Cozen, v.t. to cheat. M. of V. 11. 9. Crack, v.i. to boast. L's L's L. IV. 3. Crack, sb. a loud noise, clap. Mac. IV. 1. A for ward boy. 2 H. IV. III. 2. Cracker, sb. boaster. John, II. 1. Crare, sb. a ship of burden. Cym. IV. 2. Crescive, adj. increasing. H. V. 1. 1. Crisp. adj. curled, winding. Temp. Iv. 1. Cross, sb. a piece of money, so called because coin was formerly stamped with a cross. As you Like it, II. 4. Crow-keeper, sb. one who scares crows. Lear, IV. 6. Crowner, sb. a coroner. Ham. v. 1. Cry, sb. the yelping of hounds. M. N's Dr. Iv. 1. A pack of hounds. Ibid. IV. 1. A company, used contemptuously. Ham. III. 2. Cry aim, v.t. to encourage. John, II. 1. Cue, sb. the last words of an actor's speech, which is the signal for the next actor to begin. Lear, I. 2. Cuisses, sb. pieces of armor to cover the thighs. 1 H. IV. IV. 1. Cullion, sb. a base fellow. Tam. of S. IV. 2. Curb, v.i. to bend, truckle. Ham. III. 4. Currents, sb. occurrences. 1 H. IV. II. 3. Curst, adj. petulant, shrewish. Tam, of S. 1. 2. Curtail, sb. a cur. Com. of E. III. 2. Curtal, sb. a docked horse. All's Well, 11. 3. Customer, sb, a common woman. Oth. IV. 1. Cypress, sb. a kind of crape. Tw. N. III. 1. Daff, v.t. to befool. Much Ado, IV. 1. To put off; this seems to be a corruption of 'doff.' Ibid. 11. 3. Damn, v.t. to condemn. J. C. IV. 1. Dare, v.t. to challenge. 2 H. VI. III. 2. Darkling, adv. in the dark. M. N's Dr. 11. 2. Deck, sb. a pack of cards. 3 Hen. VI. v. 1. Deftly, adv. dexterously. Mac. Iv. 1. Demurely, adv. solemnly. A. & C. Iv. 9. Denier, sb. the 12th part of a French sol. R. III. 1. 2. Denotement, sb. marking. Oth. II. 3. Note or manifestation. Ibid. III. 3. Deny, v.t. to refuse. Tim. 111. 2. Departing, sb. parting, separation. 3 H. VI. 11. 6 Derived, p.p. born, descended. Two Gent. v. 4. Derogate, p.p. degraded, Loar 1. 4. Descent, sb. a variation upon a melody, hence, metaphorically, a comment on a given theme. Two Gent. I. 2. Design, v.t. to draw up articles. Ham. 1. 1. Despatch, v.t. to deprive, bereave. Ham. 1. 5. Desperate, adj. determined, bold. R. & J. III. 4. Detect, v.t. to charge, blame. M. for M. 111. 2. Determine, v.t. to conclude. Cor. III. 3. Dich, v.i. optative mood, perhaps contracted for 'do it.' Tìm. 1. 2. Diet, sb, food regulated by the rules of medicine. Two Gent. II. 1. Diet, v.t. to have one's food regulated by the Dildo, sb. the chorus or burden of a song. Wint. Dint, sb. stroke, J. C. III. 2. 12. Disme, sb. a tenth or tithe. T. & Cr. II. 2. Dispark, v.t. to destroy a park. R. II. III. 1. Disponge, v.i. to squeeze out as from a sponge. Dispose, sb. disposal. Two Gent. IV. 1. End, sb. 'Still an end,' continually for ever. Two Gent. IV. 4. Enfe ff, v.t. place in possession in fee simple. 1 H. IV. 1 2 Engine, s. machine of war. T. & Cг. п. 3. Englut, vt to swal w speedily. Tim. II.2. Engrossment sb. immoderate acquisition. 2 H. IV. IV 4. Disputable, adj. disputatious. As you Like it, Engross, v.. to mak gross or fat. R. III. III. 7. II. 5. Dispute, v.t. to argue, examine. Oth. 1. 2. Dissembly, sb. used ridiculously for assembly. Much Ado, IV. 2. Distaste, v.t, to corrupt. T. & Cr. 11. 2. Distempered, adj. discontented. John, IV. 3. Distraction, sb. a detached troop or company of soldiers. A. & C. II. 7. Distraught, p.p. distracted, mad. R. III. III. 5. Diverted, p.p. turned from the natural course, As you Like it, II. 3. Division, sb. a phrase or passage in a melody. R. & J. III. 5. Divulged, p.p. published, spoken of. Tw. N. 1. 5. Doff, r.t. to do off, strip. Tam. of S. 111. 2. Το put off with an excuse. Oth. IV. 2. Doit, sb. a small Dutch coin. Temp. II. 2. Dole, sb. portion dealt. Merry Wives, III. 4; 2 H. IV. I. 1. Grief, lamentation. M. N's Dr. v. 1. Don, v.t. to do on, put on. T. A. 1.2; Ham. IV. 5. Dotant, sb. one who dotes, a dotard. Cor. v. 2. Dowlas, sb. a kind of coarse sacking. 1 H. IV. 111. 3. Dowle, sb. the swirl of a feather. Temp. III. 3. Down-gyved, adj. hanging down like gyves or fetters. Ham. II. 1. Drab, sb. a harlot. Wint. Tale, IV. 2. Drawn, p.p, having his sword drawn. Temp. 11. 1. Ibid. Dribbling, adj. weak. M. for M. 1. 4. Drive, v.i. to rush impetuously. T. A. II. 3. Duc-dame; perhaps the Latin duc-ad-me, bring Eager, adj. sour. Ham. 1. 5. Harsh. 3 H. VI. Eanling, sb. a yeanling, a lamb. M. of V. 1. 3. Eld, sb. old age. M. for M. II. 1. Embossed, adj. swollen into protuberances. As you Like it, II. 7. Covered with foam. A. & C. IV. 11. Embowelled, p.p. disembowelled, emptied. All's Embrasure, sb. embrace. T. & Cr. Iv. 4. Emulation, sb. jealousy, mutiny. T. & Cr. II. 2. Encave. v.r. to place onesestin a cave. Oth, rv. 1. Enkindle, v.t. to make keen. Mac. 1. 3. Enmew, v.t. co shut up, as a hawk is shut up in a mew, M. for M III. 1. Ensconce, v.t. to cov ras with a fort. Merry Enseamed,p.p. fat, rank. Ham. III. 4. Entertainment, sb. treatment. Temp. 1. 2. A dis position to entertain a proposal. Merry Wives, 1. 3. Service, All's Well, iv. 1. Entreatments sb. interviews. Ham. 1. 3. Ephesian, sb. a toper, a cant term. Merry Wives, IV. 5. Equipage, sb. attendance. Merry Wives, 11. 2. Erewhile, adv. a short time since. As you Like it, II. 4. Escot, v.t. to pay a man's reckoning, to mainCain. Ham. II. 2. Esperance, sb. hope, used as a war-cry. I. H. IV. Espial, u. a scout or spy. 1. H. VI. IV. 3. Even, v.t. to equal. All's Well, 1. 3; Cym. III. 4. Excrement, sb. that which grows outwardly from the body and has no sensation like the hair or nails. L's L's L. v. 1; Ham. III. 4. Any out ward show. M. of V. III. 2.; Wint. Tale, Iv. 3. Executor, sb. an executioner. H. V. 1. 2. Exempt, adj. excluded. 1 H. VI. II. 4. Exercise, sb. a religious service. R. III. III.2. Exhale, v.t. to hale or draw out. R. III. 1. 2; v.i. to draw the sword. H. V. II. 1. Exhibition, sb. allowance, pension. Two Gent. 1.3. Exigent, sb. death, ending. 1 H. VI. 11. 5. Exion, sb. ridiculously used for 'action.' 2 H. IV. II. 1. Expect, sb. expectation. T. & Cr. 1. 3. Expedience, sb. expedition, undertaking. A. &C. 1.2. Haste. R. II. 11. 1. Expedient, adj. expeditious, swift. John, 11. 1. contemptible. Tw. N. III. 3. Extend, v.t. to seize. A. & C. 1. 2. Extent, sb. a seizure. As you Like it, III. 1. Extirp, v.t. to extirpate. M. for M. III. 2. 11. 2. Extravagant, adj. foreign, wandering. Oth. 1. 1. Eyas, sb. a nestling hawk. Ham. 11. 2. 1. 1. Fine, sb. end. Ham. v. 1. Eye, sb. a glance, œillad. Temp. 1. 2. Tale, Iv. 3. Fain, adj. glad. 2 H. VI. II. 1. Fineless, adj. endless. Oth. 111. 3. Firago, sb. ridiculously used for 'Virago.' Tw. Fire-drake, sb. Will o' the Wisp. H. VIII. v. 3. newly-forged metal. R. III. 1. 3. Firk, v.t. to chastise. H. V. IV. 4. III. 1. A trick or habit. H. VIII. 1. 3. Fitchew, sb. a polecat. Lear, IV. 6. Fives, sb. a disease incident to horses. Tam. of S. Flap-jack, sb. a pan-cake. Per. II. 1. Flatness, sb. lowness, depth. Wint. Tale, 11. 2. Fit, sb. a canto or division of a song. T. & Cr. Flat, adj. certain. 1 H. IV. IV. 2. Familiar, sb. a familiar spirit. 2 H. VI. IV. 7. Fancy, sb. All's Well, v. 3. Flaw, v.t. to make a flaw in, to break. H. VIII. Fancy-free, adj. untouched by love. M. N's Dr. Flecked, p.p. spotted, streaked. R. & J. II. 3. II. 2. Fleet, v.i. to float. A. &. C. III. 11. To pass Fap, adj. drunk. Merry Wives, I. 1. Far, adv. farther. Wint. Tale, 1V. 4. Farced, p.p. stuffed. H. V. IV. 1. Fardel, sb. a burden. Wint. Tale, 1v. 4. Fartuous, adj. used ridiculously for "virtuous." Merry Wives, II. 2. Fleeting, pr. p. inconstant. R. III. I. 4. Flewed, adj. furnished with hanging lips, as hounds are. M. N's Dr. Iv. 1. Fast, adv. assuredly, unalterably. M. for M. I. Flight, sb. a particular mode of practising arch- 3; 2 H. VI. v. 2. Fat, adj. dull. 1 H. IV. 1. 2. Flirt-gill, sb. a light woman. R. & J. 11. 4. Favor, sb. countenance. M. for M. IV. 2. Com- Flourish, v.t. to ornament, disguise with orna Fearful, adj. subject to fear, timorous. Temp. Foil, sb. defeat, disadvantage. Temp. III. 1. 1. 2. Foin, v.i. to fence, fight. Merry Wives, II. 3. Feat, adj. dexterous. Cym. v. 5. Foison, sb. plenty. Temp. 11. 1. Feater, adv. comp. degree, more neatly. Temp. Fond, adj. foolish, foolishly affectionate. Oth. Feeder, sb. agent, servant. As you Like it, 11. 4. Fell, sb. the hide. As you Like it, III. 2. Fence, sb. art or skill in defence 2 H. VI. 11. 1. under the direction of another. Cym. III. 2. Fico, sb. a fig. Merry Wives, 1. 3. the men from the enemy. Merry Wives, II. 2. File, v.t. to defile. Mac. III. 1. To smooth or III. 2. Fill-horse, sb. shaft-horse. M. of V. II. 2. Fisth, sb. a whore. Tim. IV. 1. Foot-cloth, sb. a saddle-cloth hanging down to the ground. 2 H. VI. IV. 7. For, conj. for that, because, M. for M. 11. 1. Forfend, v.t. forbid. Wint. Tale, Iv. 3. Foreign, adj. obliged to live abroad. H. VIII. 11. 2. Forepast, adj. former. All's Well, v. 3. Forked, adj. herned. Wint. Tale, 1. 2; Oth. III. 3. Forspent, p.p. exhausted, weary. 2 Hen. IV. Forspeak, v.t. to speak against. A. & C. III. 7. Forweary, v.t. to weary, exhaust. John, II. 1. Fox, sb, a sword; a cant word. H. V. IV. 4. Frampold, adj. peevish, unquiet. Merry Wives, 1. 2. Frank, sb. the feeding place of swine. 2 H. IV. 11. 2. Franked, p.p. confined. R. III. 1. 3. Giglot, sb. a wanton girl. M. for M. v. 1. Gilt, sb. money. H. V. II. Ch. State of wealth Franklin, sb. a freeholder, a small squire. Cym. Gimmal, adj. double. H. V. IV. 2. Fraught, p.p. freighted. M. of V. II. 8. Fraughtage, sb. freight. Com. of E. IV. 1. Fraughting, pr. p. of v. to fraught; loading or Friend, v.t. to befriend. H. VIII. 1. 2. Frontlet, sb. that which is worn on the forehead. Frush. v.t. to break or bruise. T. & Cr. v. 6. Fullam, sb. loaded die. Merry Wives, 1. 3. Gaberdine, sb. a loose outer coat, or smock frock. Temp. 11. 2; M. of V. 1. 3. Gad, sb, a pointed instrument, a goad. T. A. IV. 1. Upon the gad, with impetuous haste, upon the spur of the moment. Lear, I. 2. Gain-giving, sb. misgiving. Ham. v. 2. Gait, sb. going, steps. Tw. N. 1. 4. Galliard, sb. a kind of dance. Tw. N. 1. 3. Galliasse, sb. a kind of ship. Tam. of Sh. II. 1. Gallimaufry, sb. a ridiculous medley. Wint. Tale, IV. 4. Gallowglass, sb. the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland. Mac. 1. 2. Gimmor, sb. contrivance. 1 H. VI. 1. 2. 'Good-even. John, 1. 1. Good-year or Good-jer, sb. a corruption of the Gorbellied, adj. corpulent. 1 H. IV. π. 2. Gout, sb. a drop. Mac. II. 1. Gracious, adj. abounding in grace Divine. Ham. 1. 1. Grained, adj. engrained. Ham. 111. 4. Gramercy, int. grand mercy, much thanks. M. of V. 11. 2. Grange, sb. the farmstead attached to a monas- Gratulate, v.t. to congratulate. T. A. 1. 2. Green, adj. immature, fresh, unused. R. III. IL 2; Tam. of S. 111. 2. Gallow, v.t. to scare. Lear, III. 2. Greenly, adv. foolishly. Ham. IV. &. Gamester, sb. a frolicsome person. H. VIII 1. 4. A loose woman. All's Well, v. 3. tre. Ham. III. 2. Growing, pr. p. accruing. Com. of E. IV. 1. Garboil, sb. disorder, uproar. A. & C. 1. 3. Guard, sb. decoration. M. for M. III. 1. Garish, adj. gaudy, staring. R. III. IV. 4. Guard, p.t. to decorate. M. of V. 11. 2. Garner, v.t. to lay by, as corn in a barn, Oth. Guardage, sb. guardianship. Oth. 1. 2. IV. 2. Guinea-hen, sb. the pintado, a cant term. Oth. L Gast, p.p. frightened. Lear, II. 1. 3. Gaudy, adj. festive. A. & C. III. 13. Gules, adj. red, a term in heraldry. Tim. IV. 3. Gaze, sb. an object of wonder. Mac. v. 7. Gulf, sb. the throat. Mac. IV. 1. Gear, sb. matter of business of any kind. M. of | Gun-stone, sb. a cannon ball. Gust, sb, taste, relish. Tw. N. 1. 3. Geck, sb. a fool. Cym. v. 4. Gyve, v.t. to fetter. Oth. 11. 1. for M. 11. 4. General, sb. the generality, common people. M. Generations, sb. children. Wint. Tale, 11. 1. Gentility, sb. good manners. L's L's L. 1. 1. Gentle, v.t. to ennoble. Hen. V. IV. 31. Gentry, sb. complaisance, conduct becoming gen tlefolk. Ham. II. 2. German, adj. akin. Wint. Tale, IV. 4. Approriate. Ham. v. 2. Germen, sb. seed, embryo. Lear, III. 2. Gest, sb. period. Wint. Tale, 1. 2. Gib, sb. a he-cat. Ham. III. 4. Gifts, sb. talents, endowment, Merry Wives, I. 1. Hair, sb. course, order, grain. Merry Wives, 11. 3. Halidom, sb, holiness, sanctification, Christian fellowship; used as an oath, and analogous to By my faith.' Two Gent. IV. 2. Hall, sb. an open space to dance in. R. & J. 1. 5. Hallowmas, sb. All Hallows' Day. Two Gent. 11. 1. Hap, sb. chance, fortune. Com. of E. 1. 1. Happily, adv. accidentally. Tam. of S. IV. 4. Handsaw, sb. perhaps a corruption of Heron shaw; a hern. Ham. II. 2 Hardiment, sb. defiance, brave deeds. 1 H. IV. Hay, sb. a term in fencing. R. & J. II. 4. Heady, adj. violent, headlong. Com. of E. v. I. Heft, sb. a heaving. Wint. Tale, II. 1. Helm, v.t. to steer, manage. M. for M. 111. 2. Hent, v.t. to seize, take. M. for M. IV.6; Wint. Hermit, sb. a beadsman, one bound to pray for Hest, sb. command. Temp. III. 1. High, adv. used in composition with adjectives Hight, p.p. called. L's L's L. 1. 1. Hild, p.p. held. Lucr. 1257. Hilding, sb. a paltry fellow. Cym. II. 3. Hint, sb. suggestion. Temp. I. 2. Hiren, sb. Qy. a prostitute, with a pun on the word "iron." 2 Hen. IV. 11. 4. Hit, v.i. to agree. Lear, 1. 1, Impeticos, v.t. to pocket. Tw. N. II. 3. Important, adj. importunate. C. of E. v. 1; Lear, Importing, adj. significant. All's Well, v. 3. Imprese, sb. a device with a motto. R. II. II. 1. Inclining, adj. compliant. Oth. II. 3. Ind, sb. India. Temp. 11. 2. Indent, v.i. to compound or bargain. 1 H. IV. Hoise, v.t. to hoist, heave up on high. 2 H. VI. Index, sb. a preface. R. III. IV. 4; Ham. III. 4. Hoist, p.p. hoisted. Ham. III. 4. Holp, p.p. of the v. to help; helped. John, 1. 1. Lear, III. 3. Honest, adj. chaste. Oth. IV. 2. Honesty, sb. chastity. As you Like it, III. 3. Horn-mad, adj. probably, harn-mad,' that is, Hot-house, sb. a brothel. M. for M. II. 1. Hull, v.i. to drift on the sea like a wrecked ship. H. VIII. II. 4. Humorous, adj. fitful, or, perhaps, hurried. R. Hunt-counter, v.i. to follow the scent the wrong Hunts-up, sb. a holla used in hunting when the Hurly, sb. noise, confusion. Tam. of S. IV. 1. Hurtling, sb. noise, confusion. As you Like it, Husbandry, so. frugality. Mac. II. 1. Manage- Huswife, sb. a jilt. Cor. 1.3. Ice-brook, sb. an icy-cold brook. Oth. v. 2. Indifferent, adj. ordinary. Ham. 11. 2. Indigest, adj. disordered. Son. 114. Indite, v.t. to invite. R. & J. II. 4. To convict. Induction, sb. introduction, beginning. 1 H. IV. Indurance, sb. delay. H. VIII. v. 1. Infinite, sb. infinite power. Much Ado, II. S. 3. Inhabitable, adj. uninhabitable. R. II. 1. 1. Inhooped, p.p. penned up in hoops. A. & C. 11. 3. Inland, adj. civilized, well-educated. As you Like Inly, adj. inward. Two Gent. II. 7. Insane, adj. that which causes insanity. Mac. 1. 3. Intend, v.i. to pretend. Tam. of S. Iv. 1. Intermission, sb. pause, delay. Mac. IV. 3. I'fecks, int. in faith, a euphemism. Wint. Tale, Intrenchment, adj. not capable of being cut. 1. 2. Ignomy, sb. ignominy. 1 H. IV. v. 4. Mac. v. 7. Intrinse, adj. intricate. Lear, 11. 2, Inward, sl. an intimate friend. M. for M. IIL 2 Image, sb. representation. Ham. III. 2. Imbare, v.t. to bare, lay open. H. V. 1.2. Immediacy, sb. close connexion. Lear, v. Immoment, adj. unimportant. A. & C. V. 2. adj. intimate. R. III. III. 4. |