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The model of our chaste loves, his young daughter;

The dews of heaven fall thick in blessings on her!

Beseeching him to give her virtuous breeding,

She is young, and of a noble modest nature,
I hope she will deserve well, and a little
To love her for her mother's sake, that loved

Heaven knows how dearly. My next poor
Is, that his noble grace would have some pity
Upon my wretched women, that so long 140
Have follow'd both my fortunes faithfully:
Of which there is not one, I dare avow,
And now I should not lie, but will deserve,
For virtue and true beauty of the soul.
For honesty and decent carriage,

A right good husband, let him he a noble : And, sure, those men are happy that shall have


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Or let me lose the fashion of a man!

Kath. I thank you, honest lord. Remember me

In all humility unto his highness:
Say his long trouble now is passing


Out of this world; tell him, in death I bless'd him.

For so I will. Mine eyes grow dim. Farewell, My lord. Griffith, farewell. Nay, Patience, You must not leave me yet: I must to bed; Call in more women. When I am dead, good wench,

Let me be used with honor: strew me over With maiden flowers, that all the world may know

I was a chaste wife to my grave: embalm me, Then lay me forth: although unqueen'd, yet like 171 A queen, and daughter to a king, inter me. I can no more. Exeunt, leading Katharine.


SCENE I. London. A gallery in the palace. Enter GARDINER, Bishop of Winchester, a Page with a torch before him, met by SIR THOMAS LOVELL.

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As they say spirits do, at midnight, have
In them a wilder nature than the business
That seeks dispatch by day.

My lord, I love you;
And durst commend a secret to your ear
Much weightier than this work. The queen's
in labor,
They say, in great extremity; and fear'd
She'll with the labor end.

The fruit she goes with 20

I pray for heartily, that it may find
Good time, and live: but for the stock, Sir


I wish it grubb'd up now.

Methinks I could Cry the amen; and yet my conscience says She's a good creature, and, sweet lady, does Deserve our better wishes.

Gar. But, sir, sir, Hear me, Sir Thomas: you're a gentleman Of mine own way; I know you wise, religious; And, let me tell you, it will ne'er be well, 'Twill not, Sir Thomas Lovell, take't of me, Till Cranmer, Cromwell, her two hands, and


Sleep in their graves. Lov.


Now, sir, you speak of two The most remark'd i' the kingdom. As for Cromwell,

Beside that of the jewel house, is made master O' the rolls, and the king's secretary; further, sir,

Stands in the gap and trade of moe prefer-
With which the time will load him. The arch-
Is the king's hand and tongue; and who dare

One syllable against him?
Yes, yes, Sir Thomas,
There are that dare; and I myself have ven-



To speak my mind of him: and indeed this
Sir, I may tell it you I think I have
Jucensed the lords o' the council, that he is,

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And we must root him out. From your affairs I hinder you too long: good night, Sir Thomas. Lov. Many good nights, my lord: I rest your servant. [Exeunt Gardiner and Page.

Enter the KING and SUFFOLK.

King. Charles, I will play no more to-night; My mind's not on't; you are too hard for me. Suf. Sir, I did never win of you before. King. But little, Charles;

Nor shall not, when my fancy's on my play. Now, Lovell, from the queen what is the news ?


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Ah, my good lord, I grieve at what I speak,
And am right sorry to repeat what follows:
I have, and most unwillingly, of late
Heard many grievous, I do say, my lord,
Grievous complaints of you; which, being



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Thy truth and thy integrity is rooted

In us, thy friend: give me thy hand, stand up: Prithee, let's walk. Now, by my holidame, What manner of man are you? My lord, I


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Know you not How your state stands i' the world, with the whole world ?

Your enemies are many, and not small; their practices

Must bear the same proportion; and not ever The justice and the truth o' the question carries 131 The due o' the verdict with it: at what ease Might corrupt minds procure knaves as corrupt

To swear against you? such things have been
You are potently opposed; and with a malice
Of as great size. Ween you of better luck,
I mean, in perjured witness, than your master,
Whose minister you are, whiles here he lived
Upon this naughty earth? Go to, go to;
You take a precipice for no leap of danger, 140
And woo your own destruction.

God and your majesty
Protect mine innocence, or I fall into
The trap is laid for me!

Be of good cheer;

They shall no more prevail than we give way


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The king's physician: as he pass'd along, How earnestly he cast his eyes upon me! Pray heaven, he sound not my disgrace! For


This is of purpose laid by some that hate meGod turn their hearts! I never sought their


To quench mine honor: they would shame to
make me
Wait else at door, a fellow-counsellor,
'Mong boys, grooms, and lackeys. But their

Must be fulfill'd, and I attend with patience.
Enter the KING and BUTTS at a window above.
Butts. I'll show your grace the strangest
What's that, Butts?
Butts. I think your highness saw this
many a day.

King. Body o' me, where is it?



There, my lord : The high promotion of his grace of Canterbury;

Who holds his state at door, 'mongst pursuivants,

Pages, and footboys. King.

Ha! 'tis he, indeed Is this the honor they do one another ? 'Tis well there's one above 'em yet. I had


They had parted so much honesty among 'em At least, good manners, as not thus to suffer A man of his place, and so near our favor, 30 To dance attendance on their lordships' pleasures,

And at the door too, like a post with packets.
By holy Mary, Butts, there's knavery:
Let 'em alone, and draw the curtain close :
We shall hear more anon.

SCENE III. The Council-Chamber.

Enter LORD CHANCELLOR ; places himself at the upper end of the table on the left hand; a seat being left void above him, as for CANTERBURY's seat. DUKE OF SUFFOLK, DUKE OF NORFOLK, SURREY, LORD CHAMBERLAIN, GARDINER, seat themselves in order on each side. CROMWELL at lower end, as secretary. Keeper at the door.

Chan. Speak to the business, master-secretary:

Why are we met in council?

Please your honors,

The chief cause concerns his grace of Canter

Gar. Has he had knowledge of it ?





Who waits there?

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For so we are inform'd, with new opinions,
Divers and dangerous; which are heresies,
And, not reform'd, may prove pernicious.

Gar. Which reformation must be sudden too, 20 My noble lords; for those that tame wild horses Pace 'em not in their hands to make 'em gentle,

But stop their mouths with stubborn bits, and spur 'em,

Till they obey the manage. If we suffer,
Out of our easiness and childish pity

To one man's honor, this contagious sickness,
Farewell all physic: and what follows then?
Commotions, uproars, with a general taint

Of the whole state: as, of late days, our neighbors,


The upper Germany, can dearly witness,
Yet freshly pitied in our memories.

Cran. My good lords, hitherto, in all the progress

Both of my life and office, I have labor'd,
And with no little study, that my teaching
And the strong course of my authority
Might go one way, and safely; and the end
Was ever, to do well: nor is there living,
I speak it with a single heart, my lords,
A man that more detests, more stirs against,
Both in his private conscience and his place,
Defacers of a public peace, than I do.
Pray heaven, the king may never find a heart
With less allegiance in it! Men that make
Envy and crooked malice nourishment
Dare bite the best. I do beseech your lord-



That, in this case of justice, my accusers,
Be what they will, may stand forth face to

And freely urge against me.

Nay, my lord,

That cannot be you are a counsellor,
And, by that virtue, no man dare accuse

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Gar. My lord, because we have business

of more moment,

We will be short with you. 'Tis his high

ness' pleasure,

And our consent, for better trial of you,
From hence you be committed to the Tower;
Where, being but a private man again,
You shall know many dare accuse you boldly,
More than, I fear, you are provided for.

Cran. Ah, my good Lord of Winchester, I thank you;

You are always my good friend; if your will pass,


I shall both find your lordship judge and juror,
You are so merciful: I see your end;
'Tis my undoing: love and meekness, lord,
Become a churchman better than ambition:
Win straying souls with modesty again,
Cast none away. That I shall clear myself,
Lay all the weight ye can upon my patience,
I make as little doubt, as you do conscience
In doing daily wrongs. I could say more,
But reverence to your calling makes me

Gar. My lord, my lord, you are a sectary, That's the plain truth: your painted gloss discovers,

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Bid ye so far forget yourselves? I gave ye
Power as he was a counsellor to try him,
Not as a groom: there's some of ye, I see,
More out of malice than integrity,
Would try him to the utmost, had ye mean;
Which ye shall never have while I live.


Thus far, My most dread sovereign, may it like your grace

To let my tongue excuse all. What was pur-
Concerning his imprisonment, was rather, 150
If there be faith in men, meant for his trial,
And fair purgation to the world, than malice,
I'm sure, in me.

King. Well, well, my lords, respect him; Take him, and use him well, he's worthy of it.

I will say thus much for him, if a prince
May be beholding to a subject, I
Am, for his love and service, so to him.
Make me no more ado, but all embrace him:
Be friends, for shame, my lords! My Lord of

Enter KING, frowning on them; takes his




Gar. Dread sovereign, how much are we bound to heaven

I have a suit which you must not deny me; That is, a fair young maid that yet wants


In daily thanks, that gave us such a prince; Not only good and wise, but most religious : One that, in all obedience, makes the church The chief aim of his honor; and, to strengthen

You must be godfather, and answer for her. Cran. The greatest monarch now alive may glory

In such an honor: how may I deserve it,

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