The World Almanac & Book of FactsNewspaper Enterprise Association, 1927 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 100 筆
第 10 頁
... Pres . , 1924 ...... 817 704 Vote for President , 1896-1924 , by Parties 267 and States . 864 494 Electrocutions in New York State . 875 38 Elementary Schools in United States , Number of.400 # of Columbia . 442 Elements , Chemical ...
... Pres . , 1924 ...... 817 704 Vote for President , 1896-1924 , by Parties 267 and States . 864 494 Electrocutions in New York State . 875 38 Elementary Schools in United States , Number of.400 # of Columbia . 442 Elements , Chemical ...
第 25 頁
... Pres . and Cabitiet . 36 , 37 265-275 Vehicular Tunnel . 186 , 187 435.714 155 , 156 296 , 297 887-892 887-892 Page Visibility at Sea . 82 Western Samoa , Mandate. 6. 8. Appropriations , 1925-1928 . # a Area of , 1790-1920 . Army Forts ...
... Pres . and Cabitiet . 36 , 37 265-275 Vehicular Tunnel . 186 , 187 435.714 155 , 156 296 , 297 887-892 887-892 Page Visibility at Sea . 82 Western Samoa , Mandate. 6. 8. Appropriations , 1925-1928 . # a Area of , 1790-1920 . Army Forts ...
第 37 頁
... Pres . Nav . Ez . Bd . and Nav . Ret . Bd.-S. E. W. 8,000 Ch . Bu . Nav.-W. 4. Shoemaker ( Rear Adm . ) . 8,000 Kittelle ( Rear Adm . ) . 6,000 Ch . Bu . Ord.-C. C. Bloch ( Rear Adm . ) 8,000 Dir . Naval Intell . - A . J. Hepburn ( Capt ...
... Pres . Nav . Ez . Bd . and Nav . Ret . Bd.-S. E. W. 8,000 Ch . Bu . Nav.-W. 4. Shoemaker ( Rear Adm . ) . 8,000 Kittelle ( Rear Adm . ) . 6,000 Ch . Bu . Ord.-C. C. Bloch ( Rear Adm . ) 8,000 Dir . Naval Intell . - A . J. Hepburn ( Capt ...
第 91 頁
... Pres . and Minister of. Prof. Gregorius. Itelsohn. ,. 74. ,. writer. and. scientist. was attacked by anti - Jewish mob at Berlin ; he died May 6 , 1926 . nice , was elected Pres . of the Swiss Confeder- for 1926 . Dec. 25 - The ex - German ...
... Pres . and Minister of. Prof. Gregorius. Itelsohn. ,. 74. ,. writer. and. scientist. was attacked by anti - Jewish mob at Berlin ; he died May 6 , 1926 . nice , was elected Pres . of the Swiss Confeder- for 1926 . Dec. 25 - The ex - German ...
第 92 頁
... Pres . of Williams College . -The U. S. Govt . put Wilson memorial postage stamps on sale . -Cultivation of marihuana , a dope producing plant , has been outlawed in Mexico by the Fed- eral Govt . -No one can be blamed for the wreck of ...
... Pres . of Williams College . -The U. S. Govt . put Wilson memorial postage stamps on sale . -Cultivation of marihuana , a dope producing plant , has been outlawed in Mexico by the Fed- eral Govt . -No one can be blamed for the wreck of ...
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