Why the Star Car The fuel is fully vaporized and mixed with the correct proportion of air to produce an explosive mixture of high POWER The cylinders are honed to glassy smoothness to make possible close-fitting pistons and ensure high compression which spells POWER The spark is produced so hot and timed so accurately to deliver to the pistons sudden pressure of high as Low-cost Transportation Star Cars DURANT MOTORS, INC., 250 W. 57th St., N. Y. C. FOUR AND SIX CYLINDER TYPES has MORE POWER The motor is so jacketed and the water so circulated as to ensure correct motor temperature required for maximum POWER The lubrication is by force feed, which with highest quality bearings minimizes the friction that tends to destroy POWER The combined result of correct design, high grade material and workmanship is that the Star Car-Four or Six-has MORE POWER AND SUPERIOR QUALITY Lansing, Mich. Toronto, Ont. Plants: Elizabeth, N. J. Oakland, Cal. Dealers and Service Stations throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico FOUR AND SIX CYLINDER TYPES If You Were Dying To-Night and I offered something that would give you ten years more to live, would you take it? You'd grab it. Well, fellows, I've got it, but don't wait till you're dying or it won't do you a bit of good. It will then be too late. Right now is the time. To-morrow or any day, some disease will get you and if you have not equipped yourself to fight it off, you're gone. I don't claim to cure disease. I am not a medical doctor, but I'll put you in such condition that the doctor will starve to death waiting for you to take sick. Can you imagine a mosquito trying to bite a brick wall? A fine chance. A Re-built Man I like to get the weak ones. I delight in getting hold of a man who has been turned down as hopeless by others. It's easy enough to finish a task that's more than half done. But give me the weak, sickly chap and watch him grow stronger. That's what I like. It's fun to me because I know I can do it and I like to give the other fellow the laugh. I don't just give you a veneer of muscle that looks good to others. I work on you both inside and out. I not only put big, massive arms and legs on you, but I build up those inner muscles that surround your vital organs. The kind that give you real pep and energy, the kind that fire you with ambition and the courage to tackle anything set before you. All I Ask Is Ninety Days Who says it takes years to get in shape? Show me the man who makes any such claims and I'll make him eat his words. I'll put one full inch on your arm in just 30 days. Yes, and two full inches on your chest in the same length of time. Meanwhile, I'm putting life and pep into your old back-bone. And from then on, just watch 'em grow. At the end of thirty days you won't know yourself. Your whole body will take on an entirely different appearance. But you've only started. Now comes the real works. I've only built my foundation. I want just 60 days more (90 in all) and you'll make those friends of yours who think they're strong look like something the cat dragged in. A Real Man When I'm through with you, you're a real man. The kind that can prove it. You will be able to do things you had thought impossible. And the beauty of it is you keep on going. Your deep full chest breathes in rich, pure air, stimulating your blood and making you just bubble over with vim and vitality. Your huge square shoulders and your massive muscular arms have that craving for the exercise of a regular he man. You have the flash to your eye and the pep to your step that will make you admired and sought after in both the business and social world. This is no idle prattle, fellows. If you doubt me, make me prove it. Go ahead, I like it. I have already done this for thousands of others and my records are unchallenged. What I have done for them, I will do for you. Come then, for time flies and every day counts. Let this very day be the beginning of new life to you. Send for My New 64-Page Book "MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT" IT IS FREE It contains forty-eight full-page photographs of myself and some of the many prize-winning pupils I have trained. Some of these came to me as pitiful weaklings, imploring me to help them. Look them over now and you will marvel at their present physiques. This book will prove an impetus and a real inspiration to you. It will thrill you through and through. All I ask is 10 cents to cover the cost of wrapping and mailing and it is yours to keep. This will not obligate you at all, but for the sake of your future health and happiness, do not put it off. Send to-day-right now before you turn this page. EARLE E. LIEDERMAN Dept. 500, 305 Broadway, N. Y. ال short weeks you Coupon to will easily do stunts which now seem difficult. If you want exercise to just keep in good shape you can reduce the strength of the Progressive Exerciser by eliminating as many cables as you wish. If you want great resis tance so as to build big. solid muscles then use the full strength. HOW IT IS MADE The Giant Chest Ex pander and Progressive Exerciser is made with new live, spring rubber so as to give it long wearing and great resisting qualities. Gel the best and most durable. Has 50 strands of the finest rubber to each cable. Free Instructions We will also include instructions absolutely |