ePub 版


Adams, Newport, R. I.; Allen (Ethan), Vt.; Amador, Balboa, C. Z.; Andrews, Boston, Mass.; Armstrong, Honolulu, T. H.; Baker, Sansalito, Cal.: Banks, Winthrop, Mass.; Barrancas, Fla.; Barry, San Francisco, Cal.; Benning, Ga.

Bliss, Tex.: Brady, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; Bragg, N. C.; Brown, Brownsville, Tex.: Canby, Ilwaco, Wash.; Casey, Wash.; Clark, Bracketville, Tex.; Clayton, C. Z.; Columbia, Ft. Columbia, Wash.: Constitution, New Castle, N. H.; Crockett, Galveston, Tex.; Crook, Neb.

Delaware, Delaware City, Del.; De Lesseps, Fort Cristobal, C. Z.; De Russy, Honolulu, T. H.; Des Moines, lows; Douglas, Utab; Du Pont, Delaware City, Del.

Eustas, Leehall, Va.: Flagler, Port Townsend, Wash.; Frank, Manila, P. L.; Funston, San Francisco, Cal.; Getty, Jamestown, R. I.; Greble, Newport, R. I.; Hamilton, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Hancock, Sandy Hook, N. J.; Harrison (Benj.), Lawrence,

Ina.; Hayes, Columbus, Ohio; Heath, Winthrop,


Houston (Sam), San Antonio, Tex.; Howard, Baltimore, Md.; Hoyle, Edgewood, Md.; Huachuca, Ariz.; Hughes, Manila, P. I.; Humphreys, Alexandria, Va.; Jay, Governor's Island, N. Y.; Kamehameha, Honolulu, T. H.; Kearny (Philip), Newport, R. I.; Lawton, Seattle, Wash.; Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kan.

Levett, Portland, Me.; Logan, Col.; Lyon, Portland, Me.: MacArthur, San Pedro, Cal.; McDowell, Angel Island, Cal.; McIntosh, Laredo, Tex.; McKinley, Portland, Me.; McKinley (William), Guadalupe, P. I.; McPherson, Atlanta, Ga.

McRee, Pensacola, Fla.; Mansfield, Watch Hill, R. L.; Mason, San Francisco, Cal.; Meade Sturgis, S. D.; Michie, New London, Conn.; Miley, San Francisco, Cal.; Mills, Cavite, P. I.: Missoula, Mont.; Monmouth (old Camp Vail), N. J.; Monroe, Fortress Monroe, Va.; Mott, Salem. N. J.; Moultrie, Moultrieville, S. C.; Myer, Rosslyn, Va.; Niagara, Youngstown, N. Y.

Oglethorpe, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Omaha, Omaha, Neb.; Ontario, Oswego, N. Y.; Pickens, Pensacola, Fla.; Preble, Portland, Me.; Randolph, Cristobal, C. Z.; Reno, Darlington, Okla.; Revere, Hull, Mass.; Riley, Kan.; Robinson, Neb.

Ringgold, Rio Grande, Tex.; Rodman. New Bedford. Mass.; Rosecrans, Pt. Loma, Cal.; Ruckman, Boston, Mass.; Ruger, Honolulu, T. H.; Russell, Wyo.: San Jacinto, Galveston, Tex.; Sauls bury, Milford, Del.; Schuyler, Westchester, N. Y.; Scott (Winfield), San Francisco, Cal.; Screven, Ga.; Shafter, Fort Shafter, T. Н.

Sheridan, III.; Sherman, C. Z.; Sill, Okla.; Slocum, New York, N. Y.; Snelling. Minn.; Standish, Boston, Mass.: Stevens, Ore.; Story, Cape Henry, Va.; Strong, Boston, Mass.; Sumter, Charleston, S. C

Taylor, Key West, Fla.; Terry, New London, Conn.; Thomas, Newport, Ky.; Tilden, Rockaway Park, N. Y.; Totten, Whitestone, N. Y.; Travis, Galveston, Tex.; Wadsworth, Rosebank, N. Y.; Ward, Seattle, Wash.; Warren, Boston, Mass.: Washington, Md.; Wayne, Detroit, Mich.; Weaver, Honolulu, T. н.

Wetherill, Jamestown, R. I.; Whitman, La Conner, Wash.; Williams, Portland, Me.; Wint, Subic Bay. P. I.; Wood, New York, N. Y.; Wool, Fortress Monroe, Va.; Worden, Port Townsend, Wash.; Wright (George), Spokane, Wash.; Wright (H. G.), Fisher's Island, N. Y.


Custer, Mich.; Devens, Mass.; Dix, Wrightstown,
N. J.; Eagle Pass, Tex.; Eldridge, Los Banos, P. I.;

Furlong, Columbus, N. M.; Gaillard, Culebra,
C. %.; Grant, Ill.; Hay (John), Baguio Mt., P. I.;
Hearn (Lawrence J.), Palm City, Cal.

Jesup, Ft. McPherson, Ga.; Jones (Harry J.).
Douglas, Ariz.; Knox, Stithton, Ky.: Lewis, Wash.;
Little (Stephen D.), Nogales, Ariz.; McClellan,
Anniston, Ala.: Marfa, Tex.; Meade, Md.; Nichols,
Maricoban, P. 1.: Samfordyce, Tex.; Stanley, San
Antonio, Tex.: Stotsenburg, Angeles, P. I.; Upton,
N. Y.; Anthony Wayne, Philadelphia, Pa.


Augusta, Augusta, Ga.; Benicia, Benicia, Cal.; Frankford, Frankford, Pa.; Picatinny, Dover, N. J.; Raritan, Metuchen, N. J.; Rock Island, Rock Island, Ill.; San Antonio, San Antonio, Tex.; Springfield Armory, Springfield, Mass.: U. S. Nitrate Plant No. 1, Sheffield, Ala.; U. S. Nitrate Plant No. 2, Muscle Shoals, Ala.; Watertown, Watertown, Mass.; Watervliet, Watervliet, N. Y.; Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md.


Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Md.; Erie, Port Clinton, Ohio; Savanna, Savanna, Ill.


U. S. Disciplinary Barracks: F. & S., Hq. Det., U. S. D. B., Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Troops: 1st, 2d and 3d Disciplinary Guard Companies. Pacific Branch U. S. Disciplinary Barracks: Hq. Det. U. S. D. B., Alcatraz, Cal. Troops: Pacific Branch. U. S. D. Guard Co.

Atlantic Branch U. S. Disciplinary Barracks: Hq. Det., U. S. D. B., Governor's Island, N. Y. Troops: 9th Disciplinary Company.


Seven persons have held the rank of General of the United States Army, and thirteen have held the rank of Lieutenant General. The list (date when Congress conferred the rank in parentheses) is as follows:

General of the Army-George Washington (June 15, 1775); Ulysses S. Grant (July 25, 1866); William T. Sherman (March 4, 1869); Philip H. Sheridan (June 1, 1888); John J. Pershing (Oct. 6, 1917); Tasker H. Bliss (Oct. 6, 1917); Peyton C. March (May 20, 1918).

Lieutenant General of the Army-George Washington (July 3, 1798); Ulysses S. Grant (March 2, 1864); William T. Sherman (July 25, 1866); Philip H. Sheridan (March 4, 1869); John M. Schofield (Feb. 8, 1895); Nelson A. Miles (June 6, 1900); Samuel B. M. Young (Aug. 8, 1903); Adna R. Chaffee (Jan. 9, 1904); John C. Bates (Feb. 1, 1906); Henry C. Corbin (April 15, 1906); Arthur MacArthur (Sept. 15, 1906); Hunter Liggett (Oct. 16, 1918); Robert L. Bullard (Oct. 16, 1918).

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The joint resolution of Congress, approved April 6, 1917, provides "That the state of war between the United States and the Imperial German Government which has been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared."

The existence of a state of war between the United States of America and the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government was declared by joint resolution of Congress approved Dec. 7. 1917. Russia surrendered to Central Powers Dec. 16, 1917; Roumania, May 6, 1918.

Bulgaria surrendered to the Allies Sept. 29,

July 22, 1917 1 3 20

Aug. 4, 1917 1 3 8

Aug. 14, 1917 1 2 28

Oct. 26, 19171 0 16

April 21, 1918 0 6 21
May 6, 1918 0 6 5
July 12, 19180 3 30

July 19, 1918 0 3 23

1918; Turkey, Oct. 30, 1918; Austria-Hungary, Nov. 3, 1918; Germany, Nov. 11, 1918.

Peace treaties (1918) March 3, at Brest-Litovsk, between Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey; (1918) March 7, between Germany and Finland: (1919) June 28, at Versailles, between Germany and Allies; (1919) Sept. 10, at St. Germain, between Austria and Allies; (1919) Nov. 27, at Neuilly, between Bulgaria and Allies; (1920) June 4, at the Grand Trianon, between Hungary and Allies; (1920) Aug. 10, at Sevres, between Turkey and Allies.



(Revised by the Militia Bureau of U. S. War Dept., June 30, 1926.)

Inf'ntry Cavalry Corps Special Other &
Divis'ns Divis'ns Troops. All'tm't Total

Corps Inf'ntry Cavalry Corps Special Other &


[blocks in formation]

Divis'ns Divis'ns Troops. All'tm't Total.

Corps Area.

[blocks in formation]



1,753 Mich...

3,455 247

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

9,862 Wis..

[blocks in formation]

Ν. Η.


994 7th Corps

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]


1,078 Ark..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

748 Minn.




N. J.



4,503 Mo.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

20,883 Neb.



P. Rico..


1,780 N. D...:



Sd Corps

S. D.....



[ocr errors]

8th Corps

D. of C..

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

161. 2,845 Ariz.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1,488 1,390

11,029 Col.



[blocks in formation]

3,922 Ν. Μ....

360 630


4th Corps






[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]



1,513 373

1,919 Idaho..

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


N. C.

1,723 316


3,336 Nev..

[blocks in formation]

2,113 Ore.


[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]


5th Corps







[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

4,438 Hawattan


2,038 512

2,561 Dept.:


[blocks in formation]


8,047 Territ. of

W. Va..

[blocks in formation]

1,163 Hawall

1,507 1,542

There is no National Guard in Nevada. In addition to the classified troops shown in the table, the total includes "other army troops,"

Total.. 122,186 11,828 11,127 14,685 174,969 13,853; General Headquarters Reserves, 1,991; Coast Defense, 8,388; and State Staffs, 911.


The United States Military Academy is situated | History. However, graduates of first class high UNITED STATES TROOPS IN THE WORLD WAR, BY STATES. (Figures, which are official, cover the Army, the Navy, and the Marine Corps.)

on the Hudson River, at West Point, N. Y.. a place rich in historical interest and made memorable by

the treason of Benedict Arnold. The massive stone buildings rising grandly above the broad, winding river harmonize beautifully with the background of blue hills to form an ideal location for this, the greatest military school in the world. The buildings and grounds represent a money value of approximately $25,000,000.

The maximum authorized strength of the Corps of Cadets is 1,378, selected from candidates between the ages of seventeen and twenty-two years, nominated as follows: two by each United States Senator, two by each Representative in Congress and Territorial Delegate, two by the Vice President, 100 by the President, twenty selected from among honor graduates of "honor military schools," two from natives of Porto Rico, four from natives of the Philippine Islands, four from the District of Columbia, and one hundred and eighty from among enlisted men of the Regular Army and National Guard. Those from the last mentioned class are required to be between the ages of nineteen and twenty-two years and must have served in their respective organizations for at least one year.

Appointments to the Academy are made only to fill vacancies as they may occur, and candidates may be designated one year in advance of admission. For each vacancy from a State or Congressional district three candidates may be nominated, a principal, a first alternate, who is entitled to admission only in the event of the failure of the principal, and a second alternate, who is entitled to admission only in the event of the failure of both the principal and the first alternate. The selection of these candidates is left entirely with the Senator or Representative who has the vacancy at his disposal and may be either by competitive examination or direct cholce at the option of the Congressman.

Each candidate must pass a rigid physical examination and none is accepted who has any defect or infirmity which renders him unfit for military service. In addition cach candidate must pass an examination in the subjects of Algebra, Geometry, English Grammar, Composition and Literature, and

schools and students at universities and colleges of recognized standing may submit educational certificates which will be considered by the Academie Board, and if satisfactory may be accepted in lieu of the mental examination.

The course of study is four years, during which time the cadets are under strict military discipline. The summers are spent in camp. Academic work begins In September of each year and ends the following June. Cadets of the first, second and third classes not undergoing examinations are allowed short leaves of absence at Christmas, and those who have successfully completed the third class course are allowed leaves of absence from about the middle of June to August 28. The course is largely matinematical and professional. The principal subjects taught are Mathematics, English, French, Spanish, Drawing, Drill Regulations of all arms of the service, Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Electricity, History, International, Constitutional and Military Law. Civil and Military Engineering, Art and Science of War. Economics and Government, and Ordnance and Gunnery.

The pay of a cadet is $780 per year and com mutation of rations, at present fixed at 80 cents per day. The total is $1.072, which, with proper ecos omy, is sufficient to meet his actual needs at the Academy.

Each cadet when admitted to the Academy signa an agreement to serve for a period of eight years. unless sooner discharged by competent authority. Upon graduation cadets are commissioned second lieutenants in the United States Army, with the exception of the Filipino cadets, who are eligible for commission only in the Philippine Scouts.

The total number of graduates, including foreigners receiving instruction under special Acts of Congress, from 1802 to June 12, 1926, inclusive, is 8,022. The number of cadets in the Corps on July 31, 1926, was 1,170. The Superintendent is Brig. Gen. March B. Stewart, U. S. A., and there are 200 officers and instructors at the Academy.

Detailed information as to the appointment and admission of cadets is contained in an attractively illustrated pamphlet, a copy of which will be furnished, without cost, upon application to the Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D. C.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Commis- Cent.
sioned & of

Enlisted. Total.



1.78 Louisiana..

.05 Maine.

27 Maryland.

[blocks in formation]


70,314 1.49 Massachusetts..



Rhode Island...

[blocks in formation]



3.42 Michigan.

164,075 3.48


[blocks in formation]

Canal Zone.


.007 Minnesota.



South Carolina.

[blocks in formation]


42,898 1.00 Mississippi.



South Dakota..

32,038 .68



1.44 Missouri..




89,618 1.90

[blocks in formation]

20 Montana.


[blocks in formation]



Dist. of Col.


.61 Nebraska.






[blocks in formation]



5,412 12


13,910 .30




New Hampshire









New Jersey.



Virgin Islands.

[blocks in formation]




New Mexico...




[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

489,608 10.16

West Virginia.

[blocks in formation]




North Carolina.




[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]







No residence...

[blocks in formation]


81,265 1.72


90,378 1.92


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cave Hill (Louisville), Ky.

Chalmette (Arabi), La.

Chattanooga, Tenn.

City Point, Va.

Cold Harbor (Richm'nd), Va.

Corinth, Miss.

Crown Hill, Ind.

Culpepper, Va..

Custer Battlefield, Mont.

Cypress Hills (B'klyn), N.Y.

Danville, Ky..

Danville, Va...

Fayetteville, Ark.

Finns' Point (Salem), N. J.

Florence, S. C.....

Ft. Donelson (Dover), Tenn.

Fort Gibson, Okla.

Ft. Harrison (Richmond), Va.

Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.

Fort McPherson, Neb.

Fort Scott, Kan.

Fort Smith, Ark..

Fredericksburg, Va.

Gettysburg, Pa.
Glendale, Va...
Grafton, W. Va.
Hampton, Va....

Jefferson Barracks, Mo...

2,425 1,245

465 912


1.015 Raleigh, N. C..

1,377 Richmond, Va..

1,639 Rock Island, III.

384 10,111 Salisbury, N. C... 9 362 San Antonio, Tex.

1,088 1,466

2,477 12,738

1,331 San Francisco (Pres.), Cal...
1,373 Sante Fe, N. M..
2,651 Seven Pines (Richmond), Va.
3,019 Shiloh (Pitts. Ldg.), Tenn.
682 Soldiers' Home, D. С..

2,544 Springfield, Mo.

820 St. Augustine, Fla.

5,937 Staunton, Va...
1,094 Stone River, Tenn.

1,065 Vicksburg, Miss...

2,554 Wilmington, N. C..

15,215 Winchester, Va....

2,105 1,639 3,744 Woodlawn (Elmira), N.Y..

240 960

1,200 Yorktown, Va...

670 650 1,320 Sitka, Alaska.


635 13,165

10,567 3,017 13,584 Total.

Of these interments about 10,700 are those of Confederates, being mainly in the National Cemeteries at Arlington, Camp Butler, City Point, Cypress Hills, Finns' Point, Fort Smith, Hampton,

3,603 2,547 6,150

4,386 12,910 17,296

803 1,609 2,412 2,122 2,436 4,558 20 3,312


[blocks in formation]

Jefferson Barracks, Little Rock, Philadelphia, Springfield, and Woodlawn.

Number of overseas soldiers returned and interred in National Cemeteries, 6,567.


Meuse-Argonne (Romagne), France..
Aisne-Marne (Belleau Wood), France..

14,094 St. Mihiel (Thiaucourt), France

2,212 Oise-Aisne (Serenges-et-Nesles), France.

Suresnes American Cemetery (Paris), France. 1,506 Flanders Field (Waereghen), Belgium...

Somme American Cemetery (Bony), France.. 1,820
Brookwood American Cemetery, England.... 437



There was a controversy in 1926 as to the condition of the graves of American soldiers in Europe.

Travelers from the United States asserted on

4,141 5,938 365


their return to this country that many of the graves had been desecrated or carelessly treated.

These charges were denied by those in charge of the cemeteries and also by officers of the army.

(Prepared by Adjutant-General's Office, U. S. Army.)


Revolutionary War..

War of 1812.

War with Mexico... Civil War (Union). War with Spain World War...

[blocks in formation]

April 19, 1775 Jan. 14, 1784 aApril 19, 1783
June 18, 1812 Feb. 17, 1815 Jan. 8, 1815
dApril 25, 1846 May 30, 1848 Sept. 14, 1847
April 15, 1861 Aug. 20, 1866/April 9, 1865
April 21, 1898 April 11, 1899
April 6, 1917 July 2, 1921

a Proclamation of Congress read to Army at 12 o'clock noon on April 19, 1783.

b Estimates on total troops run from 250,000 to 395.858. Greatest strength of Continental Army was about 35,000, in November, 1778.

Evidently represents enlistments and not individual soldiers, hence is considerably in excess of actual number of troops employed, as it is known that a large proportion of the men rendered more than one term of service and are counted that number of times.

@ Hostilities began on this date. The Act of Congress approved May 13, 1846, declared the existence of a state of war.

teers. Drafted. Troops.

[blocks in formation]

Aug. 10, 1898
Nov. 11. 1918 544,663


616,779 2,890,164 44,051.606

e Capture of the City of Mexico. Date of Gen. Lee's surrender.

Of this number only 46,347 were actually drafted, the remaining 73,607 having served as substitutes.

h Army only, does not include Marines who served with the Army in France.

The Continental Army was organized by the Continental Congress June 15, 1775, under George Washington as Major-Gen. and Commander-inChief. The so-called Continentals in the Revolation totaled 231,462. The War Department was established Aug. 7, 1789. The standing army organized September, 1790.


(From "Regimental Losses in the American Civil War," by William F. Fox, Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. V.)

[blocks in formation]

Northern writers usually estimate the total number of Confederate troops in the Civil War at 1,400,000, based on a population of 5,000,000 whites. Southern historians estimate the total number of Confederate troops at 600,000. R. H. McKim puts the total at 621,800. On March 1, 1862, by Confederate records, the total was 340,250. Woodrow Wilson, in his "History of the American People," estimated the Confederate troops at 900,000.

The Confederate losses in particular engagements were as follows: Bull Run (first Manassas), July 21, 1861, killed, 387; wounded, 1,582; captured and missing, 13: aggregate, 1,982. Fort Donelson, Tenn., February 14-16, 1862, killed, 466; wounded, 1,534; captured and missing, 13,829; aggregate, 15,829. Shiloh, Tenn., April 6-7, 1862, killed, 1,723; wounded, 8,012; captured and missing, 959; aggre gate, 10,694. Seven Days' Battle, Virginia, June 25-July 1, 1862, killed, 3,478; wounded, 16,261; captured and missing, 875; aggregate, 20,614. Second Manassas, August 21-September 2, 1862, killed, 1,481: wounded and missing, 7,627; captured and missing, 89; aggregate, 9,197 Antietam campaign, September 12-20, 1862, killed, 1.886; wounded, 9,348; captured and missing, 1,367; aggregate, 12,601, Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, killed, 596; wounded, 4,068; captured and missing, 651; aggregate, 5,315. Stone River, Tenn.,

[blocks in formation]


December 31, 1862, killed, 1,294; wounded. 7,945: captured and missing, 1,027: aggregate, 10,265 Chancellorsville, May 1863, killed, 1,665 wounded, 9,081: captured and missing, 2,018: aggregate, 12,764, Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. killed, 2,592; wounded 12,706; captured and imissing, 5,150: aggregate, 20,448. Chickamauga, September 19-20, 1863, killed, 2,268; wounded, 13,613; captured and missing, 1,090; aggregate, 16,971. Franklin, Nov. 3, 1864, killed, 6,252.

The number of casualties in the volunteer and regular armies of the United States during the war of 1861-65, according to a statement prepared by the Adjutant-General's office, was as follows Killed in battle, 67.058; died of wounds, 43,012 died of disease, 224,586; other causes, such as accidents, murder, etc., 24,822; total died. 359,528: total deserted (estimated), 117,247. Number of soldiers in the Confederate service who died of wounds or disease (partial statement), 133,821: deserted (partial statement), 104,428. Number of United States troops captured during the war, 211,411; Confederate troops captured, 462,634 Number of United States troops paroled on the field, 16,668: Confederate troops paroled on the field, 247,769. Number of United States troops who died while prisoners, 30.218; Confederate troops who died while prisoners, 25,976.


There are branches of the National Home at Dayton, Ohio; Milwaukee, Wis. Togus, Me.: Hampton. Va.: Leavenworth, Kan.; Santa Monica, Cal.: Marion, Ind.; Danville, II: Johnson City, Tenn, and Het Springs, S. D. The aggregate number of members cared for is about 28,000.


[blocks in formation]

(From an article by William Elliot Griffis, D. D., in the Independent.)

Europeans knowing only the theory of the heraldic | after Oct. 4, 1776, is known. Abundance of exact

origin of the American flag have made merry over the absurdity (from their point of view) of the Stars and Stripes. If, however, the basis of our national standard is derived from the Dutch Republic. then much is clear.

Paintings made after the Revolutionary War are untrustworthy as witnesses, especially those having six-pointed stars, for the reason that no proof yet exists to show that any regimental flag In the Con inental Army had stars in its field, unless possibly toward the end of the war. Scores of British prints representing flags captured from or seen on Continental ships or regimental staves have only stripes.

Our fathers, of the thirteen colonies united as one, made "an appeal to Heaven" by uniting on their first flag, raised at Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 1, 1776, the "Unions" of the two countries, Netherlands and Great Britain, that had held sovereignty of the land they lived on.

Of European national flags daily seen in our harbors, two are prominent above all. One, the Dutch, was made in 1579, the other, the British, in 1707. From 1609 to 1664, a tri-colored republican flag of a federal union of states had floated over New Netherland, or the soll of the four middle colonies, later called New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, as the flag of the home land.

The seven alternate red and white stripes recalled to our fathers, in 1776, the successful revolt against "taxation without representation," or, as the Dutch Parliament of 1477 put it, "no taxation without consent"; the union of seven states In a republic; a July declaration of independence, published in 1579, with the abjuring, in 1581, of an oppressive monarch.

In the Pennsylvania "State House" (the very name and use of the words are Dutch), the Declaration of Independence was signed under the British flag and the arms of King George, and not until July 9 were the British union jack and the royal arms taken down from the building now called Independence Hall. Not until Sept. 9, 1776, did Congress order that their "commissions and instruments" be made to read "United States" where heretofore the words "United Colonies" had been used.

The stripes have never left the flag, because they represent a vital fundamental idea. They have been from first to last the one permanent element in our national standard.

When unfurled, Jan. 1, 1776, the first Union flag raised over the first American army mirrored true history. Flags, many of astonishing variety of color, inscription and emblem came into view and use. There were pine trees, rattlesnakes, beavers, threefold knotted cords, with their thirteen ends free, a chain or circle of thirteen rings linked together, and other objects notably American, with some borrowed from heraldry, or from British or Dutch history. In the latter case, the sheaf of arrows, the hat of liberty, and the Netherlands lion were ancestral.

Meanwhile, officers of the seventeen Continental men-of-war and of scores of privateers kept clamoring for something significant to display in foreign ports, especially while buying munitions of war. These calls for a "distinctive standard" increased in volume even to indignant remonstrance. Still there was nothing, until June 14, 1777, except local or colonial symbols and "the Congress flag" of the thirteen stripes.

No evidence of any use of the British "Union"

documentary proof shows that the thirteen stripes were ever present, but there is no proof that the stars were. In the book of photographs of extant flags used, or alleged to be used in the American Revolution (made by Gherardi Davis, New York, 1908), the field of stars is rarely seen and in none with absolute surety, before 1780, but the stripes are always in evidence.

The collection of British prints of our flag, now in Fraunces Tavern, gives the same testimonystripes always, stars never until 1780. In the Journal of William Russell, American prisoner in the Forton prison, near Plymouth, England, we read the entry made on July 4, 1780: "To-day being the anniversary of American Independence the American prisoners wore the thirteen stars and stripes drawn on pieces of paper on their hats, with the motto, Independence, Liberty or Death."

The record of the Continental Congress, June 14,1777, reads as follows: "Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, that the Unton be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation."

The entry in the journal of Capt. Abraham Swarthout of Col. Gansevoort's New York regiment, written Aug. 3, 1777, in Fort Schuyler, shows beyond cavil, where the first flag of stars and stripes, of which we have record, was made and hoisted; but this was in a fort, not in the field, or at the head of a regiment.

The vote of Congress on the flag was not officially published until Sept. 3, 1777. There is no record that the Stars and Stripes were carried at Brandywine, Pa., at Gooch's Bridge, Del., or that even the "Quiberon" French salute of Nov. 1, 1777, to the U. S. S. "Ranger," commanded by Paul Jones, was given to any but the striped flag without stars.

On land, the most prominent of all the many symbols on the regimental flags on the Continental Army throughout the war was the rattlesnake, which is oftenest referred to by both native and foreign witnesses. In fact the resolution of Congress of June 14, 1777, was not heeded, even by Washington himself, or even by the Board of War.

One Continental officer wrote with surprise on Aug. 3, 1777: "It appears by the papers that Congress resolved on the 14th of June last," &c.

As late as May 10, 1779, Washington in correspondence with the Board of War, states that applications came to him repeatedly for drums and colors, but there were many varying flags for particular regiments, and "it is not yet settled what is the standard of the United States." The War Board replied, through Richard Peters, that if "Gen. Washington would favor the Board with his opinion on the subject as to what was the one common flag of the United States," a recommendation to Congress would be made and they would get the materials and "order a number for the army."

Replying on Sept. 3, 1779, Washington says nothing about stars, but recommended that the number belonging to the regiments from each State should be "Inserted within the curve of the serpent."

In 1847 the Dutch Government politely made the inquiry, "What is the American flag?" In 1857, in the harbor of New York, nine different styles of arrangement of stars were noted in one day. On March 16, 1896, the Secretary of War, Daniel Lamont, ordered that the constellation should be in six rows.


Army historians have unearthed evidence that the Stars and Stripes got its baptism of fire in a land battle in the defense of Fort Stanwix, N. Y., on Aug. 2, 1777.

The colors improvised by the garrison appear to have shown both the alternate stripes of red and white and the "stars of glory" set upon a field of blue cut from a "camulet cloak taken from the enemy at Peekskill."

At the request of historical societies, the War Department began a search which has brought to light a work entitled "A Narrative of the Milltary Actions of Col. Marinus Willett," who was a member of the garrison. It describes the necessity for making a flag when the enemy Invested the fort and adds that "a decent one was soon contrived."

"The white stripes were cut out of ammunition

shirts; the blue out of the camulet cloak taken from the enemy at Peekskill, while the red stripes were made of different pieces of stuff procured from one and another of the garrison," the narrative says.

Quoting a letter written by Lieut. Col. Willett at Hartford, Conn., on Aug. 21, 1777, the narrative adds, speaking of the final action at Fort Stanwix on Aug. 6:

"We totally routed two of the enemy's encampments, brought off upwards of five colours, the whole of which on our return to the fort were displayed on our flagstaff under the Continental flag."

In view of these first-hand statements, War Department historical authorities are satisfied that the Continental flag mentioned was, in fact, the Stars and Stripes in its original form.


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