THE CALENDAR IN STANDARD TIME FOR CITIES IN THE U. S. (How to ascertain the same for 120 United States cities from Local Mean Time Calendar on the twelve monthly calendar pages immediately preceding.) Use Calendar for M. CONNECTICUT. Bridgeport....sub 7 E Bolsé City....add 45 Mb MINNESOTA. New Haven...sub 8 E Burlington.....add 5 C Denver. Montgomery..sub 15 C ARIZONA. M Phoenix......add 28 M Pueblo....sub 2 M DELAWARE. DIST. OF COLUMBIA. Washington...add 8 E KANSAS. CALIFORNIA (Southern). Los Angeles...sub 7 Pb Topeka. add 23 C Monterey....add 8 Pe Wichita......add 29 Ce KENTUCKY. Frankfort....sub 20 C San Diego....sub 11 P FLORIDA. Minneapolisdd 13 Ce Cedar Rapids.add 7 Cb Louisville..... sub 17 C Key West. Atlantic City..sub 2 E NORTH CAROLINA. OKLAHOMA. Muskogee... .add 21 Cg UTAH. .add NEW MEXICO. Cf 18 Santa Fé.add 4 Mo SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston...add 20 E Columbia..add 24 Eb TENNESSEE. Salt Lake.....add 28 Mb Memphis. Norfolk add 5 Ee 0 Ce Nashville.....sub 13 Ce TEXAS. VIRGINIA. WEST VIRGINIA. Dallas. add 27 C El Paso add 6 M Charleston...add 26 E Galveston....add 19 Ct 1 M Wheeling.....add 22 Eb San Antonio, add 34 Cf METHOD OF USING Directions: For New York City, subtract 4m. from the Calendar for that city and the result is in Eastern standard time; for other cities, use the Calendar named at head of column and add or subtract the given number of minutes; this gives the required standard time, which is Eastern, Central, THE TABLE ABOVE. Mountain or Pacific, according as the letter E, C, Mor P is found in the table. A small letter Indi cates that in case of sunrise and sunset, a correction for latitude is advisable; which correction is to be found in the table below, in the column headed by the small letter and on line with the date. NOTE-The same correction is applied to sunset as to sunrise, but in the opposite way; subtracted Instead of added and vice versa. READY-REFERENCE CALENDAR. For ascertaining any Day of the Week for any given Time within Two Hundred Years from the introduction of the New Style, 1752* to 1952 inclusive. COMMON YEARS, 1753 ΤΟ 1951. 1761 1767 1778 1789 1795 1801 1807 1818 1829 1835 1846 1857 1863 1874 1885 1891 477351362472 1903 1914 1925 1931 1942 1762 1773 1779 1790 1802 1813 1819 1830 1841 1847 1858 1869 1875 1886 1897 511462473513 1909 1915 1926 1937 1943 1757 1763 1774 1785 1791 1803 1814 1825 1831 1842 1853 1859 1870 1881 1887 1898 622573514624 1910 1921 1927 1938 1949 1754 1765 1771 1782 1793 1799 1805 1811 1822 1833 1839 1850 1861 1867 1878 1889 1895 255136147257 1901 1907 1918 1929 1935 1946 1755 1766 1777 1783 1794 1800 1806 1817 1823 1834 1845 1851 1862 1873 1879 1890 1902 1913 1919 1930 1941 1947 366247251361 1758 1769 1775 1786 1797 1809 1815 1826 1837 1843 1854 1865 1871 1882 1893 1899 733614625735 1905 1911 1922 1933 1939 1950 1753 1759 1770 1781 1787 1798 1810 1821 1827 1838 1849 1855 1866 1877 1883 1894 1900 144725736146 LEAP YEARS. 1756 ΤΟ 1952. 1906 1917 1923 1934 1945 1951 29 the table of years for which directs to column 14 Tuesday 14 Wednesd. 17 Saturday Tuesday 16 Wednesd. 16 Thursday 16 Friday 1752 same as 1772 from 13 Wednesd. 9 SUNDAY 10 Monday M Tuesday 12 Wednesd. 13 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday 3 5 6 7 8 SUNDAY 8 9 Monday 9 10 Tuesday 10 11 Wednesd. 11 12 Thursday 12 13 Friday 13 14 Friday 14 Saturday 14 14 Thursday 16 Saturday 11 SUNDAY 18 Monday 19 Tuesday 15 SUNDAY 15 16 Monday 17 Tuesday 16 17 16 SUNDAY 17 Monday 18 Tuesday 18 Wednesd. 18 19 Wednesd. 19 Thursday 19 20 Wednesd. 20 Thursday 20 Friday 20 21 Thursday 21 Friday 21 Saturday 21 2 Friday 22 Saturday 29 SUNDAY 22 28 Saturday 23 SUNDAY 23 Monday 24 SUNDAY 24 Monday 24 Tuesday 23 24 25 Monday 25 Tuesday 25 Wednesd. 25 26 Tuesday 26 Wednesd. 26 Thursday 28 27 Wednesd. 27 Thursday 271 Friday 97 28 Thursday 28 Friday 28 Saturday 28 29 Friday 29 Saturday 29 SUNDAY 29 30 30 Friday 30 Saturday 30 SUNDAY 30 Monday Wednesd. 31 Thursday 31 Friday 31 Saturday Morning Stars in 1927. Mercury-January 1 to January 28; March 13 to May 19; July 19 to September 2; November 10 to end of year. Venus September 10 to end of year. Mars-October 20 to end of year. Jupiter-March 1 to September 22. Evening Stars in 1927. Mercury-January 28 to March 13; May 19 to July 19; September 2 to November 10. Saturn-January 1 to May 26; December 3 to to end of year. end of year. Saturn-May 26 to December 3. |