PENNSYLVANIA-Continued. TEXAS-Continued. Dist. Representatives. Politics. P.O. Address. Dist. Representatives. 11 Tom Connally* Dem..Brenham. Dem..Marlin. Dem..Fort Worth. Dem.. Decatur. Isauro Gabaldon. Charles E. Winter*... Rep... Casper. ALASKA, Delegate Dan A. Sutherland*... Rep... Fairbanks. William P. Jarrett Dem.. Honolulu. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Resident Commissioners PORTO RICO, Resident Commissioner- HAWAII, Delegate Nat... Nueva Ecija, Clerk of the House-Wm. Tyler Page, Rep., Md. 12 Fritz G. Lanham 13 Guinn Williams*.. 14 Harry M. Wurzbach... Rep.. Seguin. *Served in the 68th Congress. Served in previous Congress. Mrs. Florence Prag Kahn, Rep., was elected Feb. 17, 1925, in the Fourth California District to suc ceed her husband, Julius Kahn, who died Dec. 18, 1924. H. L. Bowles, Rep., was elected in the Second Massachusetts District to succeed George B. Churchill, who died July 1, 1925. Mrs. Edith Nourse Rogers, Rep., was elected June 30, 1925, to succeed her husband. John Jacob Rogers, who died March 28, 1925. Joseph L. Hooper, Rep., was elected Aug. 18, in the Third Michigan District to succeed Arthur B. Williams, who died May 1, 1925. Stewart H. Appleby, Rep., was elected Nov. 3, 1925, in the Third New Jersey District to succeed T. Frank Appleby, who died Dec. 13, 1924. John W. Moore, Dem., was elected Nov. 3 in the Third Kentucky District to succeed Robert Y. Thomas, Jr., who died Sept. 3, 1925. Andrew J. Kirk, Rep., was elected Feb. 13, 1926, in the Tenth Kentucky District to succeed John W. Langley, resigned, Jan. 11, 1926. Harry L. Englebright, Dem., was elected Nov. 2, 1926, in the Second California District to succeed John E. Raker, who died Jan. 23, 1926. Frederick W. Dallinger, Rep., was elected Nov. 2, 1926, in the Eighth Massachusetts District to succeed Harry I. Thayer, who died March 10, 1926. Richard J. Welch, Rep., was elected Nov. 2, 1926, in the Fifth California District to succeed Lawrence J. Flaherty, who died June 13, 1926. John J. Cochran, Dem., was elected Nov. 2, 1926, in the Eleventh Missouri District to succeed Harry B. Hawes, who resigned Oct. 15, 1926. Charles E. Fuller. Rep., of the Twelfth Illinois District, died on June 25, 1926. The House of Representatives of the 69th Congress consists of 435 members. The composition of the House is: Republicans, 247: Democrats, 182; Farmer Laborites, 3; Socialists, 2; vacancy, 1. SENATE COMMITTEES, SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS, AS OF DEC. 8, 1926. Chairmen of Committee of the Senate (all Re- | Interoceanic Canals-Edge, N. J.; Interstate Com publicans)-Agriculture and Forestry-C. L. McNary, Ore: Appropriations-F. Warren, Wyo.: Audit and Control of Contingent Expenses-H. Keyes, N. Н. Banking and Currency McLean, Conn.; Civil Service P. H. Dale, Vt.; Claims-Means, Col.; Commerce-Jones, Wash.: District of ColumbiaCapper, Kan.: Education and Labor-Couzens, Mich.: Enrolled Bills-Greene, Vt.; Expenditures in Executive Departments-Reed, Pa.; Finance-Smoot, Utah; Foreign Relations-Borah, Idaho: Immigration-Johnson, Cal.; Indian Affairs-Harreld, Okla.; merce-Watson, Ind.; Irrigation and ReclamationPhipps, Colo.: Judiciary-Norris, Neb.; Library Fess, Ohto; Manufactures-Weller, Md. Military Affairs-Wadsworth jr., N. Y.; Min and Mining Oddie, Nev.; Naval Affairs-Hale. Me.; Patents-Metcalf, R. I. Pensions-Norbeck, S. D.; Post Offices and Post! Roads-Moses, N. H.; Printing-Pepper, Pa.: Public Buildings and Grounds-Lenroot, Wis. Public Lands and Surveys-Stanfield, Ore.: RulesCurtis, Kan.; Territories and Insular PossessionsWillis, Ohio. THE SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. THE SENATE. Terms of Senators end on March 4 of year preceding name. Salary of a Senator is $10,000 a year. Presiding Officer, the Vice President, Charles G. Dawes, R., of Illinois, salary, $15,000. President pro tem., Senator George H. Moses, R., of New Hampshire; Secretary, Edwin P. Thayer, R.; of Indiana. The whole number of Senators is 96. Republicans, 48; Democrats, 47; Farmer-Labor, 1. The seat in Senate for the term ending in 1931 was after the election of 1924 first occupied by Smith W. Brookhart, R., but was successfully contested by Daniel F. Steck, D., who was seated by Senate on April 13, 1926. David I. Walsh, D., was elected to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, R., of Mass., which had been occupied by appointment by William M. Butler, R. Arthur R. Gould, R., was elected at a special election Nov. 29, 1926, to fill the unexpired term of Senator Bert M. Furnald of Maine who died Aug. 23, Dist. THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Elected Nov. 2, 1926; terms from March 4, 1927, to March 4, 1929. Salary of members, $10,000 a year. Clerk of the House of Representatives-William Tyler Page, Rep., of Maryland. Alabama. Politics, P. O. Address. Dem.. Montgomery. Dem.. Ozark. 4 Lamar Jeffers. 6 William B. Oliver* 7 Miles C. Allgood* 8 Edward B. Almon* 9 George Huddleston* 10 William B. Bankhead*.. Dem.. Jasper. 6 C. William Ramseyer*.. Rep.. Bloomfield. 7 Cassius C. Dowell*.. 8 Lloyd Thurston*. 9 William R. Green*. 10 L. J. Dickinson*. 11 William D. Boies*. 1 Daniel R. Anthony 2 U. S. Guyert†. 3 W. H. Sproul* 4 Gomer Hoch 5 James G. Strong*. 6 Hays B. White*. 7 Clifford R. Hope. 8 William A. Ayres* 1 W. V. Gregory.. Rep.. Des Moines. Rep. Council Bluffs. Rep. Sheldon. Karsas. jr*.. Rep. Leavenworth. Kentucky. 2 David H. Kincheloe*. 3 John W. Moore*.... Dem.. Mayfield. Dem.. Madisonville. .Dem.. Morgantown. Rep. Louisville. Dem.. Covington. 4 Henry D. Moorman... Dem. Haroinsburg. 5 Maurice H. Thatcher*.. 6 Orie S. Ware.... 7 Virgil Chapman* 8 Ralph Gilbert*. 9 Fred M. Vinson* 10 Kate G. Langley. 11 John M. Robision. Dem.. Shelbyville. Dem.. Louisa. .Rep.. Pikesville. Rep. Barbourville. 1 Allen T. Treadway.... Rep.. Stockbridge. 8 Frederick W. Dallinger*Rep..Cambridge. 10 John J. Douglass. Dem. Boston. 12 James A. Gallivan Rep.. Decatur. 13 Robert Luce* Dem.. Boston. Rep.. Waltham. 14 Louis A. Frothingham*. Rep.. Easton. 16 Charles L. Gifford. Rep. Cotuit. crops for market or use (threshers, ensilage cutters, corn huskers, corn shellers, hay presses, feed grind- by an increase from 558,074 to 577,900 in the sales ders, etc.), $27,696,672; plows and listers, $23,- Sales of farm equipment by manufacturers for the probox partef the production of 1925 was not sold until 1926.) | product. |