INDEX. The contents of the ALMANAC are arranged topically, so far as feasible, as will be seen on consul In looking for an organization not in the Index, consult the general list of Associations and Socie Dates of great fires, celebrations and other historical events will be found in Memorable Dates, Ma 736 70 .245 417, 418 130, 131 130 775 138 284 752 558 554-557 508 39 .319 365, 369, 370 363 Arabia-Descriptive-Area, Population, Govern- 184 Atomic Weights.. 53 Attendance, Public School 537 Attorneys, Federal. General, U. S.. 711 August, Calendar for ment, Political Divs., Imports, Exports, Etc...590 Arabic and Roman Numerals Arbor Day Dates.. Archibald, Judge, Impeachment of Archbishops, Roman Catholic. Archaeology of 1926. Progress in. Archery Records. Arctic Exploration in 1926. Explorations of the Past. Population of the Earth British Empire. of Foreign Countries. • New York City by Boroughs. .690 Cities, Govt., Imports, Exports, Railroads, Aurora Borealis. 86 Australia-Descriptive-Area, Population, Chief Agricultural Development. 586 Altitudes in. 732 Apportionment of Congressional Representation.818 Rulers.. .674 .144 Area of United States and Possessions, 1790-1920.438 Automobile Fatalities, Here and Abroad. 729 Cities.. .277-279 Invention of.. 698 Argentina-Descriptive-Area, Population, Chief Production in U. S. 353 Cities, Government, Defense, Budget, Racing Records. 812 Taxes. 267 .....591 Automobiles in U. S., Value of. 296, 297 National Wealth of. .297 World Census of. 729 Arizona-Descriptive-Area, Population, Agri- Autumn Season, The.. 49 portation, Etc... 439 Children.. 748 820 Aviation, Aircraft Manufactures 140 Arkansas-Descriptive-Area, Population, Agri- Air Mail Routes. 140 culture, Industries, Transportation, Etc.440 Election Returns. 821 Race Meet.. British Air Force. Long Distance Flights. New World Records. Program in U. S. Budget Progress in U. S. Pulitzer Trophy Race. 140 567 141 141 185 .140 140 Trans-oceanic Flights. 141 Continental. 882 Avoirdupois Weight. 736 Air Corps Flying Fields.. Personnel in United States Budget. Forts and Camps, United States. Navy, and Marine Corps Pay Camps. Troops, U. S., in World War, by States...881 Troops, in Wars. 6 Around the World in a 34-ft. Yawl. "28 Days.. Records, Fast. Arrests in N. Y. City. Arrest in Civil Action, Law on. Arsenals, U.S.. Arsenic Poison, Treatment. Babe Ruth, Home Runs. எ 882 106 .213 501-503 Balloons, Speed of. 879 Bank Clearings at N. Y. City. in U. S. Cities. Notes in Circulation in U. S.. 878 790 697 323 363 577 581 342 186, 187 142 142 716 519 758 287 Statistics, N. Y. City. 502 Arthur, Chester A., and Wife, Biographies of Kill Bridges. Kills. 549 Bankers' Manifesto on European Tariffs. .180 Arts and Letters, American Academy of .526 Banking and Finance, Hoover on. 153, 154 4 National Institute of. Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday Table, 1801- 2000. Ashokan Reservoir 516, 517 Banks in N. Y. City, Condition of. 518, 519 Asia, Altitudes in. 732 Labor, in U. S.. 188, 189 Distances in... National, Condition of. 289 Asphalt Production of U.S. .357 Saving, Depositors and Deposits. 288 Assassinations, Noted 696 Bantamweight Champions, Boxing. 798 Assault Arrests in N. Y. City. 501-503 Banton, District Attorney, Analysis of Baumes Convictions for, in N. Y. State. 875 Laws. 173-175 Law on. 211 Baptists, Number of, in U. S.. 421 Assembly. N. Y. State, Members of. Values and Tax Levies, N. Y. City Assessments, Department of... Astor Cup Races... Information, Begins on. Athletics, Intercollegiate. 510, 511 Barley Crops of U. S.. 764 Barracks, Disciplinary, Army. 49 Baseball Attendance, 1926 Club Nicknames.. Records. 535 Basket Ball Records. 139 Basutoland... 769 Batters, Champion. 768, 769 Battery Park. 90 Batting Averages. 489 Barbados.. 577 875 Barge Canal System, N. Y. State. 475 365-369 494 246 774 World. 757 Receipts at New York.. 543 879 543 .788 681 70 131 795, 796 .583 ..792 |