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Costa Rica.




Dominican Rep.




Great Britain.





Irish Free State.












Envoys From United States, to

Charles C. Hart (D. C.), м.
Peter Augustus Jay (R. I.), А..
Albert Henry Washburn (Mass.), M.

William Phillips (Mass.), A.
Jesse S. Cottrell (Tenn.), Μ.
Edwin V. Morgan (N. Y.), A.
Charles S. Wilson (Me.), M....
Wm. M. Collier (N. Y.), Α..

John Van A. MacMurray (N. J.), M.

Samuel H. Piles (Wash.), M.

Roy T. Davis (Mo.), M..

Envoys to United States, From

Mr. Faik Konitza, M.

Mr. Honorio Pueyrredon, A.

Mr. Edgar L. G. Prochník, M.

Baron de Cartier de Marchienne, A.

Senor Dr. Don Ricardo Jaimes Freyre, M.

Mr. S. Gurgel do Amaral, A.

Mr. Simeon Radeff, м.

Senor Don Miguel Cruchaga Torcorral, A.

Mr. Sao-Ke Alfred Sze, M.

Dr. Enrique Olaya, M.

Senor Don J. Rafael Oreamuno, M.

Major Gen. Enoch H. Crowder (Mo.), A... Col. Orestes Ferrara, A.

Lewis Einstein (N. Y.), M.

H. Percival Dodge (Mass.), M

Evan E. Young (S. D.), M.
Gerhard A. Bading (Wis.), M.
Alfred J. Pearson (Iowa), м.
Myron T. Herrick (Ohio), A.
Jacob Gould Schurman (N. Y.), A.
Alanson B. Houghton (N. Y.), Α.
Robert P. Skinner (Ohio), M
Arthur H. Geissler (Okla.), M.
George T. Summerlin (La.), M..
Theodore Brentano (III.), М.

Henry P. Fletcher (Pa.), A...
Charles MacVeagh (N. H.), Α.
Frederick W. B. Coleman (Minn.), M.

Frederick W. B. Coleman (Minn.), M.
William Phillips (Mass.), M
James R. Sheffield (N. Y.), Α.
Richard M. Tobin (Cal.), M.
Charles C. Eberhardt (Kan.), M.
Laurits S. Swenson (Minn.), M.
John G. South (Ky.), M..
George L. Kreeck (Kan.), M.
Hoffman Phillip (N. Y.), M.
Miles Poindexter (Wash.), A.
John B. Stetson jr. (Pa.), М.
Fred Morris Dearing (Mo.), М.
William S. Culbertson (Kan.), M.
Jefferson Caffrey (La.), М.

Serbs, Croats, Etc.. Dr. John D. Prince (N. J.), М.








William W. Russell (D. C.), М.

Ogden H. Hammond (N. J.), A

Robert W. Bliss (N. Y.), M

Hugh S. Gibson (Cal.), M.

Rear Adm. M. L. Bristol, U. S. N., High Comr.

Ulysses Grant-Smith (Pa.), М.
Willis C. Cook (S. D.), м.

Mr. Zdenek Fierlinger, M.

Mr. Constantin Brun, M.
Senor Angel Morales, М.

Senor Don Juan Barveris (Charge d'A.)
Mr. Axel L. Astrom, М.
Count Paul Claudel, A.

Baron Ago von Maltzan, A.

The Right Hon. Sir Esme Howard, A.
Mr. Charalambous Simopoulos, M.
Senor Don Fr. Sanchez Latour, M.
Mr. Hannibal Price, M.
Senor Don Luis Bogran, M.
Count Laszlo Szechenyi, M.
Prof. Timothy A. Smiddy, М.
Nobile Giacomo de Martino, A.
Mr. Tsuneo Matsudaira, A.
Mr. Charles L. Seya, M.
Mr. Kazys Bizauskas, м.

Baron Raymond de Waha (Charge d'A.)
Senor Don Manuel C. Tellez, A.

Dr. H. van Asch van Wyck (Charge d'A.)
Senor Dr. Don Salvador Castrillo, M.
Mr. H. H. Bryn, M.

Senor Dr. Don R. J. Alfaro, M.

Dr. Don Eusebio Alaya, M.

Mr. F. Nowry Espandiary (Charge d'A.)

Dr. Hernan Velarde, A.

Mr. Jan Ciechanowski, M.

Viscount d'Alte, M.

Mr. Radu T. Djuvara (Charge d'A.)
Sr. Dr. Hector David Castro (Charge d'A.)
Dr. A. T. Pavichich, М.

Phya Vijitavongs, M.

Senor Don Alejandro Padilla y Bell, A.
Mr. Wollmar Bostroem, M.

Mr. Marc Peter, M.

Dr. Jacobo Varela, M.

Senor Dr. Don Carlos F. Grisanti, M.


The State Department of the United States advises: "To avoid delay and insure prompt attention correspondence upon consular business should be addressed-To the American Consul at


The list of United States Consuls abroad is given herewith, Consulates General of each, being indicated by the initials C. G.

Argentina-Buenos Ayres, C. G., Rosario. Austria -Vienna. Belgium-Antwerp, C. G., Brussels, Ghent. Bolivia-La Paz. Brazil Bahia, Para, Pernambuco, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, C. G., Santos, Sao Paulo. Bulgaria Sofia.

Chile-Antofagasta, Arica, Concepcion, Iquique, Punta Arenas, Valparaiso, C. G. China-Canton, C. G., Hankow, C. G., Mukden, C. G., Shanghai, C. G., Tientsin, C. G., Amoy, Antung, Changsha, Chefoo, Chungking, Foochow, Harbin, Kalgan, Nanking, Swatow, Tsinan, Tsingtao and Yunnanfu. Colombia-Barranquilla, Buenaventura, Cartagena, Santa Maria. Costa Rica-Port Limon, San Jose. Cuba-Havana, C. G., Antilla, Cienfuegos, Nueva Gerona, Neuvitas, Santiago. Czechoslovakia-Prague. Danzig, Free City of Danzig. Denmark-Copenhagen, C. G. Dominican Republic-Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo. Ecuador Guayaquil, C. G. Egypt-Alexandria, Cairo, Port Said. EsthontaTallinn. Finland-Helsingsfors.

France-Paris, C. G., Bordeaux, Calais, Cherbourg, Havre, La Rochelle, Lille, Limoges, Lyons, Marseilles, Nancy, Nantes, Nice, St. Etienne, Strasburg, Saigon (French Indo-China), Tananarive (Madagascar), Dakar (Senegal), Tahiti, Tunis,

Guadeloupe, Martinique.

Germany-Berlin, C. G., Frankfort-O.-M., C. G., Munich, C. G., Bremen, Breslau, Coblenz, Cologne, Dresden, Hamburg, Konigsberg, Leipzig, Stettin, Stuttgart.

Great Britain-London, C. G., Birmingham, Belfast, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Dundee, Edinburgh, Gibraltar, Glasgow, Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, Malta, Manchester, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Nottingham, Plymouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Stoke-onTrent, Swansea. Canada-Calgary, Campbellton, lottetown, Fernle, Fort William and Port ir, Halifax, C. G., Hamilton, Kingston, London,

Moncton, Montreal, C. G., Niagara Falls, Ottawa,
C. G., Prescott, Prince Rupert, Quebec, Regina,
Riviere du Loup, St. John, St. Stephen, Sarnia,
Sault Ste. Marie, Sherbrooke, Sydney, Toronto,
Vancouver, C. G., Victoria, Win Windsor, Winnipeg,
Yarmouth. Newfoundland St. John's. Irish Free
State Dublin, C. G., Cobh (Queenstown). Austra-
lia-Melbourne, C. G., Adelaide, Newcastle, Sydney.
New Zealand-Auckland, Wellington, C. G. India-
Calcutta, C. G., Bombay, Karachi, Madras, Rangoon,
Aden, Colombo (Ceylon). West Indies-Barbados,
Kingston (Jamaica), Nassau (N. P.), Trinidad,
Belize (British Honduras), Georgetown (British
Guiana), Hamilton (Bermuda). Union of South
Africa Cape Town, C. G., Durban, Port Elizabeth,
Johannesburg. Kenya-Nairobi. Others-Singapore,
C. G. Penang. Hongkong. Malta.

Greece-Athens, C. G., Patras, Saloniki. Guate-
mala-Guatemala, C. G. Hatti-Cape Haitien,
Port au Prince. Honduras Ceiba, Puerto Cortes,
Tegucigalpa. Hungary-Budapest, C. G. Iraq-

Italy-Genoa, C. G., Naples, C. G., Catania, Florence, Leghorn, Messina, Milan, Palermo, Rome, Trieste, Turin, Venice.

Japan Seoul, C. G., Tokio, C. G., Dairen, Kobe, Nagasaki, Nagoya, Taihoku (Formosa), Yokohama. Latvia-Riga. Liberia-Monrovia, C. G. Lithu anta-Kovno.

Mexico Mexico City, C. G., Acapulco, Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Durango, Ensenada, Frontera, Guadalajara, Guaymas, Manzanillo, Matamoros, Mazatlan, Mexicali, Monterey, Nogales, Nuevo Laredo, Piedras Negras, Progreso, Salina Cruz, Saltillo, San Luis Potosi, Tampico, Torreon, Vera Cruz.

Morocco-Tangier, C. G., Casablanca. Netherlands-Amsterdam, C. G., Rotterdam, Batavia (Java), Soerabaya (Java), Medan (Sumatra), Curacao (W. I.). Nicaragua-Bluefields, Corinto. Norway Oslo, C. G., Bergen, Stavanger.

Palestine Jerusalem. Panama Panama, C. G., Colon. Paraguay-Asuncion. Persia-Bushire, Tabriz, Teheran. Peru-Callao-Lima, C. G. PolandWarsaw. C. G. Portugal-Lisbon, C. G., Funchal,

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Oporto, Horta (Fayal), St. Michaels, Loanda, riffe. Sweden Stockholm, C. G., Goteborg, Malmo.
Lourenco Marques. Roumania-Bucharest.
Switzerland-Zurich, C. G., Basel, Berne, Geneva,
Salvador-San Salvador. Serbs, Croats, and St. Gall, Lucerne. Syria-Aleppo, Beirut, Damascus.
Slotene Belgrade, Zagreb. Siam-Bangkok. Turkey-Constantinople, C. G., Smyrna. Uruguay-
Snein-Barcelona, C. G., Bilbao, Cadiz, Madrid,
Malaga, Santander, Seville, Valencia, Vigo, Tene

Montevideo. Venezuela-Caracas, La Guaira,
Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello.


Albania-Boston. Argentina-New Orleans, La.. C. G.; New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G. Chicago, III.; Philadelphia, Pa. Austria-New York, C. G.; Chicago, III.

Belgium-Portland, Ore., C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Atlanta, Ga.; Baltimore, Md.; Birming ham, Ala.; Boston, Mass.; Charleston, S. C.; Chicago, III.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Denver, Col.; Detroit, Mich.; Dubuque, Iowa; Galveston, Tex.; Green Bay, Wis.; Kansas City, Mo.; Memphis, Tenn.; Minneapolis, Minn.: Mobile, Ala.; New Orleans, La.; Newport News and Norfolk, Va.; New York; Omaha, Neb.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Richmond, Va.; St. Louis, Mo.; Savannah, Ga.; Seattle, Wash.; Sioux Falls, S. D.

Bolivia-New York, C. G.; Baltimore, Md.: Boston, Mass.; Chicago, III.; Kansas City, Mo.; Los Angeles, Cal.; New Orleans, La.; Philadelphia, Pa.; St. Louis, Mo.: San Diego, Cal.: San Francisco, Cal.; Seattle, Wash. Brazil-New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York, C. G.; Baltimore, Md.; Boston, Mass.: Chicago, III.; Los Angeles, Cal.; Newport News, Va.: Norfolk, Va.; Palm Beach, Fla.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Richmond, Va.; San Francisco, Cal. Bulgaria-New York, C. G.

Chile New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Baltimore, Md., Boston, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Chicago, III.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Detroit, Mich.; Jersey City, N. J.; Los Angeles, Cal.; Newark, N. J.; New Orleans, La.; Norfolk, Va.; Philadelphia, Pa.; St. Louis, Mo.; Seattle, Wash. China-New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Wash. Colombia-New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G. Costa Rica-Milwaukee, Wis., C. G.; New Orleans, La., C. G.: New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G. Cuba-New York, C. G.; Atlanta, Ga.; Baltimore, Md.; Boston, Mass.; Brunswick, Ga.; Caarleston, S. C.; Chattanooga, Tenn.; Chicago, III.: Cincinnati, Ohio; Detroit, Mich.; Fernandina, Fla.; Galveston, Tex.; Gulfport, Miss.; Jacksonville, Fla; Kansas City, Mo.; Key West, Fla.; Los Angeles, Cal.; Louisville, Ky.; Miami, Fla.; Mobile, Ala: New Orleans, La.; Newport News, Va.; Norfolk, Va.; Pascagoula, Miss.; Pensacola, Fla.; Philadelphia, Pa.; St. Louis, Mo.; San Francisco, Cal.; Savannah, Ga.; Tampa, Fla.; Washington, D. C. Czechoslovakia-Chicago, III.; Cleveland, Ohio; New York: Omaha, Neb.; Pittsburgh, Pa.

Denmark New York, C. G. Chicago, III.; New Orleans, La.; San Francisco, Cal.; Seattle, Wash. Dominican Republic-New York, C. G.; Houston, Tex.; New Orleans, La.; Philadelphia, Pa.; San Francisco, Cal. Ecuador-New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York, C. G.: San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Chicago, III.; Los Angeles, Cal.; Philadelphia, Pa.: Seattle, Wash. Egg-New York. Esthonia-New York: San Francisco, Cal.; New Orleans, La.; Charleston, S. C.; Norfolk, Va. Finland-New York, C. G.; Astoria, Ore.: Chicago, III.; Duluth, Minn.; San Francisco, Cal.

France-New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Boston, Mass.; Chicago, III.; New Orleans, La.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Seattle, Wash. (Note France maintains Consular Agents in thirty cities.)

Germany-Chicago, Ill., C. G.; New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Baltimore, Md.; Boston, Mass.: Cincinnati, Ohlo; Cleveland, Ohio: Charleston, S. C.; Galveston, Tex.: Los Angeles, Cal.: Mobile, Ala.: New Orleans, La.; Pensacola, Fla.; Portland, Ore.; St. Louis, Mo.; Savannah, Ga.; San Antonio, Tex.; Seattle, Wash.

Great Britain-Boston, Mass., C. G. Chicago, III. C. G.; New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York, C. G.; Philadelphia, Pa., C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Atlanta, Ga.; Baltimore, Md.; Douglas, Ariz.; Detroit, Mich.; Galveston, Tex.; Jacksonville, Fla.: Los Angeles, Cal.; Norfolk, Va.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Portland, Me.; Portland, Ore.; St. Louis, Mo.; Savannah, Ga.; Seattle, Wash. (Note There are Vice Consulates in thirty other cities.)

Greece Chicago, III., C. G.; New York, C. G. San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Atlanta, Ga.; Boston, Mass.: Cleveland, Ohio: Denver, Col.; St. Louis, Mo.: Seattle, Wash.; Washington, D. C. GuatemalaBaltimore, Md., C. G.; Boston, Mass., C. G; Chicago, I., С. G.; Jersey City, N., J., C. G.; New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York, N. Y., C. G.; St. Louis, Mo.. C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G. Haut-New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York, C. G.; Boston, Mass.: Galveston, Tex.; Houston, Tex.; Mobile, Ala.; San Francisco, Cal. Honduras Chicago, III., C. G.; New Orleans, La., C. G.; New

York, C. G.; St. Louis, C. G. Hungary-New York,
C. G.; Chicago, III., C. G.; Cleveland, Ohio.

Irish Free State Has no Consulate but maintains a passport control office at No. 1 Broadway, New York City, in charge of Matthew Murphy. Linsley Crawford is the Trade Agent at that office. This corrects statement on page 525.

naby Chicago, III., C. G.; New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Baltimore, Md.; Beston, Mass.; Cleveland, Ohio; Denver, Col.; New Orleans, La.; Philadelphia, Pa.; St. Louis, Mo. (NoteItaly maintains Vice Consulates in two cities and Consular Agents in sixty-eight cities.)

Japan-New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal.;
C. G.; Boston, Mass.; Chicago, III.; Galveston,
Tex.: Los Angeles, Cal.; Mobile, Ala.: New Orleans,
La.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Portland, Ore.; St. Louis,
Mo.; Seattle, Wash. Latvia-Boston, Mass.; Chi-
cago, III.; Cleveland, Ohio; New Orleans, La.; New
York; Philadelphia, Pa.; St. Louis, Mo; San Fran-
cisco, Cal.; Seattle, Wash. Liberia-Baltimore,
Md., C. G.; Chicago, Ill.; Galveston, Tex.: Mobile,
Ala.; New York; Philadelphia, Pa.; St. Louis, Mo.;
San Francisco, Cal. Lithuania-Chicago, III.; New
York. Luxemburg-Chicago, III., C. G.; Los Angeles,
Cal.; New York: Washington, D. C.

Mexico El Paso, Tex., C. G.; New Orleans, La.,
C. G.; New York, C. G.; San Antonio, Tex., С. G.;
San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Albuquerque, N. M.;
Baltimore, Md.; Beaumont, Tex.; Boston, Mass.;
Brownsville, Tex.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Calexico, Cal.:
Chicago, III.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio:
Corpus Christi, Tex.; Dallas, Tex.; Del Rio, Tex.;
Denver, Col.; Detroit, Mich.; Douglas, Ariz.; Eagle
Pass, Tex.; Galveston, Tex.; Houston, Tex.; Indian-
apolis, Ind.: Kansas City, Mo.; Laredo, Tex.: Los
Angeles, Cal.; McAllen, Tex.; Milwaukee, Wis.;
Mobile, Ala.; Naco, Ariz.; Nogales, Ariz.; Norfolk,
Va.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; Philadelphia, Pa.:
Phoenix, Ariz.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Portland, Ore.:
Providence, R. I.; Rio Grande, Tex.; St. Louis, Mo.:
Salt Lake City, Utah: San Diego, Cal.; Seattle,
Wash.; Tampa, Fla.; Tucson, Ariz.; Yuma, Ariz.
Netherlands Chicago, III., C. G.; New York,
C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Baltimore, Md.;
Boston, Mass.; Charleston, S. C.; Denver, Col.;
Galveston, Tex.; Grand Rapids, Mich.; Kansas
City, Mo.: New Orleans, La.; Norfolk, Va.; Phila-
delphia, Pa.; Port Arthur, Tex.; St. Louis, Mo.
Nicaragua Chicago, III., C. G.; Kansas City,
Kan., C. G.; New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York,
N. Y., C. G., St. Louis, Mo., C. G.; Philadelphia,
Pa., C. G. Norway-New York, C. G.; Chicago,
III.; St. Paul, Minn.; San Francisco, Cal. (Note-
Norway has Vice Consulates in thirty-eight cities.)
Panama-New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York,
C. G. Paraguay-New York, C. G.; Philadelphia.
Persia-New York, C. G.; Boston, Mass.: Chicago,
III.; Philadelphia, Pa.; San Francisco, Cal.
New York, N. Y., C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.;
Baltimore, Md.; Boston, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y.
Poland-Chicago, Ill., C. G.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Detroit,
Mich.; New York: Pittsburgh, Pa. Portugal-
New York, C. G.; Boston, Mass.; Bristol, R. I.;
Chicago, Ill.; Fall River, Mass.: Hartford, Conn.;
New Bedford, Mass.; New Orleans, La.; Oakland,
Cal.; Providence, R. I.


Roumania-Chicago, III., C. G.; New York, C. G.; Bethesda, Md.; Philadelphia, Pa.

Salvador-New York, C. G.; Baltimore, Md.; Boston, Mass.; Chicago, III.; Los Angeles, Cal.; New Orleans, La.; Philadelphia, Pa.; San Francisco, Cal. Serbs, Croats and Slovenes New York, C. G. Chicago, III., C. G.; San Francisco, Cal. Siam-Chicago, III., C. G.; New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.; Philadelphia, Pa. Spain-New York, C. G.; Chicago, Ill.; New Orleans, La.; Philadelphia, Pa.; St. Louis, Mo.; San Francisco, Cal.; Tampa, Fla. (Note Spain maintains also Vice Consulates in twenty-two cities.) Sweden-New York, C. G.; Chicago, Ill.; San Francisco, Cal. (Note -Sweden maintains also Vice Consulates in twentyfive cities.) Venezuela-New Orleans, La., C. G.; New York, C. G.; San Francisco, Cal., C. G.

Switzerland-Chicago, 11.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Denver, Col.; Los Angeles, Cal.; New Orleans, La.; New York; Philadelphia, Pa.; Portland, Ore.; St. Louis, Mo.; San Francisco, Cal.; Seattle, Wash.; Washington, D. C.

Uruguay-New York, C. G.; Baltimore, Md.. Boston, Mass.; Chicago, III.; New Orleans, La.: St. Louis, Mo.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Portland, Me.: San Francisco, Cal.; Savannah, Ga.

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SECRETARY TO THE PRESIDENT... EVERETT SANDERS, Indiana. Salary, $10,000 EXECUTIVE CLERKS, Edward T. Clark, Mass. ($6,000); Rudolph Forster, D. C. ($6,000), and Maurice C Latta, Okla. ($5,200).

The Physician to the President was appointed in July, 1924, in the person of Major James F. Coupal,

Medical Corps of the Army, who succeeded Brig. Gen. C. E. Sawyer, resigned.

The Cabinet meets on Tuesdays and Fridays at ten-thirty o'clock. The White House is open to visitors dally except Sundays and holidays from ten to two o'clock.

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Ass't Secretary-Hanford MacNider, Iowa...$10,000 | Civilian Assistant-Herbert S. Flynn, D. C... $3,000

Ass't Secretary for Acronautics-F. Trubee

[blocks in formation]

Davison, N. Y..


Chief Bur. Ins. Affairs-Major Gen. F.
McIntyre, Ala.


Ass't and Chief Clerk-John C. Scofield, Ga...

Chief of Staff-Major Gen. Charles P. Sum




merall, Fla..


Chief Clerk-Adolph Gerhard, III.


The Adjt. Gen. Major Gen. Robert C. Davis,



Chief Clerk-Thomas A. O'Brien, Me.



[blocks in formation]

Insp. Gen. Major Gen. Eli A. Helmick, Ind.

Judge Adv. Gen. Major Gen. John A. Hull,




Chief Chemical Warfare Service-Major Gen.
Amos A. Fries, Wis.

Chief Infantry-Major Gen. Robert H. Allen,




8,000 1

Solicitor General-William D. Mitchell, Minn..$10,000, Sols. Dept. State Green H. Hackworth, Ky.

Asst. to the Atty.Gen.-Wm. J. Donovan, N.Y. 9,000
Asst. Attys. Gen. Chas D. Lawrence, N. Y.
($8,000); Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt,
Cal. ($7,500); Herman J. Galloway, Ind.
($7,500): Ira Lloyd Letts, R. I. ($7,500);
John Marshall, W. Va. ($7,500); Bertice
M. Parmenter, Okla. ($7,500); Oscar R.
Luhring, Ind. ($7,500).

[blocks in formation]

($6,000); Dept. of Com. - Stephen B. Davis jr., N. M.($6,000); Dept. Lador-Theodore G. Risely, III. ($6,000); Treas. Dept.Robert J. Mawhinney, Pa. ($6,000). Вит. Int. Rev. Under section 1201 (a) of the Revenue Act of 1926, this office ceased to exist. Alexander W. Gregg is now General Counsel for the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Chief Clerk-James W. Baldwin, Ind.. Dir., Bur. Invest.-John E. Hoover, D. C... 7,500



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Chief Constr. (Rear Adm.)..




Ch. Bu. Eng'r'g-J. Halligan jr. (Rear Adm.).. 8,000 Hydrographer-W. S. Crosley (Capt.)........ 6,000


First Asst. Secretary-E. C. Finney, Kan.....$7,500 | Dir. of Reclamation Economics-Geor. C.

Aast. Secretary-John H. Edwards, Ind...

7,500 Kreutzer, Col...


Clef Clerk-Wm. Bertrand Acker, N. Y...


Chiles Engineer-R. F. Walter, Col


Admin. Asst. to Sec.-E. K. Burlew, Pa.
Chief Inspector-Jos. F. Garland, Pa.....



Dir. Geol. Survey-Geo. Otis Smith, Me.
Dir. Nat. Park Service-S. T. Mather, Ill..... 6,500
Asst. Dir. Nat. Park Service-A. B. Cammerer,


Supervisor of Classification-John Harvey, Tex.




Comm. Gen. Land Office-William Spry, Utah.


Azst, Comm. Thos. C. Havell, Tenn..


White, N. Y.

Comm, of Pensions-Winfield Scott, Okla.



Dep. Comm.-Edward W. Morgan, Vt..


Comm. of Edu. Dr. John J. Tigert, Ky.


Cades Clerk-L. A. Kalbach, Pa...


Comm., Indian Affairs-Charles H. Burke,

S. D......


Supt., St. Elizabeth's Hospital-Dr. Wm. A.

Wm. A. Warfield, Md....
President Howard University-Mordecal W.

The Alaska Railroad, Gen. Manager-Noel W.
Smith, $1,200 per month.


Freedmen's Hospital-Dr.



Asst. Comm.-Edgar B. Meritt, Ark,
Comm. of Reclamation-Elwood Mead, Cal... 7,500


Chief Clerk, Alaska Railroad-M. R. Brock.. 2,800
Gov. of Alaska-George A. Parks, Col...

Asst. to Comm.-P. W. Dent, Tenn...


Gov. of Hawaii-Wallace R. Farrington, T. H..

7,000 7,000

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Assistant Secretary-R. W. Dunlap, Ohio... $7,500 | Ad. Chief, Bur. of Agricultural Economics

Dit. of Scientific Work-Albert F. Woods, Md. 7,500
Dir. of Regulatory Work-W. G. Campbell, Ky. 7,500

Dir. of Extension Work-C. W. Warburton, Ia. 7,500
Dir. of Information-N. A. Crawford, Kan..
Dir. of Personnel and Business Administration-

W. W. Stockberger, Ohio..

Selicttor-R. W. Williams, Fla...



Chiefs of Bureaus-Weather Bureau- C. F. Marvin, Ohio, $6,500; Animal Ind.-J. R. Mohler, Pa., $6,500; Datrying-C. W. Larson, N. Y., $6,000: Plant Ind. W. A. Taylor, Mich.. $6,500: Forest Service-W. B. Greeley, Cal., $6,500: Chemistry-C. A. Browne, N. Y., $6,500; Soils-M. Whitney. Md., $6,000; Entomology-L. O. Howard, N. Y., $6,500; Biological Survey-E. W. Nelson, Ariz., $6,000; Public Roads T. H. MacDonald, Iowa, $6,500.

Chief, Packers and Stockyards Adm.-J. T.
Chief, Grain Futures Adm.-J. W. T. Duvel,

Caine, Utah...


Chief, Fized Nitrogen Research Laboratory-
F. G. Cottrell, Cal..

Chief, Office of Experimental Stations-E. W.

Allen, Mass.

Chies, Office of Co-operative Extension Work-
C. B. Smith, Mich..








Librarian Claribel R. Barnett, N. Y......... 3,800

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. (Salaries fluctuate under the Class fication Act.)

Assistant Secretary-J. Walter Drake, Mich.
Assistant Secretary for Aeronautics-William P. Mac-
Cracken jr., III.

Adm. Asst. to the Secretary-Harold N. Graves, D. C.
Asst. to the Secretary-James H. MacLafferty, Cal.
Chief Clerk and Supt.-Edward W. Libbey, D. C.
Distursing Clerk-Charles E. Molster, Ohio.
Chief of Appoint. Div.-Clifford Hastings, Wash.
Chief. Dio. of Publications-Thom. F. McKeon, N. Y.
Chief, Div. of Supplies-Walter S. Erwin, Miss.

Dir. Bur. of Standards-Geo. K. Burgess, Cal.
Dir. Bur. of Foreign and Domestic Commerce-Julius
Klein, Mass.

Comm. of Fisheries-Henry O'Malley, Wash.
Comm. of Lighthouses-George R. Putnam, Iowa.
Dir. Coast and Geodetic Survey E. Lester Jones, Va.
Comm. of Navigation-David B. Carson, Tenn.
Supervising Inspector General, Steamboat Inspection
Service Dickerson N. Hoover, Md.
Comm. of Patents-Thomas E. Robertson, Md.
Dir. Bur. of Mines-Scott Turner, Mich.

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