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the end of January, and the new Governor, John G. Richards, who will then be in office, has given his assurance that a real inquest will be held.

In the same way The World enriched public knowledge and quickened the public conscience regarding the long-pending Sacco-Vanzetti case in Massachusetts. The growing doubt whether these two men were convicted of murder because of the strength of the evidence against them or because they were known radicals brought to trial at a time when all radical thought and activity were under fire, the hottest fire coming from the United States Department of Justice itself, was strengthened by the revelations of The World's Inquiry. Directly as a result of its articles a marked change has come in popular opinion regarding the case, and there is confident expectation that a new trial is possible.

Other matters away from home that engaged The World's attention were the case of George R. Dale, a newspaper editor of Muncie, Ind., convicted of contempt under circumstances that seemed to strike at the heart of freedom of the press, and for whom The World raised a fund to aid in carrying his case to the United States Supreme Court; the convict leasing system in Alabama, where reforms and punishments of brutality are impending: the amazing reign of lawlessness in and around Chicago, and a survey of business conditions in Florida, a notable series of articles by a staff correspondent forecasting shrewdly much that came to pass during the summer.


At home, The World found as many matters to enlist its support and to justify its leadership. It was The World that first called attention to conditions existing on the Queensboro Bridge, whose facilities fall so far short of the demands upon it that enormous losses are inflicted upon merchants and manufacturers, quite aside from the vexations suffered by those who cross it in their own cars. The World's campaign is bearing fruit in plans now awaiting adoption for new roadways on the bridge and for the establishment of a ferry for heavy traffic.

It was The World, too, that led the fight for a university in Brooklyn, a project that was given, last month, the approval of the State Regents. Brooklyn were a separate municipality it would be the third largest in the United States, and the proposal is that this great community be giver ts first commensurate institution of higher educa


In the last days of the outgoing State Administration, a Water Power Commission controlled by Republican officers proposed to grant franchises along the St. Lawrence and the Salmon Rivers on terms that The World believed were wholly inadequate, and that seemed to have been drawn in the hope that they might be put through before the new Water Power Commission, provided for under the State reorganization, came into office, Jan. 1.

With no desire to say that the other newspapers of New York were indifferent to this situation, the fact remains that it was The World which first laid emphasis upon the danger, and that it was The World which continued so to emphasize this danger that when the commission met to take final action the beneficiaries under the pending franchises withdrew their offers.


Throughout the year The World maintained its pre-eminence as a newspaper of selection, and of marked distinction among its writers. Harry Hansen came to its staff as literary editor and author of The First Reader, the five-times-a-week discussion of new books that has become an out standing forum of criticism. Heywood Broun continued his dally causerie of comment on life; F. P. A.'s Conning Tower loomed still more sharply against the horizon: Frank Sullivan's vagrant humor sparkled from the pages of the paper: Milt Gross "Exaggerations" spread their delighted audiences still more widely.


Queen Marie of Roumania became a newspaper contributor during the year, her "Impressions America," written for the North American Newspaper Alliance, of which The World is a member, appearing in these columns.

Two other activities of The World achieved

News contests in the high schools of the city. The World offers prizes for the best brief expositions of what, in the opinion of students of the high schools, was the most important news of the week. During the year more than 50,000 essays were submitted in competition for the weekly prizes and for the trophy that goes, each year, to the high school whose pupils score the highest number of points.

Sports in The World for 1926 were based on authority and accuracy, and were marked by variety. The daily happenings were chronicled carefully by members of the regular staff, while special stories were treated in a big way by calling on writers of prominence to contribute articles and features.

Meinbers of the departmental staff, working under the direction of James Robbins, are authorities in their line. These Include George Daley with his Sport Talk and racing; Monitor and William Henngan in baseball; Peter Vischer in golf; Hype Igoe in boxing: Charles E. Parker in lawn tennis, track athletics and football, and L. de B. Handley in swimming.

Among notables in high esteem who contributed to the sports page throughout the year were Babe Ruth, greatest home run hitter of all time; Tad Jones, Knute Rockne and Glenn Warner, three of the leading football coaches in the country: Joe Choynski, once famous as a fighter; Benny Leonard, former lightweight champion of the world; Jimmy De Forest, one of the greatest trainers of all time; Francis Oulmet in golf and Helen Wills in lawn tennis. Features provided during the year were Babe Ruth's All-America baseball team and the most generally accepted All-America football eleven, which represented the combined opinions of Jones, Rockne and Warner.


Representing all classes, and considered as the paper most characteristic of the city's life, The World was chosen in December by the Church Advertising Department of the International Advertising Association as one of the 150 papers in the United States to print the questionnaire ballot prepared by a commission of 100 clergymen to record a census of religious opinion, the first syste matic attempt of its kind made in this country. The Religious Department of The World, edited by Mary H. Spencer, is a clearing house for information relating to church and denominational news. It has three distinctive features. In addition to spreading church announcements Saturday mornings, it sends a representative to some church

each Sunday and publishes on Monday morning a report of the sermon with a picture of the minister and a brief biography. This series of "Messages of New York Churches," now in its fifth year, ear, has been called "a constructive feature in modern journalism." Since February, 1924, under the caption, "Churches in Action," a religious department pa has been edited Saturdays in The Evening World.


Combining a large number of unusually good fiction stories with many brilliant feature articles, The Sunday World Magazine was able to offer its readers exceptional entertainment throughout 1926.

In fiction The Sixteen Best Short Stories of 1926-carefully chosen from the national periodicals and printed one complete in each issue for sixteen weeks were especially successful, numbering ag they did, among their authors Booth Tarkington, Peter B. Kyne, Achmed Abdullah, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edgar Wallace, and others. There were also published series of short stories by E. Phillips Oppenheim, Leroy Scott, Harvey O'Higgins, and H. C. Bailey: besides single stories by Mary Roberta Rhinehart, James Oliver Curwood, Peter B. Kyne, Michael Arlen, Samuel Hopkins Adams, Elmer Davis, F. Britten Austin, Arthur Stringer, Donn Byrne, Gerald Beaumont and many others.

As for the feature articles, wide was their appeal and diversified their content. Among them may be recalled the following which attracted more than ordinary attention: "The Long. Hard Road That Leads to Mount Everest." as told by Capt. John Noel, F. R. G. S., the amazing record of the torturesome climb to the top of the world: "Marshall Pilsudski.' a frank and strenuous close-up of Poland's iron man, a graphic description, with submarine S-51; "Why It Costs So Much to Be III," a much-needed capitulation of the tremendous expense of hospitalization, its whys and wherefores: amusing test of chorus girl intelligence which returned surprising answers singularly favorable to the subjects; "General Gajda, Swashbuckler Extraordinary," the fantastic true story of the rise and fall of Czechoslovakia's mad young Napoleon;

new measures of success. The Yosian Brother-colored diagrams, of the raising of the sunken

hood, an outgrowth of J. Otis Swift's "News Outside the Door," and the weekly nature walks he leads, reached an enrolment of 6,000. Each Sunday morning, whether the days were fair or stormy, in rafn and in snow as well as in sunshine, an aver age of 100 persons walked with him, and related activities brought the weekly number close to 500

Like popularity has been attained by the Biggest

"New York's Big Money Spenders," an investigation into the reckless pace of modern extravagance which brought to light amazing figures; a series of articles from the "Inside" on the tips recelved by the many who serve us in daily life proved illuminating; the destruction of ice-bergs with heat; archeological discoveries from all parts of the earth; an engrossing article on the prophetic measurements of the great pyramids of Cheops; Capt. George M. Dyott's strange adventures in deepest South America; bizarre experiences of Palestine's Police Chief; Thomas H. Lee, with the head-hunters; Rene Eassellare, great French Detective; Armstrong Sperry's adventures with sharks, tigers, cannibals, and volcanoes; the Hungarian counterfeit plot-the machinations of Prince Windisch-Graetz; and many other articles on science, Invention, sociology (Louise Rice's brilliant contributions, be it noted), magic, the arts, etc.

Spring and fall fashions were described and illustrated by Natacha Rambova and others. Prof. Raymond made another of his yearly forecastsa large part proving accurate and the articles on numerology, graphology, and astrology proved to entertain as many readers as ever. Unusual caricatures and drawings were contributed by Tono Salazar, Bemelmans, Herb Roth, Kubinyl, Leo Kober, Baroness Dombrowski, H. T. Webster, Milt Gross, and others. Among many famous professional people who wrote for the magazine may be mentioned Jascha Heifetz, George M. Cohan, Paul Swan, Harry B. Smith, and Amelia Galli-Curci. A new feature to which readers have shown quick response is the weekly guide to the heavens wherein may be found a schedule of the stars in the order of their appearance.


By the use of its exclusive Color Gravure process, The World during 1926 was able to give its readers something they could get in no other American newspaper: Accurate reproductions in color of paintings by old and new masters.

Nearly every important art exhibition held in New York City during the year was represented in color reproduction. A number of paintings shown in the Fine Arts Building at the Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exposition were also reproduced. In addition experiments were made in direct color photography of persons of prominence. Color photographs of familiar scenes in New York City were also reproduced. A strikingly interesting feature was a series of twelve paintings illustrating Important events in the history of the United States. The eight famous canvases in the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington were among the twelve.


Its successful fight for new laws to curb the easy bail evil was The Evening World's biggest editorial achievement of the year. In fifty editorials and numerous news articles The Evening World (1) exposed and denounced the ease with which confirmed criminals gained their freedom on bail and used that freedom to commit fresh crimes; (2) addressed twelve questions on ball problems to the five District Attorneys of Greater

movement to induce the Bar Association to aid the reform of criminal law by a reform of criminal lawyers. The Evening World articles on this subject have attracted attention all over the country. In this State The Evening World has taken the lead in the effort to bring lawyers and laymen together for genuine reform of what Chief Justice Taft has pronounced, "a disgrace to civilization"-the administration of criminal law in the United States. UNEXCELLED SPORT NEWS.

The Evening World excelled again in the presentation of sports news. The manner in which it presented to its readers the heavyweight championship fight between Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney was noteworthy. Vincent Trean Treanor and Ed. Van Every covered the training activities of the fighters and each wrote a fine, graphic story of the fight. Van Every added to his reputation as a fight expert by predicting that Tunney would win the fight. He later picked Jack Sharkey to beat Harry Wills.

Horse racing news was in the experienced hands of Treanor. His "clockers' tables," prepared for the benefit of the unterrified followers of the horses, won constant appreciation.

Baseball was the specialty of Col. Bozeman Bulger, whose inimitable and interesting style has made him known wherever baseball is read and discussed. Arthur Mann helped him gather baseball news and also covered field and track events.

Football, tennis and golf were handled in an able manner by William Abbott. Professional Ice hockey, which gained immensely in popularity in 1926, and amateur hockey were reported by the able pen of Al. Wilson. Burris Jenkin's sports cartoons maintained the same high standard he set in the previous year.

The Evening World devoted ample space to scholastic sports and at the close of the football season Charles Seivert selected an All Scholastic football eleven. The members of the team were presented with gold footballs by The Evening World.

All of these experts write under the direction of Richard Freyer. Contributors to the sport pages were John McGraw, manager of the Giants, Miller Huggins, manager of the Yankees and, among others, Vance McCormick, one of Yale's famous football captains, who wrote an unusually interesting article for the special supplement which The Evening World published on the anniversary of the fiftieth meeting between Yale and Princeton on the gridiron.


The Evening World Kiddie Klub was organized in 1916 and in the ten years of its existence, under the direction of Cousin Eleanor (Eleanor Schorer). it has enrolled over 190,000 youngsters.

The Kiddie Klub Korner, published daily, is the medium through which members learn of the Klub's activities. During 1926, 17,000 Kiddie Klub members and almost that many parents were entertained, gratis, at the five parties given for them on July 6, 13, 20. 27, and Sept. 7, at Steeplechase Park, Coney Island. And on the mornings of Dec. 28, 29, 30 and 31, 13,200 members and parents

New York and printed their answers, (3) obtained enjoyed the Kiddie Klub's Eleventh Annual Christ

and printed opinions from twelve eminent New York judges and lawyers in answer to the question: "Is bail a constitutional right in the State of New York?"-the majority view supporting The Evening World's contention that there is no constitutional right to ball in this State; and (4) urged new laws restricting ball for habitual criminals.

This newspaper's criticism of the practice of the Supreme Court Justices in reducing ball fixed by judges in lower courts led to a summons, issued by Supreme Court Justice Aaron J. Levy, to compel

the editor of The Evening World to answer to a charge of criminal contempt of court. Charles E. Hughes and Charles B. Brophy as counsel defended the editor, the latter was acquitted and Justice Levy praised The Evening World for its public service.

Last April bills restricting bail, as urged by The Evening World, were passed by the State Legislature as an important part of the Baumes Committee's crime legislation, and were signed by the Governor. Police commissioners, judges and district attorneys have testified to the effectiveness of the new ball laws in reducing the number of crimes committed by habitual criminals out on bail.

In its campaign against crime The Evening World has also strongly urged (1) a Central Bureau of Criminal Records and Identification for New York City; (2) parole reform; (3) adequate pistol legislation, both State and Federal.

Last summer this newspaper started a special

mas Show at the Century Theatre, which was kindly lent them by the Messrs. Shubert. The cast of the show consisted of sixty-two children, all under sixteen years of age. Among other things, they presented a playlet written especially for them by Eleanor Schorer.


The Evening World's radio pages, both daily and Saturday, continued their splendid reputation for accuracy of information and devotion to the

readers' best interests. Always abreast of the really important news, often anticipating new developments, giving its vigorous editorial support to all measures beneficial to the radio public, and opposing with equal spirit and candor those be lieved Inimical, this department has achieved and maintains an unusually strong position among the multitude of radio fans. It is edited by a staff whose combined experience covers every branch of the entire radio field and whose authority is universally accepted.

A series of Wednesday sections devoted to automotive news and features of direct interest to automobile owners was inaugurated by The Evening World, Sept. 8, with the publication of three special pages. They won the immediate acceptance of Evening World readers and their popularity has grown with every week. A specially interesting feature was provided in a series of "Motorventuring" articles describing one-day motor trips in the immediate vicinity of New York City. Each trip was first

taken by the automotive editor, who, armed with notebook and camera, was able to give his readers both description and illustration of each route, In addition to accurate road maps and detailed road directions.

A feature of The Evening World is its Saturday Real Estate page. Its informative and constructive articles on home ownership and home building, attractive and moderate cost house plans and advice to thousands of readers as to the ways and means of acquiring and maintaining homes are of

great value and stimulate interest in the general home ownership movement. Besides this Saturday feature The Evening World publishes daily up to the mintite news of real estate transactions in the

etty and suburbs.

EVERY EVENING A MAGAZINE. Magazine pages of The Evening World continued to give to women readers especially features which women want in their home newspaper. Through the heads of departments it furnished an information service of great value. Expert specialists freely answered questions on a score of subjects, giving advice and information unobtainable from libraries or public offices.

"The Woman of It." by Marguerite Mooers Marshall continued to be the outstanding exponent of feminism in the daily press. The household articles of Ida Balley Allen grew in popularity and extended their usefulness. Margery Wells and Mildred Lodewick kept women in touch with fashions, while Coralie Van Paassen furnished advance information from Paris on styles adapted to American tastes.

Ruth Snyder's book reviews kept the public posted on new book publications.

A novel in serial form was retained as a popular


Several outstanding theatrical and cinema suecesses were serialized in pictures and text.

"Judy," a cartoon feature by Eleanor Schorer, marked a departure from usual comic strip methods and found favor with readers.


The Bureau of Accuracy and Fair Play celebrated its twelfth anniversary in July. Its primary purpose is to promote accuracy and fair play in the columns of The World. The title was created as a perpetual reminder that in the words "accuracy

and fair play" is summed up the law of journalism just as the Golden Rule embodies the Ten Commandments. All complaints involving the question of accuracy and fair play are investigated by the

Bureau and if found to be well founded corrections are published and sent to the persons concerned. Members of The World staff and correspondents generally have worked in hearty accord with the director of the Bureau, and many letters expressing appreciation and good will are received from those who have dealt with it.


The Bureau guards as well against complaints that have no merit. It is constantly on the lookout for certain shyster lawyers who incite libel litigation and who do not hesitate to bring suits for disreputable clients on perjured complaints. keeps a close scrutiny over the advertising columns and investigates and prosecutes fakers and swindlers who attempt to misuse them. During the year several men who insulted girls answering help wanted advertisements were sent to prison. Others who obtained money by false pretense through business opportunity advertisements were convicted, and in some cases made restitution. The activities of the Bureau were repeatedly commended by judges and prosecutors who co-operated in the Interests of justice.


The project drafted by the Advisory Committee of Jurists at The Hague in the summer of 1920 for a Permanent Court of International Justice was adopted by the Assembly of the League of Nations, modified in some important parts, notably in the matter of obligatory jurisdiction, on Dec. 13, 1920. The eleven regular or titular Judges, as they are called, and the four Deputy Judges were elected on Sept. 14 and 15, 1921. The election was made by the independent, separate and concurrent votes of the Council of the League, in which body the great powers form a majority, and the Assembly of the League, in which the small powers have an overwhelming preponderance. At the

following cases are recognized as being generally suited for arbitration: (1) The interpretation of a treaty; (2) any question of international law; (3) the existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute a breach of any international obligation; (4) the extent and nature of the reparation to be made for any such breach. There is no provision in the Covenant that compels members of the League to submit disputes of the above nature to arbitration.

The House of Representatives, by a decisive vote in 1925, expressed the opinion that the United States ought to participate in the World Court. The Senate on Jan. 27, 1926, by a vote of 76 to

suggestion of Elihu Root of the Advisory Com-17, ratified the protocol after debate had been

mittee, upon failure of the Council and Assembly to agree, a committee of three was appointed from esch body, which produced an agreement.

The Judges of the court which sits at The Hague are: Rafael Altamira y Crevea of Spain, Dionisio Anzilotti of Italy, Antonio Sanchez de Bustamente y Sirven of Cuba, Robert Bannatyne, Viscount Finlay of Great Britain. Bernard C. J. Loder of the Netherlands, Yorozu Oda of Japan, Charles Andre Weiss of France (Vice-President), John Bassett Moore of the United States, Didrik Galtrup Gjedde Nyholm of Denmark, Max Huber of Switzerland (President), and Epitacio da Silva Pessoa of Brazil (former President of the Repuolic, and Judge of the Federal Tribunal of Brazil).

terminated by the application of cloture for the first time in fifty years. The ratification was accompanied by five reservations and two resolutions, which were sent by the State Department to the signatory nations for the acceptance on which the final assent of the United States depended. Seven nations, Cuba, Greece, Liberia, Uruguay, Alvania, Luxemburg and the Dominican Republic, gave assent. At a conference in Geneva, beginning on Sept. 1, the other nations took up the resolutions. Two met with disfavor. These were: " (4) That the United States may at any time withdraw its adherence to the sald protocol, and that the statute for the Permanent Court of International Justice adjoined to the protocol shall not be amended without the consent of the United States.

"(5) That the Court shall not render any advisory opinion, except publicly after due notice to all states adhering to the Court and to all interested

The Deputy Judges are: Dumitrlu Negulescu of Roumaria, Wang Chung Hui of China, Mikhailo Jovanovitch of the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, and Frederick Valdemar Nikolai Beschmann of Norway. Each Judge is to serve nine years and may be re-states, and after public hearing or opportunity

elected. The ordinary Judges receive a salary varying from $6,030 to $14,070, in accordance with the length of session.

These forty-seven states have signed the protocol

and the optional clause: Albania


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Serbs, Croats,

and Slovenes



Union of South


According to the League Covenant, all disputes between members of the League must be submitted either to arbitration or to inquiry of the League Council. According to the statute of the court (Art. 36), the jurisdiction of the court "comprises all cases which the parties refer to it." The

for hearing given to any state concerned; nor shall it without the consent of the United States entertain any request for an advisory opinion touching any dispute or question in which the United States has or claims an interest."

The Conference objected to giving the United States the right of veto, whereas the other nations were bound by the action of the two-thirds maJority.

President Coolidge, who, in his annual message of 1925, had strongly urged participation, in his Armistice Day address at Kansas City, Mo., said: "While the nations involved cannot yet be said to have made a final determination, and from most of them no answer has been received, many of them have indicated that they are unwilling to concur in the conditions adopted by the resolution of the Senate. While no final decision can be made by our Government until final answers are received, the situation has been sufficiently developed so that I feel warranted in saying that I do not intend to ask the Senate to modify its position. I do not believe the Senate would take favorable action on any such proposal, and unless the requirements of the Senate resolution are met by the other interested nations I can see no prospect of this country adhering to the court."


The League of Nations now has a membership of | expiration of two years, and the Council expressed

fifty-six states. Germany entered the League
Sept. 10, 1926. Nations not in the League are:
Mexico, Soviet Russia (U. S. S. R.), and the United
States of America. The role of member states is:




















British Empire







[blocks in formation]

Irish Free State Kingd'm of Serbs

Czechoslovakia Luxemburg

South Africa




Netherlands Dominican Rep. New Zealand Venezuela The permanent members of the Council are: The British Empire, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. The non-permanent members have been increased to nine, all ultimately to have three-year terms by classes. Those elected Sept. 16, 1926, are: Poland, Chile and Roumania (three years term); and Belgium, Czechoslovakia and Salvador (one-year term). A retiring member may not be re-elected unless the Assembly so decides by two-thirds vote.

The six non-permanent members of the Council for 1925, re-elected for 1926, were: Uruguay, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Spain and Belgium. Foreign Minister Edouard Benes, Czechoslovakia, was re-elected President of the Council, Germany, entitled alphabetically, declining the honor.

The election of Germany to the League with assurance of a permanent seat on the Council was informally agreed upon at the Locarno Conference. At the session March 8-17, 1926, Brazil, Poland and Spain claimed permanent seats also and blocked the plan temporarily. Brazil, defeated in her aspirations, withdrew in June from the Council and after the June meeting announced her resignation from the League. Spain also filed her resignation. Neither can be accepted and become effective until the

the hope that each would be reconsidered.

Argentina, which withdrew its delegation from Geneva, during the first Assembly in 1920, took steps in its Chamber of Deputies in September favoring re-entry.

With the admission of Germany, the Locarno Treaties, which had been ratified by decisive majorities by the Parliaments of the signatory nations, became effective and were filed at Geneva Sept. 14. (For text of treaties see World Almanac for 1926, pp. 164-167.)

The Council on Dec. 12 decided that the InterAllied Commission of Control would be withdrawn from Germany on Jan. 31, 1927, and from that date Art. 213 of the treaty of peace will be applied in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Council of the League of Nations. This decision that allied control of Germany is to cease was reached after Germany had agreed to submit the question of the eastern fortresses and arms exports to the Council for settlement if agreement on these points was not reached through diplomatic discussion before the Ambassadors' Conference by Feb. 1.

The Council of the League in June accepted reports showing that the financial reconstruction of Austria, and of Hungary, had been satisfactorily accomplished, praised the work of Dr. Zimmerman at Vienna, and Jeremiah Smith jr., at Budapest, and relieved them of their duties on June 30. (See pp. 592-593; and p. 629.)

The Assembly in September adopted a convention for the suppression of slavery and the slave trade, replacing the draft of 1925, which was immediately signed by the representatives of forty-six nations.

Nineteen nations were represented at the Preliminary Conference on Disarmament at Geneva, May 18-26, 1926. Sovlet Russia was invited but would not send delegates to Geneva owing to a disagreement with the Swiss Government. Delegates from the United States participated on invitation. After much study of various phases of the matter, report was made to the League. The Assembly in its September session unanimously resolved that a General Conference on Arms Reduction should be held before it meets again in Sept., 1927, unless material difficulties prevent; however, the Council in December was in doubt whether such conference could be held advantageously during that year. The Council decided to call an Economic Conference for May 4, 1927.


The distribution of the Nobel Peace Prizes for 1925 and 1926 was made on Dec. 10, 1926, at Oslo, Norway, in the hall of the Nobel Institute, in the presence of King Haakon, Crown Prince Olaf, members of the Government and the diplomatic corps.

The President of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Prof. Stang, Rector of the University of Oslo, informed the audience that the committee had decided to divide the peace prize for 1925 be tween Aristide Briand, French Foreign Minister, and Dr. Gustav Stresemann, German Foreign Minister.

The peace prize for 1926, the Rector stated, would be divided between Sir Austen Chamberlain, British Foreign Secretary, and Gen. Charles G. Dawes, Vice President of the United States.

It was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first distribution of the Nobel Peace Prize.

berlain were for their parts in the Locarno. Treaties. The award to Dawes was in appreciation of the Dawes Plan for German Reparation.

At Stockholm, Sweden, Dec. 10, 1926, King Gustav presented the Nobel prizes for physies, chemistry and literature. George Bernard Shaw, to whom was awarded the literature prize for 1925, was unable to be present. The British Minister received the gold medal and diploma in behalf of the British author.

Those who personally received their medals and diplomas from the hands of King Gustav were Prof. James Franck, University of Gottingen, and Prof. Gustav Hertz of Halle University. who shared the Nobel Prize for physics for 1925: Prof. Jean B. Perrin, University of Paris, physics prize for 1926; Dr. Richard Zsigmondy, University of Gottingen, 1925 chemistry prize, and Prof. Theodore Svedverg, University of Upsala, 1926

The awards to Briand, Stresemann and Cham- I chemistry. (See page 407.)

For his work in helping to found the World Court, I of international questions of a justiciable character.

the Woodrow Wilson Foundation has given to Elihu Root, former Senator and former Secretary of State, its award for 1926, amounting to $25,000, it was announced Dec. 8. 1926, at N. Y. City by Norman H. Davis, President of the foundation.

In making the announcement, Mr. Davis said: "While the specific services for which Mr. Root is to receive the Woodrow Wilson award were rendered in 1920, the importance of the services rendered

has been manifested within the last year year or so by the growing prestige of the World Court and its success in preserving peace through the settlement

"In the year 1920 the Council of the League of Nations, in accordance with one of the provisions of the Covenant, requested a committee of ten prominent jurists to draw up a protocol for the establishment of a Permanent Court of International Justice which should be independent of the League itself, and yet part of a system of international co-operation.

"The committee of ten chosen represented the leading legal systems and modes of thought of the world, in and out of the League. Of these ten men Mr. Root was one."


A World Conference on Faith and Order, in which | George Zabriskie, of 49 Wall St., New York, Treas

eighty-seven nation-wide churches of sixteen communions will participate, will meet in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1927, to promote "unity not unformity" among all Christian churches in the world. Bishop Charles H. Brent, of Buffalo, is hairman of the Continuation Committee, and

urer. Charles E. Hughes is General Chairman of the American Committee, with headquarters at 17 East 42d St., New York City: Frank A. Horne. Chairman of the Executive Committee, and the Rev. Dr. Walker Russell Bowie, of Richmond, Va., Chairman of the Committee of Church Cooperation.

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The date of birth, when known, is in parentheses.







[blocks in formation]

Waizeru Zauditu (1876), Empress; Ras Tafari, Regent.

[blocks in formation]

Marcelo T. de Alvear, President; term, six years



Lord Stonehaven (1874), Governor General; S. M. Bruce, Premter.
Dr. Michael Hainisch, President; Mgr. Ignatz Seipel, Premier.




Albert (1875), King.


Bhutan (Br. Protectorate)

Sir Ugyen Wangchuck, Maharajah.



Hernando Siles, President; term, four years.



Dr. Washington Luiz Pereixa de Sousa (1870), President; term, four

[blocks in formation]

L. K. Relander (1883), President; term, six years.
Gaston Doumergue (1863), President; term, seven years.
F. M. Paul von Hindenburg (1847), President, five years.
Admiral Koundouriotis, Governor of the State (temporary)
Dr. Lazaro Chacin, till Dec. 7, President; term, six years.
Louis Borno, President (under American quasi protectorate).

Abd-el-Azizes Saud ibn Saud, King...

Dr. Miguel Paz Barahona (1863), President.

Admiral Nicholas von Horthy, Regent.

Christian X. (1870), Κing.

Lord Irwin (1881), Viceroy.

Feisal I., King..

William T. Cosgrave, President of the Dail Eireann.
Victor Emmanuel III. (1869), King; Benito Mussolini, Premier.
Yoshihito (1879). Етрегor; Crown Prince Hirohito, Regent.

Jan Chakste, President.

Charles D. B. King, President; term, four years.

John II. (1840), Prince.

A. Stulginskis, President

Charlotte (1896), Grand Duchess...

Gen. Plutarcho Elias Calles, President; term, four years.

Louis (1870), Prince.

Mulai Yusef, Sultan

Tribhubana Bir Bikram (1906), Shah.

Wilhelmina (1880), Queen..

Sir William Allardyce (1861), Governor; Walter Monroe, Premier....
Sir Charles Fergusson (1865), Governor General; J. G. Coates, Premier
Dr. Adolfo Diaz, President; term, four years.

Haakon VII. (1872), King, son of Frederick VIII. of Denmark.

Seyyid Faisal ibn Turki, Sultan..

F. M. Lord Plumer (1857), British High Commissioner.

Sr. Rodolfo Chiari, President; term, four years.

Dr. Eligio Avala, President; term, four years.

Mirza Reza Pahlavi, Shah.

Augusto B. Leguia, President; term five years (re-elected 1924.
Prof. Ignatz Mosciski, President; Marshal Pilsudski, Premier.









































[blocks in formation]


There are twelve Commissioners, one from each Judicial district and three additional from New York City.

William H. Gratwick (Eighth Judicial), President, 814 Chamber of Commerce Building, Buffalo; Victor F. Ridder, Vice President, 22 North William St., New York City.

Other members-William R. Stewart (1st Jud.), New York City; Dr. Lee K. Frankel and Dr. James

B. Murphy, New York City: Dr. J. Richard Kevin (2nd Jud.), Brooklyn; Mary M. Glynn (3d Jud.). Albany; Eleanor W. Higley (4th Jud.), Underwood. Essex County; Ceylon H. Lewis (5th Jud.), Syracuse: Paul S. Livermore (6th Jud.), Ithaca: Lillie B. Werner (7th Jud.), Rochester; Caroline O'Day (9th Jud.), Rye.

Charles H. Johnson, Executive Director: John B. Prest, Superintendent, New York City office.


Mustapha Kemal Pasha, President of Grand National Assembly
George V. (1865), King and Emperor; Stanley Baldwin, Premier



Calvin Coolidge (1872), President; term, four years from March 4, 25
Jose Serrato, President: term, four years..



Gen. Juan Vicente Gomez, President; term, four years



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