Happy, indeed, are those whose intercourse with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feeling, or broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and eo touching in the evening of their life. Townsend's monthly selection of Parisian costumes - 第23页1879全本阅读 - 图书信息
 | 1879 - 592 页
...grow brighter and more beautiful. Happy, indeed, are those whose intercourse with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feeling, or broken...heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and eo touching in the evening of their life. -41; '. :& 1* .}»' ' if ALEXANDRA. (MARCH 10th.) Now sixteen... | |
 | 1824 - 596 页
...are those, whose intercourse with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feelings, nor broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and touching in the evening of age. As the current of time winds slowly away, washing along with it the... | |
 | Charles Fenno Hoffman, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Timothy Flint, Kinahan Cornwallis, John Holmes Agnew - 1838 - 566 页
...indeed are ihey, whose intercourse with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feelings, or broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and touching, in the evening of age.' Two articles, one entitled ' Our Birth Days,' and the other ' Our... | |
 | Charles Fenno Hoffman, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Timothy Flint, Kinahan Cornwallis, John Holmes Agnew - 1838 - 564 页
...indeed are tls-y, whose intercourse with the world lias not changed the tono of their holier feelings, or broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender aud tnuchin?, in the evening of ago.' Two articles, one entitled ' Our Birth Days,' and the other '... | |
 | Charles Walton Sanders - 1849 - 316 页
...indeed are they, whose intercourse with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feelings, or broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and touching, in the evening of age. — ANON. QUESTIONS. — 1. What do the dead leave behind them 1 2.... | |
 | Jane Thomas (née Pinhorn) - 1879 - 546 页
...grow brighter and more beautiful. Happy, indeed, are those whose intercourse with ihe world has not changed the tone of their holier feeling, or broken...so tender and so touching in the evening of their life. ALEXANDRA. (MABCH 10th.) Now siiteen times the freshening winds of Spring Have swept our ¡eland... | |
 | C. P. Bronson - 1845 - 418 页
...indeed, are they, whose interference with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feelings, or broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and touching, in the evening of age. When Learning's triumph o'er her barbarous fbee First rear'd the stage,... | |
 | C. P. Bronson - 1845 - 330 页
...indeed, are they, whose interference with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feelings, or broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and touching, in the evening of age. When Learning's triumph o'er her barbarous foee First rear'd the stage,... | |
 | Charles Walton Sanders - 1842 - 322 页
...indeed are they, whose intercourse with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feelings, or broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and touching, in the evening of age. — ANON. LESSON LXI. SrEr.r, AND D'^'ivf; — 1. U SURFS', seizes... | |
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