Healing qualities render the skin soft, pliable, and free from dryness, &c., clear it from every humour, pimple, or eruption ; and by continuing its use only a short time, the skin will become and continue soft and smooth, and the complexion perfectly... Townsend's monthly selection of Parisian costumes - 第24页1879全本阅读 - 图书信息
 | Jane Thomas (née Pinhorn) - 1870 - 466 页
...COMPLEXION!!! GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS Is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the SKIN, and giving it...appearance. It will completely remove Tan, Sunburn, Re:lness, &c., and, by its Balsamic and Healing qualities, render the Skin soft, pliable, and free... | |
 | Adam and Charles Black (Firm) - 1856 - 166 页
...CLEAR COMPLEXION. GODFEEY'S EXTEACT OF ELDER FLOWEES is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the SKIN, and giving it a blooming and charming appearance ; being at once a most fragrant perfume and delightful cosmetic. It will completely remove Tan, Sunburn,... | |
 | James Hamilton - 1857 - 532 页
...do not be persuaded to purchase an imitation. E i Is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the SKIN, and giving it a blooming and charming appearance, being at once a most fragrant perfume and delightful cosmetic. It -will completely remove Tan, Sun-burn,... | |
 | Adam and Charles Black (Firm) - 1857 - 210 页
...CLEAR COMPLEXION. GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the SKIN, and giving it a blooming and charming appearance ; being at once a most fragrant perfume and delightful cosmetic. It will completely remove Tan, Sunburn,... | |
 | George Bradshaw - 1858 - 396 页
...COMPLEXION !!! GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS Is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the SKIN, and giving it...appearance. It will completely remove Tan, Sunburn, Redness, &c., and, by its Balsamic and Healing qualities, render the Skin soft, pliable, and free from dryness,... | |
 | James Hamilton - 1858 - 562 页
...COMPLEXION ! ! ! GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS IS strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the SKIN, and giving it...appearance. It will completely remove Tan, Sunburn, Hedness, etc., and by its Balsamic and Healing qualities, render Uie Skin soft, pliable, and free from... | |
 | Adam and Charles Black (Firm) - 1858 - 376 页
...69 STRAND, (WC) GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the SKIN, and giving it a blooming and charming appearance ; being at once a most fragrant perfume and delightful cosmetic. It will completely remove Tan, Sunburn,... | |
 | 1858 - 812 页
...OF ELDER FLOWERS Is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving tli» SKIN, and giving it a blooming and charming appearance. It will completely rem<>t< Tan, Sunburn, Redness, &c., and by its Balsamic and Healing qualities, render tu* Skin soft,... | |
 | 1860 - 926 页
...о- о ID IF IR, IE -ys EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS Is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and Preserving the Skin, and giving it a blooming and charming appearance. It will completelv remore Tan, Sunburn, Redness, <5rc., and by its Balsamic and Healing qualities, render the... | |
 | James Samuelson, Henry Lawson, William Sweetland Dallas - 1872 - 442 页
...Medioino Vendors. GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOWERS Is strongly recommended for Softening, Improving, Beautifying, and preserving the SKIN, and giving it...appearance. It will completely remove Tan, Sunburn, Redness, &c., and by its Balsamic and Healing qualities render the skin soft, pliable, and free from dryness,... | |
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