Townsend's monthly selection of Parisian costumes1879 |
共有 46 个结果,这是第 1-5 个
... Dress of brocade , silk , velvet , and velours com- missionaire . The dress is made of brocade ; the train is very ... dinner dress , com- posed of slate - colored brocade and silk . The dress is of brocade ; the sleeves , revers ...
... Dress of brocade , silk , velvet , and velours com- missionaire . The dress is made of brocade ; the train is very ... dinner dress , com- posed of slate - colored brocade and silk . The dress is of brocade ; the sleeves , revers ...
... dress itself ; to fasten the train on the upper petticoat , you proceed as follows : — On the petticoat sew two ... Dinner Dress of mauve silk , trimmed with white lace . The Jacket body of this dress is separated from the skirt ...
... dress itself ; to fasten the train on the upper petticoat , you proceed as follows : — On the petticoat sew two ... Dinner Dress of mauve silk , trimmed with white lace . The Jacket body of this dress is separated from the skirt ...
... dress are buttoned . In the Front , the skirt revers must of course be turned back , as shown by the dotted lines ... Dinner Dress with Plastron , fig . 1 . 99 93 30. - Robe Princesse à Plastron , fig . 3 . Plate 4 . " " 29 31 ...
... dress are buttoned . In the Front , the skirt revers must of course be turned back , as shown by the dotted lines ... Dinner Dress with Plastron , fig . 1 . 99 93 30. - Robe Princesse à Plastron , fig . 3 . Plate 4 . " " 29 31 ...
... Dinner dress of brocade , and faille of a darker shade . The uppper dress is made as an ordinary polonaise : then two echarpes are made to cross one another in front ; the upper one is gathered and fastens on the side under a bow ...
... Dinner dress of brocade , and faille of a darker shade . The uppper dress is made as an ordinary polonaise : then two echarpes are made to cross one another in front ; the upper one is gathered and fastens on the side under a bow ...
... DRESS , as repre- " sented on the second figure of our fourth plate . This pattern is given complete in its full ... Dinner Dress : fig . 3 . Plate 4 . 45. - Polonaise for Dinner Dress : fig . 1 . 46. - Drapery of Upper - skirt ...
... DRESS , as repre- " sented on the second figure of our fourth plate . This pattern is given complete in its full ... Dinner Dress : fig . 3 . Plate 4 . 45. - Polonaise for Dinner Dress : fig . 1 . 46. - Drapery of Upper - skirt ...
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12 buttons 34 inches Alice Arthur Vincent band basques Basquine blue body Bonnet bouffant bouillonné bows brocade cape Casaque Chemise Chest measure Colemarsh collar color Corsage a gilet cut for Chest DEVERE'S PARIS MODEL Dinner Dress double-breasted draped tunique draperies Drawers Dressmakers edged elegant Fashion fastened flounce fringe front Full-sized patterns Garland George Garland Gilbert Armstrong girl of 14 Gown heart hood Kelso Place lace letter little girl London looped LOUIS DEVERE Magazine material Milicent Miss Model Bust mother outdoor Jacket Paletot panier PARIS MODEL PATTERNS PARISIAN passementerie Pelisse Petticoat pieces plastron Plate pleats plissé Pointed corsage Polonaise post free Promenade Costume Quantities required Redingote revers REVERSE VIEWS ribbon Robe Princesse round Ruby satin seam side silk single-breasted sleeve Smoking Cap style tablier Tea Gown Toilette trimmed Ulster UNDERLINEN underskirt upper skirt velvet Visite Mantle Visiting Costume waist Walter Walter Keller young lady
第23页 - Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.
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第24页 - For FEMALES these Pills are truly excellent, removing all obstructions, the distressing Headache so very prevalent with the sex, Depression of Spirits, Dulness of Sight, Nervous Affections, Blotches, Pimples, and Sallowness of the Skin, and give a Healthy Bloom to the Complexion.
第24页 - ... garments, It is mounted on a handsome stand. and, by means of the screw shown on the engraving, can be raised or lowered in height according to requirement. Another great advantage is the facility with which it turns round on the pivot, thus enabling the worker to fit or trim the back or front of a dress without moving from his position.
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第24页 - PERSONS OF A FULL HABIT, who are subject to headache, giddiness, drowsiness, and singing in the ears, arising from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their use.
第23页 - Happy, indeed, are those whose intercourse with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feeling, or broken those musical chords of the heart, whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and eo touching in the evening of their life.