
little toy-volume such as ladies love to carry in their pockets, and then pointed to a name written in faded characters on the fly-leaf.

Caroline Anastasia Garland.

"But mamma's name is not Caroline," said George, "nor Garland."

"But it may have been Garland once," replied Walter, "and it is Anastasia now.”

"I think I had better keep this little book, Walter," said George.

"All right," said volatile Walter readily. So Caroline Garland's memorandum book changed hands again.

(To be continued.)


Oh! love, the world is growing old,
But what is that to thee and me?
The faithful heart can ne'er grow cold,
Whate'er may change, whate'er may be:
The years which in their courses roll,
But fan the ardour of the soul.
When first I saw thee, like a bud,

Which, blushing, greets the traveller's eye, Thee for thy modest grace I woo'd,

And love alone made fast the tie :
Oh! love, my love, more precious now,
Then when bride-blossoms deck'd thy brow.

Come on my bosom lay thine head,
And then, my darling, as I trace,
The gleaming of a silver thread,

Amid the locks which shade thy face:
My lips shall press the first white hair,

Which time's soft touch has planted there.

Ah! dearest, though love charms the heart,
And is the summer of the soul,
Yet to the wife's and mother's part,
Come often weariness and dole,
Long patience, self-repressing care-
God bless thee for thy whit'ning hair!



QHOU comest softly o'er the snow,
That clothes the silent earth,
Thou fateful guest, for weal or woe,
For dolour or for mirth:

From God's sublime eternity,
Thou hast thy solemn birth.

With clash and clangour of the bells,
Thou comest to the land,
Their magic music sinks and swells,
Around us as we stand:
We look into thy stranger-face,
We take thee by the hand.

We bring thee treasure rich and large-
Our close heart-loves to keep,

We give our dear ones to thy charge,
In waking and in sleep:

We give thee hopes as high as heaven,
And thoughts as ocean deep.

But when thy feet have trod the round,
Of months in sun and snow,
When unto dead years, long discrowned,
Thou, crownless too, shalt go:
Wilt thou give all our treasure back,
Oh! Year we trusted so?

Shall we count up our life-gems rare,
And miss no jewel bright,

Of all we gave unto thy care?
Or will some dear delight,
Some gift more blessèd than the rest,
Be hidden from our sight?

We cannot know-Oh dread New Year;
Bring pure resolves and strong,
Bring simple faith and purpose clear,
To fight against the wrong :
Bring wider love for human-kind,
Bring chastened hearts, to long
For GOD'S NEW YEAR to dawn above,
Heaven's endless Year of perfect Love!

H. S.

GOOD ADVICE.-Young girls who yet remain to be won, should be exceedingly careful about falling in love with young men, whether rich or poor, They cannot guard their affections too carefully in reference to those whose sentiments towards themselves are as yet unknown. If a young woman wishes to obtain a good husband, her surest way is by the sedulous cultivation of her own head and heart, and by learning all the domestic duties on which so much depends in married life. Thus she may attract him-it may be some one now unknown to her-as the most fragrant flowers attract the bee, even from a distance.

WISDOM. We cannot conquer fate and necessity, yet we can yield to them in such a manner as to be greater than if we could.

1 vol. cloth, fcap. 8vo. 58.



"There is a good deal of grace and tenderness in Miss Stockall's verses."-Saturday Review.

"These are the thoughts of a refined and cultivated woman, expressed in pleasing verse."-Spectator. "Never devoid of a tender and graceful suggestiveness." -The Queen.

Many of the pieces have appeared in All the Year Round, and all show nice sentiment and sincere feelings of religion and loyalty."-The Graphic.

"Pretty and sweet, tender and plaintive."-Illustrated London News.

"A poet commanding admiration by the force of her genius, and her unaffected grace, simplicity, and pathos." -News of the World.

"Full of thought and tender feeling: thought that ele vates, and feeling that is not tinctured with drowsiness or melancholy."-Malvern News.


Simpkin, Marshall & Co.. 4, Stationers' Hall Court, and all Booksellers and Newsagents.

Printed by Louis Devere & Co., London.


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January, 1330.

Plate 6.




255.-BACK. No. 255 is a Lady's Waterproof, Single-breasted, with a new and very convenient form of sleeve. It slightly defines the figure at the back, but is of a loose style so as to be drawn easily over an outer garment. It should be made in Tweed or any light cloth waterproofed. It will take 4 yds. tweed 54 inches wide, and 12 buttons: the pattern may be had from us, price 6d. Ladies would do well to ask for "Platt's Tweed," which can always be relied on.


253 BACK.

This is the back view of the half-inourning Costume (No. 253) shown on plate 5. For full description and quantities of material required, see description of Plate 5, on our third page. Patterns may be had from us, 6d. each post free.

January 1880.1

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No. 239A is a Circular Cloak with hood, of the kind so fashionable at present. It may be made of black silk or cashmere, and lined with fur: or if a less expensive lining be desired, quilted flannel, or very thin cloth in red or blue, would be very effective; the hood in either case should be lined to match. The ornaments for closing at front may be bought in great varities. It will take 5 yards 54 inch cashmere or cloth, and 2 brandebourgs and 2 buttons: the pattern, price 6d. may be had from us.

Devere's Model Busts, Price 26s. Each.

(Including Crate, Packing, and free delivery within 4 miles of Charing Cross, or at any London Terminus.)

We supply these Busts, for the following sizes of Chest Measures :-31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42, and 44 inches.


Devere's Model Bust is specially made for the use of Drapers, Dressmakers, and private families, it is accurately moulded in papier maché from the most perfect figures, and is covered with stout twilled calico, thus affording a firm yet flexible surface for the various purposes of making, trimming, and trying-on garments. It is mounted on a handsome polished black stand, and, by means of the screw shown on the engraving, can be raised or lowered in height according to requirement. Another great advantage is the facility with which it turns round on the pivot, thus enabling the worker to fit or trim the back or front of a dress without moving from her position.

Drapers, Dressmakers, and private families find these Busts are invaluable, from the ease they afford for the arrangement of the elegant but complicated styles of trimmings so much in vogue at the present time.

In private families, one Bust serves for all members of the family who are not smaller in size than the bust, but Drapers and Dressmakers should always have more than one size. We allow a discount of 5 per cent. on two Busts, 7 per cent. on three Busts, 10 per cent. on four Busts, and 12 per cent. on six Busts, if they are all ordered for the same person at one time.

These Busts are so arranged as to take to pieces with the greatest ease, and pack in a very small compass, thus reducing the expense of carriage to the lowest amount. Full instructions for putting together are forwarded to each purchaser. The crates (which are specially made to suit each Bust) should be preserved for use in case of removal.

N. B. When ordering a Bust it is better to send
an old dress body that fits well, together with the ex-
act size round the chest. A Bust suited to the lady
will then be carefully selected from our stock and for-
warded with the body.

Can be obtained only from LOUIS DEVERE & Co., 1, Kelso Place, Kensington, London, W.
Orders to be sent by letter only, enclosing P. O. Order for the amount, payable at Chief
Office, London, E. C.

· Monde Elégant

Plete 7.




Price Sixpence Each, Post Free.

Comprise all the Costumes, Robes, Jackets, Pelisses, &c., that appear in this Magazine. They are far superior to any that have hitherto been sold in
England, France, or America. They are cut on new Scientific principles, by the first Parisian Modistes, and are guaranteed for good fit and style.
They will prove of very great advantage to all Drapers and Dressmakers, enabling them to make up with the greatest ease any Costume represented
in this favorite Magazine. These Patterns will likewise be of very great service to those Ladies who have their dresses made up at home.
The quantities of materials required for each Dress, Pelisse, &c. are given in the Magazine itself, with the description of each costume.

N. B. Shilling Stamps cannot be received in payment for Patterns.

N. B.- Ladies will oblige by enclosing name and full address, plainly written, which will ensure speedy delivery by the Post Office.

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81.-Double-breasted outdoor Jacket for cloth.

MAY, JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 1879. 82.-The Christina Costume.

83.-Grosvenor Costume, Corsage and Upper Skirt.
97.-Olivia Toilette, Jacket and upper skirt.
98.-The Bernhardt Costume, Corsage, Panier,

Bouffant and Train Skirt.

103-Reception Toilette, Tunique and Plastron. 104.-The Agnes Costume, Corsage a gilet and panier. 105.-The Lilian Costume, Cuirasse & double panier. 109.-The Boulogne tunique," Fishwife" style.

111.-Garden Party Costuine. Princesse Tunique and Train.

115.-Toilette for an elderly lady, Corsage & bouffant. 116.-Visiting Costume, Tunique with long lappet. 119.-Concert Toilette, Corsage, panier, and back

part of upper skirt.

121.-The Nilsson Home Toilette, Corsage & panier, 123.-Deep Mourning Costume, to be worn for a

parent. Corsage a basques, and moderately trained skirt.

121.-The Agatha Costume, tunique and bouffant. 125.-The Beatrice Visite.

125A.-Dress with high pointed Corsage.

126.-The Florian Toilette. Corsage, gilet, upperskirt and drapery.

,, 130A.-Dress-skirt & Norfolk Jacket body with yoke.

,, 131-The Sandringham Dinner Dress, pointed corsage and draped tunique.

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134-Trouville Costume, corsage, tablier, and bouffant. 135.-The Aida barege Costume, gilet, Princesse tunique, and drapery of skirt.

137.-Mourning Costume, pointed corsage & tunique. 140.-The Victoria Mantelet.

,, 140A.-The new Shoulder Cape, two styles.

,, 141.-The Croizette Pelerine Fichu.

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September, (continued).

159.-Princesse Dress with long full train.

160.-The Ormonde Costume Corsage and Train skirt
with folds at sides.

167.-Mourning Visite Mantle.

168.-Mourning Paletot, double-breasted.

169.-The Bernhardt Blouse Polonaise or Robe with
waist belt and without pleats in the body.
OCTOBER, 1879.

,, 170.-The Clarissa Morning Costume.

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Basquine a

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Gilet with waistbelt, and upper skirt.
171.-Home Toilette, Corsage, skirt, and train.
172. The Maria Christina Visiting Costume, Cor-
sage, draped panier and skirt.
173.-The Blenheim Indoor Toilette.

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draped panier, tablier and tunique.
174.-The Baden Costume. Corsage, long plastron.
drapery, side pleats and back bouffant.
175.-The Alice Visite.

176.-Polonaise and skirt for a child 5 of years old.
177.-The Constance Costume. Corsage, panier,
and back bouffant.

178.-Galway Dinner Dress. Corsage. skirt, & train.
"179.-The Genevieve Toilette. Jacket body, double

paniers, and upper plisse.

[ocr errors]

212.-The Adelaide Promenade Costume; Jacket, Tablier, panier, and Bouffant.

Plate 2.

243.-The Lorne Dinner Dress: Corsage-Princesse,
with draperies, tablier, and bouffant.

244.-Dinner Toilette, Tunique Princesse, with
draperies and pouf.
245.-Reception Costume.

Pointed Corsage, dra

peries, and bouffant. Plate 3. 246.-The Biarritz Sortie du bal: very elegant and novel. ,, 247.-The Prado Ball Dress. Pointed Corsage, draperies, front of skirt and train. 248.-Dinner or Theatre Dress. Corsage Princesse with draperies, draped tunique and bouffant. Plate 4. 249.-The Osborne Robe Princesse, with bouffant and slight train.

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180.-Talbot Costume. Corsage upper & under skirts.
181.-The Powys Costume. Corsage and tunique.
182.-The Adela Casaque.


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250.-Pelerine Visite.

[blocks in formation]

,, 253.-Half-Mourning Costume. Corsage Princesse,
draperies and bouffant.
251.-The Maud Gilet.

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Given full-sized with this No. Plate 7. 235.-The Ottoline Waterproof, new single-breasted style. 239A.-Circular Cloak, or Rotonde, with pointed hood. 256.-New Winter Ulster: double-breasted, and buttoning up to the neck, with shoulder cape.

272.-The new Jersey Corsage for elastic materials
lacing up the back or under the arms. The Il-
lustrations will appear in our Feb. Number.


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201.-The Madeline Casaque, fur trimmed.

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202.-The Pauline Casaque, for velvet and lace.

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203.-The Alathea Paletot, single-breasted, for cloth. 204.-The Marion Paletot, double-breasted with shawl collar.

Basquine, double

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205.-The Patricia Visite, cloth and fringe.


206.-The Margaret Mantle.

,, 197.-The Clarendon Visiting Costume. Robe Prin-
cesse, and draped echarpe.

[blocks in formation]

,, 198.-The Arabel Dinner Toilette. Tunique Prin-
cesse, and train.

[ocr errors]

199.-The Duuraven Ball Toilette. Corsage with
pointed basque and square opening, draped
panier and tunique.


,. 207.-The Barbara Visite, double-breasted.
203.-The Josceline Visite.

211A. Same style of Ulster, but single-breasted. 212.-The Dorothea Pelisse, long skirt and singlebreasted with coat sleeve.

212A. Pointed Hood for Ulster or Mantle. 3d. 212B.-Round Hood for do. do. 3d.

218. The Marie Christina Visite Mantle.

200. The Millicent Dinner Dress. Open corsage
draped at sides, and draped tunique.

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215.-The Louise Tunique, with gilet.

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216.-The Beauvan Costume. Pointed Corsage and
draped Tunique.

212c.-Cape Hood for do. do. laying quite flat on the shoulders. 3d.

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No. 152.-The Clothilde Mantilla.

217.-The Leicester Costume.

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1524.-Dress with corsage a gilet.

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153.-The Ferronays Costume.

219.-The Andrassy Costume. Corsage, draperies,
and bouffante.

229.-Single-breasted Ulster. New and improved style, with one, two, or three capes.

Corsage, Upper


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"151.-The Rambouillet Costume. Cuirasse Corsage,

draped upper skirt and bouffant.

"155.-The Torquay Costume. Corsage a gilet, Sash,

bouffant, and tablier.

,, 1564.-Dress; corsage, tablier, and bouffant.

,, 157.-The Brighton Visiting Costume, Corsage a basques, plastron and upper skirt.

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158.-The Castlereagh Toilette. Corsage, tunique,

220.-The Kathleen Robe and Tunique.

,, 221.-The Grande Duchesse Costume.
habit, and upper skirt.

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upper skirt.

225.-Dinner Dress. Tunique with square open

ing, and train.

226.-Ball Dress. Corsage princesse, and Paniers.
228.-Half-Morning Costume. Basquine a gilet and
open tunique.

239.-Circular Cloak, or Rotonde, with round hood. UNDERSKIRTS.

Suited for the above-named Ladies' Costumes. No. 1.-Marquise Trained Skirt, for Evening Dress. 8.-Duchesse Train Skirt, (new square style). 48.-Dress Skirt of walking length. 138.-Dress Skirt with medium Train. 139.-Dress Skirt with long Train.

This list is added to every month; for particulars of which see succeeding numbers of the Magazine. Patterns are withdrawn from this list as soon as they go ont of fashion.

and back and front drapery.

For French Underlinen, Gentlemen's Under-garments, Ladies' Standard Body Patterns, and Juvenile

Costumes, see other side.

These patterns (Children's patterns excepted) are cut for Ladies of good figure, measuring 34 inches Chest measure, and 24 inches Waist measure. Instructions for Dressmaking and for enlarging or decreasing the size will be enclosed gratis with each pattern. Apply by LETTER ONLY, enclosing postage stamps, to MESSES. LOUIS DEVERE & Co., 1, Kelso Place, Kensington, London, W.


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It has from twelve to fifteen beautifully-colored Costumes every month.

It has an uncolored plate of Mourning Costumes, Caps, Bonnets, &c.

It has an outline plate of the latest fashionable Models.

It has reverse views in outline of every Costume.

It gives ONE or Two reliable full-sized patterns every month GRatis.

It sells complete patterns of all Costumes at sixpence each.

It sends all patterns by return of post, and POST FREE.

Its patterns are the best in the world for good style and reliable fit.
Its patterns are the only ones which give satisfaction to all.
Its Costumes are specially selected to suit the English taste.

It excludes the extravagant Continental styles issued by other Journals.
Its Costumes can all be made up with the greatest ease.

Its descriptions are of real practical value to Ladies.

It gives the quantities of material required for each costume.
Its leading article on Fashion is always accurate and reliable.

Its letterpress pages are not full of puffs and tradesmen's advertisements.

Its letterpress contains true information on the latest Fashions.

Its Literature is of the purest tone and highest order.

Its Poetry has been graciously approved by Royalty.
Its Correspondence is interesting and instructive.

It has engaged the first talent in every department.


It is useful to Drapers, Dressmakers, and private families.

It is bought by every one who has once had a copy.

[blocks in formation]

All these advantages render it the CHEAPEST LADIES' MAGAZINE in the World. It can be had of all Booksellers and Newsmen, Price One Shilling. It should be delivered on the first of every month.


N. B.-Ladies will oblige by giving their orders early, as the demand for this Magazine is so great that the publishers can with difficulty supply it after the day of Publication.



(Reduced Prices.
All cut for Chest measure of 344 inches.
No. 1A, Dressing Gown. 6d. No. 2A, Dressing
Jacket, 4d. No. 3A, Full Train Petticoat, 6d.
No. 4A, Petticoat Body, 4d. No. 5A, Night Dress, 6d.
No. 6A, Petticoat, walking length, 6d.
No. 6B, Princesse Petticoat, body & skirt in one, 6d.
No. 7A, Chemise, 4d. No. 8A, Full Drawers, 4d.
No. 8B, Chemise and Drawers combination, 6d.
No. 9A, Flannel Vest. 94a, Lady's Bathing Dress, 6d.

Price 4d. and 6d. each post free.
N. B. The complete set of 12 patterns may be had (post
free) for 38. 6d.


All cut for Chest measures of 27 inches. Age 12.
No. 10A, Dressing Gown. No. 11A, Dressing
Jacket. No. 12A, Petticoat. No. 13A, Petticoat
Princesse shape. No. 14A, Petticoat Body.
No. 15A, Drawers. No. 15в, Chemise and Drawers
Combination. No. 16A, Flannel Vest. No. 17A, Flannel
Petticoat. No. 18A, Bathing Costume.
No. 19A, Chemise. No 20A, Night Dress.

Price 4d. each post free.

N. B. The complete set of 12 patterns may be had (post free) for 3s.

All cut for Chest measure of 20 inches. Age 4.
No. 21A, Dress. No. 22A, Frock. No. 23A, Frock.
No. 24A, Chemise Drawers. No. 25A, Chemisette.
No. 20A, Body Drawers. No. 27A, Full Blouse.
No. 28A. Petticont, No. 29A, Blouse. No. 30A, Night
Gown. No. 31A, Chemise. No. 32A, Drawers.
Price 3d. each, post free.

N. B. The complete set of 12 children's patterns may be had (post free) for 2s. 6d.


Nos. 33A, Cloak. 34A, Short Frock. Robe, or Monthly Gown if less trimmed. coat. 37A, Short Princesse Frock. 38A, coat, Cambric or Flannel. 39A, Shirt.

35A, Long 36A, PettiLong Petti

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(In thin tissue paper, at Reduced Prices.)
CHILDREN aud GIRLS' sizes, 3d. each, post free,
Chest Measures, 19, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30.
LADIES' SIZES, 4d. each, post free.
Chest Measures,-31, 33, 341, 36, 371, 391, 41, 421.

24.-Ball Dress for a Child 7 or 8 years old.
38.-Princesse Dress for a young lady of 13 years.
64.-Robe Princesse for a girl of 9 years old.
76.-Little Mina's Costume, for a child of 7 years.
77.-Corsage a basques and Upper Skirt for a young
lady about 14 years.

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144.-Norfolk Bodice with yokeand skirt for a young
lady of 15 or 16. Chest measure 31 inches.
145.-Corsage, panier, and skirt for a girl of 10.
146.-Dress with low neck for a little girl of 5 or 6.
147.-Zouave Suit for boy 8 or 9 years old.

148.-Paletot or out door Jacket for a little girl of

6 years old.

149.-Corsage a basques, scarf and skirt for a girl of

13 or 14. Chest measure 291.

150.-Man of War suit for a boy of 9 or 10




151.-Boy's Sailor's Suit, age 7 to 8.

151A.-Boy's Sailor's suit, age 10 to 1.

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161.-The Ida Costume for a girl of 8. Dress and Jacket.

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for a young lady of 12 to 14.

164.-The Louise Costume for a little girl of 9 or 10,
Robe Princesse and kilted flounce.
165.-The Maud Toilette for a girl of 7 years old.
Dress with revers and collar, scarf and flounce.
166.-The Helena outdoor Jacket for a little girl of
5 or 6, Single breasted style with long skirt.
166A. The same kind of outdoor Jacket for a girl of
8or 9.

,, 214.-Double-breasted Ulster with or without belt
for a girl of 12; similar shape to No. 211.
214A.-Ditto ditto for a girl of 14.

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224.-Ball Dress for a Girl of 12 or 13. Princess Polonaise, with square opening at neck.

227.-Ball Dress for a Little Girl of 4 or 5.

229A.-Single-breasted Ulster with cape for a little girl of 12 to 13.

229B.-Single breasted Ulster with cape for a little girl of 8 to 10 years.

229c.-Single-breasted Ulster with cape for little girl of 5 or 6 years.

This list is added to every month; for particular ef which see succeeding numbers of the Magazine.

*** Patterns are withdrawn from this list as soon es they go out of fashion.

40A, Bib.



This set of Patterns is divided into two parts. The first series has seven brown paper patterns, for Children and Young Ladies.
The second series has eight brown paper patterns for Ladies from the smallest to the largest sizes.

The sizes of the first Series are:-Chest 19 inches, age 2.-Chest 204, age 4.-Chest 22, age 6.-Chest 24, age 8.-Chest 27, age 11 to 12.-Chest 2}, age 12 to 13.-Chest 30, age 14 to 15. Price 2s. 6d., post free.

The sizes of the second Series are:-Small sizes, Chest 31 and Chest 33. Medium sizes, Chest 34 and Chest 36. Large sizes, Chest measures 371, 394, 41, and 42 inches. Price 3s., post free.

Both these series of Patterns are principally intended for Dressmakers. If Ladies require any of the above sizes to suit themselves or their families, They can be supplied at 6d. each Pattern.

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