
What years of pleasant companionship she might have secured for her children. George might have taken the place of her lost Edward, even in her children's hearts, instead of coming now so tardily, to be welcomed by a deathbed.

That vague feeling of jealousy had been conquered in this good woman's heart during her tendance of her fading son, and she was prepared to give a loving welcome to her nephew, though he came to claim the inheritance of her own children, and though he would reign, as no son of hers could ever do, at dear, dear Winwode Rest, the home of her joyous youth, the bower of her maidenhood, the home of wedded love, and the sacred shelter of her widowed state.

Mr. Ambrose was not a man who kept his clients in alternate hope and fear. He observed profound silence until he had something to communicate. When the afternoon post came in at Winwode Rest, on a fair July day, a letter was delivered to Mrs. Garland, which she opened in her son's presence.

It was from Mr. Ambrose, and ran as follows:

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HE winds of summer softly pass
Across the daisied meadow-grass,
Ripe for the shining scythe, alas!
The merry sunbeams glitter through
The leaves, from skies of azure hue,
But thunder clouds will mar the blue.
The sea lies sleeping in the sun,
Like some great monarch, feasting done-
Like some great warrior, victory won.
Full softly curl the little waves,
The children play in empty caves-
And yet the sea hath countless graves.
How gaily rocks yon little bark,
How loudly o'er me sings the lark,
And yet the world seems very dark.
Ah, me, my heart! the sapphire skies
Are broad and bright, the shadow lies
Not on the earth, but in mine eyes.

It lies upon my heart, alas!
But if, with time, the shadow pass,
Then shall I see the greenest grass;
Then shall I feel in sunshine strong
No fear of thunder all day long,
And sweet will be the gay lark's song.
And from the shadow I may win
The strength I crave to conquer sin,
A peace to fold my spirit in;
So my poor heart, when past its noon,
May be more restful, more in tune,
By lessons learned in shadowed June.


N.B. The full-sized Patterns given in this Magazine are all cut for Ladies of medium height, and of propor tionate figure: measuring 34 inches round the chest, and 24 waist, unless otherwise stated in the description.

All allowances necessary for the seams are already given to these Patterns, so that the seams NEED NOT be allowed for when cutting out, except in materials that require extra wide turnings in.

THE ROCHEFOUCAULD CORSAGE. (339.) Our first full-sized pattern is the Corsage à gilet belonging to the Rochefoucauld Costume, No. 339 of our First Plate. The pattern is for a Lady of good figure, and consists of six pieces, viz.: back, side piece, front, gilet, collar, and sleeve.

The upper and under skirts, to complete this costume, may be had from the Editors by enclosing six stamps.

LITTLE GIRL'S SUN BONNET. (354,) Our second pattern, the pieces of which are marked by one hole, is the Ninette Sun Bonnet which is represented on No 354 of Plate 7. The pattern, which is for a child about 5 years old, consists of the crown, with curtain attached, and the wide front or brim. The lower part of brim joins to the curtain, the seam being marked by three small cuts in each piece; the the seam which joins the front to the round crown, is marked by two cuts near the top of head, the crown being, of course, fulled in as indicated by the pricked lines.

The crown and curtain are drawn in at the back of neck by a running string, let in along the line which is marked by small round holes.

For description of materials, &c., see Plate 7.

(To be concluded.)

THOSE who are always peering into the affairs of their neighbours constitute a very mean sort of Peerage.

ROWLAND'S KALYDOR. AMONG the many preparations for refreshing the skin, it is pleasant to call the attention of our fair readers to Rowland's Kalydor, which has successfully stood the test of 50 years' use. Nothing more delightful of its kind can be imagined than this charming preparation, and the beneficial effects arising from its constant use are testified by the experience of thousands. Ladies must, however, be careful that they get the real Rowland's Kalydor," not an imi


Printed by Louis Devere & Co., London.

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No. 353.


No. 354.

No. 355.

No. 353 is a Girl's Sun Hat, for th seaside, or country wear. It is made of white piqué, or Marcella. It will only take about of a yard of materia for a girl 10 years of age.

No. 354 is the Bébé Sun Bonnet for a little girl of 3. It can be made of white piqué, and will take about of a yard. For the manner of making up we refer our readers to the description of our second full-sized pattern.

No. 355.-This is the Ninette Sun Bonnet for a little girl of 5 years old; like the two preceding, it is to be made in white piqué or Marcella, and and will take about a yard of piqué. Patterns of these Sun Hats and Bonnets may be had from the Editors, price 3d. each.



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No. 356.-Child's Round Pinafore, of grey Holland, trimmed with white or red braid. It is fastened behind by buttons and button holes, and edged all round by a gathered flounce. Will take 2 yds. Holland; 18 yds. narrow braid for ornamenting, and 8 yds. wide braid for binding.

June, 1880.

No. 357.

No. 357.-Pelerine of black Grenadine, trimmed with double ruching of blonde and fringe; bows and ends trim the front; the back is plain. Will take 1 yds. grenadine; 2 fringe; 2 ribbon; 21 blonde ruching (if made by hand 14 yds. blonde will be required).

No. 358.

PEIGNOIR of blue surah, trimmed with white lace and insertion. The peignoir is made to fit well on the shoulders, but very loose round the armholes and waist, so as to be really convenient; it is trimmed all round by small plissés, of surah and lace insertion, and so on alternately; all round and up the front is a flounce of lace. Of course this peignoir can be made of nansouk, or any material; comfort is the principal thing. Quantities required: 10 yds. surah; 12 yds. lace; 7 yds. insertion. If made perfectly plain, 5 yds. material, 31in. wide; 9 yds. embroidery.

Le Monde Elégant


Plate 7.




Price 3d., 4d., and 6d. Each,

Cemprise all the Costumes, Robes, Jackets, Pelisses, &c., that appear in this Magazine, and are intended only for our Subscribers. These patterns are far superior to any that have hitherto been sold in England, France, or America. They are cut on new Scientific principles, by the first Parisian Modistes, and are guaranteed for good fit and style. They will prove of very great advantage to all Drapers and Dressmakers, enabling them to make up with the greatest ease any Costume represented in this favorite Magazine. These Patterns will likewise be of very great service to those Ladies who have their dresses made up at home. The quantities of materials required for each Dress, Pelisse, &c. are given in the Magazine itself, with the description of each costume.




All cut for Chest measures of 34 inches only. Instructions for enlarging or decreasing the size are enclosed gratis with each pattern.

**All flat patterns are posted at once on receipt of order, but there may occasionally be delay of one post, caused by the Government regulations for examining Book Packets. In case of undue delay, Ladies are requested to write immediately to Messrs. Louis Devere & Co., in order that enquiries may be made.

For the benefit of New Subscribers, we have made arrangements to accompany any pattern, that has been issued more than two months, with an illustration and letterpress description for threepence, that is to say, 9d. for the sixpenny patterns, 7d. for fourpenny patterns, aud 6d. for threepenny patterns. It must be specially mentioned in the letter that the illustration is required.

This month's and last month's Illustrations canonly be obtained by purchasing the Magazine.

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267.-The Leitrim Afternoon Tea Gown, complete.
268.-The Brenda Promenade Costume. Corsage.
Redingote and draped tunique.

,, 272.-The new Jersey Costume. The Corsage ar-
ranged for elastic materials, and to lace up
the back. Draped upper skirt, to be fastened
with a sash at the back.

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272A. Under skirt for the above.

MARCH. 1830.

,, 274.-The Alice Promenade Costume. Jacket. upper
skirt, and bouffant.

275.-The Karolyi Visite.

276.-The Myrtle Promenade Costume. Corsage
Redingote, draped tablier, and bouffant.

,, 277.-Brides' Traveling Costume. Corsage, Red-
ingote, tunique, and bouffant.

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278.-Brides' Dress. Corsage, panier, tunique, aud

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JUNE, 1880.
Plate 1.

338.-The Chevigné Mantilla. (The dress pattern is
not on our List.)

339.-The Rochefoucauld Garden Party Toilette.
Draperies and under skirt. (The corsage is
gizen full-sized with the Magazine.
340.-The De Gueydon Promenade Costume. Cor.
sage a gilet and draped tunique.
Plate 2.

341.-The Simplicie Polonaise Princesse.

,, 312.-The de Richemont Flower Show Costume.
Gilet, tunique, and tablier.

,, 343.-The Barbantane Promenade Costume. Gilet,
corsage, aud revers and upper skirt.
Plate 3.



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314-The Paulet Dinner Dress. Corsage and 315.-The Valdora Evening Costume. Pointed corsage, with square opening, paniers, aud bouffant.

,316.-The Battenberg Breakfast Gown. Robe Princesse a Plastron.

Plate 4.

317.-Costume for a Child of 5 years old. Jacket and Louis XIV. gilet and flounce.

318.-Grandmamma's Reception Toilette. Corsage,. paniers, and train.

,, 319.-Princesse Polonaise for a Girl of 14. Chest measure 29 inches.

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356.-Pinafore for a Child of 5 years old. Sd.

357.-The Marquise Pelerine, or deep shoulder cape,
for Summer wear. New style. 3d.
359.-Peignoir or Dressing Jacket, with wide or
bell-shaped sleeves.


Suited for the above-named Ladies' Costumes.

No. 1.-Marquise Trained Skirt, for Evening Dress. 8.-Duchesse Train Skirt, (new square style).

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48.-Dress Skirt of walking length.

[blocks in formation]

178.-Galway Dinner Dress. Corsage. skirt, & train. 180-Talbot Costume. Corsage upper & under skirts. ,, 182.-The Adela Casaque.

,182.-Corsage a basques, and tunique.

1, 188.-New Princesse Robe for Morning wear. Medium train, moderately full at back.

194.-The Petre Costume. Corsage a gilet, Tunique and bouffant.

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138.-Dress Skirt with medium Train.

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139.-Dress Skirt with long Train.

The set of five dress skirts is supplied, post free, for 1s. 9d.; or any thrce for 1s. 1d.

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Single-breasted jacket, PELISSES, MANTLES, &c., FOR SPRING AND

SUMMER, 1880.

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301.-The Lewisham Tea Gown: opening square
with plastron.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

and upper skirt.

310.-The Victoria Visite Mantle.

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195.-The Winchelsea Promenade Toilette. Pointed corsage, panier, and tunique.


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311.-The Marlborough Visite Mantelst.

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Basquine, double

304.-Theo Evening Costume. Corsage, draperies,
and tunique.

312.-The Narcissa Mantelet.

313.-The Eastbourne Scarf Mantelet.

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paniers, and bouffant,

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200.-The Millicent Dinner Dress. Open corsage

305.-The Bartet Dinner Costume. Pointed corsage,
paniers, aud bouffant.


314. The Derby Dust Coat. Redingote style and

double-breasted, with coat collar.

315.-The Beatrice Visite.

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draped at sites, and draped tunique.

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20-The Kathleen Robe and Tunique.

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317.-The Edinburgh Dust Cloak.

Visite style,

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222.-The Alexandra Costume. Corsage, Upper and under-skirts.

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230-New Tight-fitting Sleeve. 3d.

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21-Tight-fitting sleeve, with puff at elbow. 3d. 32.-Full Sleeve, with three puffs and cuff. 3d.

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233.-Shoulder Cape for Winter wear. 3d.

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[blocks in formation]

325.-The Stephanie Visiting Costume. Corsage,
draperies, bouffant, and underskirt.

,, 325.-The Turquoise Diuner Toilette. Corsage a
gilet, nud double draperies of upper skirt.
327.-The Ermyntrude Toilette. Tunique a gilet,
upper skirt, and bouffant.

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323.-The Orleans Lawn Tenuis Pinafore.

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,, 321.-The Lonsdale Visiting Costume. Open tunique
and upper skirt.


with large Dolman sleeves. 320.-New Spring Mantle.

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129.-Summer Costume for a child of 5.

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142A.-Lawn Tennis Pinafore for a girl of 7 or 8. 142B.-The same Pinafore, for a girl of 11 to 12. 143.-Pleated dress for a little girl of 7 or 8. 144.-Norfolk Bodice with yokeand skirt for a young lady of 15 or 16. Chest measure 31 inches. 145.-Corsage, panier, aud skirt for a girl of 10. 146.-Dress with low neck for a little girl of 5 or 6. 147.-Zouave Suit for boy 8 or 9 years old.

148.-Paletot or out door Jacket for a little girl 6. 149.-Corsage a basques, scarf and skirt for a girl of 13 or 14. Chest measure 29. 6d.



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150.-Man of War suit for a boy 9 or 10 years. 6d.
151.-Boy's Sailor's Suit, age 7 to 8. 6d.
151A.-Boy's Sailor's suit, age 10 to 11. 6d.
161.-The Ida Costume for a girl of 8. Dress and

162.-The Alice dress for a girl of 11 to 12.
163.-The Isabel outdoor Jacket, double breasted,
for a young lady of 12 to 14.

164.-The Louise Costume for a little girl of 9 or 10,
Robe Princesse and kilted flounce.

,, 165.-The Mand Toilette for a girl of 7 years old.
Dress with revers and collar, scarf and flounce.
166.-The Helena outdoor Jacket for a little girl of
5 or 6, Single breasted style with long skirt.
166A. The same kind of outdoor Jacket for a girl of

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8or 9.

176.-Polonaise and skirt for a chill of 5 years old.
189.-Princesse Dress for a child of 4.
214-Double-breasted Ulster with or without belt'
for a girl of 12; similar shape to No. 211.
214A.-Ditto ditto for a girl of 14. 6d.
224.-Ball Dress for a Girl of 12 or 13. Princess
Polonaise, with square opening at neck. This
may also be used for a Lawn Tennis apron.
227.-Ball Dress for a Little Girl of 4 or 5.
229A.-Single-breasted Ulster with cape for a little
girl of 12 to 13.

229B.-Single breasted Ulster with cape for a little
girl of 8 to 10 years.

229c.-Single-breasted Ulster with cape for little girl
of 5 or 6 years.

290.-Confirmation Dress, for a young lady about 15

or 16. 6d.

330.-Jersey Corsage, for a little girl of 9. 3d. No
pattern required for skirt or sash.
336.-Princesse Dress for a Girl of 15. 6d.

,, 337.-Princesse Dress for a Girl of 12. 3d.

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UNDERLINEN FOR LADIES. All cut for Chest measure of 344 inches. No. 1A, Dressing Gown 6d. No. 2A, Dressing Jacket, 4d. No. 3A, Full Train Petticoat, ed. No. 5a, Night Dress, 6d. No. 4A, Petticoat Body, 4d.

No. 6A, Petticoat, walking length, 6d. No. 6B, Princesse Petticoat, body & skirt in one, 6d. No. 7A, Chemise, 4d. No. 8, Full Drawers, 4d. No. 8B, Chemise and Drawers combination, 63. No. 9A, Flannel Vest. 9k, Lady's Bathing Dress, Gl. Price 4d. and 6d. each post free.

N. B. The above set of 12 patterns (post free) for 3s. 6d. 273. New Petticoat, walking length.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

187.-Parisian Dressing Gown, Princesse style. 6d.

,, 291,-Princesse Chemise. 6d.

293.-Ladies Cooking Apron. 3d.


All cut for Chest measures of 27 inches. Age 12. No. 10A, Dressing Gown. No. 11a, Dressing Jacket. No. 12A, Petticoat. No. 13A, Petticoat Princesse shape. No. 14A, Petticoat Body. No. 15A, Drawers. No. 15в, Chemise and Diawers Combination. No. 16A, Flannel Vest. No. 17A, Flannel No. 18, Bathing Costume. No. 19A, Chemise. No. 20A, Night Dress. Price 4d, each post free. N. B. The complete set of 12 patterns may be had (post free) for 3.


All cut for Chest measure of 20 inches. Age 4.
No. 21A, Dress. No. 22a, Frock. No. 23, Frock.
No. 24A, Chemise Drawers. No. 25A, Chemisette.
No. 26A, Body Drawers. No. 27A, Full Blouse.
No. 28A. Petticoat, No. 29A, Blouse. No. 304, Night
Gown. No. 31A, Chemise. No. 32, Drawers.
Price 3d. each, post free.
N. B. The complete set of 12 children's patterns may be
had (post free) for 2s. 6d.


S5A, Long

Nos. 33A, Cloak. 34A, Short Frock. Robe, or Monthly Gown if less trimmed. 36A, Petticont. 37A, Short Princesse Frock. 38A, Long Petti cont, Cambric or Flannel. 39A, Shirt. 40A, Bib. 41A Night Jacket, lengthened to form Night-Gown 42A, Shoe. 43A, Baby's Drawers or Couvre-linge. Price 3d. each, post free,

N.B. The complete set of 11 patterns of Baby Linen may be had (post free) for 2s.

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234.-Gentleman's Smoking Cap. Round shape. 34. 234A.-Gentleman's Smoking Cap. Turban shape. 34. 235.-Gentleman's Flannel Vest. Chest 37 inches. 236.-Gentleman's Woollen Shirt. Plain shape

without yoke. Chest 37 inches.

236A-Flannel Shirt for a Boy 13 Chest 32 inches. 6d. 236B.-Ditto ditto for a Boy of 6, Chest measure 26, 34. 237.-Gentleman's Dress Shirt. With shield. shaped front, and yoke piece at back of neck. Chest 37 inches.

238.-Gentleman's Night Shirt, with yoke. Chest 37 inches.

292.-Gentleman's Dressing Gown: chest measure, 37 inches.

This list is added to every month; for particulars of which see succeeding numbers of the Magazine. Patterns are withdrawn from this list as soon es they go out of fashion.

These patterns (Children's patterns excepted) are cut for Ladies of good figure, measuring 34 inches Chest measure, and 24 inches Waist measure. Instructions for Dressmaking and for enlarging or decreasing the size will be enclosed gratis with each pattern. Apply by LETTER ONLY, enclosing postage stamps, to MESSRS. LOUIS DEVERE & Co., 1, Kelso Place, Kensington, London W.


Price 26s. Each.

(Including Crate, Packing, and free delivery 4 miles of Charing Cross, or at any London Terminus.) We consider our Busts to be of so much importance to our Subscribers, that we again give the illustration of one on this page. They are supplied only to our Subscribers, and we charge them at cost price, so as to place this great advantage in the reach of all our supporters.

We supply these Busts, for the following sizes of Chest Measures:-30 inches, 311, 33, 311, 36, 371, 39, 41, 42, and 44 inches.

Devere's Model Bust is specially made for the use of Drapers, Dressmakers, and private families, it is accurately moulded in papier maché from the most perfect figures, and is covered with stout twilled calico, thus affording a firm yet flexible surface for the various purposes of making, trimming, and trying-on garments. It is mounted on a handsome polished black stand, and, by means of the screw shown on the engraving, can be raised or lowered in height according to requirement. Another great advantage is the facility with which it turns round on the pivot, thus enabling the worker to fit or trim the back or front of a dress without moving from her position.

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Drapers, Dressmakers, and private families find these Busts are invaluable, from the ease they afford for the arrangement of the elegant but complicated styles of trimmings so much in vogue at the present time.

N.B. When ordering a Bust for general trade pur poses, it may suffice to mention the size or sizes required, but when a Lady requires one for her own private use, she should

ALWAYS SEND A DRESS BODY with the order, because Ladies and their maids have so many ways of taking the chest measure, that it can hardly ever be relied on as a sure guide. When a dress body is sent (no matter if new or old), a Bust best suited to the Lady's figure will be carefully selected from our stock, and the body will be returned in the crate carefully packed to prevent damage.

These Busts are so arranged as to take to pieces with the greatest case, and to pack in a small com pass, thus reducing the expense of carriage to the lowest amount. Full instructions for putting together are forwarded to cach purchaser. The crates (which are specially made to suit each Bust) should be preserved for use in case of removal.

Can be obtained only from LOUIS DEVERE & Co., 1, Kelso Place, Kensington, London, W. Orders to be sent by letter only, enclosing P. O. Order or cheque for the amount.

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