Devere's Model Busts, Price 26s. Each. (Including Crate, Packing, and free delivery 4 miles of Devere's Model Bust is specially made for the use of Drapers, Dressmakers, and private families, it is accurately moulded in papier maché from the most perfect figures, and is covered with stout twilled calico, thus affording a firm yet flexible surface for the various purposes of making, trimming, and trying-on garments. It is mounted on a handsome polished black stand, and, by means of the screw shown on the engraving, can be raised or lowered in height according to requirement. Another great advantage is the facility with which it turns round on the pivot, thus enabling the worker to fit or trim the back or front of a dress without moving from her position. Drapers, Dressmakers, and private families find these Busts are invaluable, from the ease they afford for the arrangement of the elegant but complicated styles of trimmings so much in vogue at the present time. In private families, one Bust serves for all members of the family who are not smaller in size than the bust, but Drapers and Dressmakers should always have more than one size. We allow a discount of 5 per cent. on two Busts, 7 per cent. on three Busts, 10 per cent. on four Busts, and 12 per cent. on six Busts, if they are all ordered for the same person at one time. N. B. When ordering a Bust it is better to send an old dress body that fits well. A Bust suited to the lady will then be selected and forwarded with the body. These Busts are so arranged as to take to pieces with the greatest ease, and to pack in a small comthus reducing the expense of carriage to the pass, GWENDOLINE writes: "I have bought one of your Model Busts, and made up one of your patterns, No. 65; the result is quite beautiful. On reckoning up the cost of materials and trimmings, I find I have saved on this one dress more than double the price of the Model Bust." MARTHA writes: "Your Model Busts have been of the greatest service to me; through using them I have had many extra orders. Please send me as soon as possible, two more Busts, same size as last." MADAME C- writes: "I have now three of your new Model Busts, a Wanzer Pleating Machine, and four sewing machines. By this means, I save a good deal of labour, and I am thus enabled to charge quite one-third less than the price I was formerly obliged to ask." A WEST-END DRESSMAKER writes: "One of my best hands tells me they can finish three dresses in the time required for two before they discovered its use.' Can be obtained only from LOUIS DEVERE & Co., 1, Kelso Place, Kensington, London, W. Orders to be sent by letter only, enclosing P. O. Order for the amount. DEVERE'S PARIS MODEL PATTERNS, PRICE FROM THREEPENCE TO SIXPENCE EACH, POST FREE, NEW FRENCH UNDERLINEN. UNDERLINEN FOR LADIES. All cut for Chest measure of 34 inches. No. 1A, Dressing Gown. 6d. No. 2A, Dressing N. B. The above set of 12 patterns (post free) for 3s. 6d. 273A.-Train to add to Petticoat No. 273, for evening 42A, Shoe. (Continued from the other side.) Baby Linen, (continued). 43A, Baby's Drawers or Couvre-linge. N.B. The complete set of 11 patterns of Baby Linen 150.-Man of War suit for a boy of 9 or 10 years old. 148.-Paletot or out door Jacket for a little girl 6. 149.-Corsage a basques, scarf and skirt for a girl of 13 or 14. Chest measure 29. 151A.-Boy's Sailor's suit, age 10 to 11. 161.-The Ida Costume for a girl of 8. Dress and Jacket. UNDER GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN, wear. 187.-Parisian Dressing Gown, Princesse style. 6d. ,, 291,-Princesse Chemise. 6d. 293.-Ladies Cooking Apron, 3d. UNDERLINEN FOR GIRLS. All cut for Chest measures of 27 inches. Age 12. No. 10A, Dressing Gown. Jacket. No. 12A, Petticoat. Princesse shape. No. 15A, Drawers. No. 11A, Dressing No. 13A, Petticoat No. 14A, Petticoat Body. Combination. No. 16A, Flannel Vest. No. 17A, Flannel No. 19A, Chemise. No. 20A, Night Dress. Price 4d. each post free. N. B. The complete set of 12 patterns may be had (post free) for 3s. CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING AND DRESSES. N. B. The complete set of 12 children's patterns may be had (post free) for 2s. 6d. without yoke. Chest 37 inches. shaped front, and yoke piece at back of neck. 238.-Gentleman's Night Shirt, with yoke. Chest.. 292.-Gentleman's Dressing Gown: chest measure, STANDARD BODY PATTERNS, WITH BASQUES. FOR ALL SIZES. (In thin tissue paper, at Reduced Prices.) JUVENILE COSTUMES. Price 3d. for all marked on the list as under 14 years of age; DEVERE'S SERIES OF DRESS 24.-Ball Dress for a Child 7 or 8 years old. 78.-Paletot for a girl of 14. 142A.-Lawn Tennis Pinafore for a girl of 7 or 8. BODY PATTERNS WITH BASQUES, 283.-The Dora Costume, for a girl of 10 years old. 284.-The "Mary" Costume, for a little girl of 6. 285.-The Gwendoline Costume, for a young lady of 14 years of age, Price 6d. 286.-The Evelyn Costume, Corsage skirt and sash, for a girl of 7. ,, 287.-The Georgina Costume, for a young lady of 9. years old. Corsage, Redingote, & upper skirt. 288.-The Clarice Dress, for a little girl 6 years old. This list is added to every month; for particulars of which see succeeding numbers of the Magazine. *** Patterns are withdrawn from this list as soon as they go out of fashion. CUT IN BROWN PAPER. This set of Patterns is divided into two parts. The first series has seven brown paper patterns, for Children and Young Ladies. The sizes of the first Series are:-Chest 19 inches, age 2.-Chest 201, age 4.-Chest 22, age 6.-Chest 24, age 8.-Chest 27, age 11 to 12.-Chest 281, age 12 to 13.-Chest 30, age 14 to 15. Price 2s. 6d., post free. The sizes of the second Series are:-Small sizes, Chest 314 and Chest 33. Medium sizes, Chest 34 and Chest 36. Large sizes, Chest measures 37), 301, 41, and 42 inches. Price 3s., post free. Both these series of Patterns are principally intended for Dressmakers. If Ladies require any of the above sizes to suit themselves or their families, They can be supplied at 6d. each Pattern. |