GENTLEMAN'S DRESSING GOWN. 292.-FRONT. 292-BACK. This Dressing Gown is made of fine Angola either grey or light brown, lined throughout with scarlet silk, quilted, and the edges bound with scarlet ribbon, with girdle to match. The front is trimmed with five cross rows of double cord, with crow's toes at the ends. Cuffs formed with cord and Austrian knots. If less expense is desired, the Dressing Gown may be made of thin Witney and the lining omitted. Will take about 3 yards material. of a 54 inch CONFIRMATION DRESS. 290.-FRONT. 290.-Васк. No. 290.-CONFIRMATION DRESS of white muslin. The body is cut with round waist, and plissé à la vierge, and trimmed all round the neck and sleeves by a crepe lisse fril. The skirt is edged by a broad hem. The sash can be made of muslin, silk, satin, or moiré. If the veil is to be made of the same material, it is better to choose a muslin 67 inches wide. Will require for dress and sash, 3 yds. muslin, for the circular veil 2 yds. PRINCESSE CHEMISE. MOURNING 291.-Васк. 291.-FRONT. No. 291.-PRINCESSE CHEMISE made of Cambric, trimmed all round the neck and sleeves by valenciennes lace. A deep valenciennes flounce trims the bottom. Quantities required. 3 yds. of cambric; 5 yds. narrow valenciennes; 2 yds. broad valenciennes. This form of chemise may, if preferred, be starched up to half the height of skirt. This is the Back view of the Mourning Costume represented on No. 289 of our 5th plate. March, 1880. Je Monde Elégant DEVERE'S MODEL BUSTS, PRICE 26s. EACH. (Including Crate, Packing, and free delivery within 4 miles of Charing Cross, or at any London Terminus.) We supply these Busts, for the following sizes of Chest Measures:-31, 33, 34, When ordering a Bust it is better to send an old dress body that fits well A Bust suited to the lady will then be carefully selected from our stock and forwarded 36, 37, 394, 41, 42, and 44 inches. with the body. N. B. Can be obtained only from LOUIS DEVERE & Co., 1, Kelso Place, Kensington, Plete 7. + DEVERE'S PARIS MODEL PATTERNS, Price Sixpence Each, Post Free. Comprise all the Costumes, Robes, Jackets, Pelisses, &c., that appear in this Magazine. They are far superior to any that have hitherto been sold in England, France, or America. They are cut on new Scientific principles, by the first Parisian Modistes, and are guaranteed for good fit and style. They will prove of very great advantage to all Drapers and Dressmakers, enabling them to make up with the greatest ease any Costume represented in this favorite Magazine. These Patterns will likewise be of very great service to those Ladies who have their dresses made up at home. The quantities of materials required for each Dress, Pelisse, &c. are given in the Magazine itself, with the description of each costume. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DEVERE'S PARIS MODEL PATTERNS ON SALE TO MARCH 31st. 1880. IN ORDERING A PATTERN ONLY THE NUMBER (and LETTER if any) NEED BE SPECIFIED. N. B.- Ladies will oblige by enclosing name and full address, plainly written, which will ensure speedy delivery by the Post Office. *** PARIS MODEL PATTERNS FOR LADIES. All cut for Chest measures of 34 inches JANUARY and FEBRUARY, 1879. 23.-Close-fitting Pelisse, single-breasted with coat sleeve. 35.-Princesse Dress with slight train. MARCH and APRIL, 1879. 52-Polonaise Princesse, with draped tablier. 61.-Demi-Saison Paletot. 614.-A useful half-fitting outdoor Jacket, with four seams in the back. 62.-The Canadian, a Lady's double-breasted Ulster 63.-Polonaise Princesse, without gilet, to be draped 81.-Double-breasted outdoor Jacket for cloth. MAY, JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST 1879. 101.-The Agues Costume, Corsage a gilet and panier. 105.-The Lilian Costume, Cuirasse & double panier. 19.-The Boulogne tunique," Fishwife" style. 115.-Toilette for an elderly lady, Corsage & bouffant. 123-Deep Mourning Costume, for a parent. 124.-The Agatha Costume, tunique and bouffaut. ,,125.-The Beatrice Visite. ..104.-Dress-skirt & Norfolk Jacket body with yoke. ,, 140-The Victoria Mantelet. 140.-The new Shoulder Cape, two styles. , 141.-The Croizette Pelerine Fichu. 112.-Lawn Tennis Tunique, (Pinafore style). 159.-Princesse Dress with long full train. 16).-The Ormonde Costume Corsage and Train skirt with folds at sides. 167.-Mourning Visite Mantle. ,, 163.-Mourning Paletot, double-breasted. 163.-The Bernhardt Blouse Polonaise or Robe with 170.-The Clarissa Morning Costume. Basquine a ,, 175.-The Alice Visite. 176.-Polonaise and skirt for a child of 5 years old. 178.-Galway Dinner Dress. Corsage. skirt, & train. ,,150.-Talbot Costume. Corsage upper & under skirts. ,,191.-The Powys Costume. Corsage and tunique. ,192-The Adela Casaque. " ,1924.-Corsage a basques, and tunique. ,,154-Widow's Mourning Dress. Corsage and open tunique 186.-New Princesse Robe for Morning wear. Medium train, moderately full at back. " 187.-New Parisian Dressing Gown, Princesse style. NOVEMBER, 1879. " 204.-The Marion Paletot, double-breasted with shawl collar. ,, 188.-The Ernestine Promenade Costume. Corsage Cuirasse, upper skirt and bouffant. ,, 189.-Princesse Dress for a child of 4. 191.-The Mabella Costume. Corsage, Tunique, and under-skirt with moderate train. 194.-The Petre Costume. Corsage a gilet, Tunique and bouffant. 195.-The Winchelsea Promenade Toilette. Pointed corsage, panier, and tanique. 196.-The Athole Costume. Basquine, double 260.-The Percy Costume. Pointed Corsage, gath 266.-The Orleans Costume for cloth; Double. 267.-The Leitrim Afternoon Tea Gown, complete. Redingote and draped tunique. ,, 272.-The new Jersey Costume. The Corsage ar- ,, 272A.-Under skirt for the above. paniers, and bouffant, 197.-The Clarendon Visiting Costume. Robe Princesse, and draped echarpe. " ,,198.-The Arabel Dinner Toilette. Tunique Princesse, and train. ,,200.-The Millicent Dinner Dress. Open corsage draped at sides, and draped tunique. 275.-The Karolyi Visite. 276. The Myrtle Promenade Costume. Corsage 277.-Brides' Travelling Costume. Corsage, Red- ,, 278.-Brides' Dress. Corsage, panier, tunique, and 206.-The Margaret Mantle. 207.-The Barbara Visite, double-breasted. ,, 209.-The Adeline Pelisse, long skirt & wide sleeve. 211.-Close-fitting, double-breasted Ulster, without belt. 211A. Same style of Ulster, but single-breasted. 212.-The Dorothea Pelisse, long skirt and singlebreasted with coat sleeve. 212.-Pointed Hood for Ulster or Mantle. 3d. 212B.-Round Hood for do. do. 3d. 212c.-Cape Hood for do. do, laying quite flat on the shoulders. 3d. 218. The Marie Christina Visite Mantle. 229.-Single-breasted Ulster. New and improved style, with one, two, or three capes. 239.-Circular Cloak, or Rotonde, with round kood. 239A.-Circular Cloak, or Rotonde, with pointed hood. 255.-The Ottoline Waterproof, new single-breasted style. 256.-New Winter Ulster: double-breasted, and but. toning up to the neck, with shoulder cape. UNDERSKIRTS. Suited for the above-named Ladies' Costumes. No. 1.-Marquise Trained Skirt, for Evening Dress. 8.-Duchesse Train Skirt, (new square style). 48.-Dress Skirt of walking length. 138.-Dress Skirt with medium Train. 139.-Dress Skirt with long Train. This list is added to every month; for particulars of which see succeeding numbers of the Magazine. Patterns are withdrawn from this list as soon as they go out of fashion. For French Underlinen, Gentlemen's Under-garments, Ladies' Standard Body Patterns, and Juvenile Costumes, see other list. These patterns (Children's patterns excepted) are cut for Ladies of good figure, measuring 34 inches Chest measure, and 24 Anches Waist measure. Instructions for Dressmaking and for enlarging or decreasing the size will be enclosed gratis with each pattern. Apply by LETTER ONLY, enclosing postage stamps, to MESSRS. LOUIS DEVERE & Co., 1, Kelso Place, Kensington, London W. THIS MAGAZINE OF A JOURNAL OF FASHION AND LITERATURE. IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST LADIES' MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD. It has from twelve to fifteen beautifully-colored Costumes every month. It has an uncolored plate of Mourning Costumes, Caps, Bonnets, &c. It has an outline plate of the latest fashionable Models. It has reverse views in outline of every Costume. It gives ONE or Two reliable full-sized patterns every month GRATIS. It sells complete patterns of all Costumes at sixpence each. It sends all patterns by return of post, and POST FREE. Its patterns are the best in the world for good style and reliable ît. It excludes the extravagant Continental styles issued by other Journals. Its descriptions are of real practical value to Ladies. It gives the quantities of material required for each costume. Its letterpress pages are not full of puffs and tradesmen's advertisements. Its letterpress contains true information on the latest Fashions. It has engaged the first talent in every department. IT IS THE ONLY LADIES' MAGAZINE OF REAL PRACTICAL VALUE. It is useful to Drapers, Dressmakers, and private families. It is bought by every one who has once had a copy. All these advantages render it the CHEAPEST LADIES' MAGAZINE in the World. It can be had of all Booksellers and Newsmen, Price One Shilling. It should be delivered on the first of every month. LONDON. SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & CO., STATIONERS' HALL COURT. N. B.-Ladies will oblige by giving their orders early, as the demand for this Magazine is so great that the publishers can with difficulty supply it after the day of Publication. DEVERE'S PARIS MODEL PATTERNS, PRICE FROM THREEPENCE TO SIXPENCE EACH, POST FREE, (Reduced Prices. UNDERLINEN FOR LADIES. All cut for Chest measure of 341 inches. No. 1A, Dressing Gown. 6d. No. 24, Dressing N. B. The above set of 12 patterns (post free) for 38. 6d. 273A.-Train to add to Petticoat No. 273, for evening No. 19A, Chemise. No 20A, Night Dress. Price 4d. each post free. N. B. The complete set of 12 patterns may be had (post free) for 3. CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING AND DRESSES. N. B. The complete set of 12 children's patterns may be had (post free) for 2s. 6d. BABY LINEN. Nos. 33, Cloak. 34A, Short Frock. 35A, Long Robe, or Monthly Gown if less trimmed. 36A, Petticoat. 37A, Short Princesse Frock. 38A, Long Petticoat, Cambric or Flannel. 39A, Shirt. 40A, Bib. 41a, Night Jacket, lengthened to form Night-Gown 234.-Gentleman's Smoking Cap. Round shape. 3d. 236.-Gentleman's Woollen Shirt. Plain shape ,, 236A " -Flannel Shirt for a Boy of 13, Chest measure 236B.-Ditto ditto for a Boy of 6, Chest measure 26. 238.-Gentleman's Night Shirt, with yoke. Chest STANDARD BODY PATTERNS, WITH BASQUES. FOR ALL SIZES. Juvenile Costumes, (continued.) 77.-Corsage a basques and Upper Skirt for a young lady about 14 years. 78.-Paletot for a girl of 14. " " " " 142A.-Lawn Tennis Pinafore for a girl of 7 or 8. " 148.-Paletot or out door Jacket for a little girl of 6 years old. 149.-Corsage a basques, scarf and skirt for a girl of 13 or 14. Chest measure 291. 150.-Man of War suit for a boy of 9 or 10 years old. 151.-Boy's Sailor's Suit, age 7 to 8. 8or 9. 214.-Double-breasted Ulster with or without belt for a girl of 12; similar shape to No. 211. 214A.-Ditto ditto for a girl of 14. 224.-Ball Dress for a Girl of 12 or 13. Princess Polonaise, with square opening at neck. 227.-Ball Dress for a Little Girl of 4 or 5. ,, 229A.-Single-breasted Ulster with cape for a little girl of 12 to 13. 229B.-Single breasted Ulster with cape for a little girl of 8 to 10 years. 229c.-Single-breasted Ulster with cape for little girl of 5 or 6 years. This list is added to every month; for particulars of which see succeeding numbers of the Magazine. Patterns are withdrawn from this list as soon. Si they go out of fashion. DEVERE'S SERIES OF DRESS BODY PATTERNS WITH BASQUES, CUT IN BROWN PAPER. This set of Patterns is divided into two parts. The first series has seven brown paper patterns, for Children and Young Ladies. The sizes of the first Series are:-Chest 19 inches, age 2.-Chest 204, age 4.-Chest 22, age 6.-Chest 24, age 8.-Chest 27, age 11 to 12.-Chest Si, age 12 to 13.-Chest 30, age 14 to 15. Price 2s. 6d., post free. The sizes of the second Series are:-Small sizes, Chest 31 and Chest 33. Medium sizes, Chest 344 and Chest 36. Large sizes, Chest measures 37 394, 41, and 42 inches. Price 3s., post free. Both these series of Patterns are principally intended for Dressmakers. If Ladies require any of the above sizes to suit themselves or their families, They can be supplied at 6d. each Pattern. |