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commerce, that there was no demand for the com→ modities with which they were loaded. To remedy this, Spain permitted a considerable part of her commerce with America to be carried on in register ships. These were fitted out during the intervals between the stated seasons when the galleons sailed, by merchants of Seville or Cadiz, upon obtaining a licence from the council of the Indies, for which they paid a high premium.

In proportion as experience manifested the advantages of carrying on trade in this mode, the number of register ships increased; and at length in the year 1748, the galleons, after having been employed upwards of two centuries, were finally laid aside. From that period there has been no intercourse with Chili and Peru, but by single ships, dispatched from time to time as occasion requires. These sail round Cape Horn, and convey directly to the ports in the South Sea the productions and manufactures of Europe, for which the people settled in those countries were before obliged to repair to Porto-Bello or Panama.

It remains only to give some account of the trade carried on between New Spain and the Philippine Islands. Soon after the accession of Philip II. a scheme was formed of planting a colony in these islands, which had been neglected since the time of their discovery. Manilla, in the island of Luconia, was the station chosen for the capital of this new establishment. From it an active commercial intercourse began with the Chinese; and a considerable number of that industrious people, allured by the prospect of gain, settled in the Philippine Islands, under Spanish protection. They supplied the colony so amply with all the valuable productions and manufactures of the East, as enabled

enabled Philip to open a trade with America, by a course of navigation the longest from land to land on our globe. In the infancy of this trade it was carried on with Callao on the coast of Peru, but afterwards it was removed to Acapulco on the coast of New Spain.

After various arrangements it has been brought into a regular form. One or two ships depart annually from Acapulco, which are permitted to carry out silver to the amount of more than one hundred thousand pounds sterling; in return for which they bring back spices, drugs, china, and japan wares; calicoes, chintz, muslins, silks, and every precious article with which the East can supply the rest of the world. For some time the merchants of Peru were permitted to participate in this traffic, but now it is confined solely to New Spain. In consequence of this indulgence, the inhabitants of that country enjoy advantages unknown to the other Spanish colonies. The manufactures of the East are not only more suited 'to a warm climate, and are more showy than those of Europe, but can be sold at a lower price; while, at the same time, the profits upon them are so considerable as to enrich all those who are employed either in bringing them from Manilla, or vending them in New Spain. As the interest both of the buyer and seller concurs in favouring this branch of commerce, it has continued in spite of regulations, concerted with the most anxious jealousy, to circumscribe it. Under cover of what the laws permit to be imported, great quantities of India goods are poured into the markets of New Spain; and when the European ships arrive at Vera Cruz, they frequently find the wants of the people supplied


supplied by cheaper and more acceptable commodities.

Notwithstanding these frauds, the Spanish monarchs receive a very considerable revenue from the American dominions. This arises from taxes of various kinds, which may be divided into, 1. What is paid to the sovereign as lord of the New World: to this class belong the duty on the produce of the mines, and the tribute exacted from the Indians: the former is termed by the Spaniards the right of signory, the latter is the duty of vassalage. 2. Into the numerous duties on com

merce, which accompany and oppress it in every

step: and 3. What accrues, to the king, as head of the church. In consequence of this, he receives the spiritual revenues levied by the apostolic chamber in Europe, and is entitled likewise to the profit arising from the sale of the bull of Cruzado. This bull, which is published every two years, contains an absolution from past offences, and a permission to eat several kinds of prohibited food during Lent. Every person in the Spanish colonies, of European, Creolian, or mixed race, purchases a bull, which is deemed essential to his salvation, at the rate set upon it by government. It is not easy to get at the amount of those various funds; but it is probable that the net public revenue raised in America does not exceed a million and a half sterling per annum. Spain and Portugal are, however, the only European powers who derive a direct revenue from their colonies. All the advantage that accrues to other nations from their American dominions arises from the exclusive enjoyment of their trade.

But if the revenue which Spain draws from


America be great, the expense of administration in her colonies bears full proportion to it. The salaries allotted to every person in public office are very high. The viceroys maintain all the state and dignity of royalty. Their courts display such pomp as hardly retains the appearance of a delegated authority. All this expense is defrayed by the


The salaries constitute but a small part of the revenue enjoyed by the viceroys. From the single article of presents made to him on the anniversary of his name-day, a viceroy has been known to receive fifteen thousand pounds sterling. According to a Spanish proverb, the legal revenues of a viceroy are known: his real profits depend upon his opportunities and conscience. Hence their commission is granted only for a very short term of years; which renders them often more rapacious, in order quickly to repair a shattered fortune or to create a new one. But even in situations so trying to human frailty, there are instances of virtue that remains unseduced. In the year 1772, the marquis de Croiz finished the term of his viceroyalty in New Spain with unsuspected integrity; and, instead of bringing home exorbitant wealth, returned with the admiration and applause of a grateful people, whom his government had rendered happy.

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History of the Portuguese Settlements in America, Discovery of Brazil, Extent of the Portuguese. Empire. Conquest of Portugal. Brazil taken by the Dutch. Recovered. Extent of Brazil. How divided and governed. Inhabitants. Trade. Amazonia. River Amazon. People. French Settlement of Cayenne. Dutch Settlements at Guiana. Chief Towns. Climate, Inhabitants, Productions.

THE discovery of America by Columbus was,

as we have seen, owing originally to just reasoning on the figure of the earth, though the particular land which he discovered was far from that which he sought. Here was evidently a mixture of wise design and fortunate accident; but the Portuguese discovery of Brazil may be regarded as merely accidental. For, sailing with a considerable armament to India, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, but standing out to sea to avoid the calms upon the coast of Africa, the Portuguese fleet fell in with the continent of South America. Upon their return they made so favourablé a report of the land which they had discovered, that the court resolved to send a colony thither. This was at first opposed by the Spaniards, who considered the country as within their dominions. Matters were, however, at length accommodated by a treaty, in which it was agreed that the Portuguese should possess all that tract of land that lies between the River of Amazons and that of La Plata.


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