The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 6 卷Society of English and French Literature, 1903 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 13 筆
第 43 頁
... pitty of my hard distresse , Levied an Army , weening1 to redeeme , And have install'd me in the Diademe : But as the rest , so fell that Noble Earle , And was beheaded . Thus the Mortimers , In whom the Title rested , were supprest ...
... pitty of my hard distresse , Levied an Army , weening1 to redeeme , And have install'd me in the Diademe : But as the rest , so fell that Noble Earle , And was beheaded . Thus the Mortimers , In whom the Title rested , were supprest ...
第 47 頁
... pitty us : The Bishop , and the Duke of Glosters men , Forbidden late to carry any Weapon , Have fill'd their Pockets full of peeble stones ; And banding themselves in contrary parts , 90 Doe pelt so fast at one anothers Pate , That 47 ...
... pitty us : The Bishop , and the Duke of Glosters men , Forbidden late to carry any Weapon , Have fill'd their Pockets full of peeble stones ; And banding themselves in contrary parts , 90 Doe pelt so fast at one anothers Pate , That 47 ...
第 25 頁
... pitty my case : the spight of man prevayleth against me . O Lord have mercy upon me , I shall never be able to fight a blow : O Lord my heart . 230 Humf . Sirrha , or you must fight , or else be hang'd . King . Away with them to Prison ...
... pitty my case : the spight of man prevayleth against me . O Lord have mercy upon me , I shall never be able to fight a blow : O Lord my heart . 230 Humf . Sirrha , or you must fight , or else be hang'd . King . Away with them to Prison ...
第 93 頁
... pitty . I sold not Maine , I lost not Normandie , Yet to recover them would loose my life : Justice with favour have I alwayes done , 71 Prayres and Teares have mov'd me , Gifts could never . When have I ought exacted at your hands ...
... pitty . I sold not Maine , I lost not Normandie , Yet to recover them would loose my life : Justice with favour have I alwayes done , 71 Prayres and Teares have mov'd me , Gifts could never . When have I ought exacted at your hands ...
第 112 頁
... pitty . Meet I an infant of the house of Yorke , Into as many gobbits will I cut it As wilde Medea yong Absirtis did . 64. Absirtis : Absyrtus - THEOBald . 60 In cruelty , will I seeke out my Fame . 112 V. ii . 31-59 ] THE SECOND PART OF.
... pitty . Meet I an infant of the house of Yorke , Into as many gobbits will I cut it As wilde Medea yong Absirtis did . 64. Absirtis : Absyrtus - THEOBald . 60 In cruelty , will I seeke out my Fame . 112 V. ii . 31-59 ] THE SECOND PART OF.
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Alarum Armes blood Brother Buckingham Cade Cardinall Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Crowne dayes death Dolphin doth Drumme Duke Humfrey Duke of Yorke Earle Edward Elianor England Enter Exeter Exeunt Exit farre feare fight flye France Friends Glost Gloster Grace hand hath heart heaven heere HENRY THE SIXT Henry VI Highnesse Honor House of Lancaster House of Yorke Jacke Cade King Henry Lancaster Lord Lord Protector Madame Majestie Margaret Mountague ne're never Noble Orleance peace pitty Plantagenet Prince Protector Pucell Puzel Quarto Queene Reignier Rich Richard Richard Plantagenet Salisbury Scene shee Simpc slaine Somerset Sonne Souldiers soule Soveraigne speake stay stress on second Suff Suffolke Sunne sweet Sword sylla Talb Talbot tell thee thine thinke thou art thou hast thou shalt three syllables thy selfe Traitor Unckle unto Warre Warw Warwicke wee'le wilt words yeeld