The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 6 卷Society of English and French Literature, 1903 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 40 筆
第 8 頁
... flye to him ? O whither shall we flye from this reproach ? Glost . We will not flye , but to our enemies throats . Bedford , if thou be slacke , Ile fight it out . 110 Bed . Gloster , why doubtst thou of my forwardnesse ? 93. ber ...
... flye to him ? O whither shall we flye from this reproach ? Glost . We will not flye , but to our enemies throats . Bedford , if thou be slacke , Ile fight it out . 110 Bed . Gloster , why doubtst thou of my forwardnesse ? 93. ber ...
第 12 頁
... flye . Exeunt . Here Alarum , they are beaten back by the English , with great losse . Enter Charles , Alanson , and Reigneir . Charles . Who ever saw the like ? what men have I ? Dogges , Cowards , Dastards : I would ne're have fled ...
... flye . Exeunt . Here Alarum , they are beaten back by the English , with great losse . Enter Charles , Alanson , and Reigneir . Charles . Who ever saw the like ? what men have I ? Dogges , Cowards , Dastards : I would ne're have fled ...
第 15 頁
... flye from a man . Here they fight , and Joane de Puzel overcomes . Dolph . Stay , stay thy hands , thou art an Amazon , And fightest with the Sword of Debora . Puzel . Christs Mother helpes me , else I were too weake . me : Dolph . Who ...
... flye from a man . Here they fight , and Joane de Puzel overcomes . Dolph . Stay , stay thy hands , thou art an Amazon , And fightest with the Sword of Debora . Puzel . Christs Mother helpes me , else I were too weake . me : Dolph . Who ...
第 22 頁
... flye , None durst come neere , for feare of suddaine death . In Iron Walls they deem'd me not secure : 51 So great feare of my Name ' mongst them were spread , That they suppos'd I could rend Barres of Steele , And spurne in pieces ...
... flye , None durst come neere , for feare of suddaine death . In Iron Walls they deem'd me not secure : 51 So great feare of my Name ' mongst them were spread , That they suppos'd I could rend Barres of Steele , And spurne in pieces ...
第 26 頁
... flye from your oft - subdued slaves . Alarum . Here another Skirmish . It will not be , retyre into your Trenches : You all consented unto Salisburies death , For none would strike a stroake in his revenge . Puzel is entred into ...
... flye from your oft - subdued slaves . Alarum . Here another Skirmish . It will not be , retyre into your Trenches : You all consented unto Salisburies death , For none would strike a stroake in his revenge . Puzel is entred into ...
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Alarum Armes blood Brother Buckingham Cade Cardinall Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Crowne dayes death Dolphin doth Drumme Duke Humfrey Duke of Yorke Earle Edward Elianor England Enter Exeter Exeunt Exit farre feare fight flye France Friends Glost Gloster Grace hand hath heart heaven heere HENRY THE SIXT Henry VI Highnesse Honor House of Lancaster House of Yorke Jacke Cade King Henry Lancaster Lord Lord Protector Madame Majestie Margaret Mountague ne're never Noble Orleance peace pitty Plantagenet Prince Protector Pucell Puzel Quarto Queene Reignier Rich Richard Richard Plantagenet Salisbury Scene shee Simpc slaine Somerset Sonne Souldiers soule Soveraigne speake stay stress on second Suff Suffolke Sunne sweet Sword sylla Talb Talbot tell thee thine thinke thou art thou hast thou shalt three syllables thy selfe Traitor Unckle unto Warre Warw Warwicke wee'le wilt words yeeld