The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 6 卷Society of English and French Literature, 1903 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 62 筆
第 10 頁
... grace , Thrust Talbot with a Speare into the Back , 1 van 150 Whom all France , with their chiefe assembled strength , Durst not presume to looke once in the face . Bedf . Is Talbot slaine then ? I will slay my selfe , For living idly ...
... grace , Thrust Talbot with a Speare into the Back , 1 van 150 Whom all France , with their chiefe assembled strength , Durst not presume to looke once in the face . Bedf . Is Talbot slaine then ? I will slay my selfe , For living idly ...
第 21 頁
... grace : The Princes espyals1 have informed me , How the English , in the Suburbs close entrencht , Went through a secret Grate of Iron Barres , In yonder Tower , to over - peere the Citie , And thence discover , how with most advantage ...
... grace : The Princes espyals1 have informed me , How the English , in the Suburbs close entrencht , Went through a secret Grate of Iron Barres , In yonder Tower , to over - peere the Citie , And thence discover , how with most advantage ...
第 23 頁
... 'st thou Salisbury ? though thy speech doth fayle , One Eye thou hast to looke to Heaven for grace . 72. stands : stand - 2-4F . 90 77. shot : shoot - RowE . The Sunne with one Eye vieweth all the World . 2.3 HENRY THE SIXT [ I. iv . 57-83.
... 'st thou Salisbury ? though thy speech doth fayle , One Eye thou hast to looke to Heaven for grace . 72. stands : stand - 2-4F . 90 77. shot : shoot - RowE . The Sunne with one Eye vieweth all the World . 2.3 HENRY THE SIXT [ I. iv . 57-83.
第 31 頁
... Grace , His new - come Champion , vertuous Joane of Acre , Nor any of his false Confederates . 20 Bedf.'Tis thought Lord Talbot , when the fight began , Rows'd on the sudden from their drowsie Beds , They did amongst the troupes of ...
... Grace , His new - come Champion , vertuous Joane of Acre , Nor any of his false Confederates . 20 Bedf.'Tis thought Lord Talbot , when the fight began , Rows'd on the sudden from their drowsie Beds , They did amongst the troupes of ...
第 39 頁
... grace the Yeoman , by conversing with him . Warw . Now by Gods will thou wrong'st him , Somer- set : | His Grandfather was Lyonel Duke of Clarence , Third Sonne to the third Edward King of England : 90 Spring Crestlesse Yeomen from so ...
... grace the Yeoman , by conversing with him . Warw . Now by Gods will thou wrong'st him , Somer- set : | His Grandfather was Lyonel Duke of Clarence , Third Sonne to the third Edward King of England : 90 Spring Crestlesse Yeomen from so ...
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Alarum Armes blood Brother Buckingham Cade Cardinall Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Crowne dayes death Dolphin doth Drumme Duke Humfrey Duke of Yorke Earle Edward Elianor England Enter Exeter Exeunt Exit farre feare fight flye France Friends Glost Gloster Grace hand hath heart heaven heere HENRY THE SIXT Henry VI Highnesse Honor House of Lancaster House of Yorke Jacke Cade King Henry Lancaster Lord Lord Protector Madame Majestie Margaret Mountague ne're never Noble Orleance peace pitty Plantagenet Prince Protector Pucell Puzel Quarto Queene Reignier Rich Richard Richard Plantagenet Salisbury Scene shee Simpc slaine Somerset Sonne Souldiers soule Soveraigne speake stay stress on second Suff Suffolke Sunne sweet Sword sylla Talb Talbot tell thee thine thinke thou art thou hast thou shalt three syllables thy selfe Traitor Unckle unto Warre Warw Warwicke wee'le wilt words yeeld