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Grammatical Usage and Pronunciation

bles; arrested; Hen. VIII, I. i.


Accidents, V. iii. 5, happenings, | Attached, II. iv. 102, three syllaevents, Temp., V. i. 359. Accomplices, V. ii. 14, companions in arms; not in a bad sense. Accursed, V. iv. 95, three syllables. Admonishments, II. v. IOI, in


Adonis, I. vi. 8, Ad-dō-nis. Advance, I. vi. 3, raise; Hen. V, II. ii. 195.

Advantage, II. v. 132, occasion, opportunity; 2 Hen. VI, I. i. 254. Affects, V. v. 61, inclines to, loves; 2 Hen. VI, III. i. 390. Agaz'd (agazed) on, I. i. 138, aghast at.

All, III. ii. 150, adverb; Tam. of Shr., IV. iii. 40. Alliance, II. v. 56, relationship, the sign of the possessive is regularly omitted before 'sake.' Amort, III. ii. 150, dejected; Tam. of Shr., IV. iii. 40. Antique (antic), IV. vii. 21, stress! on first syllable; buffoon; Hen. V, III. iii. 30.

Apparant (apparent), II. i. 5, IV. ii. 29, v 45, plain, easily seen. Apprehension, II. iv. 108, five syllables; opinion.

Argue, II. v. 9, V. ii. 10, iv. 16, show, indicate.

Argument, V. i. 50, token, evidence.

Armes (arms), I. i. 90, coat of arms; 2 Hen. VI, I. i. 268. As, III. i. 20, V. iv. 117, v. 46, that.

Aspect, II. iii. 22, stress on second syllable, as usual.

A strea's, I. vi. 6, As-tray-a's.

Attaint, V. v. 85, tainted, stained. Attainted, II. iv. 98, 102, disgraced by proof of guilt.

Banning, V. iii. 50, cursing; 2 Hen. VI, III. ii. 345.. Beard, I. iii. 52, defy. Bearing cloth, I. iii. 50, christeningrobe or mantle; Wint. Tale, III. iii. 120.

Beeves, I. ii. 12, cattle for food. Benefit, V. iv. 155, a grant by favor, a legal term. Bestow, III. ii. 105, lodge, find place for; Oth., III. i. 60. Betrayed, three syllables, III. ii. 98. Bewray'd (bewrayed), IV. i. 114, betrayed.

Bishop, III. i. 90, possessive, like Duke of Gloster's, with sign omitted.

Blew (blue) coats, I. iii. 56, livery of servants.

Blood, IV. ii. 52, in vigorous condi

tion, a technical term of hunting. Boot, IV. vi. 55, use, profit; Rich. II, I. i. 171.

Bought and sold, IV. iv. 14, betrayed; John. V, iv. 14. Bow, IV. v. 30, yield, bend; III. vi. 62 [8].

Brav'd (braved), II. iv. 122, de


[blocks in formation]

Breed, III. i. 213, propagate itself, | Commandement (commandment), intransitive use; Meas. for Meas.,

II. ii. 171.

Broach, III. iv. 48, set flowing, tap. Bruited, II. iii. 77, rumored, noised abroad; 2 Hen. IV, I. i.


Buckle, I. ii. 106, IV. iv. 6, join battle.

Burdeaux (Bordeaux), IV. ii. 2, 3, iii. 6, etc., stress on first syllable, Bur'-do.

Canker, II. iv. 73, worm; Mids. Nights Dr., II. ii. 4. Canvas (canvass), I. ii. 44, toss, as in a sheet; 2 Hen. IV, II. iv. 218.

Cap, V. i. 37, cardinal's hat. Captivate, II, iii, 47, V. iii. 120, captive.

Card, V. iii. 97, discouragement;
perhaps from carduus, thistle;
see Much Ado, III. iv. 69.
Cates, II. iii. 88, delicacies; 1 Hen.
IV, III. i. 176.
Censure, II. iii. 11, judgment;
2 Hen. VI, I. iii. 124.
Censure, V. v. 101, judge; Cor., II.
i. 25.

Challenge, V. iv. 156, claim.
Charge, V. v. 96, expenditure, cost;
Hen. VIII, I. i. 95.
Chased, I. ii. 128, two syllables.
Chastise, I. iv. 18, stress on first
syllable, also chasticement, IV. i.

[blocks in formation]

I. iii. 24, four syllables; command; 2 Hen. IV, V. iii. 132. Commendable, IV.' vi. 60, main stress on first syllable. Comparison, V. iv. 153, external advantages; Ant. & Cleo., III. xiii. 31.

Compleat (complete), I. ii. 94, stress on first syllable, as regularly when preceding the noun; Rich. III, IV. iv. 201. Conceite (conceit), IV. i. 109, invention; V. v. 18, mind. Confounds, V. iii. 84, that it confounds.

Conquered, I. i. 24, V. iv. 112, three syllables.

Consented, I. i. 13, conspired, agreed among themselves; Oth., V. ii. 364.

Contrary, III. i. 93, stress on second syllable.

Convenient, II. iv. 7, four syllables. Conveyance, I. ii. 3, trickery, dis

honesty; 3 Hen. VI, III. iii. 181. Cornets, IV. iii. 28, cavalry. Corrosive, III. iii. 5, stress on first syllable; giving pain.

Court of guard, II. i. 6. main guard station; Ant. & Cleo., IV. ix. 3, Oth. II. i. 251. Crasie (crazy), III. ii. 106, weak, decrepit.

Crestlesse (crestless), II. iv. 91, not having the right to use armorial bearings.

Crowned, I. i. 103, two syllables. Crystall (crystal), I. i. 11, shining. Cunning, III. iii. 12, skill.

Damned, III. ii. 46, two syllables. Darnell (darnel), III. iii. 56, a weed, rye-grass.

Dearest, III. iv. 48, most precious. Deepe (deep), III. i. 5, deeply; ad

verb or part of compound participle with premeditated.' Deigned, I. ii. 89, two syllables. Despised, II. v. 39, three syllables. Dew (due), IV. ii. 37, endue. Determin'd (determined), IV. v. 12, set as a limit; Rich. III, V. i. 22. Devise on, I. ii. 139, scheme about.

Diffidence, III. iii. 12, distrust; | Face, V. iii. 161, lie with effrontery,

John, I. i. 73. Digest, IV. i. 176, vent. Disable, V. iii. 8o, disparage; Mer. of Ven., II. vii. 32. Discover, II. v. 62, V. iv. 61, tell, reveal; Hen. VIII, V. iii. 86. Discovered, IV. iii. 8, four syllables. Disease, II. v. 47, cause of uneasi


Disgraced, III. i. 113, three syllables.

Dismay, III. iii. 3, be dismayed. Dispersed, I. ii. 153, three syllables. Distrayn'd (distrained), I. iii. 74, seized; a legal term;" Rich. II, II. iii. 140.

Distrest (distressed), IV. iii. 33, stress on first syllable. Dolphin, I. i. 103, 149, etc., dauphin, heir apparent of France. Drooping, IV. v. 6, fit for feeble


Drowned, I. i. 15, two syllables.

Effus'd (effused), V. iv. 53, poured


Emulation, IV. iv. 22, contention. Endammage (endamage), II. i. 90, injure.

Enclosed, I. i. 148, three syllables. Enfeebled, I. iv. 77, four syllables, en-fee-ble-ed.

Enranke (enrank), I. i. 127, range in ranks.

Entertaine (entertain), V. iv. 179, maintain; Mer. of Ven., I. i. 99. Envy, IV. i. 204, hatred, emnity. Espyals (espials), I. iv. 10, spies. Established, V. iii. 105, four sylla


Excursion, III. ii. 43, sally.

Execution, V. iv. 53, five syllables. Exempt, II. iv. 99, excluded, cut off; As You, II. i. 18. Exequies, III. ii. 159, three syllables, stress on the first; funeral rites.

Exigent, II. v. 11, close, end. Expuls'd (expulsed), III. iii. 27, expelled.

Extirped, III. iii. 26, three syllables; driven out completely. Extreames (extremes), IV. i. 42, extreme dangers.

cf. Errors, III. i. 9.

Fact, IV. i. 34, deed, crime; 2 Hen. VI, I. iii. 185.

Fained, III. i. 209, two syllables. Familiar, III. ii. 148, attendant spirit; 2 Hen. VI, IV. vii. 108. Fancy, V. iii. 104, love; Oth., III. iv. 76.

Feature, V. v. 72, external appearance; John, II. i. 133. Fixed, II. v. 105, two syllables. Flesh, IV. vii. 41, dip in blood for the first time; i Hen. IV, V. iv.


Flower-de-luces, I. i. 90, fleur-delys, emblem of French monarchs. Fond, II. iii. 51, deluded. Foot-boyes (boys), III. ii. 85, lackeys.

For that, V. v. 84, because. Forged, IV. i. 109, two syllables; counterfeit, faise.

Forlorne (forlorn), I. ii. 22, stress on first syllable; III. iii. 34, stress on second syllable; used substantively, a ruined man.

Forth, I. ii. 63, forth from, out of.
Fortune, IV. iv. 41, fate.
From, V. v. 104, away from;
2 Hen. VI, III. ii. 422.

Gather, II. v. 99, to gather, the sign of the infinitive being omitted after' wish.'

Giglot, IV. vii. 46, wanton; Cymb., III. i. 38.

Gimmors, I. ii. 48, stress on first syllable; clockwork.

Glikes (gleeks), III. ii. 149, scoffings; Rom. & Jul., IV. v. 117. Glocester (Gloster), III. i. 54, two syllables.

Glosse (gloss), IV. i. 110, specious

[blocks in formation]

Guardant, IV. vii. 11, guard, sen-Joyned (joined), V. v. 72, two syllatinel.

Gyrd (gird), III. i. 147, rebuke. Gyrt (gird), III. i. 188, gird.

Hale, I. i. 161, V. iv. 65, drag: haled, II. v. 5, two syllables, dragged.

Haughtie (haughty), II. v. 82, ad


Have with thee, II. iv. 120, I will go with thee; As You, I. ii. 255. Head, I. iv. 111, an armed force; 2 Hen. VI, IV. v. 12. Heavens, I. i. 9, upper part of the stage in a theatre. Hecate, III. i. 80, three syllables, stress on the first, Hec'-a-tee; elsewhere in Sh., two syllables; goddess of discord.

His, I. ii. 4, III. 1. 149, IV. vi. 6, used instead of the possessive ending with names closing in an 's' sound; I. i. 18, its, an old form; 38, of him, objective genitive with sight.'

[blocks in formation]

Incompassed, I. i. 126, four syllables; surrounded. Inconvenience, I. iv. 16, five syllables, in-con-ven-i-ence. Informed, V. iv. 121, three syllables. Inherced (enhearsed), IV. vii. 50, three syllables.

Inke-horne (inkhorn) mate, III. i. 113, bookish man. Inspired, 1. ii. 156, 157, three syllables.

Insulting, I. ii. 154, IV. vii. 22, V. iv. 150, exulting.

Intermissive, I. i. 98, ceasing for a time.

Invocate, I. i. 61, invoke; Rich. III, I. ii. 11.

Irkes (irks). I. iv. 117, distresses; 3 Hen. VI, II. ii. 9.


Jugling (juggling), V. iv. 69, three syllables, juggle-ing. Joane de Puzel, I. vi. 5, etc., Joneduh-Pu-zel, with soft.

Kindly, III. i. 147, appropriate.

Laboured, II. v. 83, three syllables. Latter, II. v. 41, last; Hen. V, IV. i. 142.

Lift, I. i. 24, old form for lifted, imperfect tense.

Like, IV. vi. 51, make like. Linstock, I. iv. 62, gunner's match

stick; Hen. V, III. Pro. 35. Lither, IV. vii. 24, yielding. Loaden, II. i. 96, laden; 1 йen. IV, I. i. 41.

Long of, IV. iii. 36, because of;
3 Hen. VI, IV. vii. 41.
Louse (lose), III. i. 218, time of two

Lowly, III. iii. 56, lying low.
Lowted, IV. iii. 15, mocked.
Lye (lie), III. ii. 155, II. ii. 43,
live, lives.

Machevile (Machiavel), V. iv. 75,
wily statesman.
Mahomet, I. ii. 156, stress on first
syllable, Ma'-ho-met.
Mallice (malice), III. i. 144, IV. i.
115, hate, ill-will.

Margaret, V. iii. 95, two syllables,
101, three syllables.
Marriage, V v. 59, three syllables.
Marry, II. iii. 34, V. i. 14, origi-

nally an oath in the name of the Virgin, then a mild form of asseveration.

Meane (mean), I. ii. 136, moderation; III. ii. 13, means. Maz'd (mazed), IV. ii. 51, bewildered; Hen. VIII, II. iv.


Merchant, II. iii. 64, used contemptuously; Rom. & Jul., II. iv. 139.

Methode (method), III. i. 17, design.

Mickle, IV. vi. 38, great; 2 Hen. VI, V. i. 185:

Miscarry, IV. iii. 18, perish; 2 Hen. VI, IV. viii. 52.

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