Physics Exam-builder for HKDSE: Astronomy & Space ScienceFillans Press Limited, 2015年9月7日 - 152 頁 This book covers the elective module "̔Astronomy and Space Science" of the HKDSE (the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination) Physics Examination. It contains comprehensive notes of the relevant knowledge for the examination, so that it can be used as a coursebook as well. It contains a wealth of multiple choice questions and structured questions in examination format, with detailed solutions, to help students consolidate their concepts and master their skills. The book is written in accordance to the Fine-tuned HKDSE Syllabus, suitable for the 2016 HKDSE Physics Examination and onward. |
chapter 1 | 1 |
chapter 2 | 36 |
chapter 3 | 68 |
mock exam | 112 |
answers to chapter 1 | 119 |
answers to chapter 2 | 128 |
answers to chapter 3 | 138 |
answers to mock exam | 150 |
list of data | 153 |
back cover | 154 |
absolute magnitude aphelion apparent luminosity apparent magnitude asteroid astronaut astronomical blackbody radiation Calculate celestial bodies circular motion circular orbit dark matter Diagram NOT drawn diameter distant stars Doppler effect drawn to scale Earth observer Earth orbit Earth's surface elliptical orbit escape velocity following statements galactic centre galaxy Galileo geocentric model GMm 2r gravitational attraction gravitational constant gravitational force heliocentric model HKDSE Hubble is/are correct Jupiter JWST Kepler's third Kepler's third law km sa1 light line of sight m s‾¹ marks Mars maximum Moon nebula orbit radius orbital motion orbital period orbital speed parallax parallax angle parsec perihelion planet moves planetary motion radial velocity radial velocity curve radiation curves red shift retrograde motion revolving rotation satellite scale Fig semi-major axis shows solar system spacecraft statements are correct Stefan's law surface temperature T2 µ total mechanical energy wavelength Δλ