Biographia Literaria (Annotated)

Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, 2021年3月26日 - 314 頁
Differentiated book- It has a historical context with research of the time-The purpose of realizing this historical context is to approach the understanding of a historical epoch from the elements provided by the text. Hence the importance of placing the document in context. It is necessary to unravel what its author or authors have said, how it has been said, when, why and where, always relating it to its historical moment.The literary Biography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). As is known, it is a kind of literary memories, in which criticism predominates, stylistic, metric reflections, the exposition of some Hartley ideas, the characteristics of imagination and fantasy and, above all, much around Wordsworth and his poetry, especially his Lyrical Ballads, where Coleridge's presence is notable. It is not a unitary book (in any of the two senses, although its author belonged to this belief in the first part of his life), but a kind of digression that, without doubt, is centered on poetry. The work was dictated, at least in part, to John Morgan, in 1815, and published in 1817. As those who knew him (for example, De Quincey in his masterful portrait), Coleridge was a magnificent speaker. Endowed with a good memory and an encyclopedic culture, he was given to astonish and overwhelm his interlocutors with immense monologues on a thousand subjects. Also, like so many at the time, he was an opiate.

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