CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Mr. GRAY's birth. Education at Eton, where he commences 1. From Mr. WEST. Complains of his friend's silence 2. To Mr. WEST. Answer to the former. A translation of some lines from 4. To Mr. WEST. On the little encouragement which he finds given to clas- 6. To Mr. WALPOLE. Excuse for not writing to him, &c. 8. To Mr. WEST. Thanks him for his poetical epistle. Complains of low 11. From Mr. WEST. Sends him a translation into Latin of a Greek epigram 30 12. To Mr. WEST. A Latin epistle in answer to the foregoing 13. From Mr. WEST, on leaving the University, and removing to the Temple 16. To Mr. WALPOLE. Congratulates him on his new place. Whimsical de- 17. To Mr. WEST. On his own leaving the University 1. To his MOTHER. His voyage from Dover. Description of Calais. Abbe- Turin. Its carnival. More of the views and scenery on 12. To Mr. WEST. Genoa. Music. The Doge. Churches and the Palazzo 13. To his MOTHER. Paintings at Modena. Bologna. Beauty and richness 14. To his MOTHER. The Appennines. Florence and its Gallery 15. To Mr. WEST. Journey from Genoa to Florence. Elegiac verses occa- sioned by the sight of the plains where the battle of Trebia was fought 16. From Mr. WEST. Latin Elegy, expressing his wishes to see Italy and 688 71 ib. 72 17. To his MOTHER. Death of the Pope. Intended departure for Rome. First and pleasing appearance of an Italian spring 18. To his MOTHER. Cathedral of Sienna. Viterbo. Distant sight of Rome. The Tiber. Entrance into the city. St. Peter's. Introduction of the Cardinal d'Auvergne into the Conclave 19. To his MOTHER. Illumination of St. Peter's on Good Friday, &c. 20. To Mr. WEST. Comic account of the palace of the Duke of Modena at Tivoli. The Anio. Its cascade. Situation of the town. Villas of Horace and Mecænas, and other remains of antiquity. Modern aqueducts. A 21. To Mr. WEST. An Alcaic Ode. Ludicrous allusion to ancient Roman customs. Albano and its lake, Castle-Gondolfo. Prospect from the palace; an observation of Mr. Walpole's on the views in that part of Italy. Latin 22. To his MOTHER. Road to Naples. Beautiful situation of that city. Its bay. Of Baiæ, and several other antiquities. Some account of the first 23. To his FATHER. Departure from Rome and return to Florence. No like- lihood of the Conclave's rising. Some of the cardinals dead. Descrip- tion of the Pretender, his sons, and court. Procession at Naples. Sight of the King and Queen. Mildness of the air at Florence 24. From Mr. WEST. On his quitting the Temple, and reason for it 25. To Mr. WEST. Answer to the foregoing letter. Some account of Naples |