Annual Register, 第 57 卷Edmund Burke Longmans, Green, 1816 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 100 筆
第 2 頁
... charged , but was informed that he must still be tried before the tribunal of the Inquisition . He , however ... charge against sir James Duff related to an order he had given for exa- mining a British convoy at Ca- diz with a ...
... charged , but was informed that he must still be tried before the tribunal of the Inquisition . He , however ... charge against sir James Duff related to an order he had given for exa- mining a British convoy at Ca- diz with a ...
第 17 頁
... into it , was founded on the same grounds as that in the other house . With respect to the charge of delay , he said he was convinced that if [ C ] it lic , and that they dreaded above duct of his GENERAL HISTORY . [ 17.
... into it , was founded on the same grounds as that in the other house . With respect to the charge of delay , he said he was convinced that if [ C ] it lic , and that they dreaded above duct of his GENERAL HISTORY . [ 17.
第 19 頁
... charge of ill faith brought against this country . In his statement of facts he said , that the instructions of December 1813 , which had been quoted as encouraging the Italians to insurrection , merely said , Rise , and we , on receiv ...
... charge of ill faith brought against this country . In his statement of facts he said , that the instructions of December 1813 , which had been quoted as encouraging the Italians to insurrection , merely said , Rise , and we , on receiv ...
第 21 頁
... charge of concealment , by saying , that he was unwilling , by a prema- ture disclosure of a treaty of which the ratifications had not been exchanged , to prevent a re - consideration of the policy to be pursued towards France under the ...
... charge of concealment , by saying , that he was unwilling , by a prema- ture disclosure of a treaty of which the ratifications had not been exchanged , to prevent a re - consideration of the policy to be pursued towards France under the ...
第 22 頁
... charge during that period was no less than 4,108,000l . being an excess beyond The the allowance of 809,000l . excess was actually greater , for 100,000l . had been voted to his Royal Highness for an outfit . It appeared therefore that ...
... charge during that period was no less than 4,108,000l . being an excess beyond The the allowance of 809,000l . excess was actually greater , for 100,000l . had been voted to his Royal Highness for an outfit . It appeared therefore that ...
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Allied Powers appeared arms army arrived assize attack Austria bart boats Britain Britannic Majesty British Buonaparte Captain charge chief circumstances Colonel command Committee Congress of Vienna consequence considerable corps Court daugh daughter deceased declared Ditto Duke Duke of Wellington duty Earl effect enemy Europe favour fire force France French Gaeta honour horses inhabitants Ireland island King Lady land letter Lieutenant Lord Lord Castlereagh Lordship Majesty Majesty's Major-gen March marriage Marshal ment military morning Naples nation neral Netherlands night o'clock object occasion officers Paris parish parties peace persons possession present Prince Regent principal proceeded provinces Prussian received rendered respect river Royal Highness sent serjeants ship sion Sir James Leith Sovereign spect tain taken tion took town treaty Treaty of Paris troops whole wounded
第 335 頁 - Croix River to the highlands; along the said highlands which divide those rivers that empty themselves into the river St. Lawrence from those which fall into the Atlantic Ocean to the northwesternmost head of Connecticut River...
第 334 頁 - Lawrence; comprehending all islands within twenty leagues of any part of the shores of the United States, and lying between lines to be drawn due east from the points where the aforesaid boundaries between Nova Scotia on the one part, and East Florida on the other, shall respectively touch the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic Ocean; excepting such islands as now are, or heretofore have been, within the limits of the said province of Nova Scotia.
第 225 頁 - One thousand eight hundred and thirty-two ; to permit such Persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors to make and file the same on or before the First Day of Hilary Term One thousand eight hundred and thirty-two ; and to allow Persons to make and file such Affidavits, although the Persons whom they served shall have neglected to take out their annual Certificates.
第 336 頁 - Lake Huron, thence through the middle of said Lake to the water communication between that Lake and Lake Superior;" And whereas doubts have arisen what was the middle of the said river, lakes, and water communications, and whether certain islands lying in the same were within the Dominions of His Britannic Majesty or of the United States : In order, therefore, finally to decide these doubts, they shall be referred to two Commissioners, to be appointed, sworn-, and...
第 338 頁 - Indians with whom they may be at war at the time of such ratification; and forthwith to restore to such tribes or nations, respectively, all the possessions, rights, and privileges which they may have enjoyed or been entitled to in one thousand eight hundred and eleven, previous to such hostilities...
第 333 頁 - ... to whom they respectively belong. Such of the islands in the bay of Passamaquoddy as are claimed by both parties, shall remain in the possession of the party in whose occupation they may be, at the time of the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty, until the decision, respecting the title to the said islands, shall have been made in conformity with the fourth article of this treaty.
第 145 頁 - And whereas the Senate of the United States have approved of the said arrangement and recommended that it should be carried into effect, the same having also received the sanction of His Royal Highness, the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of His...
第 225 頁 - AN ACT to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and for extending the Time limited for those Purposes respectively...
第 334 頁 - The said Commissioners shall, by a declaration or report under their hands and seals, decide to which of the two contracting parties the several islands aforesaid do respectively belong, in conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.
第 333 頁 - ... or other private property And all archives, records, deeds and papers, either of a 'public nature or belonging to private persons, which, in the course of the war, may have fallen into the hands of the officers of either party, shall be, as far as may be practicable, forthwith restored and delivered to the proper authorities and persons to whom they respectively belong.