Poetry of the Romantic PeriodRoutledge, 2016年3月31日 - 350 頁 First published in 1980. This title provides a critical and historical account of poetry written between 1780 and 1835. The author has been especially concerned to place the great poems and poets of the age in the context of the conventions and traditions in which they wrote, offering new perspectives on familiar works. Poems still famous are examined often in relation to works of a similar kind fashionable at the time but now neglected, and these unconventional groupings throw fresh light on Romantic poetry as a whole. An appendix is included, designed to be read as a supplement to the main text, serving both as a chronology and as a brief guide to works that do not fall within the scope of the main argument. This title will be of interest to students of literature. |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 81 筆
... feelings and truths that they tend to forget ; second , to awaken sympathy for the unfortunate ; and third , to feed resentment at social injustice . To these may be added a fourth that arises out of a genuine interest in the daily ...
... feeling therein developed gives importance to the action and situation , and not the action and situation to the feeling ' . In ' The Idiot Boy ' , the feelings of affection are real , even if the action and situation are trivial . And ...
... feelings that spring from affection , and although they are not concerned with children , their simplicity of expression and their unguarded quality touch us in somewhat the way ' We are Seven ' does . In ' Strange fits of passion have ...
... feelings that even so feeble a creature must have . The increased circumstantiality of such poems could not quite be ... feeling - and depend instead upon the accumulation of a few simple but telling observations of daily life . We ...
... feeling of blind love , The pleasure which there is in life itself . ( 11.62-4 , 74-7 ) Michael has few hostages to give to fortune , but fortune makes the most of them . The financial failure of a nephew costs Michael ' little less ...
The ambiguities of guilt | |
The human predicament | |
Meditations of sympathy | |
Testimonies of individual experience | |
Reappraisals of society | |
Unfamiliar ideas | |
Allegorical alternatives | |
Afterword | |