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MINOR CORRESPONDENCE-Anecdote of George III. and Lord Loughborough.
-Curious Sort of Ancient National Combat.-Pedigree of Littlebury.—
Arms of Mark Ogle of Effingham, &c.



Professor Buckland's Geology ..........


Notes to Boswell's Life of Johnson.



NEW RECORD COMMISSION, NO. VI.-Report of the House of Commons' Committee....


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Extracts from Lord Grenville's Nuga Metrica-Lychnia.

RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW.-Early French and Anglo-Norman Literature......

Remarks on Foreign Policy, 169.-A Voice from the Factories, 170.-Duke's
Halle of John Halle, 172.-Offor's Life of Tyndale, 176.-Transactions of
the Institute of British Architects, 180.-Adventures in the Moon, &c. ;
Adventures of Capt. Paterson, &c.


FINE ARTS.-School of Design, New Publications, &c.


182 183-186


New Publications, Learned Societies, &c.
ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES.-Society of Antiquaries, 193.-Silver Plates
found at Pompeii, &c.....



HISTORICAL CHRONICLE.-Foreign News, 196.-Domestic Occurrences,
197.-Promotions, Preferments, &c. 199.-Births and Marriages........ 200
OBITUARY; with Memoirs of the Earl of Dunmore; Viscount Forbes, M.P.;
Major-Gen. the Hon. Sir C. J. Greville; Sir George Hernage, Bart.; Sir R.
Greenhill-Russell, Bart.; D. S. Dugdale, Esq.; Thomas Calley, Esq.;
Rev. Spencer Madan, D.D.; Rev. Charles Simeon; Rev. David Williams;
Rev. John Arthur; W. Marsden, Esq. (D.C.L. F.R.S.; Richard Westall,
Esq. R.A.; Lieut. H. F. Murphy, R. Eng.; Mrs. Egerton, &c. &c..... 20%
CLERGY DECEASED, 216.-DEATHS, arranged in Counties.....
Bill of Mortality-Markets-Prices of Shares, 223.-Meteorological Diary-Stocks 224

Embellished with a View of the MOTE at IGHTHAM, Kent.

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MR. URBAN, In the Gentleman's Magazine of August, 1836, p. 118, you have permitted a story to be inserted with your own guarantee of its authenticity, which story cannot be true. The point of the story is, that on a certain occasion, and under certain circumstances there detailed, King George III. spoke of the late Lord Loughborough to Queen Charlotte, as "the greatest scoundrel in his dominions." The occasion was this: "Just before the final question came before the House of Lords, as to the capability of his late majesty, George III. to resume his functions (after his illness) Lord Loughborough died."

The king's illness occurred in 1788-9; Lord Loughborough, or more correctly the Earl of Rosslyn, died on the 2d of January, 1805. Away goes the foundation of the story.

The Duke of Clarence, you say, was desired to go down to Windsor, to inform the Queen of the circumstance; Her Majesty undertook to break it to the Kingwho anticipated her information by the offensive remark which you have quoted. The Duke posted to London, found Lord Thurlow in the House of Lords, told him what had passed, whereupon Lord Thurlow observed, that He did not want a stronger proof of the King's sanity.'

The Duke of Clarence could not find Lord Thurlow in the House of Lords, for the Parliament was not sitting when Lord Rosslyn died, nor did it meet in less than a fortnight, nor when it did meet, did a word pass about the King's health. Away goes the superstructure of the libel.

As I cannot prove a negative, I cannot assert positively that the King never spoke disrespectfully of Lord Rosslyn; but nothing is more improbable. His Majesty honoured him with special marks of favour (when he resigned the Great Seal), and, if I am not very much mistaken, continued his favour to the day of Lord Rosslyn's death;-his lordship's residence at Baylis, near Windsor, giving frequent opportunities of intercourse. might add that Lord R. died at Baylis, a circumstance which makes it very improbable that the Duke of Clarence heard of the event before it reached Windsor." DECIUS.

J. L. notices a passage in the Letters of the Baron de Bielfield, who was in London in the year 1741. After mentioning the national sport, boxing, he speaks of a curious sort of combat with swords as of common occurrence. The feet of the antagonists, he says, were placed in sandals, which were af

fixed to the ground, so that they could not stir in the least from one position. Their swords were extremely sharp, and very slight towards the point; and the wounds, therefore, they gave each other were never very deep; "but the blood soon flowed, at which the people applauded exceedingly." We refer our correspondent to Malcolm's Manners and Customs of London, and to Nichols's Hogarth, under Figg, the prize-fighter, &c. for particulars of the gladiatorial sports of that day.

A CONSTANT READER asks what was the number of the house in Cornhill, in which the poet Gray was born. His biographer, Mason, is silent on the subject; neither Johnson nor Mitford mention it.

G. inquires for information as to the Pedigree of LITTLEBURY, of Stainby and of Kirton, in Lincolnshire, from 1600 to the present time? Is that family extinct? In MSS. Harl. 1190, f. 78, is an excellent pedigree of this family, from 1138 to 1562, in Cook's Visitation of Lincolnshire, and it is continued by a later hand to 1591.

A NORTHUMBRIAN asks for an explanation of the grant of arms and crest, with due difference, unto Mark Ogle of Eglingham in the county of Northumberland, Gent. descended from the house of Musgrave in the same county, by Thomas Hawley, Norroy. Dated at London, 18th August, 26 Henry VIII. A. D. 1535, which is as follows: "Silver, a fesse between 3 Crescents Gules, the second quarter Gould an Escouchyne azure, and soe quarterly in a chief azure 6 annuletts Gould, 3, 2, and one; on all a baston, in billike silver." A baston is the modern bâton, well known in heraldry; what "in billike" is, we cannot say, but can only conjecture it may have been intended for oblique, i. e. in bend dexter.

To W. A. and A. R. W. We expect announcements of marriages and deaths to be authenticated by a real signature.

ERRATA. Page 95, The Countess Howe was daughter of Robert, the present Earl of Cardigan, by Penelope Anne, 2d daughter of George John Cook, esq. of Harefield Park, Middlesex. The Rev. Edward Cook Forward (p. 106) was a Commoner of Wadham college; but he never was a Fellow, and of course was not presented by his college to the living of Limmington. The living was purchased by the college subsequently to his institution. P. 110, a. l. 12, for 1819, read April 28, 1820.




THAT the Heavens declare the glory of God,' is a declaration of Scripture, which the telescope of the Astronomer has confirmed with proofs beyond the remotest views of him who uttered it. That' the Earth showeth His handy work' is a truth, the display of which has been reserved for the later investigation of the scientific Geologist. He has shown that what ignorance and presumption had pronounced to be only disorder and confusion, are eminent examples of design and contrivance that what the Atheist declared to proceed from an eternal succession, had once a be ginning; and that in those successive changes in the creation, in which various energies or powers might be presumed to prevail, there is throughout such an unity of plan, such a continuity of design, such a harmonious connexion of contrivance, as evidently show that they are all parts of a creation proceeding from one and the self-same Will. Paley observes respecting the varieties in living species of plants and animals in distant regions and under various climates-"We never get among such original or totally different modes of existence as to indicate that we are come into the province of a different Creator, or under the direction of a different will." And Dr. Buckland says, "The very extensive subterranean researches that have more recently been made, have greatly enlarged the range of facts, in accordance with those on which Paley grounded his assertion."

Thus a science displaying such evidence of the attributes of God, most like that of Astronomy, may be considered as an effectual auxiliary and handmaid of Religion, supplying the moralist and the divine with arguments drawn from the evidence of Nature, so as to make doubt absurd, and atheism ridiculous.' "The consideration of God's providence," says Boyle," in the conduct of things corporeal, may prove, to a well-disposed contemplator, a bridge upon which he may pass from natural to revealed religion;" or, to use an expression quoted by our author," another lamp lighted up along the path of Natural Theology.” "Whatever alarm therefore," Dr. Buckland justly observes, "may have been excited in the earlier stages of their developement, the time is now arrived when geological discoveries appear to be so far from disclosing any phenomena, that are not in harmony with the arguments supplied by other branches of physical science, in proof of the existence and agency of one and the same all-wise and all-powerful Creator, that they add to the evidence of natural religion links of high importance that have confessedly been wanting, and are now filled up by facts which the investigation of the structure of the earth has brought to light." And this evidence is the more valuable, as it is one which admits being presented in a form that may be viewed by the mind without any great difficulty arising from its abstruse investigations; whereas it is not easy to present the great phenomena of Astronomy with success, without presupposing a considerable advance in the highest sciences, and a familiarity with the great laws of the celestial

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