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A Sabbath School Missionary Meeting.

THE reading of the very interesting and suggestive paper by Professor Henry Drummond, which appeared in the January number of the Sabbath School Magazine, has led to the thought that perhaps a notice of a Monthly Missionary Meeting which has been held for some time in connection with a Sabbath school in Scotland, might not be unwelcome to the readers of this magazine, especially as several of the plans proposed in the above-mentioned paper have been, to a certain extent, tried in this meeting, and have been attended with very gratifying results.

In the Sabbath school alluded to a Monthly Missionary Magazine had long been circulated amongst the scholars; but the teachers became anxious to do something more to interest the children in the cause of missions. For this purpose several plans were proposed, one being the revival of a missionary meeting which had formerly been held once-aquarter by the superintendent and one or two of the teachers, (but which had gradually declined in interest, and had finally been given up altogether.) The chief objection to this plan was, that it could not be carried out without breaking the continuity of the Scheme of Lessons now adopted in the Sabbath school. It was thought that it would be difficult to carry on such a meeting during the week; but at last it was resolved to try what could be done by letting the scholars conduct it, as far as possible, themselves,-just as they often do at Band of Hope meetings,-under the superintendence, of course, of one or more of the teachers.

This meeting has now been carried on successfully for some time, in somewhat the following way :




At the beginning of the season a programme is drawn up of the various weekly meetings to be held during the winter in connection with the Sabbath school,-Missionary Meeting, Band of Hope, &c., and a copy of this programme is given to each family in connection with the Sabbath school. For each of the Missionary meetings, which are held once-a-month, a special subject is chosen, such as India," or New Guinea;" and the children are invited to bring contributions of readings, papers, maps, pictures, or curiosities which can in any way illustrate the subject. At the end of each monthly meeting the children are reminded what mission field is to be visited on the next occasion; and about a week before the time those intending to read or exhibit are requested to give in their names, and to mention what their contributions are to be, so that a programme of the evening's proceedings may be made out. The difficulty then is generally, not how the time is to be filled up, but how all that is proposed to be done can be crowded into one short hour!

Sometimes one of the elder boys or girls will read a short original paper, describing an imaginary journey to the country selected for that evening, with perhaps an account of visits paid to the different missionstations there. Again, another of the elder scholars may bring a map, made specially for the occasion, with all the mission-stations distinctly marked; this, having been mounted and attached to rollers, is afterwards

laid aside as an addition to the stock of Sabbath school missionary maps. Then several of the younger children give short readings, seldom exceeding five minutes in length,-all bearing, as far as possible, upon the subject of the evening. One of the teachers presides, and several others are always present to help in one way or another. The meeting is, of course, opened and closed with prayer; two or three bright missionary hymns are sung,-everything being arranged beforehand; and towards the end-the great attraction of the evening—a collection of curiosities is exhibited.

It has been found that the idea of thus having so much depending upon themselves, helps to excite and keep up the interest of the children; and the attendance at these meetings has been much beyond what was at first anticipated.

It is hoped that these details may not be found tedious, but that they may encourage other Sabbath schools, whether they adopt the same plans or not, to try what they can do in the way of starting a Sabbath School Missionary Meeting.


Notices of Books.

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORLD: A sent to one address they are much monthly Magazine of 32 octavo cheaper. pages. Philadelphia: The American Sunday School Union, 1122 Chestnut Street.

THIS periodical is specially designed for Sabbath school workers who use the International Scheme of Lessons. It contains most thorough and helpful expositions of the Lessons, besides other articles relating to Sabbath schools, and the progress of the Kingdom of Christ throughout the world. The__expositions_are prepared by the Rev. John Hall, D.D., of New York; and Prof. G. E. Post, of the Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, gives graphic descriptions of those Eastern manners and customs which are so frequently the most vivid explanation of the sacred narrative. Mrs. Alice W. Knox tells how the lesson can be explained to the primary and infant classes; and the Rev. Edwin W. Price, D.D., gives plain and easily applied methods for the teaching of the lesson. One copy can be obtained monthly for a year for 60 cents (2/6), which covers postage; but when several copies are

A SIGHT OF CHRIST: or, the Sinner's
Blessedness : by Rev. David
Thompson, author of "Heaven
and Earth to me," "The Bleeding
Heart," &c. Glasgow: Porteous
Brothers. (48 pages.)

A very little book to be so tastefully
bound in cloth boards. It is full of
evangelical truth and pious thought.
The personality of the Saviour, and
the spiritual effects of seeing Him as
the Son of God and the Redeemer of
men, are evidently congenial themes
to the writer; and he succeeds in
reflecting the light of the Gospel
most effectively from several points
of view, and in a
manner well
fitted to commend it to the benighted.
The chief aim of the author is to
extend his usefulness, and to aid in
spreading the glad tidings where his
living voice cannot reach.
be glad to have the co-operation of
Christian friends in circulating wide-
ly, and at a moderate expense,
attractive book.

He will


A BRIGHT SUNSET; or, Recollections will be lured, by its title, to peruse a narrative which tells, in the most touching language, how they also may gain the heavenly goal, without, in the least degree, marring their enjoyment of life.



ander Macleod, D.D., author of
'Talking to the Children,
Gentle Heart," &c. London :
Hodder & Stoughton. (337 pages,
price 5/.)

of the Last Days of a Young Football Player. London: Hodder & Stoughton. (142 pages, cloth, 1/6.) A more expressive title, or one more appropriate, could scarcely be suggested for this small volume. joyous young life, such as parents would like their boys to live, is unexpectedly cut short by an incident which was regarded at first as of a trifling nature. The narrative cannot be read without awakening deep sympathy; indeed, we would pity the person who can peruse it FOR some years Dr. Macleod has without having the most sacred been in the habit of giving from ten emotions stirred. In a brief intro- to fifteen minutes of the morning ductory note, the Rev. Dr. J. H. service on Sabbath to the instruction Wilson says that it was never of the young. In this substantial intended for the public eye, and volume we have the children's that it was merely written as a 'portion," or, a least, a selection of private letter by a Christian mother what has been given to them during to her only sister in America, with the last three years. Some of the all the unreserve with which one chapters are not exactly expositions loving and sorrowing sister writes to of Scripture texts or passages; but another. This accounts for the every one of them may be read with naturalness and extreme freedom delight and profit by even very which are features of the book. We young persons, and the book will be are exceedingly pleased that the a valuable addition to the family or writer consented to its publication, Sabbath school library. Parents as we imagine we see in its being might use it frequently, with advanpublished, as well as in its prepar- tage, as a reading book on the ation, the fulfilment of a divine Sabbath evenings, when they may purpose. We have no doubt a wide wish to direct the attention of the circulation of it will do incalculable younger members of the family to good. There are many thousands of one or other of the subjects which young men passionately fond of Dr. Macleod handles with so much football, and we trust many of them freshness and ability.



THE BIBLE: ITS LETTER AND SPIRIT. It is stated that there are in the Bible 3,586, 483 letters, 773,693 words, 31,373 verses, and 1,189 chapters. These are interesting facts; but a scholar might have counted over every letter in the Bible and yet have a very inadequate idea of the spiritual truth contained in it. Much which passes for Bible study is not worthy of the name. The

Jews were occupied with the study of the letter of Scripture to such an extent that Paul was obliged to warn them, saying that "the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." Our own schools may not in general be too much inclined to the study of the letter, but they certainly do fail in investigating the deep spiritual meaning of the portions of God's word selected for study.-S. S. World.

NOVEL USE FOR WASTE PAPER.The primary department of the Park Congregational Sunday School in Chicago, has voted to collect and sell waste paper until one hundred dollars shall be realized for the benefit of the Chicago City Mission. In the second Presbyterian Church in Germantown, more than one hundred dollars have been raised for an


organ fund by the same means. these days of multiplied newspapers, they accumulate in all households to an extent that worries careful housekeepers. An effectual clearance of the house can be made by selling such old papers as have no value for preservation, while, at the same time, a very substantial addition may be made to benevolent funds.


GLASGOW SABBATH SCHOOL conducted by David Ross, Esq., M.A., UNION. The monthly meeting of B.Sc., Principal of the Established the Union was held in the Christian Normal Training College, Glasgow; Institute, on Monday, 12th Jan.,- in the same room, on Thursday John Ingram, Esq., occupied the chair. evenings, from 5th February to 12th Reports were read from the Middle, March inclusive, from 8 till 9 pm. Southern, South-Eastern, and North- Those desirous of joining the classes Eastern District Unions; and from are specially requested to attend on the Vale-of-Leven and Dumbarton the opening evenings. It was reUnions. The Committee on Publi- ported that the efforts which were cations reported that there was a being made by the Joint Evangelistic large increase in the circulation of Committee to promote a scheme of the Union's Scheme of Scripture daily Bible reading amongst the Lessons for 1885; 20,000 over the young in Sabbath schools and Chilprevious year having been already dren's services were proving very issued. There was likewise a con- successful, already nearly 50,000 siderable increase in the circulation membership cards, containing the of The Sabbath School Magazine. list of Scripture portions for 1885, The new Class Roll Card had also had been issued. It was reported been sold very extensively. The that arrangements were being made Committee were gratified to find for the Annual Meeting of the Union, that their efforts to provide lesson to be held in the Christian Institute, helps for teachers were meet- on Thursday, 16th April. As the ing, year-by-year, with so much acceptance. The Teachers' Examination Committee reported, that with the view of assisting candidates for the Examination in March, a preparatory class for the study of the subject in branch B-viz.," Christian Evidences"-would be commenced on Sabbath evening, 1st February, at seven o'clock, in No. 7 Room, Christian Institute, 70 Bothwell St. The class would be conducted by SOUTHERN DISTRICT UNION.-This Wm. Scobie, Esq., M.A. A class Union met on Monday, the 5th for the study of the subject in January,-Mr. R. B. Smith, Presibranch C-viz., "Principles and dent, in the chair. 21 directors Methods of Teaching"-would be present. Mr. Shannon reported that

Union's operations for the benefit of Sabbath schools are constantly increasing, and as there is urgent need at the present time for funds to carry on the work, the directors will be glad to receive donations from friends interested in the cause. Subscriptions may be sent to John S. Kelt, Esq., Hon. Treasurer of the Union, 207 Ingram Street, Glasgow.

the Model Lesson Class had been | Rev. F. Ferguson, D. D., in Montrose held during the months of November Street E. U. Church, on Sabbath and December in the Hall of Eglinton evening, 16th November, the subject Street Congregational Church. It being "The Inspiration of the Bible, had been much appreciated by all and Sabbath School Teaching." Mr. who attended it. It was decided to James Smith stated that he had resume the class on Saturday, the presided at the Teachers' Prepara24th January, at 5 o'clock, and it tory Meetings during December, and was hoped that a still larger number that they were being carried on of teachers would avail themselves most successfully. Messrs. James of it. The United Prayer Meeting Smith and George M'Kinlay agreed would be held on Sabbath evening, to act along with Mr. Agnew in the the 25th January, at a-quarter past visitation of schools. 7 o'clock, in the Hall of Eglinton Street Congregational

SOUTH-EASTERN DISTRICT UNION. Church. Thanks-A conference of the directors was held on 25th November, 1884, when reports of the Kirkcaldy Convention were given by Messrs. P. B. Bryce and James Richmond. The usual bi-monthly business meeting was held on 30th December-16 directors present. The School Visitors' Committee reported visits to the schools in connection with thirteen of the societies which form this Union. The Lectures and Sermons Committee reported sermons to teachers having been delivered by the Rev. Robert Hall, of Dalmarnock U. P. Church, and Rev. John Murray, of Calton Established Church. The Public Meetings Committee reported that the syllabus for the Teachers' Training Class was now completed to the end of April, and that the meetings would be held, as usual, on Friday evenings, at 8 p.m., in Landressy Street Hall.

were voted to the deacons of this church for the use of their hall, and also for the use of the church on the occasion of the annual sermon, which had been preached by the pastor, Rev. James Ross. It was agreed that the Annual Public Meeting of the Union be held about the middle of March. Office-bearers for 1885-6 were nominated; and a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the President, Mr. R. B. Smith, for his many and valuable services on behalf of the Union.

NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT UNION. -The monthly meeting of directors was held in Sydney Place U. P. Church Hall, on Monday, 15th December, 30 being present-Mr. Haddin, President, in the chair. Mr. Pearson, convener of Visitation Committee, read report of visitors to various schools—all of a satisfactory nature. Mr. Patmore, convener of Music Committee, reported completed arrangements for Musical Festival in City Hall, on Friday, 19th December. It was agreed to hold a conference on the Sabbath Question" in February; and it was remitted to the Public Meetings Committee to make all arrangements, and secure qualified speakers.

CAMBUSLANG U. P. CHURCH SABBATH SCHOOL, AN EXAMPLE:-At the annual soiree of this school, held on Monday, 2nd January, it was reported that the scholars, 268 in number, had contributed during the past year, for religious and benevolent purposes, the sum of £21 19s. 7 d., and that they had collected £10 1s. in all, £32 Os. 7 d. It was stated MIDDLE DISTRICT UNION.-This that one boy had himself collected Union met on the 9th December- over £4 of that sum. 11 directors being present-John ALEXANDRIA F. C. SABBATH Morison, Esq., president, in the SCHOOL.-On the evening of the 24th chair. It was reported that the Dec., the scholars and teachers of annual sermon had been preached by this school, gave a service of song in

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