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6.30 p.m.-Evening Sermon, in Free High Church.

An Exhibition of Publications and Appliances for the use of Sabbath Schools will form an interesting feature of the Convention.

The Convention Choir will aid in the Praise at the several meetings. Conductor, Mr. John M'Donald, A.C.

Tickets for the Conversazione, 1/ each; Public Dinner, 2/6 each; Breakfast, 1/6 each, may be had from Sabbath School Superintendents and members of Committee.

Arrangements have been made for delegates to visit the principal places of industry in Dumbarton and Vale of Leven, on Saturday, 3rd October. Special Trains will be run to Glasgow and Vale of Leven each evening at the close of the Conference, calling at all intermediate Stations.


A DUTY enjoined in the Scriptures. Thus an Apostle wrote: "If any would not work, neither should he eat," (2 Thess. iii. 10.) Work itself is not a consequence of the curse of sin; before our first father Adam lost his holy character, he was placed in the garden of Eden to work—“to dress it and keep it." The curse, however, rendered labour far more difficult. It made it true that "in the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread." But work itself would have been man's inheritance if he had never sinned. We are not therefore surprised that the Lord Jesus Christ requires work from His followers; and not only work, but work of a particular kind. As it is recorded by the Evangelist, He gives "to every man his work." The Church of Christ is likened to a vineyard, into which labourers are sent by the Master. "Go work in my vineyard," is one of his injunctions; but in the vineyard there are various kinds of work to be done, pruning, and tying, and hoeing; and to every one He gives his specific work. The members of the Church are required to act as soldiers-armour is provided for them: a shield of faith, a helmet of salvation, &c., with which they go to fight the good fight of faith, and to lay hold on eternal life for themselves; and with which, also, they are to contend against principalities, and against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, that the world may be brought back to its allegiance to God. But in an army every one must have his work; the work of the officer, the private, the bridge builder, the wagon driver, are entirely different, and all equally needed for success in the warfare. Let any of these departments be neglected, and, in the day of battle, the army would be found inefficient, and doubtless defeat would be the result. If the bridge builder fails, the necessary reinforcements or the ammunition wagons may not reach the field, and disaster ensue. So it is in the Church of God, every one has been given a certain work to do-aye, he has been trained for that work by the Lord Jesus Christ, who is now exalted "head over all things to the Church," and his duty is to do that work with zeal and faithfulness. He works under the orders, "What thy hand findeth to do, do it with your might, for there is no work nor device in the grave."

And, fellow-Christians, to excite you to diligence in this work, permit me to say to you,-1. That whatever your work may be, it may be of more importance than you think. Battles have been lost and won by the neglect or attention bestowed on some little thing the buckle in the harness of a mule, the linchpin of a waggon, the nail in the shoe of the courier's horse, &c. So, in the work of the Church, as the Apostle declares, Ephes. iv. 16, the Church grows by "that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part." The preacher, the teacher, the editor, the tract distributor, those who can fervently pray, and those who can honestly make money and give it to the Lord's cause, are all needed. And no matter, kind reader, to what department of this work you have been assigned, engage in it heartily, as to the Lord. That was a noble reply of Elliot, the Indian missionary, who, when found in his eightieth year teaching an Indian child the alphabet, was asked, Why not rest from your labour now ?-answered, “Because I have prayed to God to render me useful in my sphere, and He has heard my prayer; and now that I can no longer preach, He leaves me still strength enough to teach this poor child its alphabet." Who could tell but that that little work might become a great work-that child might become a successful missionary among his people? Chemists say a single grain of iodine will colour seven thousand times its weight of water, so a word, a tract, a prayer, may and often has accomplished wonders. The godly Mr. Cheyne was one day passing through a large manufactory, and passing the engine-room when the fireman was shoveling coal into the burning furnace, he said, "Does that remind you of anything?" and passed on; but the words reached the heart of the man, and he was soon at the feet of the Saviour, rejoicing that his sins were forgiven; and now he is without fear of a place of future suffering. 2. Your work is needed. We need not tell you, surely, of the sorrow and the suffering of this sin-stricken world, but we want to whisper in your ear that Christianity is the only antidote to the ruin wrought by sin. It is most true that godliness has the promise of the life that now is, as well as that which is to come. The nations of the earth, as they are controlled by the principles of Christianity, stand out in marked contrast with those controlled by false systems of religion and heathenism. The Christian man, as a rule, can and does take better care of himself and his family than other men; and there he is specially under the guidance of Him who has said, "Because thou hast made the Lord thy refuge, and the most high thy habitation, there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." And as respects the better blessings of the future life, they are found only in Christ. Dr. Guthrie well said, there are two bolts which shut heaven: "unpardoned sin and the unrenewed soul;" but, fellow-Christians, you know where you found pardon, and the resurrection of your soul; now take your fellow-sinner to that same Saviour; He can pardon and save even the vilest sinner. Your work is needed, for there is pardon and salvation nowhere else. There are thousands around you in a state of unrest, sighing and sorrowing, and yet ignorant of the cause of their trouble; for such there is this promise, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Nelson's signal at Trafalgar, "England expects every man to do his duty," enthused his command, and the victory was won. Fellow-Christian, the Lord Jesus

Christ expects you to do that work which He has committed to your hand, and it is a needed work in the building up of His cause and kingdom. Will you not do it?-Rev. A. Ritchie.

Books Beceived.

Heaven. By Lina Orman-Cooper, author
of "Charity Moore," &c. London: Hod-
der & Stoughton. 93 pp., cloth 1s.

BY ST. LUKE. Second Series. By Marcus
Dods, D.D., author of "Israel's Iron
Age;" "The Prayer that Teaches to
Pray," &c. London: Hodder & Stough-
ton. 226 pp., cloth 3s. 6d.

THE CHURCHES IN ASIA: Extracts from the
Home Letters of Rev. A. N. Somerville,

D.D., from the Region of the Seven
Churches. (With map.) Paisley: J. &
R. Parlane. 115 pp.

the use of Schools, Christian Bands,
Catechumen Classes, &c. By Thomas
Davies, M.A., Ph.D. London: Elliot
Stock. (In Staff or Tonic Sol-fa notation.)
96 pp., limp cloth, 6d.

THEN AND NOw; or, Abe's Temptation. By Lina Orman-Cooper. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 95 pp., cloth ls.


GLASGOW SABBATH SCHOOL UNION. | held there on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd -The monthly meeting of the Union October, and the complete prowas held in the Christian Institute gramme of the meetings was subon Monday evening, 14th Sept.-mitted. The committee of the local John Ingram, Esq., one of the vice- Union are active in their efforts presidents, occupied the chair. Mr. to provide for the comfort of the Thomas Gray, convener of the delegates from the various towns Teachers' Examination Committee, throughout the country; and it reported that arrangements were in is requested that the names of progress for the next Teachers' those who intend to be present Examination. The subjects for ex- should be forwarded immediately. amination would be, as in previous Dr. Richmond reported with regard years, (1) Scripture History and to the Sabbath School Teachers' Doctrine; (2) Evidences of Christian- Reference Library and Readingity; (3) Principles and Methods of Room, which had recently been Teaching, with special reference to opened in the Christian Institute Sabbath school instruction. The for the benefit of the teachers of the president, Sir William Collins, had Union. Several hundred volumes again offered handsome prizes of had been provided, and teachers of books to those obtaining the highest all denominations connected with places in the three branches of ex- the Union were invited to make their amination. It was reported that the rooms a resort when studying for the new course of Model Lessons for Sabbath classes. Mr. James Smith, Sabbath school teachers had been convener of the Music Committee, commenced in the Christian Institute reported regarding the Union's Musion Saturday, 5th Sept. The opening cal Training Classes, conducted by lesson had been given by Dr. Thomas Mr. D. S. Allan, which have just Morrison, and there was a large been commenced in the Christian attendance. Mr. M'Nidder, Dumbarton, reported regarding the arrangements for the Scottish National Sabbath School Convention, to be

Institute with large attendances. Several other committees reported progress. Reports were submitted from the South Eastern, Middle,

North-Western, Southern, and Pol-presentatives cordially welcomed by lokshields District Unions.

all present. Delegates were appointThis ed to attend the Dumbarton Sabbath School Convention.

SOUTH-EASTERN UNION. Union met on Tuesday, 25th August -Peter B. Bryce, Esq., president, in the chair. There were 34 directors present. Dr. Richmond, treasurer of the Union, was cordially congratulated on the honour which had been conferred on him by the University of Highland, Kansas.

POLLOKSHAWS UNION.-This Union met on Monday, 7th September. It was reported that a conference of teachers would take place in Pollokshaws Free West Church on Monday, 21st September-subject of confer"Bands of Hope.' Twelve dele-ence: A deputa

gates were chosen to represent the Union at the National Convention in Dumbarton. It was agreed that the Union should co-operate with the other Unions in having a uniform examination of scholars. A short course of lectures would be given in Great Hamilton Street Congregational church during the ensuing winter, beginning on Tuesday, 15th Sept., and to be continued fortnightly. The following are the lecturers:-Rev. Dr. Bonar, "The Doctrine of the Cherubim ; Professor M'Gregor Robertson, "Nerves and what is their business; " Bailie Dickson, “A Tour from Jaffa to Beyrout;" Rev. Robert Blair of Cambuslang, "Glimpses of Reformation Worthies-Bernard Gilpin ;" Rev. Professor Lindsay, "The Home of Thomas à Kempis." The syllabus for the Training Class had been completed to the end of December. The opening address would be given by Sir Michael Connal.

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NORTH-WESTERN UNION. This Union met on Tuesday, 8th September-present 23 representatives. The committee on Music purpose paying a friendly visit to all the societies in the Union, with the view of having singing classes instituted where they do not already exist. As the directors of the General Union are desirous of having a Band of Hope in connection with every society in this Union, it was arranged that the societies (7 in number) having no such meeting should be conferred with on the subject at an early date. A new Society (the Seamen's and Boatmen's Friend Sabbath school) was formally admitted to the Union, and its re

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tion from the Glasgow Union would open the discussion. Mr. Sewell, of Pollok Academy, agreed to take up a teachers' training class on "The principles and method of teaching," provided the teachers really came as students, desirous of profiting by their attendance. He recommended that the School Board be asked for the use of a room in Pollok Academy, and that the class be held on Wednes day evenings, beginning in October. The committee on Music suggested that "Eva" should be fixed as the special piece for this year's festival. This was agreed to, with the recommendation that a few hymns be added if possible. The Visitation committee, having communicated with the superintendents of the various schools as to the most agreeable mode of visitation, found that the general wish seemed to be to have a visit to the school on Sabbath when in working order. Arrangements will now be made to carry this out. A circular from the Glasgow Union was read, regarding the desirability of formulating a uniform scheme of scholars' examinations. After some discussion, during which several objections to the scheme were raised, it was agreed that the matter should lie over till next meeting for further consideration. Delegates were appointed to attend the Scottish National Sabbath School Convention at Dumbarton.

MIDDLE DISTRICT SABBATH SCHOOL UNION.-This Union met on Thursday evening, 13th August-Mr. John Smith, vice-president, in the chair. The meeting had under consideration the remit from the General Union on

Bands of Hope. A committee was appointed to co-operate with that of the General Union in this matter. Delegates were appointed to attend the Convention to be held at Dumbarton in October. The new Union Hymnal (copies of which had been sent by Messrs. Parlane, the publishers) was criticised by the meeting, and the members expressed themselves as being highly satisfied with the book. Mr. James C. Duff was elected joint-secretary, in place of Mr. Wm. Anderson resigned.

VALE OF LEVEN SABBATH SCHOOL UNION. The quarterly meeting of this Union was held on 9th Sept. last-Mr. W. Kinloch, president, presiding. There were 21 delegates present. The following scheme for scholars' examination was adopted :1st, An examination paper will be set on the Glasgow Sabbath School Union scheme of lessons for the months of November and December current. 2nd, The examination will be held on the second Saturday of January. 3rd, Questions will be set for junior and senior scholars. The junior section will be open to all bona fide scholars who are under 12 years of age, and the senior to all bona fide scholars above that age-ages to be counted as at 1st January, 1886. 4th, The Union will give first-class certificates and prizes to all gaining 80 per cent. of marks and upwards; first-class certificates to all gaining 75 per cent. and upwards; and second-class certificates to all gaining 50 per cent. and upwards. The directors also recommend that each school might offer special prizes for its own scholars.


ment that he considered objectionable, as they had a tendency to lower instead of elevating the minds of the children; and, although not laying down any fixed rules, or stating what he would consider a suitable entertainment to consist of, he gave it as a general principle, that anything that parents would not approve of in their children going to see in other than a Sabbath school, should not be introduced there. subject was well taken up by the meeting, and a lively discussion ensued. Eventually the further consideration of the subject was held over till next meeting, when Mr. J. Patterson, the vice-president, would resume the debate by giving his idea of what a Sabbath school entertainment should be. The secretary intimated that the teachers' united prayer meeting would be held on Sabbath evening, the 20th inst., in the hall of Victoria Free Church, at a-quarter past seven o'clock. Also, that arrangements were being made for resuming the Model Lesson class in November. Eight gentlemen were appointed delegates to the Scottish National Sabbath School Convention at Dumbarton.

LECTURE-SOUTH-EASTERN SABBATH SCHOOL UNION.-The first of a course of lectures, to be given under the auspices of this Union, was delivered on Tuesday evening, 15th September, in Great Hamilton Street Congregational Church, by the Rev. Dr. Andrew A. Bonar. P. B. Bryce, Esq., president of the Union, occupied the chair. The subject of lecture, "The Doctrine of the Cherubim," was treated by Dr. Bonar in a most SOUTHERN DISTRICT SABBATH interesting manner, and with much SCHOOL UNION.-This Union met on reverence. His discourse throughout Monday, the 7th Sept. Mr. R. B. was specially helpful to Bible stuSmith, president, occupied the chair. dents; and the audience shewed their 46 representatives were present. appreciation of it by the closest After tea, the chairman introduced attention. With the aid of a small the subject for the evening, viz.,- model of the Ark, with the Cherubim "Sabbath School Entertainments." on the Mercy-seat, Dr. Bonar exIn the course of his remarks he plained the various points so signipointed out some forms of entertain-ficantly symbolized by its different

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