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HURD, Bp. his method of compo-
fition characterized, 544
HYDE, Dr. his Religio veterum
Perfarum cenfured, 109.

ICELAND, gen. defcript. of, 187.

Inhabitants, when firft chrif.
tianized, 189. Their literature,
ib. Their volcanos, 190. In-
tenfe cold, ib. Manners of the
people, 191. Mount Hecla de-
fcribed, 193. Hot fprings, 194.
Water-fpouts, 195.. Eruptions
of Hecla, 196. Farther acc.
of the Icelanders, 197. Dif-
ferent stages of science there, ib.
JOHNSON, Sam. his first appearance
in the learned world, 208. Sets
out as a schoolmafter, ib. His
early friendsh. for D. Garrick, ib.
INGENHOUSZ, Dr. his account of a
new kind of inflammable air, or
gafs, &c. 375. His improvem.
in electricity, 377. His new me-
thods of fufpending magnetical
needles, ib.
INSTRUMENTS, aftronomical, &c.
new improvements in, 497.
IRELAND, remarks and anecd. rel.
to, 39. State of agriculture
there, 40. Curious mountains
and lakes in, defcribed, 44. Far-
ther acc. of the state of agricult.
and husbandry there, 97. Man-
ners of the natives, 102. State
of the tenantry, 161. Provifions
and fubfiftence, 162. Deplo-
rable fituation of the poor, 164.
Of the formation of the Irish
bogs, 166. Manufactures of
Ireland, 169.
IRISH, native, peculiar cuftoms of,
102. 161-168. Bad character
of a particular clafs of their coun-
try gentlemen, 168. Good cha-
racter of the better fort of the
Irish, 169.

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KINGSBOROUGH, Lord, his laud-
able improvem, on his eftates
in Ireland, 41.
KIPPIS, Dr. his letter to the Re-

viewers, concerning Mr. Madan's
Thelyphthora, 479.

KOREISH, the noblest of the Ara-
bic dialects, 109.

A CHAU, Abbé de, affifts in de

fcribing the gems in the cabi-
net of the D. of Orleans, 293.
L'ACTION du feu central banni de
la furface du globe, &c. 139.
LAMBERT, M. his treat. on Pyro-
metry, or the meth. of measuring
fire and heat, 140.
LANGUAGE, orig. univerf. fource,
and principles of, inveftig. 445.


Erle. See GALIC.
LATE HOURS, pernic. effects, 369.
LAURENCEKIRK, village of, im-
proved and made a burgh of ba-
rony, 145.
LE BLOND, Abbé, affifts in the
defcrip. publifhed of the gems in
the cab. of the D. d'Orleans, 293.
LE ROY, M. his endeav. for find-
ing the longitude by the means
of time-keepers, 199.
LONGITUDE, various attempts for
its difcov. partic. hift, of, 198.
LovE ficknefs, caufe and remedy
of, 380, 381.

LYCERUS, john, a writer in de-
fence of Polygamy, 323.
LYTTELTON, Lord, poetical enco-
mium on as an historian, 35.

MACDERMOT, an Irish chief,
fome account of, 103.
MACKEMIE, Rev. Mr. perfecuted
by the Epifcopalian party in N.
America, 440.

MACQUER, M. gre improv. in
his Dict. of Chemistry, 507.
MADAN, Rev. Mr. his Thelyphthora

criticited, 273. 321. 479.
MAGELLAN, Mr. his fing. fuccefs
in the improvements of mathe-
matical and philofophical inftru-
ments, 497-501.
MAGNETIC needles, new methods
of fufpending, 377:
MAIMATSCHIN, a frontier town


between Ruffia and China, de-
fcribed, 7. No women there, ib.
MALONE, Mr. his Supplement to
Johnson and Steevens's edit. of
Shakef. commended, 249-256.
MANN, Mr. his investigat. of rivers
and canals, 462. Refult of his
experiments, 464.
MARIETTE, M. his excellent trea-

tife on engrav. prec. ftones, 295.
MATHEMATICS, the ftudy of, how
far profitable in a course of libe-
ral education, 543.

MAYER On the fatellites of the fixed

fars, 140.
MAYERNE, Sir Theod. phyfician,
his credul. and fuperftition. 383.
MEMOIRS relat. to the jurifprud.
and hift. of Weftphalia, 141.
MESSIAH, prophecies relating to,
explained, 57.
METEOROGRAPH, perpetual, a new
piece of mechanifm, 499.
MILITARY difcuffions, 416, 424.
MILNER, Mr. his Memoir on the

preceffion of the equinoxes pro-
duced by the fun's attraction, 461.
MITCHELSTOWN, prodigiously im-
proved by its noble propr. 42.
MONTANUS, a celebrated maxim
of his, 136.
MOODY, Sufannab, cured by elec-
tricity of a remark. diforder in
her head and eyes, 434-
Mucus, how distinguished from
Pus, 288.
MULLER'S account of Ruffian dif-
coveries, 1. 3. 5•

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CHINUS, Bernard, a writer in
defence of Polygamy, 322.
His hiftory, ib. the note.
O'CONNOR, a defcendant of the
anc. Irish Kings, acc. of, 103.
OFFICERS in the army, knowl. in
the fciences requifite for, 414.
ORIENTAL MSS. an established
inftitution for the translat. of, at
Cambridge, recommended, 372.
ORLEANS, D. of, his cabinet of
gems described, 293.
OSNABURGH, bishopric of, numb.
of people in, 141.

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OSSIAN, authenticity of his poems
afferted, 264..

OXEN, ufed to plow by fixing the
harness to their horns, 100.
Great advant. of that meth. 101.

PALLAS, M. his new fpecies of
quadrupeds, of the clafs of
glis, 141.
PARLIAMEMT, Eng. an equal re-
prefentation of the people in,
and annual elections, recom-
mended, 53. Triennial elections
preferred, 63-65. The expe-
diency of frequent elections de-
nied, 303.

PARTINGTON, Mr. his fuccefs in
the medical application of elec-
tricity, 438.

PERSIA, anc. hift. of, its remark-
able difagreements with the Gre-
cian, 110.
PETERSBURGH, immense route of
the traders who travel by land
between there and Pekin, 7:
PHOSPHORUS, new and. curious
difcoveries relat. to, 508. Made
from bones inftead of urine, 509.
PHILIP of Macedon, his error in

attacking Melite, 416. His po-
licy at the fiege of Prinaffus, 423.
PLAYS, Eng. flate of, in the time
of Shakespeare, 249. Bookfel-
ler's price for the copy of a new
play in those days, 253.
PLENISNER, Capt. his voyages on
discov, to the N. E. of Ruffia, 3.

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POLONIAN Brethren, advantageous
character of, 177.
POLYGAMY, not only lawful in a
religious, but advantageous in a
civil light, and highly politic in
a domeft. view, 276. This doc-
trine controverted, 279-287.
Subj. resumed, 321. Preceding
writers in def. of Polygamy, 23.
Madan's hypoth. refuted, 326—

POPULATION, ftate of, in Glou-

ceftershire, 12.

POWELL, Dr. his pulpit difcourfes
praifed, 544

PRIESTLEY, Dr, his controverfy
with Mr. Bryant, conc, philof.
neceffity, 348. With Mr. Pal-
mer, on the fame fubject, 353,
PRIORIES, alien, account of, 347.
PRONUNCIATION of the Eng, lan-
guage, propofal for establishing a
ftandard of, 246,

Pus, how dilting. from mucus, 288.
PYRAMIDS of Egypt, their origi-
nal myític ufe poetically defc. 30.
PURITANISM, unfavourable cha
racter of, 179,


UADRANT, Hadley's, farther
improvement of, 497.
QUAKERS perfecuted in New Eng-
land, 17.

QUEBEC act, ought to be re-
pealed, 356.

QUERIES relat. to the importance
of attending to the perfection of
our language with relpect to
pronunciation, &c. 246.

RAMSDEN, Mr. his defcript. of
two new micrometers, 378.
RAPIN, his Hift. of Eng. poetic
encomium on, 34.
RECHERCHES fur les caufes des af-
fections by pocondriaques, &c. 136.
REVELS, kept on the anniversary

of the confecration of churches,
cenfured, 14.
REVILLON, M. his inquiries conc,

thofe hypochondriac. complaints
generally called vapours, 136.
ROME, modern, and its inhabi-
tants, described, 47. Prifons
there described, 531.
ROUSSEAU, Jean Jaques, his poft-
humous acc. of himself, 492.
His jealoufy of mankind in ge-
neral, 493. His Depofit con-
figned to Providence,' 494.
RUDDER'S new hiftory of Glou-
cestershire, 10.

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RUSSIA, difcoveries relat. to that
country, 2. Ilands belonging
to. 4. Diff. nations of, defc. 184.
Manner of recovering perfons in
Ruffia who have been poisoned
by the fumes of burning char-
coal, &c. 373.
RUHNKENIUS, M. his edit. of the
Hymn to Ceres, 481, His
opinion relat. to Homer's being
the author of this hymn, 483.

SACRAMENT of the Lord's Sup-
per, fcripture principles of, 450.
Conclufion from, 452.
SANTENA, Count of, his bravery
in defending an old cattle againft
M. Catinat, 424, His witty

anfwer to Catinat's officers, when
a prifoner, and infulted by
them, 425.

SAXE, Marshal, his account of the

battle of Belgrade, 422.
SCOTLAND, affirmed to have pre-
ceded England in elegance and
the improvements of life, 268,
SCOTT, Rev. Mr. his account of
his converfion, 129.
SECKER,. Archbp. his pulpit com-

pofitions characterized, 544.
SERMONS, obf. on the compofition
of, 541.

SHAKESPEAR, ftate of the Engish
drama in his time, 250. Who
the original performers in his
plays, 254. His poems, 256.
A beautiful paffage in one of his
fonnets compared with a fimilar
paffage in Paradife Loft, 257.
For more particul. fee MALONE.

SHANNON, Lord, introduces the custom of plowing with oxen by the horns, ICO-102. SHUCKBURGH, Sir George, on the variation of the temperature of boiling water, 378. SKEHEENRINKY, a curious cave in Ireland, defcribed, 43. SMELT, Mr. acc. of his famous fpeech at the York meeting, by a Correfpondent of the Reviewers, 75.

SMITH, Dr. Hugh, his philofoph. inquiries animadverted on, 237. SOCIETY, primeval, whence derived, 444.

SOCINIANISM, first founders of, men of refpectable charact. 177. SOLAR heat, extraordinary inftances of its power through the operation of the burning-glafs, 511. SOUTH, Dr. his fermons cenfured, 544.

SPEECH. See LANGUAGE. STERRY, Peter, fome acc. of, 557. Specimens of his writings, ib. SтOSCH, Baron, his fine collect. of antique gems, 294. SULLIVAN, Mr. his perilous adventure in exploring a monstrous cavern in the Peake of Derbyshire, 26.

SULLY, Mr. his attempts for the difcovery of the longit. by the means of time-keepers, 199. SURGERY. See GALE. See BUL.

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THOMSON, Mr. his ftory of the intrigues of a Nabob, 124, TRUDAINE, M. his large and magnificent burning-glafs, 511. Its extraordinary power in the fufion of gold, ib.

VAPOURS. See REVILLON. VIENNA, public fights and amufements there, 46. VIRGINIA, political state of, 100 years ago, 21.

VIRGIN flands, number and fituation of, &c. 69. Government of, in what manner neglected by the British Government, ib. VOLTAIRE, poetical portrait of,

32. URINE, remarkable medical obf. and cafes refpecting disorders relative to, 291.

WALMESLEY, Mr. his letters to
Mr. Colfon in favour of Mr,
Garrick, 208, 209.
VATER, acc. of airs extracted from
different kinds of, 375.


boiling. See SHUCKBURGH. WATTS, Dr. Ifaac, anecdotes relative to, 267-273. WATCHES, for the pocket, that go continually, without the necef fity of winding up, 499. WATSON, Dr. controverfy with, relat. to his polit. fentim. 146, Recommends, from the pulpit, the culture of oriental literature, 371. His propofal for an inftitut, at Cambridge, for tranflat. orient. MSS. ridiculed, 393. WARBURTON, Bp. his Inquiry into the Caufes of Prodigies and Miracles characterized, 36. Specimens of, ib. Account of an original letter of his to Concanen, 255. Afhamed of his connections with Mr. Pope's enemies, 256.

ZOROASTER, his writings total ly loft, 109.


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