
With that the pinnace itt fhott off,

Full well lord Howard might it ken;

For it ftrake downe his fore-maft tree,

And killed fourteen of his men. Come hither, Simon, fayes my lord,


Looke that thy word doe ftand in ftead ;


For at my maine-mast thou shalt hang,

If thou miffe thy marke one fhilling bread'th.

Simon was old, but his heart was bolde,

His ordinance he laid right lowe; He put in chaine full nine yardes long,

With other great fhott leffe, and moe; And he lett goe his great gunnes fhott;

Soe well he fettled itt with his ee, The first fight that Sir Andrewe fawe,

He fawe his pinnace funke i' the sea.

And when hee fawe his pinnace funke, Lord, how his heart with rage did swell! "Nowe cutt my ropes, itt is time to be

Ile fetch yond pedlars backe mysel." When my lord fawe Sir Andrewe loofe,

Within his heart hee was full faine:





"Nowe fpread your ancyents, ftrike up drummes,

Sound all your trumpetts out amaine.”


Fight on, my men, Sir Andrewe sayes,
Weale howfoever this geere will sway;
Itt is my lord admirall of England,

Is come to feeke mee on the fea.
Simon had a fonne, who shott right well,


That did Sir Andrewe mickle fcare;

In att his decke he gave a shott,


Killed threefcore of his men of warre.

Then Henrye Hunt with rigour hott

Came bravely on the other fide,
Soone he drove downe his fore-maft tree,

And killed fourfcore men befide.

Nowe, out alas! Sir Andrew cryed,

What may a man now thinke, or say? Yonder merchant theefe, that pierceth mee, He was my prifoner yesterday,

Come hither to me, thou Gordon good,
That aye waft readye at my call;

I will give thee three hundred markes,

'If thou wilt let my beames downe fall, Lord Howard hee then calld in hafte,

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Horfeley fee thou be true in ftead;

For thou shalt at the maine-mast hang,

If thou miffe twelvefcore one penny bread'th.





Then Gordon fwarvd the maine-maft tree,
He swarved it with might and maine;
But Horseley with a bearing arrowe,


Stroke the Gordon through the braine ; And he fell downe to the hatches again, And fore his deadlye wounde did bleed : Then word went through Sir Andrews men, How that the Gordon he was dead.

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Come hither to mee, James Hambilton,
Thou art my only fifters fonne,

If thou wilt let my beames downe fall,
Six hundred nobles thou hast wonne.

With that he fwarvd the maine-maft tree,


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Alas a comelye youth is flaine!

All woe-begone was Sir Andrew then,
With griefe and rage his heart did fwell:
"Go fetch me forth my armour of proofe,
For I will to the topcaftle myfel."


<< Goe

"Goe fetch me forth my armour of proofe,
That gilded is with gold foe cleare:
God be with my brother John of Barton!

Against the Portingals hee it ware ;
And when he had on this armour of proofe,
He was a gallant fight to fee.

Ah! nere didst thou meet with living wight,
My deere brother, could cope with thee,"

Come hither Horfeley, fays my lord,

And looke to your fhaft that it goe right, Shoot a good shoote in time of need,

And for it thou shalt be made a knight. Ile fhoot my beft, quoth Horseley then,

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Your honour shall fee, with might and maine, 110 But if I were hangd at your maine-mast tree,

I have now left but arrowes twaine,

Sir Andrew he did fwarve the tree,
With right good will he fwarved then:

Upon his breast did Horseley hitt,

But the arrow bounded back agen. Then Horseley spyed a privye place With a perfect eye in a fecrette part; Under the spole of his right arme

He fmote Sir Andrew to the heart.



« Fight

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Fight on, my men, Sir Andrew fayes, A little Ime hurt, but yett not flaine Ile but lye downe and bleede a while,

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And then Ile rise and fight againe.
"Fight on, my men, Sir Andrew fayes,
And never flinche before the foe
And ftand fast by St. Andrewes crosse
Untill you heare my whistle blowe,"

They never heard his whistle blow,



Which made their hearts waxe fore adread: 130 Then Horseley fayd, Aboard, my lord,

For well I wott Sir Andrew's dead. They boarded then his noble fhipp,

They boarded it with might and maine; Eighteen score Scotts alive they found,

The reft were either maimd or flaine.

Lord Howard tooke a sword in hand,

And off he fmote Sir Andrewes head; "I muft ha' left England many a daye, If thou wert alive as thou art dead." He caufed his bodye to be caft

Over the hatchborde into the sea,

And about his middle three hundred crownes : "Wherever thou land this will burye thee.”




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