Shakespearean Enigma and an Elizabethan Mania (1924)

Kessinger Publishing, 2003年2月1日 - 352 頁
1924. Contents: Shakespearean enigma; sonnets; dark woman sonnets; Shakespeare the man; were the sonnets addressed to anyone; the dedication; other poems; the phoenix and the turtle; passionate pilgrim; lover's complaint; Shakespeare and Ben Jonson; poetaster; Jonson, the rival poet; an Elizabethan enigma; petrarch the source; English petrarchists: Sir Philip Sidney; Samuel Daniel; Thomas Lodge; Willobie His Avisa; Michael Drayton; Edmund Spenser; pseudo-petrarchists: Thomas Watson; Giles Fletcher; Barnabe Barnes; R. Linche; William Smith; Robert Tofte; William Shakespeare again.

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